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  • Africa

    • "In the Afro-American society, particularism and tribalism are forcibly replaced with state-approved national identities. So, the ANC is indisputable king in the dominant-party state that is South Africa—just as the Democratic Party will soon command and control the burgeoning dominant-party state that the USA is fast becoming."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "South Africa is an Afro-American multicultural society, united by an affinity for MacDonald’s and mobile phones and a strict enforcement of progressive 'thinking,' attendant speech codes and cancel culture. South Africa has been made over in the image of America, and the outcomes are not good."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "It should be news to no one that American refugee policies favor the Bantu peoples of Africa over its Boers."—ILANA MERCER, "Obama Ignores Possible Genocide In South Africa," Townhall.com, August 10, 2018.
    • "The only potential immigrants who still have that frontier spirit are South-African farmers. But American and European elites are uninterested in refugees who are ACTUALLY and actively being killed-off. That would be too much like preserving 'white privilege.'"—ILANA MERCER, "Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables," Townhall.com, April 18, 2018.
    • "South Africa's Constitution is descriptive, not prescriptive—full of pitch-perfect verbal obesities that provide little by way of recourse for those whose natural, individual rights are violated. As a protector of individual rights to life, liberty and property, it's worse than useless—a wordy and worthless document."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Land Theft: Constitution All But Allows It," Townhall.com, March 11, 2018.
    • "The African National Congress (Mandela's party) has always, not suddenly, disregarded the importance of private property, public order and the remedial value of punitive justice."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Land Theft: Constitution All But Allows It," Townhall.com, March 11, 2018.
    • "How did the mythical land of Saint Nelson Mandela turn into Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'? How did that country's 'vaunted' constitution yield to 'the horror, the horror' of land theft? Easily, even seamlessly ..."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Land Theft: Constitution All But Allows It," Townhall.com, March 11, 2018.
    • "Corruption invariably flows from state to society."—ILANA MERCER, "A New Party Boss In South Africa Is No Reason To Party," Townhall.com, December 28, 2017.
      "Why have the leaders of the most powerful country on the African continent (Mandela, Mbeki and Zuma) succored the leader of the most corrupt (Mugabe)? These South African strongmen were, in a manner, saluting the Alpha Male Mugabe by implementing a slow-motion version of his program. When he socked it to the whites, Mugabe cemented his status as hero to black activists and their sycophants across South Africa."—ILANA MERCER, "Why All Three South-African Presidents Supported Robert Mugabe," Townhall.com, November 30, 2017.
    • "The dominant-party state that is South Africa is steeped not in an African creed but in an American one. Post-apartheid South Africa is very much a creature of the Anglosphere. In the U.S., centrally planned and enforced multiculturalism is twinned with open borders for Third-World peoples."—ILANA MERCER, "Little America At The Tip Of Africa," July 25, 2014.
    • "Human action is the ultimate adjudicator of a human being's worth; the aggregate action of many human beings acting in concert makes or breaks a society. Overall, American society is superior to assorted African and Arab societies because America is still inhabited by the kind of individuals who make possible a thriving civil society."—ILANA, Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) Chapter 5: "Africa BC/AC (Before and After Colonialism)," p. 160.
    • "From their plush apartments, over groaning dinner tables, pseudo-intellectuals have the luxury of depicting squalor and sickness as idyllic, primordially peaceful and harmonious."—ILANA, Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) Chapter 5: "Africa BC/AC (Before and After Colonialism)," p. 160.
    • "Grievance-based explanations have a way of evolving. Before independence, Africa's backwardness was attributed to colonialism. After independence, neocolonialism replaced colonialism as the excuse du jour for the failure of African leaders to ameliorate their people's plight. Neocolonialism encompasses any unhappy condition that can no longer be attributed to colonialism."—ILANA, Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) Chapter 5: "Africa BC/AC (Before and After Colonialism)," p. 160.
    • "Ultimately, the rights to life, liberty and private property will forever be imperiled in a country (South Africa) whose constitution has a clause devoted to 'Limitation of Rights,' and where redistributive 'justice' is a constitutional article of faith."—ILANA (December 20, 2103)
    • "Apartheid is a necessary explanatory variable in the black dysfunction equation, but never a sufficient one."—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • "There goes the promiscuous use of the apartheid pejorative again. It is as ignorant as it is glib. Like antibiotics that lose their potency through over dosage – yelling ‘apartheid’ at people just because they are richer and more educated than you makes you look ridiculous. At least it ought to make you look ridiculous."—ILANA (May 11, 2013)
    • "It is futile to expect Americans, Republican or Democrat, to grasp the magnitude of the demise of South Africa. Like Esau did, Americans have squandered the birthright bequeathed to them by their philosophical forefathers. Having frittered away their philosophic inheritance for a mess of pottage, my countrymen are incapable of comprehending the loss of South Africa."—ILANA (October 26, 2012)
    • “Why have some people produced Confucian and Anglo-Protestant ethics—with their mutual emphasis on graft and delayed gratification—while others have midwived Islamic and animistic values, emphasizing conformity, consensus, and control? Why have certain patterns of thought and action come to typify certain people in the first place? Such an investigation political correctness prohibits."—ILANA (Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, August, 2011)
    • "Bad leaders or bad weather patterns are not what shackle backward peoples. ... the values and cultural influences which people (and peoples) bring to the polity cannot be tweaked out of existence like some unsightly nose-hair."—ILANA (Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, August, 2011)
    • "By staving off crime and communism, the apartheid regime, a vast repressive apparatus though it was, saved black South Africans from an even worse moral and material fate."—ILANA (Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, August, 2011)
    • "The apartheid libel is fast replacing the Nazi and fascist ones, which have been mocked out of meaning."—ILANA (March 14, 2008)
    • Hollywood and Africa: "If colonialism was our original sin; capitalism is our cardinal sin. Our voracious system of production, Hollywood do-gooders typically claim, is a zero-sum game. To wit, the standards of living we enjoy come at the expense of Africa's poor."—ILANA (June 10, 2007)
    • "The commentariat hasn’t protested the evils of property confiscation [in Zimbabwe] so much as it has bemoaned the fact that the land ended up in the hands of Mugabe's cronies, rather than being redistributed 'fairly' to all black Zimbabweans.—ILANA (March 30, 2007)
    • "In democratic South Africa, dispossession is nine-tenths of the law."—ILANA (January 19, 2007)
    • "Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust bowl."—ILANA (January 19, 2007)
    • “The Catholic Church’s consecration of condoms will have the same overall effect on African AIDS infection rates as its condemnation of sex outside marriage.”—ILANA (April 29, 2005)
    • "Unlike the equally nonsensical Holocaust denial, which immediately raises establishment and media ire, Afrocentrism, which is remedial revisionism, has been met with little objection."—ILANA Mercer, "Safari Scholarship Reinvents History," March 1, 2001
    • According to the mythistory called Afrocentrism, Africans—who invented everything from Judaism, to engineering, to astronomy, including dialectical materialism—have an ineffable claim against Europeans. For how does one put a price on the mugging of a civilization?"—ILANA Mercer, "Safari Scholarship Reinvents History," March 1, 2001
    • "Casting fact and objective truth as no more than a perspective is a handy bit of egalitarianism: If nothing is immutably true, then all positions are but a matter of preference and can claim equal validity. This vortex is the scaffolding for Afrocentrism; the public school system its perfect foil."—ILANA Mercer, "Safari Scholarship Reinvents History," March 1, 2001
  • Bush

    • "That diplomacy can be presented as dangerous is a credit to the Bush administration’s success in inoculating the American public against civilized, rational conduct in international affairs. The Constitution is the other spot of bother the administration has helped obliterate from the American collective conscience."—ILANA Mercer, "Thank You, Nancy Pelosi," April 6, 2007
    • "Said Saint Augustine, 'The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.' The Republican Party under Bush did the devil's work. Bar the sainted Ron Paul, not a dog of a Republican lifted his leg in protest of the unjust war on Iraq. To embark on the good, the GOP must come clean about the bad."—ILANA (February 19, 2016)
    • "Donald Trump has buried George W. Bush, for good. Or so we hope. This might not be 'Morning in America,' but it is a moral victory for values in America. Somewhere in those Judeo-Christian values touted by 'values voters' is an injunction against mass murder."—ILANA (February 26, 2016)
    • "We do know. We can say for sure. And we have all the documents. George W. Bush lied America into war."—ILANA (February 26, 2016)
    • "Whereas Barack Obama allowed Hillary to henpeck him into destabilizing one country, Libya; Bush Jr. gave the world the Iraq-Syria Axis of ISIS."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • "Barack Obama's cringe-factor has crescendoed—so much so that conservatives feel comfortable about dusting off an equally awful dictator, Bush 43, and presenting him and his dynasty to the public for another round."—ILANA ("Don't Get 'Grubered' By W’s Groupies," Nov. 21, 2014)
    • "Sideshow 'O' has done Bush one better. Obama is using the the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) provisions against 'friendlies.'"—ILANA (May 17, 2013)
    • "The dome of drones with which Barack Obama has blanketed the world, and this president's more modest forays abroad—these have only convinced conservatives of the righteousness of Genghis Bush's faith-based initiative to Iraq and beyond."—ILANA (May 10, 2013)
    • On the difference between Bush and Obama: "C'mon. Six trillion dollars of debt vs. eight trillion: the act of racking up such financial liabilities exists on a continuum of criminality - it does not constitute a difference in kind (or in 'core values')." —ILANA (August 6, 2010)
    • "Bush and Obama are not big government guys. Genghis B. and B. Hussein Obama stand guilty of government giganticism; of government elephantiasis." —ILANA (August 6, 2010)
    • "Bush harbored a death wish for America of the Founders. So does Obama."—ILANA (March 6, 2009)
    • "George W. Bush set the scene for Barack H. Obama. Stimulus, bailouts, a house for every Hispanic—these were Bush's babies."—ILANA (March 6, 2009)
    • “'Bush’s bailout society' is an instantiation of the principles upon which 'Bush’s ownership society' was founded: credit for those who are not creditworthy.—ILANA (October 3, 2008)
    • "Bush’s ownership society, built as it was on quicksand, has metamorphosed into the bailout society."—ILANA (September 26, 2008)
    • "Bush would wrestle a crocodile for a criminal alien. Medellín the murderer was no exception."—ILANA (August 8, 2008)
    • "Bush babble, I believe, is less a consequence of congenital stupidity than it is of the confusion caused by incessant, habitual lying. —ILANA (February 8, 2008)
    • "The Bush Doctrine: Aggress against non-aggressors (Iraq); surrender to aggressors (gangs, goons and grafter crossing our Southwestern border)."—ILANA (March 7, 2008)
    • “Left-liberals ... believe a judicial activist is someone who reverses precedent. George Bush thinks a judicial activist is someone who disobeys the President.”—ILANA (October 3, 2005)
    • "Bush's 'bring 'em on' grin one can also observe on the face of a demented patient with end-stage syphilis."—ILANA MERCER "BUSH’S 16 WORDS MISS THE BIG PICTURE," (July 16, 2003)
    • "Bush is a stupid man, but he’s not a yes man. He’s not even a 'let’s-hear-what-you-have-to-say' man. He’s a 'do-as-I-say' 'Decider,' a nickname he gave himself."—ILANA (July 13, 2007)
    • "Bush has betrayed US borders and identity because, he doesn’t believe in them. Afghani and Israeli: if Bush had his way, they’d all be molded into global democrats, citizens of the world."—ILANA (July 13, 2007)
    • "I liked Bush when he started out. Libertarians were generally hopeful about a president who promised a humble foreign policy and less taxation. I still liked Bush when he chased bin Laden in Afghanistan. But soon after, the real Bush revealed himself to anyone willing to see: A man with a megalomaniacal glint in the eyes and an unstoppable will to wage war on a backward, secular, harmless Arab state, hobbled by sanctions." (July 13, 2007)
    • "Bush ... should be slithering on his belly to Bashar to thank him for serving as the US’s pressure relief valve vis-à-vis Iraq. Together, Jordan and Syria have taken in 1.6 million fleeing Iraqi refugees."—ILANA (April 2, 2007)
    • "If Bush is so concerned about how the Arab world views us, he should not have invaded a sovereign Arab country, killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and propelled the place into a bloody civil war."—ILANA (March 11, 2006)
    • “Why would George Bush care whether Harriet E. Miers can tell Blackstone from Bentham when he can’t?”—ILANA (October 3, 2005)
    • "Our Demagogue-in-Chief insists that democracy will both empower and pacify Muslims. [But] Democratic elections across the Muslim world would see the pan-Islamists take power everywhere; then elections would cease."—ILANA (January 26, 2005)
    • "Bush bamboozled Boobus Americanus into believing that war in Iraq and terrorism in America were mutually exclusive conditions."—ILANA MERCER (November 4, 2005)
    • "Bush only recently and reluctantly dropped one untruth from his repertoire of fictoids— that empty weather-monitoring vans harbored teams of Dr. Suleiman Strangeloves.”—ILANA MERCER, "HE CONTORTS, I DECIDE," August 13, 2004
    • “In the process of pursuing some sort of neoconservative ‘Manifest Destiny,’ President Bush has junked the American Constitution—it gave him no authority to ‘promote’ global freedom, democracy or nation-building with blood and treasure not his own.”—ILANA (September 11, 2003)
    • "George W. Bush is oblivious to a basic principle of his own conservative ideology: Top-down central planning—economic or political—is doomed to fail."—ILANA (September 11, 2003)
    • “Under the Bush Iraq Doctrine, evidence against a theory constitutes evidence for a theory: No smoking gun meant that there was a hidden gun somewhere or a plan to acquire a gun, or a hidden plan to acquire a gun and hide it.”—ILANA MERCER, "Axis of Illogic" (December 18, 2002)
  • China

    • "While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, and little effective resistance to COVID-related usurpations; the ostensibly 'sane' wing of the GOP is ready with an alternative war: China."ILANA Mercer, "Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords," March 10, 2023
    • "In 1949, during 'the Cultural Revolution, Mao exhorted the Chinese to smash anything old.' À la Antifa, 'Gangs of Red Guards swarmed Qufu, Confucius’s hometown, and blew up his tomb.' Americans have arrived at that point. They are purging their foundational teachings and obliterating memorials and mementos to their spiritual fathers. 'Been there; done that,' say the Chinese."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "So, which is the more exulted and elevated quest, Confucianism or charter schools?"ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "While America crumbles into a deadening, brutal wokeness; China, interestingly, seeks spiritual sustenance in its ancient, grand tradition of Confucianism."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "Asserting that China is returning to communism is shallow, even stupid, given the concerted quest among Chinese to reverse the Communist Cultural Revolution and reclaim Confucianism, which is antithetical to communism."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "Enabled by indulgent and permissive parents and pedagogues, America's youth have become increasingly licentious, lippy and libertine. Most are ignorant and lousy at writing, reasoning, and conversing coherently about anything other than raaaaaacism. They have also become un-moored from their finest traditions. The Chinese—who seem to know what’s good—are returning to things classical, traditional and eternally and universally beautiful. Having banned corrupt hip-hop culture, China has a new export: Western classical music."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "The American foreign-policy elite's Sinophobia is a distraction from the fact that the Chinese ruling elite generally acts in the national interest; whereas the American ruling caste acts in ways so antagonistic to its people's welfare as to constitute treason."ILANA Mercer, "CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • The neoconservative, COVID narrative: "Accordingly, the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID, rather than the many millions of Chinese, who capture, torture—boil alive—and consume wild animals in ways that beggar belief. Liberate the Chinese and they’ll show their Jeffersonian propensity for enlightened self-interest, not to mention a palate for cuisine less craven and cruel."ILANA Mercer, "Actually, COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE," October 22, 2020.
    • "China’s plague-delivery pedigree is solid. Courtesy of China, the West got the H2N2 virus in 1957 and the H3N2 virus in 1968. Granted, the Chinese viral supply chain was broken with H1N1 flu; it came from Mexico. But, with the bird flu, SARS and SARS-Cov-2, China has fully reestablished its disease-delivery credentials."—ILANA Mercer, "Actually, COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE," October 22, 2020.
    • "The Chinese people have no qualms or fear about expressing Han racial superiority, this, as the West embraces a multicultural mess of pottage that is now killing it and consigning us to years of penury."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?," April 30, 2020.
    • "As has become abundantly clear, in the wake of COVID, the very stuff of life has been outsourced to China. Not mere jobs; but careers, not just some products, but entire production lines; not one or two manufacturing plants, but the means of production."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?," April 30, 2020.
    • "Hate on the Chinese government if you wish, but hold your own government responsible for hollowing America out like a husk by inviting the word to invade it and infect it."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?," April 30, 2020.
    • “A silly society is a youth-obsessed society: To the Chinese, who appreciate the value of experience, the greater the ratio in a team of grey ‘hairs and no-hairs’ to ‘black hairs’—the faster and better a task will be completed. The opposite assumption obtains in the youth-obsessed U.S.”—ILANA (March 7, 2014)
    • "Chinese mercantilism is not free trade, but it is far better than American militarism."—ILANA (August 24, 2012)
    • "Sadly, Sinophobia is sanctioned among American opinion makers. The dislike for China falls within the realm of perfectly respectable economic theory. Accordingly, the Chinese have levered themselves out of poverty not through industry, frugality, and ambition, but by manipulating their money and stealing American intellectual property."—ILANA (January 21, 2011)
    • "It’s time we came clean about our economic system. The Chinese are honest about theirs; they call it 'socialism with Chinese characteristic.' We call ours free-market capitalism, when in fact it is a Third Way system too: 'Socialism with American characteristics.'”—ILANA (February 29, 2008)
    • "Since American society is increasingly silhouetted by the State, we’re in the unproductive business of graduating lawyers. Because the Chinese State is receding, they’re in the productive business of graduating engineers."—ILANA (February 29, 2008)
    • "The picture of China to emerge from behind those pretty Chinese screens is complex. The embodiment of feng shui it is not. The trend, however, is unmistakable: China is becoming freer, America less free. The devil is in this detail."—ILANA (February 29, 2008)
    • "China is changing. It is 'out of the red' in more ways than one. The US is changing too: It’s in the red and getting redder."—ILANA (February 29, 2008)
    • "The Chinese are ditching Mao for Milton, as Americans trust Oprah to pick their literature and leaders."—ILANA (February 29, 2008)
    • "While America is becoming more militaristic; China is growing increasingly capitalistic. As America’s middle-class dwindles due to government’s wastrel ways, China’s middle class is 200-million strong and growing. The Chinese have money on their minds; murder, not so much."—ILANA (May 11, 2007)
  • Christianity & Judaism

    • "This Hebrew takes the biblical view tested by time. It is that, as stated in Genesis 8:21, the instinct of man is evil from his youth. (Or, wackily mistranslated: 'the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth.') Evil is integral to the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can’t be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. Evil is here to stay."—ILANA MERCER, "2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You," May 26, 2022
    • "What we observe in the political landscape is a function and a reflection of human nature, acting in aggregate. Over and above the idea that we get the government that we deserve is the devastating reality that this government doesn’t stand apart from us. It is us."—ILANA MERCER, "2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You," May 26, 2022
    • "Christianity's missionary mandate is global, not parochial. This explains why a global proselytizing faith fetishizes The Other and why the church rarely defends its own."—ILANA MERCER, "For The West To Survive, Christians Must Toughen Up," October 22, 2021.
    • A Christmas Story: "This was boyhood before the Nerf gun and 'bang-bang you’re dead' were banned; family life prior to One Dad Two Dads Brown Dad Blue Dads, and Christmas before Saint Nicholas was denounced for his whiteness, and 'Merry Christmas' condemned for its exclusiveness."—ILANA MERCER,  "A Christmas Story Before Nerf Guns Became a No-No," December 24, 2020.
    • "A man of some eminence, Edward Gibbon in 1776, seemed to have pointed toward Christianity’s self-immolating, progressive, pathologically inclusivity, remarking on the courting by early Christians of ‘slaves, women, reformed criminals, and other persons of small importance’ [not my words]."—ILANA MERCER,  "White Guilt: Where Does It Originate And How To Fight It," WND.COM, September 11, 2019.
    • Following from the Gibbon thesis, I posited that, "Christianity might be called the Social Justice movement of its day."—ILANA MERCER,  "White Guilt: Where Does It Originate And How To Fight It," WND.COM, September 11, 2019.
    • "Undergirding what Christians call the Old Testament is a message of particularism, not universalism."—ILANA MERCER, "Busted: Scripture-Twisting Reverend Pushing Borderless US," WND, December 13, 2017
    • "The ancient Hebrews would have been appalled by many a modern, left-liberal Jew who has betrayed the nationalistic message underlying the 24 best-written books ever."—ILANA MERCER, "Busted: Scripture-Twisting Reverend Pushing Borderless US," WND, December 13, 2017
    • "The Hebrew Testament is not the New Testament. Although Christians often appropriate the Hebrew text to their humanistic ends, it's not the text you want to use in spreading the Christian, 'We Are The World' dogma. For the Hebrew Bible revolves around distinguishing the Jews and their homeland from the nations of the world."—ILANA MERCER, "Busted: Scripture-Twisting Reverend Pushing Borderless US," WND, December 13, 2017
    • "Jews like presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have forgotten that riches are a reward for work well done. In the Jewish faith's infinite wisdom, wealth justly acquired is a sign of God's blessing."—ILANA (October 16, 2015)
    • "On Christianity in America: No longer doctrinaire or demanding, the mishmash of pop-religion practiced in churches across America is an extension of the therapeutic culture: festooned with feelings, mostly misdirected. Untempered by intelligent interpretation of scripture."—ILANA (December 27, 2013)
    • "On American pop-theology: light on doctrine; heavy on hellfire and damnation.'"—ILANA (December 27, 2013)
    • "Not for nothing was the vow of silence once considered a test of character and spirituality in Christianity and in other faiths. This universal value has been inverted by American pop culture and pop religion. In the US, a deeply private person is considered defective; a blabbermouth who does and says anything on camera is canonized."—ILANA MERCER, "Will The 'Pussy Riot' Sisterhood Storm The Sistine Chapel?" March 15, 2013.
    • "American public life is such that even our pick for pope (Cardinal Timothy Dolan) struts his stuff like a 'Jersey Shore' reality star. Let us give thanks that the world was spared the self-promoting sins of a 'superpower pope.'"—ILANA (March 15, 2013)
    • "Although the breakdown of boundaries in society is at the root of the rot around us, the Roman Church will not be permitted to survive in the only way it was intended to function since antiquity: as a hierarchical organization."—ILANA (March 15, 2013)
    • "The Christian faithful no longer see themselves as members of a community of believers, but as members of gay, lesbian, feminist, black, brown and plain angry clans. Unless the Church recognizes and recompenses their brand of identity politics—the masses will bring it down."—ILANA (March 15, 2013)
    • "Christianity in our country is a lot like what the Ducksters of 'Duck Dynasty' profess. No longer doctrinaire or demanding, the mishmash of pop-religion practiced in churches across America is an extension of the therapeutic culture: festooned with feelings, mostly misdirected. Untempered by intelligent interpretation of scripture."—ILANA Mercer "Duck Dynasty: A Decoy For Dummies," December 27, 2013
    • "Pray tell, what is the matter with Christians that they hunger to forgive evil, without any evidence of expiation? Some sins are simply unforgivable."—ILANA Mercer, "Obama, Love Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry," November 15, 2013
    • "The righteous give secretly. The pious give publicly."—ILANA (January 22, 2010)
    • "It is impossible for a commentator to credibly expatiate upon America, in particular—and the West, in general—without reference to the Judeo-Christian tradition."—ILANA (December 7, 2007)
    • "It is impossible to appreciate the greatest composer of all times—Bach—without acknowledging the contribution of his muse—Christianity—to the glory of his music."—ILANA (December 7, 2007)
    • “Christian forgiveness is... contingent on the sinner's repentance, and can be granted only by the one sinned against, and not by the various proxies of popularity. Instant expiation flows more from the values of the 1960s than from any doctrinal Christian values.”—ILANA (November 25, 2005)
    • "The proper metaphor for the relationship between Judaism and Christianity is that of parent and progeny. Self-anointed Jewish leadership, however, has managed to cast Jews as a mere faction among a multicultural mob, a position Jews (being liberals) love."—ILANA (May 4, 2005)
    • “The Catholic Church’s consecration of condoms will have the same overall effect on African AIDS infection rates as its condemnation of sex outside marriage.”—ILANA (April 29, 2005)
  • COVID-19

    • "Is there one GOPer running in the primaries who has promised and comprehends how to ensure that no centrally or locally directed lock-down will ever occur again? Any conservative campaigning on a serious examination of lockdown crimes against the citizens and travel restrictions on the unvaxed? Has even one of the Republican candidates traipsing through Fox News’ green room addressed the creation of an unvaccinated underclass (villains all) and a vaccinated upper-class (virtuous)? Who among these contemptible clowns clawing their way to D.C. has even mentioned the fact that we the unvaxed are still being denied access—based not on active aggression we’re committing, but rooted in our peaceful rejection of the corporate, State-mediated aggression against us: We won’t take the Hemlock. Is a single Republican moron proposing to ensure that never again will the medical idiocracy—bona fides established during the pandemic—come between a dying patient and his family?"—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022
    • "The COVID index that matters is mortality; not the number of infected, with which we must learn to live. Covid is morphing in ways evolutionarily conducive to its long-term survival. It is, for the most—and just like the flu—living with its hosts, not killing them off."ILANA Mercer, "‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me," April 21, 2022.
    • "The trajectory of a pandemic is such that it sees the infectious agent powering it become less lethal, not more lethal. COVID is thus now endemic. While the current BA.2 variant du jour is more transmissible, it is also much more benign than previous variants. It is as it should be. This, independent, honest epidemiologists will confirm. For their part, human beings have been acquiring natural immunity; and communities herd immunity."ILANA Mercer, "‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me," April 21, 2022.
    • "The only deviants in this sad saga are those who’ve empowered themselves to deploy Covid as a cudgel against their betters."ILANA Mercer, "‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me," April 21, 2022.
    • "Unlike the medical Idiocracy, the wily little RNA strand that is Covid acts rationally."ILANA Mercer, "‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me," April 21, 2022.
    • "The masses crave an opiate. Their political overlords know how to exploit the attendant and innate tendency for groupthink. As soon as the usefulness of one faith (Covid) expires; another takes its place (Ukraine), courtesy of the ruling elites, and with the complicity of the crowds. The Covid conformity has been replaced with the requirement that we all find religion on Ukraine."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    • "Trudeau is a dim dilettante, who inherited wealth, but no sense of noblesse oblige and none of his fabled father’s smarts and charisma. Just look at sonny boy’s mincing stride, sausaged as he is in designer suits. Observe the vain coif, the pasty, rapidly decaying (from moral rot à la Dorian Gray) doughy face and hollow gaze, so like that of his mom, Margaret."ILANA Mercer, "Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All," Feb 17, 2022
    • "Justine Trudeau was practically conceived and raised at the debauch Studio 54. In all his forced, affectatious attempts at gravitas, this dirigiste is now telling Canada’s salt of the earth, the truckers, to turn tail and return to life as his much-maligned second-class subjects."ILANA Mercer, "Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All," Feb 17, 2022
    • "A look at Trudeau’s demonic deeds and his vacant demeanor and one is reminded of the words of famed French novelist Jules Renard: 'I don’t know if God exists, but it would be better for his reputation if he didn’t.'"ILANA Mercer, "Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All," Feb 17, 2022
    • "Trudeau has inflicted horrifying material destruction and lasting moral damage. He has battered the truckers but not bettered them. It’s time for this dreck, this spawn of Studio 54, to go on home, for good. Good people want no truck with Trudeau."ILANA Mercer, "Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All," Feb 17, 2022
    • On banning Novak Djokovic: "Covid has given cover to legions of mediocre busybodies whose tentacles have enervated all fields; sports included. Under the cloak of Covid control, these tyrannical state stooges are suppressing and taming individuality and excellence."ILANA Mercer, "Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost," January 20, 2022.
    • "Covid-19 treatments have been discouraged, heavily circumscribed—even punished—and centrally controlled and regulated by the Pharma State. No well-controlled, longitudinal, safety studies are required in order to unleash these intravenous (officially intramuscular) potions upon the public. As to liability: Vaccine manufacturers are immune from it. The preponderance of litigation under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program fails, confirms a complicit Reuters. Thus can vaccine-makers just make ‘em and wait on The State to mandate them."ILANA Mercer, "The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response," December 6, 2021.
    • "The corrupt COVID cartel includes politicians, heavily vested clinicians with gigs on TV (and book deals in the pipeline), and, naturally, moneyed vaccine manufacturers: The CEOs of Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson. No wonder the coercive marketing strategy the Covid Carter lends itself to is make ‘em and mandate them."ILANA Mercer, "The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response," December 6, 2021.
    • "While clinicians on the ground met Omicron with equanimity; Western politicians working the pandemic and armed with not much more than ignorance sprung into Brownian motionILANA Mercer, "The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response," December 6, 2021.
    • "The COVID index that matters is mortality; not infections, with which we must learn to live."ILANA Mercer, "The OMG! Variant: The West’s Disgraceful Response," December 6, 2021.
    • "Channeling the superstar of the satire 'Yes, Prime Minister,' the marvelously sardonic permanent secretary Sir Humphrey: 'Yes, Prime Minister, the 55-year time-frame to produce the Pfizer Covid vaccine data is well within the law. No need to rush, if you know what I mean [smiles deliciously]. But I’ll start the paperwork, shall I?.”—ILANA Mercer, "FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians," November 25, 2021.
    • "By making Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data essentially unavailable for scrutiny in their totality for decades to come—the FDA has in effect classified the data upon which it based a decision to license Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine."—ILANA Mercer, "FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians," November 25, 2021.
    • "Vaccine mandates: Take the State’s hemlock or lose your job."—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021.
    • "The medical community is overrun by obedient, authoritarian women worriers, not warriors."—ILANA Mercer, "Peter McCullough On The Greatest Failure In American Medicine: COVID-19,"  05.31.21.
    • "Nowhere is a rights-based argument being made, or an argument based on the right to question the safety of the vaccine. Nowhere are individual sovereignty and self-ownership mentioned."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "As the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "One hears a perfectly calm case being made on the Left for outcome-based coercion: rights-violations work well to bring about Covid vaccine-compliance, so let’s violate us some rights."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "Republicans prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!) from the Covid jab—but they have not the faintest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "The Covid carnage under Fauci does not take into account his role in delegitimizing therapeutics. Just imagine if Fauci had similarly downplayed and delegitimized treatment for HIV/AIDS, and had insisted, as he does today, that salvation lay predominantly in a vaccine against that particular RNA strand?"—ILANA Mercer, "The Fauci Quiz: How Many Americans Did Gnome, M.D., Allegedly Kill?" September, 7, 2021
    • "Covid has separated the medical wheat from the chaff; the healers from the killers.—ILANA Mercer, September, 2021
    • "Do vaccine resisters risk being WACO'd?"—ILANA Mercer, "Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO'd?" April 8, 2021.
    • "Without any qualms, American authorities have boarded up small businesses, and bankrupted, even arrested, their “scofflaw” owners for the crime of working. Do they plan to force the goop into the resisters’ veins? Do vaccine resisters risk being WACOd?""—ILANA Mercer, "Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO'd?" April 8, 2021.
    • "Conservatives keep insisting COVID quarantined kids are missing out on an education. But aren't progressive schools and pedagogues—overseen by teacher unions—responsible for the rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among the youth?”—ILANA Mercer, "Mercer Quotes," July 9, 2020.
    • "Here’s the rub: A highly contagious virus that jumps from host to host and from house to house makes a mockery of the choice and voluntarism associated with private property.  Nevertheless, in a free society, the protective borders of private property are better than the State’s boot on our necks. That is if we want to breathe."—ILANA Mercer, "Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2," May 28, 2020.
    • "In an ideal libertarian world, social distancing and mitigation would be voluntary, not mandatory. Some—hopefully most—commercial establishments will choose to protect their clients, colleagues and associates by sanitizing, suiting-up and spacing consumers and employees; others, sadly, will opt not to. Choice, or voluntarism, is the libertarian way."—ILANA Mercer, "Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2," May 28, 2020.
    • "In our irreparably fractious and fragmented country, polite requests by private property proprietors for customers to cover their mugs and conduct themselves considerately on private places of commerce have caused Antifa-like anger and deadly violence to erupt. Some of our countrymen have even killed or injured innocent others for such daring. The violent urges to violate the personal space of others aren’t surprising; they’re a symptom of a society that has lost all social bonds."—ILANA Mercer, "Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2," May 28, 2020.
    • "Too many Americans refuse to wear face-masks on the grounds that you can’t take a good selfie, or that it’s momentarily inconvenient. Look good today, worry about COVID-19 tomorrow. And, 'my rights': If something is not pleasurable, it is often mistakenly considered an infringement of rights. To equate liberty with petulant incivility is a mistake; it cheapens liberty."—ILANA Mercer, "Real Societies Use Prophylactics, Part 1," May 21, 2020.
    • "That you are asked to sanitize, suite-up and give people space means only that you are inconvenienced. That you are being requested not to encroach upon others—not to rub-up against them, or expel sputum on them: This is but an inconvenience. In the context of a pandemic, these are quotidian requests, to be associated with civility and comity. They crimp your style, not your rights. The thing that infringes on your natural rights to sustain life and liberty is the lockdown. Sequestering you so that you cannot feed yourself and your dependents is a violation of both natural and constitutional rights. But prevention? Please! Prevention is about delayed gratification. When you go out on the town or to work, you have to make an effort to protect others. After all, isn’t asking members of society to cover-up and keep a distance as non-invasive as a request can get? Give it some thought."—ILANA Mercer, "Real Societies Use Prophylactics, Part 1," May 21, 2020.
    • "The outcome of future pandemics hinges on the American people’s ability to strike fear into the hearts of their leaders, irrespective of party affiliation—a fear that’ll make it impossible for these shiftless characters to shift blame for their failings."—ILANA Mercer, 'Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Bill Gates’ 'vision' has given us transient labor that flits between Wuhan and Washington."—ILANA Mercer, 'Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "China didn’t force the traitors of the American economy to shift crucial production lines to its country and strand Americans without surgical and N-95 masks and medication; homegrown turncoats made that decision, all by their lonesome."—ILANA Mercer, 'Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Government committees are where accountability goes to die. Governments create committees to conceal their own culpability.”—ILANA Mercer, ‘Who Invited The World To Infect America?” April 30, 2020.
    • "Each and every individual is or could be, inadvertently, harboring a weapon of mass destruction. Yes, a WMD—for how many men and women have died and will still die because of the inadvertent actions of the coronavirus-carrying Index Patients, during the 'seeding events'?"—ILANA Mercer, "The Ethics of Social Distancing: A Libertarian Perspective," April 23, 2020.
    • "Each one of us could be firing off deadly virus into a defenseless population, bereft of immunity. Each one of us could become armed and dangerous, or be felled by someone who is. In this case, individuals who willfully violate social distancing strictures can be viewed as willful aggressors against innocent others."—ILANA Mercer, "The Ethics of Social Distancing: A Libertarian Perspective," April 23, 2020.
    • "In a free society, the patient is sovereign. America is founded upon the idea of individual rights. The individual charts his destiny, not the doctor. On his death bed, the patient should be able to decide whether to try a promising but unproven palliative therapy."—ILANA Mercer, "Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats," April 9, 2020.
    • Coronavirus: "The depraved calculus that went into advising Americans initially, and unintuitively, not to shield viral entry points—mouth, eyes and nose—was purely utilitarian. It stemmed from a fear that, by protecting their health, citizens would contribute to scarcity and undermine the health of healthcare workers. Sold to the public as settled science, the initial mask fallacy-disguised-as-policy was social engineering for the sake of resource conservation."—ILANA Mercer, "Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats," April 9, 2020.
    • "The Center for Disease Control: A cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is everywhere and always detrimental to the screening and segregating of the infected, and, ultimately, to [coronavirus] disease containment."—ILANA Mercer, "Unmasking Statist, Socialist Propaganda About ‘Face Masks’," March 5, 2020
    • "Be it for Jihad or germs, the government prohibits rational profiling. As to Jihad, airport personnel screen everybody alike, grandma from Nebraska and Abdullah from Mecca. As to germs, the CDC advises screening for symptoms of the Ebola disease. If a traveler is 'asymptomatic,' CDC guidelines, given with government imprimatur, prohibit the detention or quarantine of nationals or residents from the 'hot zone' countries. All this is in the service of the deadly dogma of political correctness.”—ILANA Mercer, "Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma," October 17, 2014
  • Donald Trump

      • "A vote for Trump in 2024 is a vote for the Jarvanka organism, or familial mutations of it. The family will be back in the People’s House, minus the MAGA agenda."—ILANA Mercer,  "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
      • "MAGA America must cancel Jan. 6; consider it a civilian Psychological Operation intended to 'induce' and 'reinforce behavior' meant to politically and psychologically pulverize the Democrats’ enemies: us."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • "The purpose of a Jan. 6 commemoration is to single out MAGA America as an object for ignominy, while consecrating and celebrating menstrual America: the woke crybabies of Congress and the Capitol Hill cops who wailed the loudest when recounting their professional failings on that day."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • "Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax—it was a plot to unseat a president—the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America. Since there is nothing much to commemorate, except for the cold-blooded, unpunished murder of an unarmed protester, Ashli Babbit, Jan. 6 must be viewed as a long-term, cynical political strategy."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • January 6: "Deplorables should rejoice for the Democrats are having a fit, and that’s fun. Rejoice, but do not partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would 'spam for penis extensions.'”—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • "Hardcore libertarians differentiate between pro-Trump patriots and Black Lives Matter detritus: BLM rioters trashed, looted and leveled their countrymen’s private property, their businesses. Democratic stormtroopers harassed their fellow Americans—meek men and women in eateries, in shopping malls, in the inner sanctum of their homes—often forcing innocents to kneel or recite repulsive, self-incriminating racial catechisms. These Mao-like cultural revolutionaries descended like locusts on places where their fellow Americans shop and socialize, sadistically threatening, and often visiting, physical harm upon their countrymen, unless they knelt before them like slaves. In contrast, the ragtag men and women of the MAGA movement stormed only the seat of power and corruption that is the State."—ILANA Mercer, "A Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Storming Of The Capitol Building," January 21, 2021.
    • "Here’s the difference between pro-Trump patriots and Black Lives Matter detritus: The latter, BLM, trashed, looted and leveled their countrymen's livelihoods, their businesses. MAGA men and women stormed the seats of corruption."—ILANA Mercer, "MAGA Patriots: The Best of People In The Worst of Times,"  January 7, 2021.
    • "Trump’s America has had it with this confederacy of cretins and knaves, that 'minds other people’s business,' and can’t even leave the language alone, much less their president."—ILANA Mercer, "MAGA Patriots: The Best of People In The Worst of Times,"  January 7, 2021.
    • "Trump’s base of supporters is referred to as whites without college degrees. Again and again we’ve heard that Trump overperformed with white men without college degrees. The reference is intended not only as a demographic marker, but as a Mark of Cain.”—ILANA MERCER, "Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System," November 19, 2020.
    • "Above and beyond holding rallies and countering the Kamala Administration policies—Donald J. Trump will catalyze many more creative, informal acts of secession. Patriots will congregate in compounds of like-minded individuals. They’ll migrate virtually to Parler, the free speech social network. And they’ll withdraw en masse from the miseducation system (primary, secondary and tertiary). Two parallel nations and attendant presidencies will form. The low-grade upheaval against Deep State and Deep Tech will continue apace. And the sprawling political machine that makes up the D.C. Comitatus will keep writhing like a fire-breathing mythical monster in the throes of death. All good things.”—ILANA MERCER, “Trump’s Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency,” November 12, 2020
    • "Trump is just now getting into Beast Mode. Dissident Donald will be rising now for real. The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at Establishment respectability. From now on, he'll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—for he owns the Republican Party—parallel to an administration that’s viewed by 72 million Deplorables as illegitimate.”—ILANA MERCER, “Trump’s Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency,” November 12, 2020
    • "This Trump Derangement Syndrome is like the inflammatory cytokine storm generated by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The one ravages the body’s internal organs, the other poisons the body politic. America got the presidential debate the country’s inflamed lymphatic systems can support."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Floated Like A Butterfly And Stung Like A Bee," October 1, 2020.
    • "Until such time when the individual is king again, and a decentralized Constitution that guarantees regional and individual autonomy has been restored—the process of creative destruction begun by Donald Trump is likely the best Americans can hope for. Put differently, in this age of unconstitutional government—Democratic and Republican—the best liberty lovers can look to is action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty."—ILANA Mercer,  “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” June, 2016.
    • "Like limpet mines, the oddly plastic-looking Kushner couple has suctioned itself to the West Wing and is blowing up the Trump agenda (with pater’s permission, of course)."—ILANA Mercer, "The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka," The Unz Review, July 4, 2019.
    • "Other than commandeering the Trump presidency, Ivanka’s greatest achievement is the branding of the anemic, androgynous production that is Jared Kushner. Kushner is like a wax doll out of London’s Madame Tussauds wax museum. Sexually “intersectional,” he’s politically perfect: neither man nor woman."—ILANA Mercer, "The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka," The Unz Review, July 4, 2019.
    • "Ivanka at her serious best is Barbie doll hair, an overbite, Botox and mind-numbing banalities."—ILANA Mercer, "The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka," The Unz Review, July 4, 2019.
    • "Ivanka is calling the shots—the president’s fashion-focused daughter is behind the branding of the sexually androgynous, intellectually inchoate production that is Jared Kushner."—ILANA Mercer, "Jared Packs Unicorns and Rainbows For Mideast Trip," May 30, 2019, The Unz Review.
    • "What comes out of the Trump White House is an ideological cacophony. Hiring different perspectives in business could well be a strength. But it's a weakness when politics and policy are in play. Needed to advance a political agenda is a team that shares the political philosophy underlying the agenda."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump's Phone Call To Putin," Mises Institute, Power & Market Blog, March 22, 2018.
    • "How exactly did the president normalize neoconservatism? In 2016, liberals accused candidate Trump of isolationism. Neoconservatives—aka Conservatism Inc.—did the same. Having consistently complained of his isolationism, the Left and the phony Right cannot but sanction President Trump's interventionism. To some, the normalizing of neoconservatism by a president who ran against it is a stroke of genius; of a piece with Bill Clinton's triangulation tactics. To others, it's a cynical sleight of hand."—ILANA Mercer, "How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism," WND.com, January 4, 2018.
    • "Trump has made it perfectly acceptable, on the Left and the pseudo-Right, to casually quip about troops in Niger and Norway."—ILANA Mercer, "How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism," Storia.me, January 3, 2018.
    • “President Trump is too set in his ways and independent-minded to imbibe the layers of debased semiotics with which government lawyers routinely rape reality."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Fends Off 'Showboat' Comey And The Federal Zombies," American Thinker, June 9, 2017.
    • "The tools threatening President Trump with impeachment have one bag of tricks stuffed with power tools: they audit, indict, arrest, bomb, change regimes. They don't make profitable business deals; they tax them. They don't make peace; they wage war."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Fends Off 'Showboat' Comey And The Federal Zombies," American Thinker, June 9, 2017.
    • "The president's linguistic infelicities—a word salad, at times—have given the press popinjays and their Washington overlords the foothold needed to go after the president. Throw in the 'bad' habits of a businessman he has retained. Trump transacts with everyone—Russians too. We voted for deals, not wars."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Fends Off 'Showboat' Comey And The Federal Zombies," American Thinker, June 9, 2017.
    • "Look at Jared Kushner. The poor man looks low T—like he might one day go the way of Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn Jenner. (I love LGBTQ, so long as they come in peace.) Jared's not wearing the pants in the Kushner castle. The beguilingly beautiful Ivanka is."—ILANA, "What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets," American Thinker, April 13, 2017.
    • "If a veteran political operative like Barack Obama is considered beyond reproach, incapable of abusing power—all the more so is it irrational, irresponsible and in Third-World style to hound an administration not yet fully assembled or ensconced, for a political past it lacks. Sane people must walk away from Fake News' Russia Ruse."—ILANA, "The Donald Vs. The Deep State," The Daily Caller, March 9, 2017.
    • "Donald Trump's political record is a few months old. Trump is a political newborn. In the language of law, President Trump has no political criminal record."—ILANA, "The Donald Vs. The Deep State," The Daily Caller, March 9, 2017.
    • "Look forward to epic images of heavy equipment barreling toward the Southern border. The sight of a gold-plated structure going up, as sections of the borderland along Mexico start to resemble Liberace's backyard: This is sure to warm the cockles of your heart, and make America's monomaniacal media go berserk."—ILANA, "Let Milo Design The Wall," The Liberty Conservative, March 3, 2017
    • "The countdown to President-elect Trump's inauguration morphed into a search-and-rescue for the Obama legacy, except that when something is dead, it becomes a recovery operation."—ILANA (January 19, 2017)
    • "Donald Trump, acting as a political Samson that threatens to bring the den of iniquity crashing down on its patrons."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 2 (June 29, 2016)
    • "Donald Trump doesn’t collapse the distinction between 'America' and the U.S. government. He exhibits no confusion of category. To Trump, making America great means making the people great."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 4, (June 29, 2016)
    • "Our neoconservative pseudo-conservatives speak like Tocqueville but act like Robespierre."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 16, (June 29, 2016)
    • "The cable commentariat is a cog in the corpulent D.C. fleshpot."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 40, (June 29, 2016)
    • "When the magic number of delegates was obtained, '1237' became the new '300' (a reference to the comic-book rendition of the epic Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC)."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 43, (June 29, 2016)
    • "American journalism is a circle jerk of power brokers."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 54, (June 29, 2016)
    • "By definition, a professional politician is opportunistic and parasitic. For his survival, he must feed off his hosts. To convince the host to let him hook on and drain his lifeblood, the political hookworm must persuade enough of them to believe his deception."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 60, (June 29, 2016)
    • "Flawed though he most certainly is—Donald Trump belongs to the category of Americans who wield economic power. He has provided goods and services people want, built buildings and resorts they inhabit and frequent, provided his investors with a return on their investment. And he has done so using the peaceful, voluntary means of free-market capitalism. He has not passed an individual mandate to compel any and all to patronize his buildings, businesses or buy his products."—ILANA, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," p. 61, (June 29, 2016)
  • Drug War

    • "Cannabis: The reason it's not in the Constitution is because letting states and individuals decide is in the Constitution. That thing of beauty is called the Tenth Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."—ILANA MERCER, "Whodunit? Who Meddled With Out Democracy?" February 8, 2018, The Unz Review.
    • "Like no other, drug legalization is a proxy black issue, worthy of the endorsement of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement."—ILANA (August 7, 2015)
    • "By all means, argue against laws that prohibit victimless 'crimes' on the ground that these disproportionally ensnare blacks. But do not err in accusing all cops of targeting blacks, when the former are entrusted with enforcing the law, and the latter violate the law in disproportion to their numbers in the general population."—ILANA (August 29, 2014)
    • "From dwarf tossing to drug taking: The legislator has no place in voluntary exchanges between consenting adults, as dodgy and as dangerous as these might be."—ILANA (November 11, 2011)
    • "There will always be meddling third parties who'll seek to circumscribe and circumvent a voluntary activity not to their liking. Some feminists want to stop pornographers from making or consuming the stuff. Other busybodies would like to coerce adults to quit gambling. These third parties have no place in transactions between consenting adults, unless these trades infringe directly—not foreseeably—on their property or person. Ultimately any transaction that was at the time of occurrence voluntary, and hence beneficial to the participants, can, retrospectively, be denounced as harmful and regrettable."—ILANA (November 11, 2011)
    • "If for harming himself a man forfeits his freedom, then he was never free in the first place."—ILANA (March 6, 2009)
    • "Incarcerating people for their [drug] consumption choices has the consistency of arresting a survivor of suicide for attempted murder."—ILANA (May 8, 2002)
    • "If for harming himself a man forfeits his liberty, then it can't be said that he has dominion over his body. It implies that someone else—government—owns him."—ILANA (May 8, 2002)
    • "Policy wonks have arbitrarily decided that heroin consumption is potentially worse for individual and society than compulsive eating, bunjie jumping, gambling, alcohol consumption, fatty foods, or tobacco.—ILANA (December 28, 2001)
    • "The U.S. has been able to make prohibition piety an integral part of its foreign policy."—ILANA (December 28, 2001)
    • "The brutal punishing of adults for the substances they ought to be able to ingest, inhale, or inject at their own peril is based on a parochial prior restraint argument."—ILANA (December 28, 2001)
  • Economy & Technology

    • "It’s beyond silly to believe in the autonomy of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is nothing more than meta-programing by mega-programmers."—ILANA Mercer, "Conservation IS Conservative: BLM? Black-And-Yellow Lives Matter," August 4, 2022
    • "Big Tech bullies don’t have to entertain Nick Fuentes or Richard Spencer in person in their kitschy McMansions. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Sundar Pichai (Google), Tim Cook (Apple) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) only have to tolerate the pixelated, written or spoken words of their ideological enemies. Make them!"—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "Civil Rights law must be applied evenly. In the cause of neutralizing Deep Tech, it is but a small thing to extend the prohibition against certain forms of discrimination to innocent thought criminals. Develop a powerful civil-rights based argument in defense of the rights of law-abiding individuals to expressed their worldviews without being excommunicated socially and financially. Then take it to the Supreme Court of the United States."—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "By Deep Tech decree, some Americans are worth more than others, based not on their actions, but on the voiced thoughts in their heads. This cannot stand. The letter of the law needs changing. Do it."—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "With respect to financial de-platforming: Barring someone from PayPal is like prohibiting a passenger from crossing the English Channel by high-speed train, via ferry and by means of 90 percent of airplanes. 'Sure, some options remain for you to explore, you hapless loser. Go to it!'"—ILANA Mercer, "Justice Thomas' Solution to Big Tech's Social And Financial Excommunication," August 12, 2021.
    • "The anti-trust impetus is misguided as it conflates corporate size with anti-competitive practices: the larger, the more monopolistic. However, reducing the size of an entity–a corporation–doesn’t necessarily alter its nature. When a malignant cell divides, it doesn’t grow less potent. To the contrary, it innervates and enervates more spheres. Likewise breaking up Big Tech. Smaller malignancies metastasize and kill just as well."—ILANA Mercer, "Big Tech’s Financial Terrorism And Social Excommunication (Part 1: The Problem)," August 5, 2021.
    • "When Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon were growing up, they wanted to be government. Now they are!"—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "In defending Deep Tech’s prerogative to visit economic and social violence on innocent individuals and businesses by tossing them off their enormous, irreplaceable platforms, for speech not to their liking—you are not defending the rights of private property to merely conduct itself as it wishes. Rather, you are marching down the pirate’s plank, on a ship of state commandeered by pirates, who’re in competition with the state."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "The profit-structure within many a Deep Tech company is reminiscent of that of a Petrostate. Billions flow top down, from these sheik-dominated organization—Bill Gates, Satya Nadella, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos—to their pet political fiefdoms, within each of their respective companies. There, navigating politics is more valuable than making products."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Work for Deep Tech and you’ll quickly learn that it’s about minorities before merit, foreign over native born, women above everybody and everything, and white men who’re made to go to the back of the org—although, given their legendary facility with engineering, honky is made to do double duty for all the deadwood hired."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "The men and women of Deep Tech no longer have products on their megalomaniacal, petty minds, but politics."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Quislings such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter quickly colluded in flagrant violation of the American pro-competition sensibility, and flouting the spirit, if not the letter, of civil rights law, to financially segregate, banish and cripple irksome people and enterprises, Parler, in our example."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Deep Tech restricts speech to comport with its censorious, progressive and politically correct, do-or-die guiding lodestars."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Financial de-platforming is when you are barred from banking or transacting via PayPal.It teeters on violating another’s natural right to make a living. For how do you make a living if you can’t bank? Do you revert to a barter economy (a book for some bread)? Go underground? Hunker in home-based industries? Keep afloat by word of mouth? Go door-to-door? Oh, I know: Beat the tom-tom drum, if your email service is severed, given that our email accounts and other server-supported facilities are currently under threat, too, with nary a remedy from fat-cat representatives."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • AS A COINAGE, DEEP TECH is superior to Big-Tech. It better captures the deforming power and tentacular reach into state and civil society of the high-tech monopolists."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Deep Tech: My preferred term for the high-tech sector, as it denotes how deeply have the head honchos of high-tech penetrated and poisoned the American public and private sectors."—ILANA Mercer, "MAGA Patriots: The Best of People In The Worst of Times,"  January 7, 2021.
    • "America's giants of industry ... are cosmopolitans who believe consumption alone makes the world go round. Community? That’s when you press flesh with George and Amal Clooney, at the World Economic Forum in Davos!"—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Bill Gates, the point-person, the pinhead who pontificates about pandemic best practices, he was among the powerbrokers who decided, with his benefactors in D.C., that the 'new economy' would hum not in America, but in China and India."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Misguided, mediocre and frightfully monolithic minds are monopolizing one of the Internet’s most powerful, intellectual means of production: Twitter."—ILANA Mercer, "The Anatomy of A Twitter Blocking — My Own," June 27, 2019
    • "I loathe corporate 'economic elephantiasis and gigantism,' untethered to corporeal communities."—ILANA Mercer, 2018.
    • "The attitude of American business toward economic growth is rooted not in healthy, community-based practices (stateside and abroad), but in some aberrant economic gigantism; in an economic elephantiasis undergirded by hubris and greed."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Purchasing patterns drive prices up or down. Through their competitive bidding, consumers raise the price of a commodity. In this unhampered market, rising prices of face-masks, respirators, hand sanitizers and the like has signaled to established manufacturers and new entrepreneurs that there are profits to be made in these industries. Only fools flout these signals. For without profits and prices there is no production."—ILANA Mercer,  "Unmasking Statist, Socialist Propaganda About ‘Face Masks,’" March 5, 2020.
    • "Prices are crucial. They are the street signs of the economy. The thing the socialists will soon insist on controlling ('price-controls') and suppressing are the vital signs of the economy. In particular, scarcity and high prices are vital signals. Mask these natural market indices, and you kill off the knowledge needed by manufacturers and entrepreneurs to decide whether to rush into the production of surgical face masks and N-95 respirators. Remove the precious profit motive from mask-making—and any other production process—and you kill off the incentive to produce."—ILANA Mercer,  "Unmasking Statist, Socialist Propaganda About ‘Face Masks,’" March 5, 2020.
    • "The World is the American multinational’s labor marker. The housing market in the U.S. reflects that reality. Unburdened by brains, pundits and politicos remain incurious as to why supply and demand in housing can never be brought into a semblance of a balance in such a perversely global labor market."—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 2: Tech Sucks The Soul Out Of The City," Townhall.com, October 10, 2019.
    • "Development fiends and fanatics all hunger for the revenues that come from 'dense housing,' namely 'any housing that’s attached to another unit, often in taller buildings: apartments, condos, town homes, row houses.'”—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 2: Tech Sucks The Soul Out Of The City," Townhall.com, October 10, 2019.
    • Homeless in Seattle: "Imagine being priced out of your homeland’s housing market. For good.  That’ll drive a person to seek solace in mind-altering substances."—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 1: High-Tech Harm The Homeless," Townhall.com., September 30, 2019.
    • "America is a market place for goods and services. A mighty one at that. It’s a market place to which millions arrive each year to make a living and engage in acts of acquisitiveness. America is a territory for trade. But is it a nation? Other than commerce and consumption, what is the glue that binds us together?"—ILANA Mercer, "Do We Still Have A Country? Part I," Townhall.com, July 18, 2019.
    • "Free trade is an unknown ideal, to echo Ayn Rand’s observations. What goes for 'free trade,' rather, is trade managed by bureaucratic juggernauts—national and international—central planners concerned with regulating, not freeing, trade; whose goal it is to harmonize labor, health, and environmental laws throughout the developed world. The undeveloped and developing worlds generally exploit labor, despoil land and kill off critters as they please. —ILANA Mercer, "Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border," Townhall.com, June 21, 2019.
    • "What's wrong with doing well enough with the labor available in the country? Or, with a view to training American talent? Or, with a mind to paying more for local labor? As it stands, business is permitted to petition The State to import the world at a price heavily subsidized by disenfranchised American taxpayers."—ILANA Mercer, "U.S. Business Itching to Import Cheap Labor," Townhall.com., September 20, 2018
    • "The attitude of business toward economic growth is rooted not in healthy, community-based practices (stateside and abroad), but in some aberrant economic gigantism; in an economic elephantiasis undergirded by greed."—ILANA Mercer, "U.S. Business Itching to Import Cheap Labor," Townhall.com., September 20, 2018
    • "Far be it from me to endorse tariffs as a means of reducing trade deficits. I am only here questioning the totemic attachment free-traders have to trade deficits, given that Americans live under conditions of systemic debt and state-managed trade that is anything but free."—ILANA MERCER, "Trade Deficits In The Context Of State-Managed Trade And Systemic Debt," Townhall.com, March 16, 2018
    • On trade deficits: "Our improvident government's debts, liabilities and unfunded promises exceed the collective net worth of its wastrel citizens. Given these historic trends, it seems silly to dismiss the yawning gap between U.S. exports and U.S. imports as an insignificant economic indicator."—ILANA MERCER, "Trade Deficits In The Context Of State-Managed Trade And Systemic Debt," Townhall.com, March 16, 2018
    • On trade deficits: "Because of decades of credit-fueled, consumption-based living, the defining, current characteristic of our economy is debt—micro and macro; public and private. Unless one is coming from the pro-debt Keynesian perspective, is this not an economically combustive combination?"—ILANA MERCER, "Trade Deficits In The Context Of State-Managed Trade And Systemic Debt," Townhall.com, March 16, 2018
    • "The GDP measure is itself a state-driven metric. Official GDP numbers are deceptive because they chart—and include—the growth of government debt. In order to come to grips with America’s real economic prognosis, one would need to tease apart the indubitably modest economic growth from the monstrous accretion of public debt. Defined, tracked and manipulated by the D.C. political machine, GDP is a political construct. It statistically conflates the growth of debt with economic growth."—ILANA Mercer, "Busted: Scripture-Twisting Reverend Pushing Borderless U.S.," December, 13, 2017
    • "The price of labor in the high-tech labor market is a function of a political, artificially created, ceaseless supply of immigrants. Prattle about the price at which American workers will do certain work is meaningless without a reference to borders and to the thing they bound—communities. Render asunder the quaint idea of borders—and the world is your labor market; communities be damned. Realize that this ceaseless supply of labor is maintained not through peaceful market forces, but through the use of political power, wielded by wealthy men and women with access. At work here is their Brave New Borderless World, not the invisible hand we love."—ILANA, "Why Tax Breaks Won't Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking," Constitution.com, November 16, 2017."
    • On Trade deficits: "Voluntary exchanges are by definition advantageous to their participants. Costco, my hair stylist and the GTI dealer—all have products or skills I want. Within this voluntary, mutually beneficial relationship, I give up an item I value less, for something I value more: a fee for the desired product or service. My trading partners, whose valuations are in complementary opposition to mine, reciprocate in kind. Ceteris paribus (all other things being equal), there's nothing wrong with my running a trade deficit with Costco, my hair stylist or my GTI dealer, as I do—just as long as I pay for my purchases. However, the data demonstrate that Americans, in general, are not paying for their purchases"—ILANA (March 11, 2016)
    • "I don't know that Trump favors protective tariffs, import quotas or export subsidies.  I do know that we don't have free trade. What goes for 'free trade' is trade managed by powerful bureaucracies—national and transnational international—central planners concerned with regulating, not freeing, trade; whose goal it is to harmonize labor, health, and environmental laws throughout the developed world. The undeveloped and developing worlds do as they please. My understanding is that Trump simply wants to make these agreements and organs work for the American people."—ILANA (March 11, 2016)
    • "Be it Hillary Clinton or burn-the-wealth Bernie Sanders—both agree that it is up to them, the all-knowing central planners, to determine how much of your life ought to be theirs to squander."—ILANA (October 16, 2015)
    • "Where, pray tell, are those 'made in Russia' labels? Other than crude and commodities; Kalashnikovs (AK-47s) and Vodka —what does post-communist Russia peddle?.'"—ILANA (March 20, 2015)
    • "President Roosevelt had his lucid moments. Or moment, rather. According to Paul Jonson, 'When asked what single book he would put into the hands of a Russian communist, Roosevelt replied: 'The Sears, Roebuck catalog.'"—ILANA (March 20, 2015)
    • "Sears, Roebuck was one of the great American companies which, through mass production and mass marketing, made available to America's own Kulaks the luxuries that were previously enjoyed only by her rich."—ILANA (March 20, 2015)
    • "Obamacare is a marketplace in the same way the Knockout Game is a game."—ILANA (February 14, 2014)
    • "Inegalitarainism is a feature of a free economy. If history is anything to go by, certain minorities will achieve prosperity from poverty, no matter how gravely the state and society impede them. Jews did it in Europe. Levantines and Indians in Africa and the Middle-East. Chinese in southeast Asia and everywhere else they go. Europeans in South Africa."—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • "Contra the economic reductionism of the lite libertarian, free-market capitalism is a necessary but insufficient condition to sustain freedom in a country of South Africa's complexion."—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • "What the good [free-market] economists are loath to let on is that a free market is a market in which groups and individuals are differently represented. Parity in prosperity and performance between differently able individuals and groups can be achieved only by playing socialist leveler."—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • "The non-stop monetary stimulus results in a rise in prices, stocks included. Homes too. And an increase in the price of an item is not the same as an appreciation in its value."—ILANA (October 18, 2013)
    • "Our staggeringly pompous president is incapable of comprehending that a businessman cannot pay a worker in excess of his productivity and hope to stay solvent, and that an act of force—a law—will not make medical manna fall from the heavens."—ILANA (October 4, 2013)
    • On John Maynard Keynes: "It would appear that the Keynesian faithful have foisted on free-market capitalists an unfalsifiable theory. Evidence that contradicts it, Keynesian kooks enlist as evidence for the correctness of their theory. Besides, public works, economic protectionism, cheap money, 'deficit-financed government spending,' and 'the animal spirits of the spendthrift in the service of boosting 'consumption demand': Doesn't Keynesianism simply appeal to the worst in human nature?"—ILANA (August 23, 2013)
    • "The alleged lack of funding for police in a rich tax base that pays through the proverbial nose in property taxes is invariably a result of the perennial and inescapable misallocation of funds in centrally-managed, politically driven systems."—ILANA (June 21, 2013)
    • "A balanced-budget requirement implies is that government has the constitutional right to spend as much as it takes in; that government is permitted to waste however much revenue it can extract from wealth producers, and that the bums must merely bring into balance what was stolen (taxes) with what is squandered (spending)."—ILANA (March 1, 2013)
    • "Like any voluntary exchange of goods, 'gouging' amounts to free people exchanging property to which they hold title. Each relinquishes something he values less (money/goods/labor) for something he values more (money/goods/labor). Prices are like a compass. Pegged to supply and demand they ensure the correct allocation of resources. Without market prices, supply and demand cannot be brought into balance and, by extension, consumer need cannot be satisfied, especially in times of great scarcity."—ILANA (February 8, 2013)
    • "Facebook went to market. The stock exchange got crowded. The equivalent of a traffic jam ensued. But thanks to invidious resentment toward big, 'bad,' business, coupled with the quest for headlines—a good thing has been portrayed as something that went sour."—ILANA (May 25, 2012)
    • "Business, in contrast to Barack Obama, is a positive-sum game."—ILANA (May 25, 2012)
    • "Facebook users love it and cannot imagine life without. Yes, they complain endlessly—but largely because they can. Unlike government (and CNN's Anderson Cooper), you can keep private enterprise honest. Business aims to please its constituents, the consumers. Complaints encourage compliance."—ILANA (May 25, 2012)
    • "'You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!' Those are the chorus lyrics to 'Hotel California,' the haunting rock classic by the Eagles. Americans who try 'running for the door'—in the evocative words of Glenn Frey, and the Dons Felder and Henley—soon discover that they 'are all just prisoners here …' Prisoners of Uncle Sam's device. An American who chooses to live and work overseas cannot escape the Internal Revenue Service. The United States is perhaps the only country 'to tax its citizens on income earned while they're living abroad.'"—ILANA (April 20, 2012)
    • "Government failure invariably results in budgetary increases. How much kinkier does it get than when failure amounts to success?"—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Turns Tricks (And Stiffs Sex Workers)," May 11, 2012.
    • "Europe has a long way to go if it wishes to approximate the degree of economic and legal harmonization accomplished by Uncle Sam, and to become one nation under inflation."—ILANA Mercer, "One Nation Under Inflation," December 2, 2011)
    • "What a balanced budget requirement implies is that the government has the right to spend as much as it can take in. There is nothing constitutional (or just) about fine-tuning—increasing or decreasing—state spending to coincide with a supposed sovereign people's acquisitive abilities and economic energies."—ILANA Mercer (July 22, 2011)
    • "The United States has already passed on as the world’s economic leader. Having flouted Thomas Jefferson for too long, America has succumbed to public debt, the 'fore horse for oppression and despotism,' after which 'taxation will follow, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.'"—ILANA Mercer (June 3, 2011)
    • "Just how backward is Barack? Such an intellectual laggard is the country's commander-in-chief as to frame the massive spending he is directing as a 'key investment in our future.' The wherewithal for the largess exhibited by Mr. Obama's menagerie of moron has been siphoned off from the private economy (and from China)."—ILANA Mercer (April 15, 2011)
    • "The Securities and Exchange Commission operates with the understanding that competition in capital markets must proceed from a level playing field. All investors are entitled to the same information advantage irrespective of effort and abilities. In a word, information socialism.—ILANA Mercer (November 26, 2010, and June 19, 2002)
    • "Government jobs are not an addition to the country's payroll; they are an increase in the nation's payload." —ILANA Mercer (June 25, 2010)
    • On The Trade Deficit: "There is nothing wrong with my running a trade deficit with Costco, my hair stylist, or my GTI dealer, as I do—just so long as I pay for my purchases. The data demonstrate that Americans, in general, do not." —ILANA Mercer (July 16, 2010 )
    • "Far from comprising discrete parts, the economy is ineluctably interconnected. The trade deficit belongs to a nation enmeshed in debt. From the fact that America purportedly ran trade surpluses during the Great Depression it does not follow that the nation's current trade deficit is inconsequential as economic indices go. It could just as well mean that the economic fundamentals today are worse than they were during the Great Depression, since this country has never before been so deeply in hock as it currently is." —ILANA Mercer (July 16, 2010)
    • "The voluntary free market is a sacred extension of life itself. The free market—it has not been unfettered for a very long time—is really a spontaneously synchronized order comprising trillions upon trillions of voluntary acts that individuals perform in order to make a living. Introduce government force and coercion into this rhythm and you get life-threatening arrhythmia. Under increasing state control, this marketplace - this magic, organic agora - starts to splutter, and people suffer."—ILANA Mercer (April 23, 2010)
    • "The hi-tech endeavor is all about (older) Americans and Asians uniting to supply (younger) twittering twits with the playthings that keep their brainwaves from flatlining."—ILANA Mercer (February 19, 2010)
    • "Government consuming what it appropriates, prints or pirates from the nation's dwindling savings cannot generate plenty; it can only destroy or crowd wealth out."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "Understand: government has no means to generate or create wealth. To sustain its projects and parasites it must feed off the private, productive economy."—ILANA Mercer, "Federal Reserve Conjures Trillions In Coin Out Of Thin Air, July 10, 2009
    • The Bernanke coin-conjuring magic is to our money as Diprivan drips were to Michael Jackson’s mortality."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "A beastly bureaucratic feeding frenzy cannot awaken the slumbering beauty that is the private economy."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "Contra the kook Keynes, government consumption is a zero-sum-game: the more plans and planners, czars and czarinas Obama adds to his ranks, the fewer you’ll be adding to yours."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "Once Fellini-style consumption gives way to Puritan-worthy production, jobs driven by sustainable market forces will germinate and grow."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "Keynes was to economics as Katrina was to New Orleans."—ILANA Mercer (July 10, 2009)
    • "A JOBLESS RECOVERY is the equivalent of a housewarming for the homeless. This sophistic term is a political construct, not an economic one, meant to coat the entrenched, systemic effects of endemic, employment-killing government policies with a patina of scholarly respectability."—ILANA Mercer (July 4, 2009)
    • "Allow me to dispel distaff America’s claims of disadvantage with a decisive argument: If women with the same skills as men were getting only 78 cents for every dollar a man earns, men would have long-since priced themselves out of the market."—ILANA Mercer (March 13, 2009)
    • On central planning: "The thing we call the ''economy' is no more than the trillions upon trillions of voluntary, capitalistic acts individuals perform in order to make a living. The economy responds poorly to economic planning and planners. Introduce government force and coercion into this synchronized spontaneous order, and it starts to splutter."—ILANA Mercer (March 6, 2009)
    • "The defining characteristic of the Unites States is debt—public and private. America is a debtor nation. Socialism is secondary to state squandering—and a consequence of it."—ILANA Mercer (February 20, 2009)
    • "Let us give credit where it’s due. Was Bush not first to break the bank? And if deficit spending is a salve for insolvency, why did Bush’s non-stop spending not ward off the depression?"—ILANA Mercer (February 6, 2009)
    • "A natural shift must take place in the economy from a credit-fueled, consumption-based economy, to one founded on savings, investment and production."—ILANA Mercer (January 16, 2009)
    • "Compared to the United States government, Bernie Madoff is a mere babe in grand larceny boot camp."—ILANA Mercer (January 16, 2009)
    • "Politicians and theoreticians who claim the natural laws of economics can be violated with impunity are proffering politics, not economics."—ILANA Mercer (November 28, 2008)
    • "The laws of economics are natural, universal laws. One cannot violate them without repercussions. It follows from this that to adhere to the economic laws of nature is to be faithful to truth and justice."—ILANA Mercer (November 28, 2008)
    • "Voluntary exchanges are by definition advantageous to their participants. They involve giving up something one values less for something one values more and finding someone else with 'opposite valuations.' The H-1B visa holder forfeits his (apparently unexceptional) labor for a salary many times the salary he'd get in India or China or Pakistan. If he were not incalculably better off than he was in his previous life, he would not have taken a calculated risk in a plush American office."—ILANA Mercer (November 18, 2008)
    • "The gargantuan, government give-away to the financial sector combined elements of fascism and socialism. However you define the Bush bailout – it was bad. Bad and bipartisan."—ILANA Mercer (October 24, 2008)
    • “The progressive income tax is a good example of Karl Marx’s maxim, 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.' America, the cradle of capitalism, clings to Karl. Russia, the cradle of communism, has abandoned him in favor of a flat—and very low—tax on income.—ILANA Mercer (October 24, 2008)
    • “'Bush’s bailout society' is an instantiation of the principles upon which 'Bush’s ownership society' was founded: credit for those who are not creditworthy.—ILANA Mercer (October 3, 2008)
    • "Is America ever going to understand that nothing can grow in the shadow of a State that has squandered trillions and makes up for it by printing more?—ILANA Mercer (October 3, 2008)
    • A crisis that was created by cheap credit must be corrected by less of the same.—ILANA Mercer (September 26, 2008)
    • "Bush’s ownership society, built as it was on quicksand, has metamorphosed into the bailout society."—ILANA Mercer (September 26, 2008)
    • "Trade, not democracy, is also the best antidote to war. The more economically intertwined countries are, the less likely they are to go to war. Boycott Iran less and barter with it more and it’s bound to tone down its belligerence."—ILANA Mercer (September 19, 2008)
    • "All in all, Exxon Mobil has done a smashing job of bringing oil to market considering the fly-in-amber policies it faces."—ILANA Mercer (June 13, 2008)
    • On Glorious Gas: "The more efficient the source of energy, the less waste and pollution are involved in its conversion into energy. Think of the totality of the production process! The fewer resources expended in bringing a fuel to market, the cleaner and cheaper is the process."—ILANA Mercer (June 13, 2008)
    • McCain's pronouncements on pumping-up oil supply—the only way to satiate demand and reduce prices—are limited and delimited by the shamanic thinking he and Obama share: Godless humans are overheating the Goddess Gaia."—ILANA Mercer (June 13, 2008)
    • "Profits and prices are the street signs of the economy. Only fools flout them. The much–maligned price system works not only to secure supply but to conserve."—ILANA Mercer (June 13, 2008)
    • "Obama is an ass with ears when it comes to the economy. The same goes for Clinton. So Sen. McCain did not help himself (or us) by being charmingly self-deprecating about his understanding of the economy. He has allowed Obama and Clinton, infinitely more asinine than he, to assert their superiority."—ILANA Mercer (March 28, 2008)
    • "Where Kemp-McCain economics meet Obama-Clinton “freakonomics” is in the unnatural and un-American idea that the government is entitled to a portion of your income; that it has a lien on your life and on what you acquire in the course of sustaining that life. Be it Hillary, Hussein or McCain—they all agree that it is up to the all-knowing central planner to determine how much of your life ought to be theirs.—ILANA Mercer (March 28, 2008)
    • "Forced to choose between various forms of enslavement, as we indeed are, then the flat tax is the second best option, revolution being the first."—ILANA Mercer (March 3, 2008)
    • "CNN's Lou Dobbs would do a great service to American innovators and middle class, if he waged his wordy war against their government, which has buried American business under a burdensome bureaucracy."—ILANA Mercer (February 29, 2008)
    • "The marketplace doesn't adjudicate the quality of art or pop culture—it does no more than offer an aggregate snapshot of the trillions of subjective preferences enacted by consumers. Aguilera (Christina) probably sells more than Ashkenazy (Vladimir) ever did. Britney outdoes Borodin. For some, this will be faith-inspiring, for others deeply distressing."—ILANA (February 7, 2003)
    • "Politics is a form of sheltered employment."—ILANA (February 8, 2008)
    • "Profits are the street signs of the free market—without profits there’d be no products."—ILANA (February 8, 2008)
    • "It’s high time Americans, who never tire of cramming their values down gagging gullets, remember that solvency is a virtue; bankruptcy a vice."—ILANA Mercer (January 25, 2008)
    • "The freer a society, the less likely government is to placate the envious by taking from those they envy. In unfree societies, that’s precisely what governments do: pacify the multitudes by mulcting the few."—ILANA Mercer (March 2, 2007)
    • "The concept of an income gap is meaningless in its circularity. Some people are richer than others. Some don’t like it. It’s called envy."—ILANA Mercer (February 5, 2007)
    • "Antitrust laws ought to be deployed, not against business, but to bust this two-party monopoly, which subverts competition in government and rewards the colluding quislings with sinecures in perpetuity.”—ILANA Mercer (May 26, 2006)
    • “The Securities and Exchange Commission operates on an unconstitutional ex post facto basis—its victims have no way of foreseeing or controlling how vague law will be bent and charges changed in the course of seeking the desired prosecutorial outcome.”—ILANA Mercer (December 2, 2005)
    • Socialists: Their zero-sum economics dictate that one person’s plenty is another’s poverty.”—ILANA Mercer (August 19, 2005)
    • “Statists say that if not for the state, man would be unable to produce. That's like saying that the tick created the dog! Production predates government predation. Government doesn't produce wealth—it only consumes it.”—ILANA Mercer (Sixteen, the Number of the Beast, in Broad Sides, 2004)
    • "Got the aptitude to probe the field of fiber optics? Don't. Instead, become a gym instructor to the multiplying population of menopausal gym-bunnies."—ILANA Mercer, "'EXPORTING' HIGH-TECH JOBS: PART I," December 12, 2003
    • "Real wealth is created only by the production and consumption of products, not of paper money. An abundance of goods, not money income, is what makes for an increase in wealth."—ILANA Mercer (April 30, 2003)
    • "The Securities and Exchange Commission operates with the understanding that competition in capital markets must proceed from a level playing field. All investors are entitled to the same information advantage irrespective of effort and abilities. In a word, information socialism."—ILANA Mercer (November 26, 2010, and June 19, 2002)
    • "In a command economy, government decides when the demand for anthrax tablets has been satisfied, but not in a free market. In a free market, consumers direct supply and demand. And in a free market, increased demand leads to increased supply, as producers compete with one another to meet the demand."—ILANA Mercer, "Cipro Shortage: An Invented Scarcity," October 25, 2001
    • "So crucial is our need for it, how can electricity possibly be left to bureaucrats whose bungling is rewarded with increased budgets; who fob bankruptcy onto taxpayers; whose incentives for making profits and avoiding losses are weak at best, and who regularly override the consumers' vote with political expedients."—ILANA Mercer, "How Not To Privatize The Power Grid,"  February 2, 2001
    • "In a market in which the state has a hand, prices will never fully convey the information they relay in an unhampered market, and will invariably fail in guiding producers to meet consumer demand."—ILANA Mercer, "How Not To Privatize The Power Grid,"  February 2, 2001.
    • "Electricity is best entrusted to fully free markets. Only private enterprise raises initial capital voluntarily and applies careful entrepreneurial forethought to all endeavors. Left to their devices, entrepreneurs will, in the long run and in response to price signals, build more capacity—electricity-generating plants—and prices will inevitably fall. Only entrepreneurs in competition with one another have the incentive to satisfy the customer, on whom they depend for their very survival."—ILANA Mercer, "How Not To Privatize The Power Grid,"  February 2, 2001
    • "By protesting free trade, arm-chair anarchists are opposing both commerce and comity."—ILANA Mercer (December 7, 2000)
    • "As an organ of the United Nations, the WTO should strike terror in the heart of any true freetrader. The organization is the concoction of international statists; a powerful bureaucracy concerned with managing, not freeing,trade; a central planner whose goal it is to harmonize labor, health,and environmental laws throughout the world."—ILANA Mercer, "Free Trade, Not the WTO, Will Enrich the Third World," December 7, 2000.
  • Education & Miseducation

    • From their own sinkholes of stupidity, the bearers of terrible news assure us that lower IQs in America don’t necessarily mean lesser mentation, just a different kind of mental equipment. Fatherly magazine is positively fatherly about America’s dropping IQ scores: 'It might not be a bad thing.' Yay."—ILANA MERCER, "On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate," April 12, 2023
    • "America is 'experiencing' historically unmatched levels of stupidity. Risen to prominence around us is a sub-intelligent underclass of people, sexually straight and bent, whose behavior is grotesque."—ILANA MERCER, "On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate," April 12, 2023
    • "An indispensable adjunct of American-style systemic stupidity is PRIDE; we’re loud-and-proud about being handsomely equipped to fail."—ILANA MERCER, "On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate," April 12, 2023
    • "Things start to fall apart when the best-person-for-the-job ethos gives way to racial and gender window-dressing and to the enforcement of politically pleasing perspectives."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali," February 25, 2021
    • The American Idiocracy is moving at breakneck speed to equate merit-based institutions with 'institutionalized racism.' Or, think about it like this: When merit-based hiring is deemed racist, bridges fall down. Literally."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali," February 25, 2021
    • The American government is marred, at every level, with similar set-asides, preferential hiring practices and affirmative action, which compromise an already compromised institution (the State, where incentives are inverted, as in the less efficient they are, the more funds government departments get). The U.S. government hasn’t had an entrance test since 1982."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali," February 25, 2021
    • "Our country is suffering a blackout of intelligence. It is collapsing under the blackhole of affirmative action."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali," February 25, 2021
    • "I feel for the kids. They are not to blame. Their arrogant idiocy, inculcated in schools, is carefully cultivated and then reinforced with incontinent praise from pedagogues and parents alike, from K to university. Progressive schools and teachers—overseen by teachers unions—are responsible for the quantifiable rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among America’s youth."—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Conservatives like Candace Owens have equated keeping kids out of school with keeping kids dumb and compliant. How is that so, if schools are producing kids this banal, boorish and bossy?”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Kids use only the most rudimentary, emotionally evocative language, for lack of a solid, ever-accreting vocabulary, higher-order thinking, and proper restraint in affect.As to restraint: Not coincidentally, an asphyxiating hysteria simmers beneath the surface of the prose to match the vapid vocabulary, whereby breathy figures of speech are deployed to fit a simpleton’s febrile, emotionally overwrought state-of-mind: “Unbelievable, incredibly embarrassing, amazing, OMG!” In short, exclamatory utterances.”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Hallmark cards are edgier, more original and intuitively truer than the monolithic minds of America’s young, and those who’ve raised and taught them.”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Pidgin English is what the young, high-school graduate speaks. Pidgin English, or Ebonics if black. Oh, yes: Ethnic linguistic affectation and oddities are treasured as culturally and politically precious and authentic, rather than just lazy and plain ghastly.”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Anyone under 50 seems to be similarly afflicted: This cohort can’t use tenses, prepositions and adjectives grammatically and creatively, or appreciate a clever turn-of-phrase, or conjugate verbs correctly. Has anyone noticed that the past perfect tense is dead in America? People will relate that they 'had went' to school or 'had came back from the cinema.'”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "With welcome exceptions, the young can hardly string together coherent, grammatical sentences. They open their mouths and out tumble nothing but inane, mind-numbing cliches and banalities spoken in gravelly, grating, staccato tones. Vocal fry, the linguists call this loathsome sound."—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Self-esteem is the royal jelly upon which America’s children are raised. Our child-centered, non-hierarchical, collaborative, progressive schooling has produced kids who do not believe they can and should be corrected; and when corrected lash out in anger or bewilderment."—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Conservatives have kept insisting, throughout the Covid lockdowns and quarantines, that kids were missing out on an education because they were out of school. To paraphrase Joan Rivers, how can you miss out on a rash? (When Madonna accused Lady Gaga of stealing her music, the great, late, lady Joan wanted to know how you could steal a rash.)."—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "Most great literature doesn’t meet the sub-intelligent standards of the woke illiterati, who control the intellectual means of production—the schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), the press, publishing houses, think tanks, Deep Tech and the Deep State."—ILANA MERCER, "The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?", March 11, 2021.
    • "Spending protracted time in college or university is almost guaranteed to turn-out individuals whose uniformity of opinion is as scary as its uninformed nature."—ILANA MERCER, "Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System," November 19, 2020.
    • "Implicit in tethering a lack of education to Trump support is that the more educated a voter, the smarter. And the smarter the voter, the more likely he or she is to support the Democrats. Correlation, of course, is not causation. My hypothesis, however, points to a confounding variable or factor—in other words, another variable related to both education and voting-patterns that could account for the good sense displayed by degreeless Trump supporters. Voters without college or university degrees have not been institutionalized during life’s formative years.”—ILANA MERCER, "Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System," November 19, 2020.
    • "By now, the Critical Race rot is institutional; it is the handiwork of progressive—regressive, rather—parents, pedagogues and politicians.”—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "A new kind of Kafka confronts any author whose thoughts veer from those of the mono-cultural mainstream. Books that enlighten never see the light of day or are digitally burned by the Amazon monopoly; pamphleteers that dim debate find publishers and 'respectable' reviewers.”—ILANA Mercer, "In Defense of Looting," September 25, 2020
    • "Just as the colleges have abandoned their duty to educate, so too have publishing giants long since betrayed their mandate to publish quality books. These conglomerate quislings collude to ensure that a lot of dough is forked out for a lot of drek.”—ILANA Mercer, "In Defense of Looting," September 25, 2020
    • "Conservatives keep insisting COVID quarantined kids are missing out on an education. But aren't progressive schools and pedagogues—overseen by teacher unions—responsible for the rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among the youth?”—ILANA Mercer, "Mercer Quotes," July 9, 2020.
    • "H. L. Mencken cannot appeal to the bumper crops of humorless, dour 'dunderheads' America is now siring. He cannot resonate with those who are afraid to question received opinion, who cannot conjugate a verb correctly, use tenses, prepositions and adjectives grammatically and creatively, or appreciate a clever turn-of-phrase."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," American Greatness, June 29, 2020.
    • "In their low-watt rambling one can find no evidence that young conservatives have imbibed foundational literature that might equip them to write rationally and inspiringly about capitalism—and freedom."—ILANA Mercer, "Conservative Kids Must Learn Before They Lead," The Quarterly Review, November 1, 2019.
    • "It’s not egalitarianism that the schools are increasingly teaching, but anti-whitism.”—ILANA Mercer, “It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics,” Townhall.com, February 29, 2019.
    • "Public flogging is cheaper, safer, and more effective than sinking more money into one of the worst schooling systems in the developed world."—ILANA MERCER, "Public Flogging, A Modest Proposal," The Quarterly Review, November 27, 2018
    • "Your common, garden-variety academic is selected and elevated in academia precisely because of a pre-existing condition: a globalist, deracinated disposition."—ILANA MERCER, "Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables," Townhall.com, April 18, 2018.
    • "Kids are Democrats by default."—ILANA MERCER, "The Teacher’s Pets Of Douglas High Can’t Think Straight," Constitution.com, March 2, 2018.
    • "Learning requires peace of mind. If fortress conditions are a prerequisite for survival—if fortification keeps the barbarians [school-shooters] at bay—then the rational mind will find tranquility in security."—ILANA MERCER, "The Teacher’s Pets Of Douglas High Can’t Think Straight," Constitution.com, March 2, 2018.
    • "Without the literary canon, young minds are doomed to become as dim and sclerotic as those of the educators who assign them piss-poor reading material. The literary canon is the best antidote to the educational Idiocracy."—ILANA (December 5, 2014)
    • "Natural order is not predicated on state-enacted laws. The natural order that has worked throughout the ages to tame young terrors is predicated on hierarchy; on the preservation of clear, never-to-be-blurred boundaries between adults and kids. These boundaries were once upheld in-house—in the principal's office, the home and the church.—ILANA (June 29, 2012)
    • "Restore old-fashioned discipline to classrooms and school buses. Revive the value of seasoned, stoical masculinity in education. Better still: Drain the septic tank that is our federalized education system, and with it the auxiliary personnel that infest the schools and feed off a dwindling tax base. There is now one non-teaching adult for every eight or nine children."—ILANA (June 29, 2012)
    • "America's progressive schools are overrun by ineffectual females. This feminized, cloistered world is the perfect breeding ground for bullies in the making."—ILANA (June 29, 2012)
    • "I am now convinced that American society will collapse upon itself like a black hole under the weight of a young, mostly WASP, idiocracy rising.”—ILANA MERCER, "Home Free On Facebook? Think Again," July 29, 2011
    • "Do use the term 'government unions,' won't you, as 'public sector' or "public servants" implies, incorrectly, that these slackers serve the public."—ILANA MERCER, (February 25, 2011)
    • "An 'intellectual' underclass has risen to dominate America in almost every field of endeavor."—ILANA Mercer, "Writing In The Age Of The Idiot," October 9, 2009
    • "In America’s progressive schools prurience and psychobabble combine in equal measures."—ILANA (June 27, 2008)
    • "For decades, America’s progressive schools have been conducting a sick experiment in parallel parenting. Gloucester's Hatchery High is the payback: It’s Rosemary’s pedagogic Baby."—ILANA (June 27, 2008)
    • "Despite being the best funded school system in the world, American public schools graduate the thickest kids in the developed world."—ILANA (January 26, 2007)
    • "The National Education Association is the al-Qaida of education."—ILANA (January 27, 2006)
    • On smashing the state’s monopoly over education: “Staying stupid is a perfectly valid choice, so long as it’s not a government-enforced status quo.”—ILANA (January 29, 2006)
    • “[Ward] Churchill's tirades are [not] bereft of any truth. ... But, unless one is a magpie, one doesn't rummage through garbage in search of bright objects.”—ILANA (April 20, 2005)
    • "Government schools produce misguided, mediocre and frightfully monolithic minds...the uniformity of opinion is almost scarier than its uninformed nature."—ILANA (September 3, 2004)
  • Elections

    • "DeSantis. Both effective and highly intelligent, the man understands the federal scheme and knows how to pull the levers of power, having faithfully and forcefully done so for the people of Florida."—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "Together, Jarvanka (the Jared and Ivanka organism) place Davos before The Deplorables."—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "As expected in the Kamala Harris Administration, Kamala opened the victory celebrations. Parsed, here is the vice president elect’s victory speech: Blacks. Browns. Latinas. People of Color. My Mother. Minorities. Me, myself and I. (My white husband? Nope!) Racism. Everywhere. Systemic."—ILANA MERCER, "Trump's Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency," November 12, 2020
    • "The fucked-up Biden campaign worked because it targeted a coalition of weepy white women—including those with the Y Chromosome—and the rest of tribal, Third-World America. Minorities, white men with sunken chests and that angry, radical-professor, Antifa demeanor, joined by mountainous women with the signature tumbleweed hair. Joe and Kamala won the un-American, anti-American vote, which is now a majority."—ILANA MERCER, "Trump's Going Beast Mode: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency," November 12, 2020
    • "If Biden’s miserable message works, America is no longer America."—ILANA MERCER, "We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO! ," October 29, 2020. 
    • "Democracy is when everything is up for grabs without constitutional limits. Globalism is an extension of that; globalism is democracy on a global scale."—ILANA MERCER (01.30.19)
    • Democracy: "In exchange for power, those who’ve seized it forcibly distribute wealth by taking from one and giving to the other—from rich to poor; from the Northern hemisphere to the Southern hemisphere."—ILANA MERCER (01.30.19)
    • "Mention of the Constitution means nothing. It’s on the list of items candidates check when they con constituents."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • Elections 2016: First Republican presidential debate: "'The Murdoch Media's' golden goose, Megyn Kelly, henpecks Donald Trump ... "—ILANA (August 14, 2015)
    • Elections 2016: "Donald Trump would do well to triangulate,à laBill Clinton, and place the talented Jim Webb, a Democrat, on the Trump ticket. Then, make immigration a central theme in the campaign, advance a principled, major, pro-black policy by speaking to the legalization or decriminalizing of drug use and sale—and Trump will have secured the vote of blacks, white southern Democrats and other Reagan Democrats."—ILANA (August 7, 2015)
    • Election 2014: "The snake in the grass spat, slithered and hissed its way back to the White House."—ILANA (January 4, 2013)
    • "America is a mass of competing factions. Some vie to keep more of their rightful property; others fight to get their paws on that very property. The Rich vote defensively; The Poor vote extractively. This, Nov. 6, 2012 has proven."—ILANA (November 9, 2012)
    • "Should he succeed in vanquishing Obama come Nov. 6, Romney's brand of repeal-and-replace statism—not to mention maniacal militarism and Sinophobia—will be no victory for liberty. If not for liberty, Romney's victory was still a small victory for reality."—ILANA (October 5, 2012)
    • "The ladies, the Latinos, the halt and the lame: These identity groups—political constructs of the Left's making—will be galvanized to lambaste the two leading Republicans (Ryan abd Romeny) for being too attractive, too macho, too white, too Christian, and too rich"—ILANA (August 17, 2012)
    • "In a democracy, thumping majorities prevail."—ILANA (May 25, 2012)
    • "In Obama’s America, an idea equals a policy. And a world without a policy for every human malady, and 'clever' commissars to call the shots, is a world without ideas."—ILANA (November 14, 2008)
    • "So now it's Palin's PETA papers that aren't in order. Put it this way: If Rep. Ron Paul clubbed seals to death on ice floes; I'd still consider him a smashing potential president."—ILANA (October 17, 2008)
    • "McCain’s national greatness 'conservatism' sees the individual as a cog in the service of the collective. Contra McMussolini, the American Founders placed the individual before the collective, giving pride of place to individual liberties before duties."—ILANA (September 12, 2008)
    • "As she stood there in all her resplendence, it was crystal clear that Sarah Palin was the outsider; McCain the insider. Palin’s the candidate of change; McCain the Manchurian candidate. She’s the maverick and the man he’s not."—ILANA (September 5, 2008)
    • "When Barack Obama looked Americans in the metaphoric eye and told them he was not and was never a Muslim, he had, admittedly, been worshipping at the Trinity United Church of Christ for twenty odd years. So we know for certain that he is not a Christian. Obama’s voodoo theology aside, do we know with the same certainty that he was never Muslim?"—ILANA (August 1, 2008)
    • "America’s pathological elections-time self-absorption makes a mockery of the idea that it is suited to lead the world. Shouldn’t a world leader take an interest in the world?"—ILANA (July 11, 2008)
    • "Media were only too happy to mislead the man on the street into believing that Democratic Party petty rules were as sacred as those governing the Electoral College. The rules committee of the Democratic National Committee subsequently chose to halve the votes of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Slaves got a slightly better deal under the 'Three-Fifths Compromise' during the Constitutional Convention."—ILANA (June 6, 2008)
    • "Obama must be put on the spot not for his presence or absence in the pews during sermons delivered by the pornographic preachers of the Trinity cesspit, but for his adopted philosophy of two decades.”—ILANA (May 24, 2008)
    • "Why did Obama not attend a less radical church where Jesus, not Jeremiah, was king?"—ILANA (May 2, 2008)
    • On Obama's sliming of small-town America: "the incident is significant for what it tells us about who Obama is and what he disdains: guns and God—not the God of Rev. Wright, but the God white, rural, gun-toting America carriers close to its heart."—ILANA (April 11, 2008)
    • "McCain demonstrated his inability to tell Shiite from Shinola: Al-Qaida international and Al-Qaida Iraq are Sunni. Call them Wahhabis, Salafis, Takfiris, if you like, but not Shiites!"—ILANA (April 11, 2008)
    • "McCain might consider modifying his mantra about illegal aliens being God's children to whom he owes a path to citizenship. This is not about the Arizonan’s relationship with God and His creatures; it’s about McCain’s relationship with the Constitution. The Constitution binds a president to uphold the law; it doesn’t authorize him to legislate compassion."—ILANA (April 4, 2008)
    • "The genteel Obama is nothing like the Rev. Wright, except that they both appear to be overcompensating for not looking more like Kunta Kinte. There’s another small something the two share: a philosophy."—ILANA (March 21, 2008)
    • "McCain, the global warmonger, is also a global-warming Wing Nut."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • "McCain has promised a monstrous 'Marshall Plan' for Iraq. What cuts to welfare he will deliver stateside, McCain will divert to Iraq in the form of massive government make-work schemes."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • "All the 'giving' Hussein and Hillary plan to do is extraconstitutional. Obama’s Manna From Heaven Healthcare Plan, and Hillary’s Cuba Care—these are not inalienable rights."—ILANA ("The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil," February 15, 2008)
    • "It’s manifestly clear how close on the unconstitutional continuum Hillary, Hussein and McCain stand."—ILANA ("The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil," February 15, 2008)
    • "So what do I think of the next president? I didn’t like his predecessor’s 'New New Deal, so why would I like Barack Hussein Obama’s Great Great Society."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • "The greater philosophical significance of McCain lies in his violence-for-values verbiage; in how he deceptively frames the bloodletting in Iraq and elsewhere around the world as the heroic upholding of individual rights."—ILANA (February 8, 2008)
    • "I had hoped that, in the dust-up between conservatives and the neocon-dominated Republican Party, McCain would serve as the curdling bacteria, separating the neoconservative whey from the conservative curd. I was wrong."—ILANA (February 5, 2008).
    • "Reaching across the aisle to get things done”: McCain’s euphemism for relinquishing principles in favor of political expediency.”—ILANA (February 5, 2008)
    • "As a man of the classical liberal, unquestionably American, Old Right, Rep. Paul is perfectly congruous in his defense of a sovereign America bounded by borders. It is his libertarian critics who belong to a different tradition—and who don’t make a lick of sense to sane Americans."—ILANA (January 11, 2008)
    • "From the fact that Rep. Paul celebrates free, unfettered movement of goods across borders—trade—Paul’s detractors have 'deduced' that he must also rejoice in the free flow of people across our borders. This is so because these anarchists confuse desires with rights—they believe that preventing anyone from studying or settling in the US is an act of savage aggression.”—ILANA (January 11, 2008)
    • “Ron Paul stands alone among the presidential contenders for a solvent, sovereign America—he has the will to stop the squandering of men and matériel in Iraq and the intellectual wherewithal to salvage an ailing currency, fortify forsaken borders, and restore individual liberties.”—ILANA (December 19, 2007)
    • "I can see why media, women especially, love Big Daddy; whether he’s sermonizing about diet or the deity, Huckabee is fast becoming the Oprah of the Evangelicals."—ILANA (December 14, 2007)
    • "The paradox of the peace-loving Ron Paul is this: Given his commitment to national sovereignty—to defending this country, not Israel, Iraq or Afghanistan—Paul will have the will and the wherewithal to smash any enemy entering our orbit."—ILANA (October 12, 2007)
    • "Like the remarkable Rep. Ron Paul, opponents of the invasion [of Iraq] were right because we cleaved to the kind of intellectual and moral principles that were immutably true before Sept. 11, after it, and forever after."—ILANA (June, 2007)
    • The Republican presidential candidates "insist the American military’s obligation is to patrol the borders of Kosovo, Korea and Kurdistan, while our own borders remain perilously porous; Americans living alongside them forsaken."—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
    • "'Leadership' is a euphemism for overriding the will of the people. No sooner does the pesky popular will intrude into the debate than the top Republican contenders begin to yammer about their obligation to demonstrate 'leadership'."—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
    • "When Barack Obama looked Americans in the metaphoric eye and told them he was not and was never a Muslim, he had, admittedly, been worshipping at the Trinity United Church of Christ for twenty odd years. So we know for certain that he is not a Christian. Obama’s voodoo theology aside, do we know with the same certainty that he was never Muslim?"—ILANA (August 1, 2008)
    • "Media were only too happy to mislead the man on the street into believing that Democratic Party petty rules were as sacred as those governing the Electoral College. The rules committee of the Democratic National Committee subsequently chose to halve the votes of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Slaves got a slightly better deal under the 'Three-Fifths Compromise' during the Constitutional Convention."—ILANA (June 6, 2008)
    • "Obama must be put on the spot not for his presence or absence in the pews during sermons delivered by the pornographic preachers of the Trinity cesspit, but for his adopted philosophy of two decades.”—ILANA (May 24, 2008)
    • "Why did Obama not attend a less radical church where Jesus, not Jeremiah, was king?"—ILANA (May 2, 2008)
    • "America’s pathological, election-time self-absorption makes a mockery of the notion that the US is suited to lead the world. Shouldn’t a world leader take an interest in the world?"—ILANA (April 24, 2008)
    • On Obama's sliming of small-town America: "the incident is significant for what it tells us about who Obama is and what he disdains: guns and God—not the God of Rev. Wright, but the God white, rural, gun-toting America carriers close to its heart."—ILANA (April 11, 2008)
    • "McCain demonstrated his inability to tell Shiite from Shinola: Al-Qaida international and Al-Qaida Iraq are Sunni. Call them Wahhabis, Salafis, Takfiris, if you like, but not Shiites!"—ILANA (April 11, 2008)
    • "McCain might consider modifying his mantra about illegal aliens being God's children to whom he owes a path to citizenship. This is not about the Arizonan’s relationship with God and His creatures; it’s about McCain’s relationship with the Constitution. The Constitution binds a president to uphold the law; it doesn’t authorize him to legislate compassion."—ILANA (April 4, 2008)
    • "Obama is an ass with ears when it comes to the economy. The same goes for Clinton. So Sen. McCain did not help himself (or us) by being charmingly self-deprecating about his understanding of the economy. He has allowed Obama and Clinton, infinitely more asinine than he, to assert their superiority."—ILANA (March 28, 2008)
    • "The genteel Obama is nothing like the Rev. Wright, except that they both appear to be overcompensating for not looking more like Kunta Kinte. There’s another small something the two share: a philosophy."—ILANA (March 21, 2008)
    • "McCain, the global warmonger, is also a global-warming Wing Nut."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • "McCain has promised a monstrous 'Marshall Plan' for Iraq. What cuts to welfare he will deliver stateside, McCain will divert to Iraq in the form of massive government make-work schemes."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • "All the 'giving' Hussein and Hillary plan to do is extraconstitutional. Obama’s Manna From Heaven Healthcare Plan, and Hillary’s Cuba Care—these are not inalienable rights."—ILANA ("The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil," February 15, 2008)
    • "It’s manifestly clear how close on the unconstitutional continuum Hillary, Hussein and McCain stand."—ILANA ("The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil," February 15, 2008)
    • "The greater philosophical significance of McCain lies in his violence-for-values verbiage; in how he deceptively frames the bloodletting in Iraq and elsewhere around the world as the heroic upholding of individual rights."—ILANA (February 8, 2008)
    • "I had hoped that, in the dust-up between conservatives and the neocon-dominated Republican Party, McCain would serve as the curdling bacteria, separating the neoconservative whey from the conservative curd. I was wrong."—ILANA (February 5, 2008).
    • "Reaching across the aisle to get things done”: McCain’s euphemism for relinquishing principles in favor of political expediency.”—ILANA (February 5, 2008)
    • "As a man of the classical liberal, unquestionably American, Old Right, Rep. Paul is perfectly congruous in his defense of a sovereign America bounded by borders. It is his libertarian critics who belong to a different tradition—and who don’t make a lick of sense to sane Americans."—ILANA (January 11, 2008)
    • "From the fact that Rep. Paul celebrates free, unfettered movement of goods across borders—trade—Paul’s detractors have 'deduced' that he must also rejoice in the free flow of people across our borders. This is so because these anarchists confuse desires with rights—they believe that preventing anyone from studying or settling in the US is an act of savage aggression.”—ILANA (January 11, 2008)
    • “Ron Paul stands alone among the presidential contenders for a solvent, sovereign America—he has the will to stop the squandering of men and matériel in Iraq and the intellectual wherewithal to salvage an ailing currency, fortify forsaken borders, and restore individual liberties.”—ILANA (December 19, 2007)
    • "I can see why media, women especially, love Big Daddy; whether he’s sermonizing about diet or the deity, Huckabee is fast becoming the Oprah of the Evangelicals."—ILANA (December 14, 2007)
    • "The paradox of the peace-loving Ron Paul is this: Given his commitment to national sovereignty—to defending this country, not Israel, Iraq or Afghanistan—Paul will have the will and the wherewithal to smash any enemy entering our orbit."—ILANA (October 12, 2007)
    • "Like the remarkable Rep. Ron Paul, opponents of the invasion [of Iraq] were right because we cleaved to the kind of intellectual and moral principles that were immutably true before Sept. 11, after it, and forever after."—ILANA (June 8, 2007)
    • The Republican presidential candidates "insist the American military’s obligation is to patrol the borders of Kosovo, Korea and Kurdistan, while our own borders remain perilously porous; Americans living alongside them forsaken."—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
  • Environmentalism & Animal Rights

        • MERCER, 2002: "As we speak, government-managed forests are going up in flames. Lives and property have been lost. This is to be expected. Be it in fishery or forest, communist custodianship removes all the attributes of private property, namely, the incentive to conserve. Lack of ownership is the death knell for the resource. Only when it is owned, and not just leased for periodical plunder, will a forest continue to be a viable and renewable source of riches, monetary and other. The solution clearly lies not in better regulation of a resource but in its privatization."—ILANA MERCER, "MUTANT MARXISTS IN ‘THE HEART OF DARKNESS’," August 28, 2002
        • "For the Left, love of the environment amounts to an anti-intellectual, atavistic ritual, the kind performed by Homo species, say, when lightning struck. Primitive man would have looked to the heavens, and promised a sacrifice, to appease the particular god in control. In our times, the pagan pantheon has been replaced with the Almighty God of Climate Change."—ILANA MERCER, "Conservation is Conservative," August 4, 2022.
        • "BLM? How about BEE: Black-and-yellow lives matter."—ILANA MERCER, "Conservation is Conservative," August 4, 2022.
        • The Learjet liberals—the world’s wokerati—are plotting against gasoline, goshawks (birdies) and you."—ILANA MERCER, "Commie Cars," May 1, 2002, &  "Learjet Liberals Against Gasoline and Goshawks In Glasgow," November 4, 2021
        • "Perhaps the biggest obfuscation in the gimmick-car racket—which all recent presidents have fallen for—has to do with the source of the energy. Whether a vehicle is propelled by hydrogen-powered fuel cells or electricity, both electricity and hydrogen don’t magically materialize in the vehicle. They must first be generated. Be it coal, natural gas, nuclear or a hydroelectric dam, these cars are only as clean as the original source of energy that generated the vim that powers them."—ILANA MERCER, "Commie Cars," May 1, 2002, &  "Learjet Liberals Against Gasoline and Goshawks In Glasgow," November 4, 2021
        • "The more efficient the source of energy, the less waste and pollution are involved in its conversion into energy. Think of the totality of the production process! The fewer resources expended in bringing a fuel to market, the cleaner and cheaper is the process."—ILANA MERCER, "THE GOODS ON GAS," June 13, 2008,  & "Learjet Liberals Against Gasoline and Goshawks In Glasgow," November 4, 2021.
        • "Conservation is conservative."—ILANA MERCER, May 1, 2021.
        • "Sentimentality about animals is one of the things that separates us from the barbaric civilizations. I include The Left’s worldview as part of the 'barbaric civilizations.' The Left sees animals, certainly wild life, as comprising species to sustain, not as individual creatures of God, for which we humans must care."—ILANA MERCER, "Liberals View Wild Life As Worthy Only As Part Of A ‘Species,’ A Herd," July 3, 2018.
        • "Liberals view wild life as worthy only as part of a ‘species,’ a herd."—ILANA MERCER,  "Liberals View Wild Life As Worthy Only As Part Of A ‘Species,’ A Herd," July 3, 2018.
        • "Alaska runs in Sarah's bloodstream; its wildlife, its seascape and landscapes, as well as man's reliance on both for muse and ... meat. This Alaskan Diana, goddess of the hunt, is carnivore and conservationist."—ILANA (January 15, 2010)
        • "Environmental lobbies abhor all by-products of human existence, unless generated by illegal aliens. In that case, the vast latrine and land fill created along the border with Mexico, as millions of illegals defecate and despoil their way to their destinations in the US, are just dandy. To interfere with the natural formation of this outsized outhouse is to “jeopardize the quality of life and beauty of South Texas.”—ILANA (April 4, 2008)
        • "If one is looking to criminalize 'excessive' emissions of carbon, as Al Gore is, then buying carbon credits is like getting a hit-and-run allowance. Exceed your allowable hit-and-runs, and you get to pay a lesser offender for the right to pick-off more pedestrians."—ILANA (November 2, 2007)
        • On the unfalsifiable theory of global warming: "Evidence that contradicts the global warming theory is enlisted as evidence for the correctness of the theory; every permutation in weather patterns—warm or cold—is said to be a consequence of that warming or proof of it."—ILANA (December 29, 2006)
        • "It used to be that men killed and hunted encroaching creatures. Thanks to decades of cultural queering and legal emasculation, men no longer have the urge to protect home and hearth.”—ILANA Mercer, (June 11, 2005) & Private: "Picnic Time For Teddy Bears, October 8, 2010
        • "Reds, and now Greens, agree that wise bureaucrats alone have the wherewithal to make decisions for billions of people. The 20th century was a monument to these decision-makers. A handful of communist commissars replaced with their own commands, and at the point of a gun, the voluntary decisions, valuations and exchanges made by millions of people. To achieve this, governments—not capitalists—murdered roughly 80 million people. The devastation the Reds wrought was not incidental but inherent to the ideology of collectivism and statism."—ILANA MERCER, "MUTANT MARXISTS IN ‘THE HEART OF DARKNESS’," August 28, 2002
        • “Resources in nature are useless lumps of nothing. If not for man, iron, aluminum, coal and oil would lie purposeless and pristine in the wildernesses."—ILANA MERCER, "MUTANT MARXISTS IN ‘THE HEART OF DARKNESS’," August 28, 2002
        • "Most resources provided by nature become goods of value only when man connects the dots. If not for man, the matter and energy abundant on earth would come to naught. The ability to discover and transform natural resources into usable goods, as well as to develop 'resource-enhancing and sustaining technologies' are the unique province of man. Man discovered that these elements could be used to assuage human needs. Once he identified and ingeniously matched the human need with the material thing, he went on to devise ways to harness the resource."—ILANA MERCER, "MUTANT MARXISTS IN ‘THE HEART OF DARKNESS’," August 28, 2002
        • "Over decades, governments have circumvented the ability of ordinary people to protect their environment by eroding common law property rights and usurping them with government statutes and regulations, attached to which are lower environmental standard as well as a limited liability.”—ILANA mercer, "Property Rights in Water a Solution to Coerced Chlorination," January 24, 2001
        • "Government has consistently stripped the common law of its power and usurped it with statutes, acts and regulations attached to which is a lower environmental standard than the common law would impel as well as a limited liability.”—ILANA mercer, "Common Law Has Been Defanged," March 6, 2000


  • Feminism & Feminization

    • "The Democrats are dominated by demonic females who rage as though permanently on the rag."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "Nothing completes a man and makes a man as much as a woman."—ILANA Mercer, "Testosterone: Going… Going… Gone!", October 6, 2022.
    • "Breastfeeding is a much better formula for mother-child bonding than baby formula."—ILANA Mercer, "A Society Of Deviants Sanctions Onanism With An Infant," July 7, 2022
    • "Beware: Babies born to 'spiteful mutants' will likely be a lot like their mothers, who are not in God’s image. A medal to the man who gets on top of such putrid flesh for his jollies. —ILANA Mercer, "Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?", June 30, 2022
    • "American women in protest of Dobbs v. Jackson are showing themselves to be in-and-out ugly—gorgons howling at the gods for being undesirable. And conservatives want deranged distaff to be mamas?—ILANA Mercer, "Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?", June 30, 2022
    • "Menstrual America now rules MAGA America. And the purpose of a Jan. 6 commemoration is to single out MAGA America as an object for ignominy, while consecrating and celebrating menstrual America: the woke crybabies of Congress and the Capitol Hill cops who wailed the loudest when recounting their professional failings on that day."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • Decades of feminization, emasculation and preferential hiring account for America’s low-intelligence, self-serving work force. This malevolent matriarchy in-the-making increasingly lacks the higher-order capacity for altruism and heroism."—ILANA Mercer, "Uvalde Cops Come A Cropper: Evil In Action," June 2, 2022
    • "In Menstrual America, medals go to congressmen and cops who wail the loudest when recounting their professional failings on Jan. 6, 2021."—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • "The medical community is overrun by obedient, authoritarian women worriers, not warriors."—ILANA Mercer, "Peter McCullough On The Greatest Failure In American Medicine: COVID-19,"  05.31.21.
    • "Music is male. It was male when Johann Sebastian Bach was making it. And it was male until real men fell from favor and were replaced with prancing androgyny."—ILANA Mercer, "March Of Mephisto By Kamelot," Barely A Blog, May 19, 2020.
    • "Young women are raised in a society that refuses to recognize the limits imposed by biology, preferring to teach them that their beauty, desirability and fragility place no impediments on their liberty to live la vida loca."—ILANA Mercer, "Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed," Townhall.com, January 4, 2019.
    • "Parents and pedagogues, start teaching young girls that 'Beauty and the Beast' is a fantasy; that the world, certainly the Third World, is not their oyster; that women can get raped, even killed, if they Kumbaya alone around the world. Or, around the country, for that matter."—ILANA Mercer, "Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed," Townhall.com, January 4, 2019.
    • "The anti-Trump protest ongoing is not cerebral or visceral, it’s gynocentric. And it’s expressly anti-male."—ILANA MERCER, "The Dominatrix Party, AKA The Party Of Man-Haters," WND.com, October 18, 2019.
    • "A Democratic takeover promises to be a bitch for ordinary men."—ILANA MERCER, "The Dominatrix Party," American Greatness, October 21, 2018.
    • "The Democratic Party has come to be controlled by hysterical women and their domesticated man servants. In conduct, these Democratic women are more feral than female."—ILANA MERCER, "The Dominatrix Party," American Greatness, October 21, 2018.
    • "The sounds emanating from the uterine core of the Democratic Party are the subhuman grunts and growls one hears from animals in estrus or mid-feed. Something is terribly wrong with them."—ILANA MERCER, "The Party of Man-Haters," Townhall.com, October 19, 2018.
    • The demands 'to be heard': a cliché coming from a cadre of women that never shuts up."—ILANA MERCER, “GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was."—ILANA MERCER, WND.com, September 27, 2018.
    • "LGBTQ in the military isn’t about enhancing a fighting force, it’s about introducing another state-driven reformation program. Egalitarian access here aims, inadvertently (as always), to grow an arm of government and, at the same time, 're-educate' the country."—ILANA MERCER, "An X-Rated Conversation about LGBTQ & XX In The Military," The Daily Caller, August 2, 2017.
    • "LGBTQ is a political program why? Central to the concept of 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning' in the military is the idea of a group whose members have chosen to identify not as Private X or Private Y, but as a party to a political fraternity that promises and delivers an aggressive, noisy, sexual identity politics."—ILANA MERCER, "An X-Rated Conversation about LGBTQ & XX In The Military," The Daily Caller, August 2, 2017.
    • "If men flashed for freedom as women do; they'd be arrested, jailed and placed on the National Sex Offender Registry."—ILANA MERCER, "Harvey Sweinstein And Hollywood's Hos," Townhall.com, October 20, 2017.
    • "By nature, the human woman is a peacock. We like to be noticed. The conservative among us prefer the allure of modesty. The sluts among us don’t. On social media, women outstrip men in the narcissistic and exhibitionist departments."—ILANA MERCER, "Harvey Sweinstein And Hollywood's Hos," Townhall.com, October 20, 2017.
    • "Liberalism and libertinism are intertwined. The more liberal a woman, the more libertine she'll be—and the more she'll liberate herself to be coarse, immodest, vulgar and plain repulsive."—ILANA MERCER, "Harvey Sweinstein And Hollywood's Hos," WND.COM, October 19, 2017.
    • "Arisen online and beyond is a niche-market of nudniks (nags): Women talking, blogging, vlogging, writing and publishing about women in high-technology or their absence therefrom; women beating the tom-tom about discrimination and stereotyping, but saying absolutely nothing about the technology they presumably love and help create."—ILANA MERCER, "James Damore Confronts The Hags of High-Tech (& Loses)," Townhall.com, August 12, 2017.
    • "Survival—of the species of the culture of the faith—has a biological dimension. What would have befallen our Hominid ancestors had they implemented gender parity in their hunter-gatherer societies—sometimes the women hunt while the men forage and mind the kids, and vice versa?"—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," FrontPage Magazine, July 29, 2016.
    • "Americans are being brainwashed to think biology is incidental, and that men and women are essentially interchangeable."—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016.
    • "American boys, K through Twelve, are mired in an estrogen-infused, cloistered world, where strong men in authority are an endangered minority."—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016.
    •  "The generic Western guy is instructed to ooze psychological correctness, but sublimate manliness. He never takes charge; he consults and cooperates. He’s not necessarily effeminate, but he’s safely androgynous. As personalities go, this Generic Guy and his wife (oops, 'life partner') are indistinguishable"—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016.
    • "More so than girls, boys need strong men in their lives—men who affirm their masculinity."—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016.
    • "The feminization and regulation of Western society over decades has meant that life-saving manliness is confined, increasingly, to corners upon which women are less likely to encroach: the cockpit or combat."—ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016.
    • "By upholding the moral order, President Trump is also restoring the natural order, inverted by his predecessors. The feminist order of Obama had humiliated thousands of American men-of-action, ICE agents, by making them mind illegal-alien minors. Obama messed with their biology. Men who think of themselves as protectors resent looking like child minders."—ILANA Mercer, "ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals to Changing Their Diapers," March 3, 2017, Townhall.com.
    • "The female franchise has sissified and socialized our politics."—ILANA Mercer (February 14, 2016)
    • "It's always good to see gender set-asides and affirmative action—in particular, the delusion that women are just as qualified as men to be soldiers, security guards, firefighters and cops—hurt those who inflict it on non-believers."—ILANA Mercer (October 3, 2014)
    • On the Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., decision: "Settle down 'ladies.' You'll get your free IUDs and morning-after-pills, if not from your employer or the insurers—then from the increasingly desperate taxpayer (who, by now, might even consider paying for a spaying, too)."—ILANA Mercer (July 4, 2014)
    • "Ludwig von Mises referred to Ayn Rand as 'the most courageous man in America.' If that doesn't say it all about the economist's man-centric frame of reference, I don't know what does."—ILANA Mercer (March 28, 2014)
    • "In aggregate, women pose a threat to scarce resources. One has only to trace the statistically significant 'growth of government during this century as a result of giving women the right to vote'—to grasp the severity of this threat."—ILANA Mercer (March 28, 2014)
    • "The proposition that economist Ludwig von Mises was a feminist is an apodictic impossibility"—ILANA Mercer (March 28, 2014)
    • "So Mike Tyson slapped a woman. Who hasn’t felt like doing that!"—ILANA Mercer (December 15, 2013)
    • "Newtown shooter Adam Lanza was a product of a freewheeling, fatherless household. The tele-experts have been mum about a mother who was weak and ineffectual. Nancy Lanza was filled with fear. She used a menacing gun collection to overcompensate for her parental inadequacies. A strong, caring male might have taught the troubled Lanza to handle firearms responsibly; might have helped diffuse the lad's rage. A manifestly weak woman playing at make-believe manhood only added fuel to that fire."—ILANA Mercer (May 3, 2013)
    • "The 2012 Democratic National Convention had the feel of a 'Vagina Monologues' revival. With exceptions. The weepy women dominating the event prove that Democratic distaff has come a long way since Eve Ensler's troupe took to the stage to pan priapus. No longer content to converse with an orifice in the confines of the theatre, these women want to force the conversation on the entire country, in dissembling, devious ways."—ILANA Mercer (August 7, 2012)
    • "A Swiftian suggestion: Go ape on affirmative action in the Secret Service. Not only should women and minorities be well-represented among the parasites' security details; but they should be overrepresented. Adjust admission tests, physical and cognitive. Make the Police Officer Selection Test (POST) easier. Or admit the desired gender and race with still lower scores. Drop the IQ requirements by two standard deviations, if necessary! And a bull's eye on the target be damned. Sharpshooters of the new, 'improved' intake needn't drop an attacker; they can settle for grazing him. Aiming the firearm in the general direction of the assailant will suffice. ALSO, support the super obese for the Secret Service too. Smother D.C. sons-of-guns in mountains of protective flesh, female, male or other. That's my Modest Proposal."—ILANA "Men in authority are now a threatened minority."—ILANA Mercer (May 11, 2012)
    • "As sincere as she is in her conviction that a woman's 'reproductive rights' are the responsibility of other taxpayers, Sandra Fluke is no statistical fluke. Sisters love Uncle Sam."—ILANA Mercer
    • "Men in authority are now a threatened minority."—ILANA Mercer (March, 9, 2012)
    • The underlying truth of the very public, Sandra Fluke-Rush Limbaugh tiff remains this: On the whole, extending the franchise to females was in furtherance of egalitarianism, not freedom."—ILANA Mercer (March, 9, 2012)
    • "From gender neutrality, the military has moved into the even Braver New World of gender fluidity."—ILANA Mercer, "An X-Rated Conversation about LGBTQ & XX In The Military," August 1, 2017
    • "LGBTQ in the military isn't about enhancing a fighting force, it's about introducing another state-driven reformation program. Egalitarian access here aims, inadvertently (as always), to grow an arm of government and, at the same time, 're-educate' the country."—ILANA Mercer, "An X-Rated Conversation about LGBTQ & XX In The Military," August 1, 2017
    • Lettermen/Palin: "Dull meets Dumb in a veritable storm in a C-cup."—ILANA Mercer (June 13, 2009)
    • "'You Go Girl!,' the bimbo battle cry."—ILANA Mercer (February 18, 2008)
    • Girl Talk: “And he was like, ‘come here’; and I was like, ‘No’; and he was like, ‘You’re amazing’; and I was like, ‘I know.’”—ILANA Mercer (February 13, 2008)
    • "Feminists once aimed to unseat men, now they are actively engaged in queering them."—ILANA Mercer (July 14, 2006)
    • "Only women can cause traffic jams with supermarket trolleys."—ILANA Mercer (February 13, 2008)
    • "Vagina monologues or uterus prattle—feminists believe that as long as their insides are being discussed, humanity’s progress is guaranteed."—ILANA Mercer (July 14, 2006)
    • The Vagina Monologues: "the soliloquies from down under."—ILANAMercer (May 25, 2000)
    • On the author of the Vagina Monologues: "In an orifice, I suggest, women like Ms. Ensler have found a suitable interlocutor."—ILANA Mercer (May 25, 2000)
    • "I’d give up my vote if that would guarantee that all women were denied the vote."—ILANA Mercer  (August 8, 2007)
    • "Is it at all possible that the feminization of society over the past 20 to 30 years is changing males, body and mind? Could the subliminal stress involved in sublimating one’s essential nature be producing less manly men?"—ILANA Mercer (November 2, 2006)
    • "The admixture in so many American men of maniacal, missionary militarism and humbug humanitarianism follows decades of emasculation—legal and cultural—at home."—ILANA Mercer (March 9, 2005)
    • “Feminism has aimed to make man over in the image of woman (a caricature of woman), and woman in the image of man."—ILANA Mercer (Everyman: A Men’s Journal, April-June 2005)
    • "By deconstructing what it means to be a woman and a man respectively, feminism has helped immeasurably to coarsen the culture."—ILANA Mercer (Everyman: A Men’s Journal, April-June 2005)
    • Few things are uglier than the 'Girls Gone Wild' of North America—promiscuous, sexually aggressive, but never sensuous; loud, and Nietzschean in their unjustified self-adulation. Feminism has helped sunder softness, femininity, romance, and has thus been an uncivilizing force.”—ILANA Mercer (Everyman: A Men’s Journal, April-June 2005)
    • Does suppressed manhood in America result in rampant militarism abroad?—ILANA Mercer (March 9, 2005)
    • "Today’s metrosexuals malign manliness. To the hip, heroism is 'so yesterday.'”—ILANA (March 16, 2007)
    • "What impact will a steep decline in the demand for applied scientists have on the position of men in a society already tending toward misandry?"—ILANA Mercer, "'EXPORTING' HIGH-TECH JOBS: PART I," December 12, 2003
  • Foreign Policy

    • GAZA: The paleolibertarian’s fidelity is to natural-law principles anchored in thinking as ancient and as true as Cicero’s. The foreign policy of the conservative hard right is largely a reductive, national-interest-focused statism. By virtue of its crass pragmatism, the national-interest camp only ever debates whether the U.S. government or Israel should or shouldn’t act on their divine rights as judge, jury and executioner. It is never over what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s plain wicked."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "With regard to the historic retrospective on the American-enabled genocide in Gaza—you know, when the agile liars who monopolize the discourse plead their case—if you have been silent so far—or, enveloped by the warm smell of a growing herd are conveniently piping up eight months into the sacking of Gaza—you must not be forgiven."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "When Americans reflect on history’s tragedies and travesties, they habitually extol the virtue of Pax Americana, but never the horrors of it. Having shaped the annals of the past, regime historians, naturally, speak a great deal about Hitler, but hardly at all about Hiroshima."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "American foreign policy is a museum of horrors in which Gaza 2023/2024 is the main exhibit. It is my conviction that Gaza is much more than just one more American foreign-policy failure, an event and topic to swill around like mouth wash, spit out and move on, once the usual 'tsk, tsk' bromides have been disgorged. Uncle Sam’s usual deathly mixture of ignorance, cruelty and superiority has been exceeded with respect to Gaza. It is my belief that the United States’ open, even-energetic support for genocide is a defining event in the annals of American foreign-policy aberrations."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "By dint of undertaking the role of IDF deputy in advancing genocide in Gaza—the United States has crossed a threshold. In Gaza, Uncle Sam has finally achieved an official or formal inversion of all cherished, universal values. It has earned the 'Great Satan' appellation it was once awarded."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "On the scale of national crimes and misdemeanors, Gaza is simply indefensible. And America's young sense this and are incensed by it. I am buoyed by the campus protests and wish the kids Godspeed. The Kids might just deliver Gaza from the Great and Little Satan alike."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024

    • GAZA: "This is not a Whodunit. The serial killers are known to us, are friends of ours, are supported by us."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Empowered by Empire, Israeli serial killers are not on-the-lam, running from the Law. They are free to come-and-go, to travel, to hobnob; at liberty to enjoy undeserved freedoms, as their innocent victims are confined, held captive, catacombed, awaiting death by one or another diabolical means. In fact, the serial killers of the Palestinians of Gaza are proudly paraded as freedom fighters in their country of Israel, and are backed and exculpated by the powerful in our own country, the United States of America."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Such is the moral turpitude of the Israel Über Alles crowd—Jewish and gentile, stateside and abroad—that they appear incapable of distinguishing evidence from assertion, and facts from feel-good fiction; they can’t tell right from wrong."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "If Israeli society is sick; then so are its cobelligerent backers and boosters."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israelis now flouts the Sixth Commandment with ugly audacity. They appear to believe that their sectarian supremacy transcends the universal moral order to which international law, the natural law and the Decalogue give expression."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Were the International Court of Justice an effective and just organization it would have issued, not temporary ceasefires, but some sort of binding cease and desist order, some manner of restraining order, if you will, instructing the Israel Defense Forces to stop its depredations."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Four conditions of genocide fulfilled; not one law of war obeyed. In the course of its genocidal campaign; Israel has violated every law of war, codified in Customary International Humanitarian Law."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "In the end, Bibi Netanyahu (Likud) and ostensible rival Benny Gantz (National Unity Party), who both officiate in their country’s War Cabinet, are philosophically one, inseparable, spherical Gluteus Maximus."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "What if America were the Good Guy? Gaza is a desert of the dead and the dying. Let the American Super Power ride to the rescue."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Commensurate with Israel’s outrageous excesses, the crazed riffs coming out of Israeli heads—by letting the blood of Palestinian civilians for six months, and showing no intention of letting up—Israel has established itself as a war criminal."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israel’s contempt for the United States is complete."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Inarguably, the case against Israel’s murder spree in Gaza is ethically quite simple. It is NOT within the realm of opinion. It is immutable, eternal truth. Like the laws of logic, right and wrong are universal, not relative. There are no special tribal privilege clauses—Jews, like gentiles, are prohibited from mass murder. 'Thou shalt not murder' (you can 'kill,' but you cannot murder—read about the Biblical difference in this essay) is neither opinion, nor is it optional. That’s why the Sixth Commandment is called a … commandment. It isn't optional. Saint Augustine’s Just War Theory, while imperfect, is closer to truth than opinion. Natural law going back to the ancients and derived from deductive reason and the nature of man: not opinion. What Israel has visited on Gazans and their small enclave is irreparable, orgiastic mass murder and ethnic cleansing.”—ILANA MERCER, January 14, 2024
    • GAZA: "For one thing, he who offends against innocents is responsible for his offenses; not a third party. For another, and as I hope we have established here before, whether it is committed by decree of the one or by the will of the many; by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’—murder of innocents is always murder. Murder by 'democratic' approval is also still murder, however many approve of it. At the same time, mass murder is never 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable and incidental to your 'mission.'”—ILANA MERCER, Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In,” January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "Look at Gaza. It’s a moonscape. What are your lying eyes telling you, to use Richard Pryor’s wry phrase for he who has been caught in flagrante delicto? As they were turning Gaza into Dresden on TV, before our very eyes, Israel’s quicksilver state propagandists were also telling us, their American funders, that 'this is not happening.' Who are you going to believe? Democratic Israel, or your ‘lying eyes’? I believe my 'lying eyes,' thank you very much. Those 'lying eyes' speak to the scale of Israel’s depredations against Gazans. ”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The broad and short of it is that, no reparations can fix the irreparable Gaza, although these are owed.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The Israel of my formative years was no Eden before the Fall, but it was not a terrorist state. Jewish supremacism, like the American exceptionalism driving the United States’ foreign policy, breeds barbarism.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "In their recent military campaigns, America and Israel have waged what to the inexpert, keen observer is largely old-fashioned, Third-Generation Warfare—a blitzkrieg, by any other name, against civilian populations. Yet when military mavens predicted and depicted the next form of warfare; it was the contours Fourth-Generation Warfare that they were tracing. Fourth-Generation Warfare was to be the distinguishing characteristic of the modern military. Fourth-Generation war was meant to be smart; to see Mind dominate and direct materiel. What is underway in Gaza, at 2023’s end, however, is the very opposite. I see madness for what it is.”—ILANA Mercer, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority," December 4, 2023
    • Gaza: "To refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans—also the defining event of 2023 and the decade, twinned with COVID—is to be inhuman, insane, incoherent. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in such contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane.”—ILANA Mercer, December 9, 2023, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority"
    • GAZA: "You can’t gussy up what’s going on in Gaza.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Netanyahu May Find Himself In the Dock, In The Hague," November 14, 2023
    • GAZA: "It’s simple: If you know in advance that your actions will cause the deaths of thousands-upon-thousands of civilians; attached to your criminal actions (actus reus) is a guilty mind (mens rea), which means malice aforethought, also known as intent, in Western jurisprudence and judicial philosophy.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "The razing and ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Benjmain Netanyahu, abetted by Joe Biden and his Uniparty accomplices, in the course of which tens of thousands civilians are dying: This is murder with malice aforethought, a concept that includes 'deaths resulting from actions that display a depraved indifference to life.' Further depraved indifference to life was Israel’s throttling of supplies of water, food and power to the millions of aid-dependent Gazans, as Israel knows full-well this will imperil civilians indirectly.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

    • GAZA: "Murder with majority approval is still murder, whomever the perpetrator. Whether it is committed by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’; by the decree of the one or by the will of the many—murder of innocents is still murder."—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023
    • UKRAINE: "As a longtime critic of American foreign policy, my sympathies here are firmly on the Russian side. However, reasons for war are not the same as justification for war. A war of aggression is seldom justified.  Putin’s war in Ukraine is a war for which there are plenty reasons, all of them vindicating Russia (although such a statement must be qualified by saying that reasons for war are not the same as justification for war. A war of aggression is seldom justified."ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
    • “'Win or die, dummies' is what Ukrainians are being instructed by the US UniParty, its NATO marionettes and their leader Zelensky, who is protected by the above forces. The 'win or die' policy imperialism, vis-à-vis Ukraine. The depravity—the immorality—of Ukraine's American-decreed destiny is that, the United States, via its NATO front, has used Ukraine, mercilessly dangling NATO membership before this poor people, to attempt to dislodge Vladimir Putin."ILANA Mercer,"Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered Options", August 10, 2023.
    • "By America’s prescriptions, Russia should be a woke, minority white, multicultural sewer, awash with MeToo, BLM, and ANTIFA sensibilities."ILANA Mercer,"Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered Options", August 10, 2023.
    • "While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, and little effective resistance to COVID-related usurpations; the ostensibly 'sane' wing of the GOP is ready with an alternative war: China."ILANA Mercer, "Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords," March 10, 2023
    • "The Vandals and Huns, the Goths and Visigoths are here to stay by invitation of the American treason class."ILANA Mercer, “Steamrolled By The Abrams: Republican Cretins Swallow Classified-Doc Bait,
    • Ukraine: "A kept man, his flesh softer than sin under the khaki costume, Zelensky has no incentive to quit his shabbily self-serving 'heroics,' now that the world’s greatest deliberative body has authorized billions for his upkeep and that of his country for posterity, in sickness and in health."ILANA Mercer, "The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky’s Self-Serving ‘Heroics’ & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Means," December 22, 2022
    • Ukraine: "Countries that wish to remain neutral on Ukraine find themselves in a political pickle. For just as corporate America cancels citizens it deems too reactionary; the American State can, and will, cancel entire countries."ILANA Mercer, "U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient, Civilizing Concept Of Neutrality," April 7, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "Unless Russia is made over in the cloying, sloganeering, self-righteously woke image of America—it will not be allowed to stand. Not in its current iteration. That’s the message transmitted by the Biden Administration, echoed by the Republican Party."ILANA Mercer, "U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient, Civilizing Concept Of Neutrality," April 7, 2022
    • Ukraine: "Zelensky is America’s perfect, prototype Jacobin puppet, beloved by both political factions, because he is the creation of the foreign policy of the UniParty."ILANA Mercer, "It’s Biblical, Zelensky: A Leader Who Fails To Haggle For The Lives Of His People Has Failed," March 24, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "Zelensky ought to have shown Putin respect and negotiated an agreement with him, one that would have appeased Russia with respect to Ukraine’s outsized, idiotic NATO and EU aspirations. Promise the Russians 'a non-aligned, neutral Ukraine,' is how Colonel Doug McGregor put it. What I call realpolitik, political scientist John Mearsheimer terms “great-power politics."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "If Russia had American privileges, namely the right to invade sovereign countries while retaining its virtue; the biowarfare laboratories located in Ukraine—copped to by Victoria Nuland, one of the American architects of the February 2014 coup in Ukraine—would have served as casus belli (provocation) for war."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "Contrary to proclamations, it is not a moral foreign policy that America practices but a moralistic, 'angels-and-demons Disneyfied' foreign policy. Be like us or we’ll destroy you!"—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "Realpolitik is practical politics, the art of getting along, differences and all, in a real world in which reality, including the differences between people and their political systems, is accepted and dealt with."—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: Instead of realpolitik, Zelensky adopted America’s moralistic, impolitic, uppity manners. It took a war to get Zelensky to the negotiating table with Putin, where he ought to have been from the start."—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "Having sat out the ‘67 and ‘73 wars in Israeli bomb shelters—I still remember what old-school diplomacy and statesmanship—realpolitik—sounded like. Diplomatic tools like substantive talks, a cease-fire, and an agreement between warring sides, however, have been absent from the repertoire of the two tools, Presidents Biden and Zelensky. Good old realpolitik is what Zelensky should have been practicing with his powerful neighbors and historic brethren, the Russians."—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "This is precisely what President Joe Biden should be shamed into doing now: talk to Putin; thrash out a cease-fire, ASAP; haggle for the lives of the population under siege because led by imbeciles."—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "The U.S. has remained wedded to an ever-accreting, ever-inclusive, open-door, liberal vision of NATO membership. What for? Cui bono?"—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "If Putin belongs in the Hague’s International Court of Justice, so do Genghis Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice and their countless culprits. Colin Powell is already in the Hadean afterworld for his role in the invasion of Iraq."—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • "Since Baksheesh (bribery) is in the political bone marrow of Afghanistan; American money and profligate spending habits only fed this proclivity for pelf and strengthened feudal fiefdoms and warlords."—ILANA Mercer, "No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,"  Sep 16, 2021.
    • "Tribal Afghanistan is thoroughly decentralized, always has been. Our indisputably brave soldiers had been ordered to, at once, woo and war against a primitive Pashtun population that disdained the central government we were dead set on strengthening."—ILANA Mercer, "No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,"  Sep 16, 2021.
    • "Afghans simply have more of an affinity for the Taliban than for the Wilsonians who were attempting to westernize them."—ILANA Mercer, "No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,"  Sep 16, 2021.
    • "All we hear from the neocon Rambo Rescuers of Fox News is of the urgency of bringing these 'Afghan allies' to America. Fox News celebrity anchors and their tough-talking guests continue to trip over one another to talk up the wonders of our Afghan allies and the legions of Afghan Americans who have American citizenship, but happen to hang out a lot in Afghanistan. It’s a terrible affront, they all say, that America has failed to lift them all to safety. Between the Republicans and the Democrats, there isn't a country in the world whose countrymen would not be targets for resettlement in America."—ILANA Mercer, "Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys," Sep 9, 2021.
    • "Although funded by Americans, the US military’s allegiances are global and humanitarian. Our soldiers are trained to be ‘a global force for good.’ That’s their mindset. And that, in 2009, was the actual recruiting motto for the U.S. Navy, for a short while."—ILANA Mercer, "Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys," Sep 9, 2021.
    • "There is so much unutterable suffering in the US.  The bravado of the typical, tough-talking military man, gushing over—and rushing to—Afghanistan not only doesn't impress me much, but it turns the stomach."—ILANA Mercer, "Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys," Sep 9, 2021.
    • "Truth be told, I’m deeply repulsed by legions of Americans, ex-soldiers and other sentimental sniveling wrecks, rushing to bring Afghanistan to the United States. I’m a South-African American. Who’s rescuing the people I love and left in South Africa? We South-African Americans never think to demand it, although Afghan-Americans stridently do."—ILANA Mercer, "Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys," Sep 9, 2021.
    • "The State Department doesn’t know Shiite from Shinola."—ILANA Mercer, "Afghanistan: Bringing The Military-Industrial Complex Home," August 26, 2021.
    • "After Afghanistan, we can all agree that American foreign policy is an angels-and-demons Disney production—starring the prototypical evil dictators killing their noble people, until the US rides to the rescue—and that the producers at Foggy Bottom don’t have the foggiest idea what they are doing."—ILANA Mercer, "Afghanistan: Bringing The Military-Industrial Complex Home," August 26, 2021.
    • "The disregard a country’s policy makers evince for the fellow-feelings stirred among countrymen by a common faith and customs—secular and sacred—is invariably reflected in its foreign policy."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!", March 25, 2021. (Originally, in Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons From America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, 2011.)
    • "American foreign policy has been informed less by what Samuel P. Huntington termed civilizational consciousness, than by the idea of the propositional nation. America, to her governing neoconservative and left-liberal elites, is not a nation but a notion, a community of disparate peoples coalescing around an abstract, highly manipulable, state-sanctioned ideology. Democracy, for one."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!", March 25, 2021. (Originally, in Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons From America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, 2011.)
    • "As America sinks into the quicksands of Cultural Marxism, Putin’s inclinations have become decidedly reactionary and traditionalist."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!", March 25, 2021.
    • "Does the U.S. government’s might give it the right to be universal judge, jury and executioner, deciding who may live and who must die the world over?"—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "Based on the erroneous prior-restraint reasoning, and our putative, divine American rights as judge, jury and executioner—we could confine all Saudi-Arabian Sunnis to camps, for the purpose of 'reeducation.' It’s what China is doing to its Muslim minority. Preposterous!"—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "The debate is only ever over whether the U.S. government should or shouldn’t act on its divine rights as transnational judge, jury and executioner, never over what’s right and what’s wrong. Stateside, the only inquiry permissible is a cost-benefit calculus. Will the assassination of Soleimani, a military official of a sovereign state, and an avid and effective slayer of Islamic State terrorists—pay strategic dividends for America in the long run? This is crass pragmatism bereft of principle."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "The U.S. government bestrides the globe, arming and training foreign troops all over it. Unlike America’s proxy militias, Iranian proxy militia operate in the region."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • “'Soleimani deserved to die,' an atavistic bit of jingoism, made by Republicans and Democrats alike, on Fox News and on CNN—it holds true only if you believe that the U.S. government is the keeper of the flame of an immutably just, universal code of law, which it is deputized to uphold, wherever it takes-up residence."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "American Special Operations forces and their command encroach on the Iranian neighborhood much more so than Iranians and their special force command encroach on American territory, unless you consider the Middle East to be American turf.  The crucial difference between Iran’s Quds Force and America’s Special Operations forces (SOF) is that the former is regional, the latter global."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "Today's America lectures and hectors the world about invading Arab leaders for 'killing their own people.' What did the sixteenth American president do if not kill his own people?”—ILANA Mercer, "Lincoln or Lee? What Would Hitler Say?" The Unz Review, August 28, 2017.
    • "Our bickering wards in the Middle-East aren't about to forget their religious jealousies and join forces, certainly not under American guardianship. The conflicts are regional, tribal, ancient. They're impervious to outside, top-down intervention."—ILANA, "Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria," American Thinker, July 22, 2017.
    • "America's foreign police is Disneyfied production, starring, invariably, an evil dictator who was killing his noble people, until, high on paternalism, America rode to the rescue."—ILANA, "Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria," Townhall.com, July 23, 2017.
    • "When you're the most powerful entity in the world, as the US government certainly is—the only government to have dropped nuclear bombs on civilian populations ('good' bombs, because dropped by the US)—you get to manufacture your own parallel universe with its unique rules of evidence and standards of proof. What's more, as the mightiest rule-maker, you can coerce other earthlings into 'sharing' your alternate reality. Or else."—ILANA Mercer, "Beware The Atavistic Dynamics Undergirding Two American Wars," The Ludwig von Mises Centre For Property and Freedom, June 21, 2017.
    • "Evidently, victims of liberal interventionism and neoconservative global democratic crusades think putting Americans first is a wildly sophisticated idea."—ILANA (April 29, 2016)
    • "Ever ask yourself why so many northern and sub-Saharan Africans flocked to Libya? As bad as it was before the West targeted it for 'reform'—and thus paved the way for the daily privations of the Islamic State—Libya was still one of the mercantile meccas in this blighted and benighted region."—ILANA (April 24, 2015)
    • "Leave ISIS to Syria, Tehran and Tel Aviv. Let the locals take out their trash."—ILANA (September 12, 2014)
    • "He who saves you from war is better than he who sends you to war. The proof is in the Putin."—ILANA (September 14, 2013)
    • "More than anyone, who benefits when America goes to war? Those who 'function within the nimbus of great power' in D.C. and around it—the media-military-congressional-industrial complex."—ILANA (September 17, 2013)
    • "Distinguish we must between the right of the people the world over to be free and our obligation to free them. We have a solemn [negative] duty not to violate the rights of foreigners everywhere to life, liberty and property. But we have no duty to uphold their rights. Why? Because the ostensible upholding of the negative rights of the world's citizens involves compromising the negative liberties of Americans—our lives, our liberties and our livelihoods. A just government’s duty is to its own citizens first."—ILANA (September 6, 2013)
    • "To expect someone like UN Ambassador Samantha Power to care about her homies first is a lot like expecting Angelina Jolie to adopt a poor white baby."—ILANA (June 7, 2013)
    • "To a boy from a Muslim culture, America's man-in-chief has to represent a mass of contradictions. This president and those before him lead the lavish and licentious lifestyle of an emperor. This as they bomb and obliterate other people from afar. Hardly honorable, much less manly."—ILANA (May 3, 2013)
    • "In practical terms, what Benghazi-gate will mean is that America's dwindling tax-base will fork out for Green-Zone fortresses everywhere, rather than divest from democratizing the word."—ILANA (November 2, 2012)
    • "Benghazi-gate is unremarkable in the grand scheme of American politics. The Dems and Republicans are clashing here not over principles but over procedural mishaps. Namely, what happened? How did it happen? Who covered it up? And, above all, how do we return to doing what we did before IT happened. 'IT' being the Sept. 11 attack on the embassy in Libya that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and 'three other,' mostly faceless Americans dead."—ILANA (November 2, 2012)
    • "The question is, Why are we Americans rooting for the Sunnis of the Middle East? And the answer: America doesn’t know Shia from Shinola."—ILANA (June 15, 2012).
    • On the Sino-Russian alliance's support for a peace accord Syria: "A just course of action is a just course of action irrespective of the actor."—ILANA (March 23, 2012)
    • In Syria, we witnessed "a successful attempt by the Russians at replacing bully power with a balance of power."—ILANA Mercer, "Putin Saves Us From Ourselves," WorldNetDaily.com, March 23, 2012.
    • A bully's universe: US foreign policy operates upon the premise that American men and matériel should be capable of reaching and controlling all corners of the world."—ILANA (March 23, 2012)
    • Quran burning: "The dilemma over an apology is only the froth on the top. It is the elephantine character of American entanglement in Afghanistan that underpins the fury."—ILANA (March 2, 2012)
    • "The more menacing and hyper-masculine America's military, the less likely it is to be deployed and used injudiciously by its political masters. For who would want to risk unleashing a feral fighting force, unless absolutely essential? Mold the military into a friendly purveyor of soft power that fits with a social-engineering agenda—nation building—and you are guaranteed that cynical, unethical master manipulators will continue to use and abuse it.”—ILANA (March 2, 2012)
    • "It's okay to kill 'em, but it's not okay to pee on them once they're dead. This sums up the piss-poor discussion over the LiveLeak clips of 'four United States Marines urinating on three dead Taliban fighters.'”—ILANA (January 20, 2012)
    • "Purple" in Iraq, Blue in Kuwait, Cotton in Uzbekistan, Grape in Moldova, "Orange" in the Ukraine, "Rose" in Georgia, "Tulip" in Kyrgizstan, "Cedar" in Lebanon, Jasmine in Tunisia, Green in Iran, still un-christened in Russia and Syria: Dig around and you'll find LaHood à la Alinsky activists behind these "color-coded," plant-based revolutions, blessed and backed by baby Bush and his non-identical, evil ideological twin, Barack Obama.”—ILANA (February 10, 2012)
    • “Libya is a war of the womb. A product of the romantic minds of women — Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice — who fantasize about an Arab awakening. It is estrogen-driven paternalism on steroids.”—ILANA (April 8, 2011)
    • "Real or not, the possibility that the vote in Iran is the product of widespread fraud is simply none of the United States’ business. In case the advocates of a muscular response have failed to notice, we’re pinned down like butterflies by our own tyrants."—ILANA (June 19, 2009)
    • "Democracy was not sprung as Athena was from her father’s head."—ILANA (July 18, 2008)
    • "Electability in fin de siècle America hinges on projecting strength around the world—an American leader has to aspire to protect borders and people not his own. In other words, Obama needs a war he can call his own. In Afghanistan, Obama has found such a war."—ILANA (July 18, 2008)
    • "As Obama sets forth strategically to ingratiate the conflict in Afghanistan on his constituents—all in order to flaunt his fitness for the office—remember: This war too must end."—ILANA (July 18, 2008)
    • "Maybe Musharraf should have kept Bhutto under house arrest for her own good—and for the sake of the many bystanders.”—ILANA (January 4, 2008)
    • "About the futility of central planning: Societies are built from the soil up, not from the sky down. And by the people, not the pols.”—ILANA (January 4, 2008)
    • "Our adventurous foreign policy might be a necessary condition for Muslim aggression but it is far from a sufficient one."—ILANA (July 19, 2005)
    • "American interests in the Middle East are not to be conflated with Israeli interests. The fact that Bush should be speaking to Bashar doesn’t necessarily imply Israel ought to do the same."—ILANA Mercer, "Thank You, Nancy Pelosi," April 6, 2007
    • "That diplomacy can be presented as dangerous is a credit to the Bush administration’s success in inoculating the American public against civilized, rational conduct in international affairs. The Constitution is the other spot of bother the administration has helped obliterate from the American collective conscience."—ILANA Mercer, "Thank You, Nancy Pelosi," April 6, 2007
    • "Patriots for a sane American foreign policy ought to encourage all America’s friends, Israel included, to push back and do what is in their national interest, not ours."—ILANA (April 6, 2007)
    • "Those of us who want the U.S. to stay solvent—and out of the affairs of others—recognize that sovereign nation-states that resist, not enable, our imperial impulses, are the best hindrance to hegemonic overreach."—ILANA (April 6, 2007)
    • "A real conservative would never graft democratic institutions onto a society in which adversaries have always assassinated—not outpolled—one another."—ILANA (October 6, 2006)
    • “‘Philanthropic’ wars are transfer programs—the quintessential big-government projects. The perpetually profligate Bush should quit pretending he’s an apostle of smaller government.”—ILANA (October 6, 2006)
    • “A Katrina Question: Hey, what do Americans have to do to get their army reservists to bat, not for Baghdad, but for the homies and the homeland? Climb on their rooftops and yelp for help?”—ILANA (August 30, 2005)
    • "So long as it's voluntary and doesn't involve The Rack … unleashing an army of missionaries on the Islamic patrimony would be far more efficacious than the military offensives currently underway."—ILANA (February 23, 2005)
    • "Healthy patriotism is associated with robust particularism – petty provincialism, if you like – and certainly not with the deracinated globalism exhibited by our GI Joes and Janes."—ILANA (March 9, 2005)
  • Free Will And Speech

    • GAZA: "On the scale of national crimes and misdemeanors, Gaza is simply indefensible. And our young sense this and are incensed by it."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "In America, free speech refers to the words people shout, write, tweet; the beliefs they are known to hold, the flags they fly or burn, the symbolic, non-violent ceremonies and rituals they enact, the insignia, paraphernalia, even the goose-stepping and Hitler salutes they muck around with—all this is protected speech in our country. Genocide backers, stateside and abroad, may not like it; but this speech is both constitutional and licit in natural law."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Speech, performed alone or in groups; thoughts harbored or shared in public—so long as no violence accompanies any and all speech oddities and idiosyncrasies—so long as mitts stop at the next man’s face (or at the next mutt’s fury face, Kristi Noem); it’s all speech. It should be free, unfettered and as wild and as wanton as can be."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Provided protesters are not engaged in acts of violence against others—then the words they emit are irrelevant. Antipathy to Jews qua Jews, if expressed—for which, so far, there is only fabricated evidence—amounts to a thought 'crime.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Thought crimes are the prerogative of a free people in a free country. Americans, left and right, must join libertarians in unapologetically rejecting the very idea of policing, purging, persecuting or prosecuting people for holding or expressing politically unpopular ideas."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
      • "What we observe in the political landscape is a function and a reflection of human nature, acting in aggregate. Over and above the idea that we get the government that we deserve is the devastating reality that this government doesn’t stand apart from us. It is us."ILANA Mercer, "2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You," May 26, 2022.
      • In 1978, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ‘took a controversial stand for free speech by defending a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie, where many Holocaust survivors lived.' As a free-speech absolutist, a term Elon Musk has revived, I long for the return of what I shall term here the Skokie Standard of free speech and thinking."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "Let us be clear on what free speech truly is. The words people speak, write, tweet; the beliefs they are known to hold, the flags they fly, the symbolic, non-violent ceremonies and rituals they enact, the insignia, paraphernalia, the goose-stepping, Hitler salutes they dick around with—all that is protected speech, licit in natural law."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "So long as these oddities and idiosyncrasies, whether performed alone or in groups, thoughts harbored or shared in public—so long as no violence accompanies such speech or behavior (prohibited here is violence visited on animals as well); so long as mitts stop at the next man’s face: SPEECH. It’s all speech. It should be free, unfettered and as wild and as wanton as it can be."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "Spoken, written, preached: Impolite and impolitic thoughts are nothing more than thought crimes which ought to be ferociously protected by a free people. By logical extension, any accusations of Naziism—if leveled at a belief system, rather than at palpable violent actions—is suspect."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "Thoughts and words spoken or written that are not politically polite—for example, racism; Naziism—ought to retain protected status as speech beyond the adjudication of law-makers, bureaucrats, mediacrats, educrats and technocrats."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "In the current climate, I had suggested—and considering the inherently paranoid style of American politics—it’s worth contemplating special protections for politically impolite, racist speech."—ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
      • "If America’s so free and fair, why is Julian Assange, innocent in natural law, so terrified of being extradited to the USA? And why must journalist Glenn Greenwald live abroad, after heroically helping whistleblower Edward Snowden, now safely ensconced in Russia? American heroes living abroad for fear of the American Security State? Time perhaps to shut up about China?"—ILANA Mercer, "Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’", December 23, 2021.
      • "All you and I really deserve, as innocent, law-abiding individuals, is to have unfettered access to social-media’s irreplaceable public square–to Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, PayPal and other banking facilities–without being singled out for excommunication absent a crime. What are we, social lepers?"—ILANA Mercer, "Big Tech’s Financial Terrorism And Social Excommunication (Part 1: The Problem)," August 5, 2021.
      • "In their weak case against Deep Tech, Republicans are still defending only some speech on the merits, rather than all speech, no matter how meritless."—ILANA Mercer, "Big Tech’s Financial Terrorism And Social Excommunication (Part 1: The Problem)," August 5, 2021.
      • "Racism—systemic or other—remains nothing but thought crime: Impolite and impolitic thoughts, spoken, written or preached."—ILANA Mercer, "'Systemic Racism' Or Systemic Rubbish?" August 6, 2020.
      • "By Candace Owens’ consistent line of argument on Mr. Carlson's TV slot, the Democrats made some Africa-Americans simulate coitus and engage in an orgiastic celebration of murder and mayhem around the vans of the emergency medical technicians. In all, 'The Democrats made them riot and rut' argument is doo-doo. It doesn't fly, and it's pretty bad moral reductionism."—ILANA Mercer, "Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About 'Riot And Rut' Crowd," June 24, 2021
      • "Free people associate and dissociate at will."—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020
      • "Thought crimes are nobody’s business in free societies."—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020
      • "In free societies, the role of law enforcement agencies is to police corporeal crime—the kind that injures property and person. Thought crimes, when voiced, hurt only feelings.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
      • "To intellectually disembowel the Left, the Right must unapologetically reject the very idea of policing, purging and persecuting people for holding and expressing politically unpopular ideas.”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
      • "In the current climate—and considering the inherently paranoid style of American politics—it’s worth contemplating special protections for politically impolite, racist speech, to be offered by a loose association of employers in the private sector and across civil society.”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
      • "First-Amendment jurisprudence is just as clear-cut with respect to the great guerrilla journalism of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks operators have committed no crime in publishing what is undeniably true, newsworthy information. Antsy America has no jurisdiction over a foreign entity (WikiLeaks) and its proprietor (Julian Assange)."—ILANA Mercer, "Assange is Us," December 10, 2010.
      • "WikiLeaks' proprietor has martyred himself in the cause of truth. Without fear or favor, Julian Assange has exposed the workings of business and government alike, Republican and Democrat—from Facebook, Google and Yahoo's 'built-in interfaces for US intelligence,' to the clandestine wheeling-and-dealing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to the neoconservatives' war-crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan."—ILANA Mercer, "The Proof Is NOT IN The Putin," Dec 15, 2016.
      • "For the sins of man, hard leftists blame society, and hard-core libertarians saddle the state. 'The State made me do it' is how such social determinism can be summed-up."—ILANA (June 6, 2009)
      • "To say... that the state’s laws made masses of men and women commit ... crimes is to voice the philosophy of determinism, not individualism.”—ILANA (May 4, 2007)
      • “In the ‘progressive's’ universe, evil actions don't incriminate, they mitigate. Rather than signify a lack of moral fiber, the criminality of the darling buds of France—her raging Muslim youths— is said to be a symptom of inadequate freebies and fraternité.”—ILANA (November 11, 2005)
      • "The philosopher and distinguished psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said this of his experience in Auschwitz: 'In the camps one lost everything, except the last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.' You can see why liberals have always preferred Freud to Frankl. Liberals retain a totemic attachment to the Freudian idea that traumatic toilet training is destiny.”—ILANA (December 29, 2004)
      • “In every situation, no matter the constraints, one can exercise some free will, even if it’s only to decide how to respond to a hopeless predicament.”—ILANA (March 20, 2002)
  • Hillary

    • "Mrs. Clinton’s riches are not capitalism’s reward for hard work. Hillary has accrued wealth by using the predatory political process to wield power over others."—ILANA (June 13, 2014)
    • "Hillary's game is up because of Benghazi. In the fullness of time, I believe, it will transpire that the woman who cracks the whip at Foggy Bottom had decided to leave the U.S. embassy in Libya undefended. The open community center she was running there was meant to signal that the war on Libya, Hillary's special project, was a success."—ILANA (November 23, 2012)
    • "US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: the woman who came close to squatting on Gadhafi's corpse, in honor of her country's custom of peeing on its dead enemies."—ILANA (March 23, 2012)
    • "'We came, we saw, he died,' cackled Hillary Rodham Clinton. The gorgon who heads Caesar’s state department was gripped by a paroxysm of joy when a CBS News reporter informed her that Col. Muammar Gadhafi had been executed. The parting (or Parthian) shot from the film 'Midnight Express' best captures the crassness and cruelty of Hillary’s countenance: asking mercy from the merciless is 'like asking a bear to sh-t in a toilet.'"—ILANA (October 28, 2011)
    • "The war in Libya was Hilary’s special project. As in Greek mythology, it all began with three Gorgon sisters. Medusa’s posse included Samantha Power (special assistant to the president and member of his National Security Council), and UN Ambassador Susan Rice. The women devised the casus belli for this war, and cultivated the 'angels and demons' Disney production, which starred an evil dictator who was killing his noble people, and three amazon warriors, who—high on estrogen-driven paternalism—rode to the rescue."—ILANA (October 28, 2011)
    • "All the 'giving' Hussein and Hillary plan to do is extraconstitutional. Obama’s Manna From Heaven Healthcare Plan, and Hillary’s Cuba Care—these are not inalienable rights."—ILANA ("The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil," February 15, 2008)
    • “Her claim to the contrary notwithstanding, Hillary’s 'progressivism' is as American as Jalal Talabani is Jeffersonian..”—ILANA (July 26, 2006)
    • “Hillary Clinton's sole contribution to political philosophy is a so-far failed attempt to try and revive the North Korean, Cuban, and Soviet traditions of slavery—or socialism—in medicine.”—ILANA (October 6, 2004)
    • “The ‘Hildebeest’ is another believer … in the power of legislation to renew communities. ... Clearly, it takes a village idiot to think of government policy as a means to a Renaissance.”—ILANA (January 23, 2002)
  • Hollywood

    • "The power of the average pop artist and her products lies in the pornography that is her 'art,' in her hackneyed political posturing, and in the fantastic technology that is Auto-Tune (without which all the sound you'd hear these 'singers' emit would be a bedroom whisper)."—ILANA Mercer, "Harvey Sweinstein And Hollywood's Hos," The Daily Caller, October 20, 2017.
    • "Actors are a troupe that makes a living pretending to be something they're not. Professional poseurs, if you like. Granted, they're not parasites, like the politicians with whom they cavort. But Tinseltown is a left-liberal ideological collective. They march in thematic unison. That their cultural products have become artistically worthless could well be because activism has replaced acting, and sermons have supplanted stories and good scripts. Hollywood is a pretty, pea-brained community."—ILANA Mercer, "Thanks, POTUS, For Breaking-Up The Annual Correspondents’ Circle Jerk," The Daily Caller, May 8, 2017.
    • "The conservative-minded masochist comes to the cinema fully prepared to confront and forfeit his 'fascist' sympathies."—ILANA (April 13, 2012)
    • "Hollywood no longer offers entertainment. Instead, activism and abreaction have replaced acting, and sermons have supplanted stories. Instead of a good yarn, you get a yawn."—ILANA (July 6, 2007 & April 13, 2012)
    • On Hollywood and Africa: "If colonialism was our original sin; capitalism is our cardinal sin. Our voracious system of production, these do-gooders typically claim, is a zero-sum game. To wit, the standards of living we enjoy come at the expense of Africa's poor."—ILANA (June 10, 2007)
    • “Mel Gibson raged against the generic Jew of his belief system—the Illuminati who manipulate world affairs from the center of the earth and are responsible for unleashing Pokemon on children around the world.”—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
    • “It's hard to imagine Angelina Jolie tearing up over the systematic extermination of Boer Afrikaners by blacks. Or visiting an Israeli child who has survived a suicide bombing. I know she has hung out with the M.O.P.E (Most Oppressed People Ever aka the Palestinians). I guess some people just don't die as well as others.”—ILANA (June 23, 2006)
    • “Bono, a compassionate pickpocket, uses his undeserved celebrity to get Western heads of state to transfer funds not their own into corrupt African coffers. For his philanthropy-by-proxy, this shakedown artist was named Time's ‘Person of the Year.’”—ILANA (December 30, 2005)
    • "On That Timeless film, 'A Christmas Story'”: “This was boyhood before ‘bang-bang you’re dead’ was banned, family life prior to 'One Dad Two Dads Brown Dad Blue Dads,' and Christmas without the ACLU.”—ILANA (December 23, 2005)
    • "There is a lot to dislike about the self-aggrandizing Brangelina of Benetton. But where is Bollywood’s match for these giving, gullible, American do-gooders?"—ILANA (August 17, 2007)
  • Homosexuality & Sexuality

    • GAZA: "Bombastic without and barren within: The Israel Defense Forces collective might wear fatigues, but it does nothing to camouflage its libertine, licentious, sexually depraved, pornographic culture. The 'Most Moral Army in the World' had been operating an 'exclusive-content' 'channel to share the gruesome killing of Palestinians.' This IDF-run public war-porn channel, out of Israel, served up content in which murder was sauced-up or overlaid by sex talk. Such patterns of arousal—the commingling of serial killing and sex—are associated with psychopathy. The psychopathic fusion of lust and murder appears endemic among IDF soldiers"—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • "A woman's anatomy is potentially more fantastical than Ali Baba's cave."—ILANA Mercer, "On Trans-continental Stupidity & The Tit-For-Twat Sex Debate," April 12, 2023
    • "Bearded trans men chest-feeding: paternal or sexual?"—ILANA Mercer, "A Society Of Deviants Sanctions Onanism With An Infant," July 7, 2022.
    • "If it is not for the purpose of sustenance, then unsuccessful breastfeeding by a transgendered individual becomes merely an experience, even a production, in furtherance of that individual’s ego-bound gender- and sexual fulfillment."—ILANA Mercer, "A Society Of Deviants Sanctions Onanism With An Infant," July 7, 2022.
    • "Is a man-woman engaged in the 'natural' act of breastfeeding, or is this something far more sinister like a sexual experience? Is this not tantamount to titillating oneself, using the baby to get-off?"—ILANA Mercer, "A Society Of Deviants Sanctions Onanism With An Infant," July 7, 2022.
    • "When breast feeding is near-sexual, the baby is a prop. And a society of deviants is sanctioning onanism with an infant: A grown man here is likely using an infant to pleasure himself. An infant has no agency, hence onanism."—ILANA Mercer, "A Society Of Deviants Sanctions Onanism With An Infant," July 7, 2022.
    • "Demented, intersectional, social-injustice succubae overcrowd the Democratic Party and its media phalanx. The Democrats have only normalized and streamlined their dystopian operation. This is a party that stands for loosing robbers, rapists, killers and perverts on the land~ilana, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • Democrat females "have not a bad word to say about turning school children into the captive audience and playthings of perverts and ethnocidally antiwhite agitators, posing as educators."—ILANA Mercer "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "It has to be said:  The Democrats are dominated by demonic females who rage as though permanently on the rag."—ILANA Mercer "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "North-American parents treat their teenage girls as though they were celestial beings around which the world orbits. Verbalizing inappropriately and misguidedly, in my judgment, about sexuality as a facet of female self-actualization and self-determination is part of this parental profile. Devout or not, any parent who has such a demigod under construction is guilty of playing a preponderant role in the development of sexual deviance."—ILANA Mercer, "Higher Education Is A Hard Row To Ho," March 14, 2014
    • "Prosperity and penury do not turn on gyno-centric and gay matters."—ILANA (November 8, 2013)
    • In answer to the facile "Don't Ask Don't Tell" debate, here are my three "Rs":
      1. Remove ladies from the military.
      2. Restore the proverbial closet as a symbol of discretion, not oppression.
      3. Revive indiscriminate discretion.

      DADT will now apply to all military men, hets and homos alike."—ILANA (March 5, 2010)

    • "Gays have become colossal bores. Once interesting and iconoclastic, all they seem to crave nowadays is the State’s pension and seal of approval. They ought to go back to the days of the Stonewall Riots, when the police’s violations of privacy—and private property—were the object of their anger and activism."—ILANA (June 9, 2006)
    • “The closet, sadly, has come to signify oppression, rather than discretion.”—ILANA (August 14, 2002)
    • "Sex to [Ayn Rand] was an elevated union between two outsized personalities, united in values and life force; a savage yet spiritual act of conquest."—ILANA (July 9, 2004)
    • "Homosexuality is as innate as heterosexuality, but how one lives one's sexuality is a legitimate object for ethical judgment."—ILANA (July 9, 2004)
    • "The heroic and creative inner struggle of an older generation of Gay Greats, exemplified by the late Nobel Prize-winning novelist Patrick White, was Randian at its best: silent and stoic, principled yet private. White was a hero in the Greek tradition."—ILANA (July 9, 2004)
    • "If, in Ayn Rand’s magnificent words, 'civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy,' then sexual activism or exhibitionism—homo or hetero—is anathema."—ILANA (July 9, 2004)
    • "Sex is being reified; made an object, a fashionable accessory, a part of a healthy life-style, or the bulwark of some imaginary emancipation."—ILANA Mercer, "On Sexual Bombast And Bliss," May 25, 2000
    • Vagina Monologues: "The said enclave is not a 'mumbled about body part,' as Eve Ensler, the playwright responsible for these soliloquies from down under claims;  it is much revered. Men, it has been observed, struggle to emerge therefrom and spend the rest of their days trying to resubmerge therein, admittedly, a reality more filled with bathos than pathos."—ILANA Mercer, "On Sexual Bombast And Bliss," May 25, 2000

  • Immigration

    • "Here in America, death waylays us daily, due to treacherous state forces such as were seen in Israel on October 7. Except that the carnage stateside is a daily drip-drip of racially driven murders and maimings. These deaths Americans have been habituated to accept—for everywhere and always, institutionalized treason is aided by an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • "The carnage in our country results from the prying open of the borders and the jails; from a promiscuous legal immigration system that privileges the undeveloped underclasses, and from the inversion and nullification of the country’s laws, so that ordered liberty cannot be sustained.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • "Millions of invaders are invited in annually, to take up residence in a country in which they will be inculcated into a militant anti-white culture; taught to hate their hosts in the purplest of ways. The statist scandal has been underway for decades now."—ILANA MERCER, "The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky's Self-Serving 'Heroics' & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Means," December 22, 2022.
    • "Broadly speaking, anyone (other than white South Africans) can claim 'credible fear' at the US south-western border, and must, by law, be given safe passage. That, combined with family unification policies—one legal, third-world immigrant brings in a tribe—and birthright citizenship, a legal aberration not practiced by any serious country in the world, have made population replacement in the United States a fait accompli, a done deal."—ILANA MERCER, "The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky's Self-Serving 'Heroics' & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Means," December 22, 2022.
    • Indisposed to idle optimism, I refuse to dish anything but reality about the future of the United States from the vantage point of immigration. The demographic tipping point has arrived, by which I mean that America’s annual intake of legal and illegal immigrants, coupled with immigration law, for which the Uniparty is responsible, account for the exponential nature of this top-down scheme to swamp America."—ILANA MERCER, "The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky's Self-Serving 'Heroics' & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Means," December 22, 2022.
    • "If you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the US, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date criminal record—low scores on IQ and literacy tests help, too—you may enter America no questions asked, all expenses covered."—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "Once illegals present at the border—they are never turned back, but are processed and released, a reality that is the legal creation of the UniParty. Accordingly, any claimant other than a white South African can arrive at that border, do his Les Misérables act, claim to face a ‘credible fear’ back home, get a court date, and then bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations. These ‘credible fear’ incomers are also the malcontents holding up signs that read ‘America is racist.’" ~ilana mercer, "Republican Strategy for Winning: Defend the Enemy’s Embryos,"
      September 1, 2022.
    • "All this misplaced compassion over the 'crisis at the border'—day in and day out, on Fox News, too—is nauseating. The job of American policy makers and the auxiliary punditry is not to flaunt their virtue to The World currently on its way to America, but to stick strictly to their mandate—and send them the hell home."—ILANA Mercer, "On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites," April 20, 2021.
    • "What is the "Open Sesame" magical phrase that gets one into polite company, conservative and progressive? You oppose illegal immigration alone, even though its effects on the country are as pernicious as the legal and annual importation of over 1 million immigrants from India, China and other parts of the Third World."—ILANA Mercer, "On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites," April 20, 2021.
    • "It is American leaders, left and right, who’ve convinced their population that Americans are nothing unless strangers are streaming into their country at a rate of 2 million a year, speaking in tongues and inaugurating wet-markets in New York City. This is who we are, they tell us."—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America?”, April 30, 2020.
    • "The West’s political and corporate leaders, not China’s, had opened their borders to the world’s flotsam and jetsam. Agreements to exchange goods and people reflected the choices of these gilded global elites, not those of their people."—ILANA Mercer, 'Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "Free trade in goods is great. But trade goods, not places."—ILANA Mercer, 'Who Invited The World To Infect America?" April 30, 2020.
    • "The open-border fetish is turning into a symbol of death, not freedom. For the correlation between borderless countries and coronavirus infection rates seems unmistakable."—ILANA Mercer, "The Open-Border Fetish Is Turning Into A Symbol Of Death," March 14, 2020
    • "By using their police powers to swamp their already fractious populations with alien nations—where are the referenda on mass immigration?—governments have undermined exiting ethnic balance in western democracies, and, with it, the fellow feeling so essential to democracy’s endurance."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020.
    • "Big Tech is exacerbating homelessness in Seattle and the surrounds. While correlation is not causation, the ongoing and never-ending, annual importation of a sizable feudal elite from China and India must be factored into the homelessness equation."—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 2: Tech Sucks The Soul Out Of The City," WND.COM, October 10, 2019.
    • "Our country is consigning its economically weakest members to the homeless encampment, through the never-ending importation of a high-rolling, high-tech elite, which, in turn, artificially inflates the price of housing. In perpetuity.—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 1: High-Tech Harm The Homeless," The Unz Review, October 1, 2019.
    • "Even if drug addiction and mental illness are seen as necessary in causing homelessness, they are seldom sufficient. Substance abuse and mental anguish can, in themselves, be the consequence of other exogenous, existential and intractable circumstances. Like being priced out of your homeland’s housing market. For good."—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 1: High-Tech Harm The Homeless," WND.COM, October 3, 2019.
    • "In the context of the American and European immigration S.O.S., the 'demographic decline' argument, wielded by Christian leaders (and many a misguided 'conservative' pundit), has been used as an excuse to swamp—and weaken—native European populations."—ILANA Mercer, "White Guilt And Christianity," September 11, 2019, The Quarterly Review.
    • "From the fact that Western nations aren’t breeding to some state-set, church-approved, desired level—it doesn’t follow that these nations 'deserve' to be demographically drowned by better breeders."—ILANA Mercer, "White Guilt: Where Does It Originate And How To Fight It," September 11, 2019, The Unz Review.
    • "Why don’t Christian religious leaders stand-up for the right of Western people to retain their countries, despite their procreational foibles and frailties?"—ILANA Mercer, "Is White Guilt A Product of Christianity?" WND.COM, September 12, 2019.
    • "The State has orchestrated the mass migration invasion. Pressured by The Church, the State can stop it."—ILANA Mercer, "Is White Guilt A Product of Christianity?" WND.COM, September 12, 2019.
    • "You and the flaccid, neutered state agents you pay to protect you are prohibited from telling trespassers, 'You can’t come into my home.' Why? Because America, plainly put, is not your home. By their definition, America belongs to The World; it’s everybody’s home and therefore nobody’s home."—ILANA Mercer, "We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)," Townhall.com, July 25, 2019.
    • "The country is no longer, because, for one, there is nothing to separate citizens from The World. For another, the country’s representatives are representing The World, not their constituents."—ILANA Mercer, "We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)," Townhall.com, July 25, 2019.
    • "As the myth-history presented to us day-in and day-out goes, for America to be America, The World must be able to arrive on her shores and be kept in style."—ILANA Mercer, "We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)," Townhall.com, July 25, 2019.
    • "The right of a nation to stop The World from flooding its communities amounts to upholding a negative right. In other words, by stopping trespassers at their borders, Americans are not robbing invaders of the trinity of life, liberty and property. All Americans are asserting is their right to be left alone. What we are saying to The World is what we tell our disobedient toddlers every day, 'No. You can’t go there.'”—ILANA Mercer, “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border,” Townhall.com, June 21, 2019.
    • "What President Trump has had to do is convince the Mexican president to deploy his national guards to do the work American immigration police is not allowed to do. The U.S. must turn to Mexico to police its border."—ILANA Mercer, “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border,” Townhall.com, June 21, 2019.
    • "For politicians, 'protecting' the abstraction that is 'our way of life' trumps the protection of real individual lives."—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Collectivist Values Village," WND, March 14, 2019.
    • "Caravans of human cargo are filing into the United States because … they can. U.S. law allows it, even invites it. Provided you’re not a white, South African farmer—in other words, a real refugee—you may plonk yourself at an American 'port of entry,' and simply assert your right to petition the U.S. for asylum."—ILANA Mercer, "Asylum Laws: Do They Constitute Treason Against Americans?" Townhall.com, February 8, 2019.
    • "Here's the magic maxim our immigration scofflaw should follow: Just do it. Cross illegally. All roads lead to Rome—to the creation of an immutable reality on the ground: By and large, illegal migrants get to stay in the U.S., even though fewer than 10 percent of asylum applications are officially approved."—ILANA Mercer, "Asylum Laws: Do They Constitute Treason Against Americans?" WorldNetDaily.com, February 7, 2019.
    • "Let us not confuse the metastatic multinational, motivated by mammon alone, with a business whose growth is sustained by communities, as opposed to colonies of imported labor."—ILANA Mercer, "U.S. Business Itching to Import Cheap Labor," Townhall.com., September 20, 2018
    • "Death by illegal alien is not about group crime aggregates. (In particular, the contention that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans, therefore, let them come.) Wrong. Death by illegal alien is about this life-cherishing, immutable logic: If alien X HAD BEEN REMOVED from the U.S., as the law dictates, innocent American Y WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY."—ILANA Mercer, "Dead by Illegal Alien? You're Just An Anecdote," WND, January 10, 2019.
    • "Wage walls, not wars."—ILANA Mercer, The Unz Review, December 27, 2018.
    • "Ruffians are breaching the U.S. border near Tijuana, demanding access to the American Welfare State. That’s the reality!"—ILANA Mercer, "Liberals Want America To Go Borderless," Townhall.com, November 30, 2018.
      • "What those liberals colonizing our heads are attempting to convey is that a good America, a just America, a moral America is de facto and de jure a borderless America"—ILANA Mercer, "Liberal Propaganda: A Good America Is A Borderless America," WND.COM, November 29, 2018.
      • "Posse Comitatus means that 'the U.S. military is not to be used to control or defeat American citizens on U.S. soil.' The hordes amassed on the border with Mexico, and rushing the port of entry in San Ysidro, California, are not American citizens. They are not even very nice."—ILANA Mercer, "Liberal Propaganda: A Good America Is A Borderless America." WND.COM, November 29, 2018.
      • "Democrats, who control the intellectual means of production—schools, social media, TV, the print press, the publishing houses, think tanks, the Permanent Bureaucracy—they insist mass immigration comports with 'who we are as a people.'"—ILANA Mercer, "How The Disunited States Can Survive," American Greatness, November 3, 2018.
      • "It is the individual who creates the collective, not the other way around. The Man makes the country what it is. South Africa ceased being great once enough good people were expunged from state and civil society. The tipping point is coming. A sufficient number of bad people admitted into the Unites States of America will make America great no more."—ILANA Mercer,  "The Caravan Cometh, Making America Great No More," Townhall.com, October 26, 2018.
      • "Once illiberal, unassimilable people gain 'numeric superiority,' they will turn their population advantage into political advantage, using the host population's liberalism against it."—ILANA Mercer, "How The Left Stole Liberalism & Sold Out The West," Quarterly Review, August 19, 2018.
      • "Kids detained at the border, in accordance with US law, is the fault of bad parents who deploy children as human shields to gain entry into the US. It's unfortunate that children are born into disorganized, chaotic families. But a child is either the responsibility of his parents or of the state. Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?"—ILANA Mercer, "Why are Unfit parents Fit To Become Americans?" Townhall.com, June 23, 2018.
      • "The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized"—ILANA Mercer, "Why are Unfit parents Fit To Become Americans?" Townhall.com, June 23, 2018.
      • "The squeaky wheels squatting on the US southern border, funneled daily into the interior to create facts on the ground, are not refugees or legitimate asylum seekers. Rather, they are merely from what President Trump has termed 'shit-hole countries.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Separated From My Child—And Nobody Cares," Townhall.com, July 5, 2018
      • "As the left sees it, if America isn't going to police the world; it must at least provide shelter to all people from unpoliced parts of the world."—ILANA Mercer, "A Global 'Right of Return' To The US? Who Knew?" Townhall.com, June 15, 2018.
      • On "shithole countries": "What makes a country, the place or the people? Does the country create the man or does the man make the country? The answer is no chicken-or-egg quandary. Human action is the ultimate adjudicator of a human being's worth. The aggregate action of many human beings acting in concert is what makes or breaks a society. In other words, it is the individual who creates the collective, not the other way around. The Man makes the country what it is."—ILANA Mercer, "Why Trump Pooh-Poohed 'Shithole Countries,'" Townhall.com, February 1, 2018.
      • "Billionaire tech execs derive greater pleasure from signaling their virtue (via immigration) than from turning a profit. They aim for stardom in Davos, Switzerland, not Des Moines, Iowa.”—ILANA Mercer, "Why Tax Breaks Won't Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking," Constitution.com, November 17, 2017.
      • America's tech superstars are true believers in the borderless multicultural state. These arrogant CEOs and their minions are social-justice warriors, first; giants of industry, second.”—ILANA Mercer, "Why Tax Breaks Won't Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking," Unz Review, November 16, 2017.
      • "Nations whose institutions promote cultural relativism and hate of the dominant culture have no business importing the sort of immigrant who'll be quick to act on an ideology of hate—be it the self-hate of the host, or the hate in Jihad.”—ILANA Mercer, "The Manchester Massacre was Murder By Muslim Immigrant," The Unz Review, May 25, 2017.
      • "ISIS and an abstract ideology called 'radical Islamic terrorism'—a redundancy, if ever there was one, since Islam unreformed is radical—are not attacking us. Men and women upon whom we've conferred the right to live among us are.”—ILANA Mercer, "The Manchester Massacre And The Immigration Vexation," American Thinker, May 25, 2017
      • "The more abstract the expert Idiocracy gets in defining what is murder-by-Muslim immigrant, the more removed will be their solutions—removed from solutions that are at once achievable and the legitimate purview of limited government.”—ILANA Mercer, "The Manchester Massacre And The Immigration Vexation," American Thinker, May 25, 2017
      • "Yes, Bill O'Reilly, President Trump was correct when he asserted that, 'We have a lot of killers.' Our country's politicians have left lands not theirs slick with blood. But this doesn't mean the American people deserve to be killed stateside, which is what the president's  Executive Order was meant to prevent.”—ILANA, "Coequal in Tyranny: The Ninth Circuit’s Rules for Radicals,"  Townhall.com, February 13, 2017
      • “Liberals have developed a utopian vision of how nature should behave. It must remain in perfect balance. To that end, they’ll exterminate harmless critters that violate the liberal idea of Order; of species correctness. While animals may not migrate illegally, or disrupt the preordained ‘natural’ order—liberal social engineers encourage non-indigenous peoples to mess with the social habitat of historic, host populations. Provided they’re white.”—ILANA (The Daily Caller, December 8, 2016)
      • "Despite The West's generosity to The Rest, its people is the only people to be shamed, ostracized, threatened and maligned when talking about the lands of their forefathers, the beliefs of forebears; the faith and folklore of Founding Fathers. (Discussing quilting is OK, I suppose.)"—ILANA (November 27, 2015)
      • "Every other people aside whites is allowed to claim and keep its corner under the sun."—ILANA (November 27, 2015)
      • "German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not unimpeachably moral, as Der Spiegel has claimed; she is plain impeachable. Germans must dethrone Angela Merkel before this dictator re-elects another people in their place and renders them aliens in their homelands."—ILANA (November 13, 2015)
      • "If Chancellor Merkel were using her privately owned land on which to accommodate these refugees, and her own funds to transport and sustain them; and provided she prevented her charges from venturing onto public property or accessing taxpayer-funded resources—Merkel's plot to swamp Germany with indigent, largely Muslim aliens would indeed be moral. But this is not the case. Moreover, when a government orchestrates the unfettered movement of people into a state in which the native population's rights to property, free association and self-defense are already heavily circumscribed by the same authority—that government is guilty of unadulterated social engineering, and worse."—ILANA (November 13, 2015)
      • "Does the U.S. have a problem with a deluge of illegal immigrants pouring over the Canadian border? No. Canada is a high-wage area. The U.S. is a high-wage area. Latin America is a low-wage area. Migratory pressure flows from low-wage to high-wage regions; from the Third World to the First World (until migratory equilibrium is reached when First World becomes Third World)."—ILANA (September 18, 2015)
      • "From the safety and comfort of rarefied zip codes, open-border theorists tutor the little people in the positive economic effects of, say, high population density on productivity and economic growth. But regular folks don't have to travel to Cairo or Karachi to discover that this urban theory is an urban myth."—ILANA (August 7, 2015)
      • "Propensities for crime are irrelevant in a discussion about the murder of an individual—Ms. Kathryn Steinle and all other victims of criminals who should not be in the U.S. For these deaths have nothing to do with aggregate crime rates; they're about individuals who should be alive: a baby that should have been born, a girl who should be among the living, young men and women who should not be dead. To justify the crime-probabilities line-of-inquiry in the context of killer Francisco Sanchez' presence that day on the San Franscico pier, you would need to show that had Sanchez been deported or jailed or turned back at the border—his victim, Ms. Steinle, would nevertheless have suffered the same fate at the hands of a native murderer. The same eventuality would need to be demonstrated with respect to each individual victim of a criminal alien. The implication is crushingly stupid."—ILANA (July 10, 2015)
      • "Programmed from on high, Europeans, like Americans, are bound by the suicide pact of political correctness to open their borders to the huddled mass of Third World people, no matter the consequences to their societies."—ILANA (April 24, 2015)
      • "Demographics need not be destiny. The West became the best not by out-breeding the undeveloped world—not due to huge numbers—but because of human capital; people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy."—ILANA (March 27, 2015)
      • "Good immigrants come to America to be part of the 'little platoons' that make up its glorious private economy: the people of Nike, Apple, Microsoft, Starbucks, McDonald's, Amazon, Google, Marriot, Mattel, FedEx, Costco, Coca-Cola, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Fred Meyer, Overstock.com, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, and millions of local franchises run by innovative, everyday Americans. Bad immigrants come to America to partake of the state."—ILANA (September 19, 2014)
      • "From the fact that 23 percent of native-born Americans also use means-tested benefit programs, less-enlightened, open-border libertarians have concluded that it is economically and morally inconsequential to extend taxpayer-funded welfare to millions of unviable non-nationals. How is this asinine argument different from positing that because a bank has been robbed by one set of bandits (welfare-dependent nationals), repelling or arresting the next gang (welfare-dependent non-nationals) is unnecessary, as the damage has already been done? It isn't."—ILANA (April 5, 2013)
      • "Have you ever heard a member of America's low-brow glitterati and literati advocate for immigrants who are not poor, not brown, and not uneducated? I have not—with the exception of Tucker Carlson, a libertarian-leaning rightist."—ILANA (April 5, 2013)
      • "In pluralistic, multicultural America, the historic American nation — its culture and Christian faith — will, eventually, be confined to an ethnic enclave among many. This is the 'End of Days' scenario that immigration patriots must contemplate, once they've exited the hypobaric chamber that is the current 'conversation' about immigration."—ILANA (October 1, 2010)
      • "Friends of Israel in America are unequivocal in standing up for that country's right to retain its Jewish identity. What would become of that identity if all self-styled Arab refugees were to be granted the so-called right of return? Hatched by Israel's enemies, this scheme will see millions of such refugees granted the right to immigrate to Israel proper, where they will overwhelm the Jewish majority. Friends of Israel know that Jews must remain numerically preponderant in the Jewish state if the prosperous, progressive nature of the country and its liberal institutions is to endure."—ILANA (October 1, 2010)
      • "Think of mass immigration into America as a global 'right of return.'"—ILANA (October 1, 2010)
      • "Fifty five delegates convened in 1787 at Philadelphia's Independence Hall, to carve out the contours of this Constitution. Imagine those magnificent men making the case that the people of the colonies they represented ought to sit idle should their homesteads be overrun by trespassers and their families and friends imperiled. Imagine those very men arguing for a future central authority that acted as the sole arbiter in deciding who would breach the perimeters of their respective home patches. Inconceivable."—ILANA (September 3, 2010)
      • "Demographics need not be destiny. The waning West became what it is not by out-breeding the undeveloped world. We were once great not because of huge numbers, but due to human capital — people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy."—ILANA (March 12, 2010)
      • "Declining birth rates—and their antidote; the mass immigration imperative—are the excuses statists make for persevering with immigration policies that are guaranteed to destroy western civil society and shore up the State."—ILANA (March 12, 2010)
      • "Libertarian and leftist protest over any impediment to the free flow of people across borders is predicated not on the negative, leave-me-alone rights of the individual, but on the positive, manufactured right of human kind to venture wherever, whenever."─ILANA (May 1, 2009)
      • "A well-policed barrier on the border is the definitive, non-aggressive method of defense against ailments and afflictions. You don't attack, arrest or otherwise molest undesirables; you keep them at bay, away."─ILANA (May 1, 2009)
      • "Whether they are armed with bombs or bacteria, stopping weaponized individuals from harming others ─ intentionally or unintentionally ─ falls perfectly within the purview of the 'night-watchman state of classical-liberal theory.'"─ILANA (May 1, 2009)
      • "What kind of a nation neglects its own borders while defending to the death borders not its own?"—ILANA (March 6, 2009)
      • "John McCain thinks you commune with God by amnestying illegal aliens."—ILANA (July 25, 2008)
      • “Jefferson never entertained the folly that he was of immigrant stock. He considered the English settlers of America courageous conquerors, much like his Saxon forebears, to whom he compared them. To Jefferson, early Americans were the contemporary carriers of the Anglo-Saxon project."—ILANA (July 4, 2008)
      • "Breaking into a country signals quite reliably a willingness to break yet more of the invaded country’s laws."—ILANA (July 4, 2008)
      • "McCain might consider modifying his mantra about illegal aliens being God's children to whom he owes a path to citizenship. This is not about the Arizonan’s relationship with God and His creatures; it’s about McCain’s relationship with the Constitution. The Constitution binds a president to uphold the law; it doesn’t authorize him to legislate compassion."—ILANA (April 4, 2008)
      • "From their vantage point, cultivated usually from the serenity of their stately homes, open-border utilitarians often tout the advantages of high population density. Apparently, Cairo and Calcutta are models for the specialization that comes with an increased division of labor."—ILANA (November 2, 2007)
      • "While open-border libertines love Bastiat’s elegant argument about 'What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen,' they seldom apply it to mass immigration, where these implacable enemies of America choose to see only benefits. Thus, for every mound of cheap strawberries, there are crops of criminals, failing schools, and folding hospitals."—ILANA (August 3, 2007)
      • "The future leader of a superpower should be emphasizing innovation-oriented, not labor-intense, forms of production. More mechanization and less Mexicanization."—ILANA (October 12, 2007)
      • "The free flow of people across borders is not to be confused with the free flow of goods across borders. Free trade is a positive-sum game. Contrary to illegal immigration, it is always invited, consensual and hence mutually beneficial to the parties involved."—ILANA (March 31, 2006)
      • "When government orchestrates an unfettered movement of people into an interventionist state, in which the rights to property, free association, and self defense are already heavily circumscribed by the state—it is guilty of unadulterated social engineering, central planning, and worse."—ILANA (August 21, 2007)
      • On amnesty: "How better to diminish property rights and accelerate wealth distribution and, with it, the death of the republic, than to add to the 'union' each year the equivalent of a New Jersey, powered by identity-politics, and peopled predominantly by tax consumers seeking to indenture taxpayers?"—ILANA (June 15, 2007)
      • "The notion of dissolving the people and electing another, to paraphrase Bertold Brecht—that’s very much alive in the minds of the political caste."—ILANA (May 22, 2007)
      • The Republican presidential candidates "insist the American military’s obligation is to patrol the borders of Kosovo, Korea and Kurdistan, while our own borders remain perilously porous; Americans living alongside them forsaken."—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
      • “Whatever open-border libertarians think about immigration law, once the immigration scofflaw steals, trespasses, or vandalizes private property, said alien is guilty of crimes. To say, moreover, that the state’s laws made masses of men and women commit such crimes is to voice the philosophy of determinism, not individualism.”—ILANA (May 3, 2007)
      • "Want to see an immigration liberationist rise on his hind legs, mention a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Hysterical yelps of 'tear down this wall' will ensue. Irrational minds have transformed a defensive wall à la the Emperor Hadrian’s, intended to keep the 'barbarians' out, into the Iron Curtain or the Berlin Wall, constructed to keep people in."—ILANA (October 20, 2006)
      • "It’s now mandatory to pair an objection to the invasion of the American Southwest with an embrace of all forms of legal immigration. The sole emphasis on border security has, in all likelihood, entrenched the status quo—Americans will never assert their right to determine the nature of the country they live in and, by extension, the kind of immigrants they welcome."—ILANA (April 28, 2006)
      • “America’s immigration policies select for low moral character by rewarding unacceptable risk-taking and law-breaking—an undesirable feature that’ll be further refined by the imminent passing of the amnesty bill.”—ILANA (April 6, 2006)
      • “The purely economic argument about the price at which American workers will perform menial work is meaningless without a reference to borders and to the thing they bound—a nation. Render asunder the idea of a nation, make borders obsolete—and the world is your labor market.”—ILANA (March 31, 2006)
      • “Most illegal aliens do not come to the U.S. to wage war, but the reality is that, once in the country, almost all wage welfare.”—ILANA (March 27, 2006)
      • American immigration policy: "a statist revolution directed from above by a treacherous political class that has shared the ideological cockpit with 'intellectuals,' who hate their country’s history and inhabitants (aboriginals excluded)."—ILANA (December 16, 2005)
      • “Would that the American Welfare State did not exist. But since it does and is, unfortunately, likely to persist for some time to come, it must stop at the Rio Grande.”—ILANA (October 31, 2003)
      • "Inviting an invasion by foreigners and instigating one against them are two sides of the same neoconservative coin."—ILANA (January 16, 2004. Also mentioned here by Larry Auster)
      • "Why immigration ought to be the central issue in the 2008 elections: "The neoconservative 'idea' of preemptive wars or wars for democracy is as dead as a doornail. However, the notion of dissolving the people and electing another, to paraphrase Bertold Brecht, that’s very much alive in the minds of the political caste."—ILANA (May 22, 2007)
  • Individualism Vs. Collectivism

    • "Methodological individualism correctly practiced means that generalizations are to be considered, while each and every individual is treated on his merit."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024
    • "Methodological individualism does not mandate that aggregate group traits be denied. Rather, methodological individualism correctly practiced means that generalizations are to be considered, while each and every individual is treated on his merit, and not conflated with the group."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024
    • GAZA: Without a doubt, The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is the voice of the Jewish-Israeli commonwealth."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024
    • "As the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body.”—ILANA MERCER, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," Oct 28, 2021.
    • "Judging a policy by its positive outcomes for the collective, rather than by whether it violates individual rights is utilitarianism. It is the rule among politicians and pundits. The Benthamite utilitarian calculus is thus rightly associated with a collectivist, central-planner’s impetus.”—ILANA MERCER,  "Do Vaccine Resisters Risk Being Waco’d?" March 8, 2021.
    • "America’s founders held a Blackstonian view of the law as a bulwark against government abuses. Their take has since been supplanted by the notion of the law as an implement of government, to be utilized by all-knowing rulers for the 'greater good.'”—ILANA MERCER,  "Do Vaccine Resisters Risk Being Waco’d?" March 8, 2021.
    • "Support for Trump is associated with a less propagandized population.”—ILANA MERCER, "Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System," November 19, 2020.
    • On Collectivism: "You can't blame a collective for harm done to you, unless each individual within that collective has harmed you.”—ILANA MERCER, "Taking A Knee Is Akin To Taking A Pee," September 28, 2017.
    • "Feminism is a form of collectivism. The solipsistic sorority known as feminism was alien to Mrs. Thatcher, who was a methodological individualist, if ever there was one. The 'Iron Lady' would have had nothing but contempt for the mediocrities claiming her achievements for their communal sisterhood."—ILANA (April 12, 2013)
    • "Most people would define treason as a betrayal of one's country or sovereign. In my book, the book of natural law, treason is properly defined as a betrayal of one's countrymen—and, in particular, the betrayal of the individual's right to life, liberty and property. (To your question, yes, this renders almost all politicians traitors by definition.)"—ILANA (January 18, 2013)
    • "Ayn Rand scorned those rich whose ill-gotten gains were derived by using the coercive power of the state—Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, George W. Bush, to mention a few. In Rand's book, these men had not earned an honest crust. Rand's celebrated 'rich' were the men and women who bring to market the products and services without which life would be miserable, and for which MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is a walking ad. The clothes she is kitted-out in, her coif; the devices she uses to communicate and transmit her sub-intelligent message, the food she buys cheaply to sustain her efforts—these are all produced, facilitated or brought to market by the invisible hand she labors to lop-off."—ILANA (August 17, 2012)
    • "Ayn Rand was no fan of 'public service,' unless it was in the service of reversing the damage done to the voluntary economy by legislators. The Republicans' repeal-and-replace statism doesn't cut it."—ILANA (August 17, 2012)
    • "‘You didn't build That’ will be Obama's political epitaph: With these remarks, Obama has come out of the closet as a most odious collectivist, who believes religiously that government predation is a condition for production. Or, put simply, that the parasite created the host. With his near-religious repetition of the 'you didn't build that' dogma, the president of the United States demonstrated his irrational faith in the statist principle of compulsory cooperation."—ILANA (July 27, 2012)
    • "McCain’s national greatness 'conservatism' sees the individual as a cog in the service of the collective. Contra McMussolini, the American Founders placed the individual before the collective, giving pride of place to individual liberties before duties."—ILANA (September 12, 2008)
    • "What greater contrast can there be between the Olympian, who powers himself to the pinnacle, and the politician, who drapes himself in the noble toga of idealism, in the famous words of Aldous Huxley, so as to conceal his will to power.”—ILANA (August 20, 2004)
    • "Societies are only as good as the individuals of whom they are comprised, individuals only as good as their actions"—ILANA (June 22, 2007)
    • "Generalizations, provided they are substantiated by hard evidence, not hunches, are not incorrect. Science relies on the ability to generalize to the larger population observations drawn from a representative sample. People make prudent decision in their daily lives based on probabilities and generalities."—ILANA (May 27, 2006)
    • “To consider nationhood a collectivist concept is to confuse authentic individualism with a caricature thereof. The real individualist knows that man is a social being by nature. He knows that to belong to a variety of social systems is not necessarily to be bound by—or subjugated to—them. Mostly, the real individualist knows who he is and whence he came.”—ILANA (April 7, 2006)
    • Methodological individualism, ultimately, doesn’t mean denying aggregate group differences, but, rather, treating each and every individual on his merit."—ILANA MERCER, "IQ & Aggregate Groups Differences," November 6, 2007.
  • Iraq

    • "To comprehend the hysterical mass contagion that is the war on Trump it's essential to trace the contours of that other war, 'Operation Iraqi Freedom,' and the way it was peddled to the American public."—ILANA Mercer, "Beware The Atavistic Dynamics Undergirding Two American Wars," The Ludwig von Mises Centre For Property and Freedom, June 21, 2017.
    • "The manufacturing of Fake News by the Deep State, circa 2017, is of a piece with the anatomy of the ramp-up to war in Iraq, in 2003. Except that back then, Republicans, joined by diabolical Democrats like Hillary Clinton, were the ones dreaming up Homer Simpson's Third Dimension."—ILANA Mercer, "The War On Trump: A Guide For Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals," The Liberty Conservative, June 17, 2017
    • "Another dynamic is at play in the region besides the Sunni-Shia divide. It is that between the forces of centralization and the forces of decentralization. As a rule, the U.S. sides with the former; the Arab people with whom we meddle generally side with the latter. Given the tribal, familial focus of their societies; Arabs are unlikely to abandon their particularism in favor of American statism."—ILANA (May 29, 2015)
    • "This White House fetishizes Iraqi national unity. It believes that to succeed, Iraqis should be like Americans, forever imprisoned in an arranged, unhappy political marriage."—ILANA (August 15, 2014)
    • "The sight of the Yazidis driven up the arid, exposed mountain range, chased by the militant Sunni of the Islamic State (ISIS), conjures Masada, A.D. 73. , where Jews chose to die on their own terms."—ILANA (August 15, 2014)
    • "Iraq hasn't suddenly 'slipped back into' this backward and benighted state. It was bombed there by a mulish military power which didn't know Shiite from Shinola."—ILANA (June 20, 2014)
    • "In the early days, Saddam Hussein's foreign minister, Naji Sabri, provided the US with brick-thick 'documentary intelligence' showing that 'Saddam did not have WMD.' For presenting what turned out to be the only reliable intelligence in the sad saga of Iraq, Sabri was mocked and Saddam murdered."—ILANA (March 16, 2012)
    • "While small-time functionaries like Scott McClellan can be big enough to express remorse, self-reproach is rare in the leaders they serve. A breast-beating Bush: now that would provide a truly teachable moment."—ILANA (June 20, 2008)
    • "Petraeus is defending a pie-in-the-sky policy much more than a viable military mission. The former is beyond his purview. But then constitutional overreach is the name of the game for politicians and their pet generals."—ILANA (April 8, 2008)
    • "The idea that we can rehabilitate what we ruined in Iraq is delusional—a function of a collective mindset that rejects reality and its lessons. We can’t fix Iraq because of what we wrought—because of the Original Sin of invasion. The sinner cannot turn savior."—ILANA (October 12, 2007)
    • "The surge’s claim to success is more serendipity than science."—ILANA (September 14, 2007)
    • "The Bush Administration has gone from discounting Iraqi civilian casualties to miscounting them. That must surely be counted as progress."—ILANA (September 14, 2007)
    • "Like the remarkable Rep. Ron Paul, opponents of the invasion [of Iraq] were right because we cleaved to the kind of intellectual and moral principles that were immutably true before Sept. 11, after it, and forever after."—ILANA (June , 2007)
    • On the Baker et al. Report: "In Iraq, every potential for conflict, however small, is fully realized. Arabs and Turkmen feud with Kurdish irredentists; the Badr Brigade battles the Mahdi Army, even though both are Shia. But why dwell on the negative? All this will be behind us once Israel cedes more territory to those plucky Palestinians."—ILANA (December 8, 2006)
    • "In their depiction of the Middle East as a magically interconnected ecosystem, Baker et al. have conjured a construct every bit as mystical as Bush’s democracy-by-osmosis."—ILANA (December 8, 2006)
    • "Saddam’s last major massacre was in 1991, during which only 3,000 Shiites were murdered. That’s less than the monthly quota under 'democracy.'”—ILANA (December 1, 2006)
    • "Under our ministrations Iraq has gone from a secular to a religious country; from rogue to failed state."—ILANA (December 1, 2006)
    • "When it comes to Iraq, the pols fetishize details, hang hopes on minutia and forfeit a deeper understanding of the place and people. The devil is not in the details—more troops, or better training for Iraqis—but in the big picture."—ILANA (November 16, 2006)
    • "The government of Iraq doesn’t stand apart from the governed; it reflects them. The divisions that have riven the region for four millenniums are mirrored in the current government, and will continue to hobble every successive government that hunkers down in the Green Zone."—ILANA (November 16, 2006)
    • "Remove one Saddam, who kept a lid on the cauldron of crime and corruption that is Iraq, and there’ll be another waiting to take his place—and another and another. Just like a shark’s teeth."—ILANA (November 6, 2006)
    • "Hyping a war as a symbolic war gives it momentum—and facilitates its expansion beyond regional confines."—ILANA (July 16, 2006)
    • Person of the Year: “The Average Iraqi is a tragic hero, not a Randian hero. His image should be seared in the minds of men with a conscience. He is the repository of state evil; first Saddam, and then a faraway president and his Revolutionary Assembly sealed his fate without his consent.”—ILANA (12.18.05 @ 2:01 am)
    • “Once a rogue state; Iraq is now a failed one, where any faction that imagines its wishes are being frustrated goes out and kills its foes. Freedom is on the march.”—ILANA (December 6, 2005)
    • “Prior to Bush’s invasion, I didn’t give a tinker’s toss what Iraqis did to Saddam. He was their baggage. But now that this burlesque of justice [Saddam's trial] is branded ‘made-in-America,’ it's a Mark of Cain on all of us.”—ILANA (December 6, 2005)
    • "Bush and his devotees continually compare the carnage in Iraq to the constitutional cramps of early America: Yes, the hoots, hollers, and blasts emanating from members of Iraq’s tribal troika capture to a tee the tone of the debates in, what’s that document called? The Fedayeen Papers?"—ILANA (October 12, 2005)
    • Again, "on the continual comparisons between the carnage in Iraq and the constitutional cramps of early America: Why didn’t it occur to me? Only a fool would fail to trace the philosophical link between the warring Mohammedans and the followers of John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu."—ILANA (October 12, 2005)
    • “Let’s ignore Bush’s reverse Midas touch, and assume for the sake of argument that his ‘project’ has not whittled Iraqi liberties. If indeed we’ve subsidized ‘freedom’ for Iraqis and fought their battles—then we’ve also increased their impotence and diminished their initiative.”—ILANA (September 2, 2005)
    • “We have a solemn duty not to violate the rights of foreigners everywhere to life, liberty, and property. But we have no duty to uphold their rights. Why? Because upholding the negative rights of the world’s citizens involves compromising the negative liberties of Americans—their lives, liberties, and livelihoods. The classical liberal government’s duty is to its own citizens, first.”—ILANA (September 2, 2005)
    • "Bush excluded all 'analysis' (including from his own highly regarded experts) that didn't comport with his 'thesis' about Iraq. He adopted (posthaste and post hoc) as his preferred sources of information corrupt parties like Egypt, Jordan, ex-KGB man Vladimir Putin, and Ahmad Chalabi. He ignored objective reality, invading an indisputably hobbled country, launching the invasion when 'an effective inspections regime was in place', after having 'effectively caged Saddam.'"—ILANA MERCER, "HE CONTORTS, I DECIDE," August 13, 2004
    • “Let's leave aside the question of whether the invasion of Iraq was unjust and unattainable or merely mistaken and misguided. Why must we continue to feed this false idol with more lives? What does this make us? Worshippers of Moloch or mere fools?”—ILANA (December 1, 2004)
    • “To say that Saddam may have had WMD is quite different from advocating war based on those assumptions. It’s one thing to assume in error; it’s quite another to launch a war in which thousands would die based on mere assumptions, however widely shared.”—ILANA (June 25, 2003)
    • "Murder with majority approval is still murder."—ILANA (April 23, 2003)
    • “… a brave nation fights only because it must; a cowardly nation fights because it can.”—ILANA (March 26, 2003)
  • Islam & Arabia

    • "What do you know? When compared with Sunni Islam (for example, Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism), a faction of Islam with whose practitioners the West feels much more simpatico—Shia Islam (Iran’s poison of choice) is more enlightened. Yet America and Israel side with Saudi Arabia, the epitome of Sunni insanity."—ILANA Mercer, "Afghanistan: Bringing The Military-Industrial Complex Home," August 26, 2021.
    • "The crucial difference between Iran’s Quds Force and America’s Special Operations forces (SOF) is that the former is regional, the latter global."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "America, sad to say, still doesn’t know Shia from Shinola."—ILANA Mercer, "The U.S. As Globe’s Judge, Jury And Executioner," The Ron Paul Institute, January 10, 2020
    • "All Muslims can thrive in America. But not all Americans will thrive in the presence of Muslims. This is because the faith of Muslims is Islam. And Islam—the real or the imposter variety; it matters not—predisposes to violence. Some Americans will be hurt or die as a result of importing members of this militant faith."—ILANA Mercer, "A Muslim Ban Is Logical, Moral, Even Libertarian," The Daily Caller, November 3, 2017.
    • "Violent Jihad is not an ideology, as our Moderate Muslim friends keep calling it. Jihad is a pillar of a faith. That faith is Islam."—ILANA Mercer, "A Muslim Ban Won't Kill Americans -- Accepting Them Might," The Unz Review, November 2, 2017.
    • "While most Muslims are not terrorists, an unusually large number is willing to dabble in the lifestyle."—ILANA Mercer, "A Muslim Ban Won't Kill Americans -- Accepting Them Might," WND.com, November 2, 2017.
    • "The fact that there are moderate Muslims doesn't mean there is a moderate Islam."—ILANA Mercer, "A Muslim Ban Is Logical, Moral, Even Libertarian,"  The Daily Caller, November 3, 2017.
    • "Statistics are silly unless given context. If you have one foot in fire, the other in ice, can we legitimately say that, on average, you're warm? Hardly. Probabilities, in this case the chance that any one of us will die-by-Muslim, are statistically insignificant—unless this happens to you or to yours, to me or mine."—ILANA Mercer, "Barcelona and Beyond: How Politicians & Policy Wonks Play God With Your Life,"  American Thinker, August 20, 2017.
    • "Life with Islam is life under Islam and its enablers."—ILANA, The Unz Review, April 4, 2017.
    • "One defining issues over which New Conservatives and liberals practically converge: Islam is peaceful, except for a few bad Abduls."—ILANA (March 18, 2016)
    • "When a vulnerable American boy hears preachers, parents, pedagogues and politicians pounding on about our country’s Founding Fathers as the archetypal pale, patriarchal oppressors—he quickly learns to reject his country’s heritage and look elsewhere for masculine inspiration, maybe even at Muhammad." —ILANA MERCER, "Emasculated West Primed For A Muscular, Muslim Takeover," July 29, 2016
    • "Donald Trump's political rivals look at the price exacted by a Muslim like Syed Farouk and his bride in the aggregate. To a politician, 14 lives in 322 million is a small price to pay for 'our freedoms.' Fourteen dead is not a steep price to pay for unfettered immigration from Islamic countries, peddled politically as 'our values,' 'our tolerance,' 'our greatness.' This callous calculus is second nature to politicians like Lindsey Graham or Darth Vader Cheney. Not to Trump."—ILANA (December 11, 2015)
    • "Private-enterprise driven considerations are aimed at conserving, not squandering, scarce resources. If it loses an asset, the Trump Organization hurts. Good businessmen are programmed differently than politicians. As a tremendously gifted entrepreneur, Donald Trump is averse to squandering scarce resources, money or manpower. By contrast, politicians do not understand the natural economic reality of scarcity. They control the production of money for their promiscuous purposes and they exert power over millions of interchangeable people in their territorial jurisdiction."—ILANA (December 11, 2015)
    • "Statistics are funny things. Insignificant probabilities, in this case an attack on each one of us, are immaterial unless they happen to YOU or ME. It is this calculus that politicians peddle. They rely on the fact that we'll adopt their sloganeering because each one of us is unlikely to die by Muslim. Such is life: C'est la vie, so long as it doesn't happen to me."—ILANA (December 11, 2015)
    • "The inmates are running the American and European asylum, where The People are the real refugees. Patriots who promise no more than to make the West safe for its people again; the gilded traitor elite threatens with court orders served upon them by Jihadis."—ILANA (December 4, 2015)
    • "Until the Islamic reformation is codified, those in the know—know-nothing Obama is not among them—will look upon the Islamic State as a religious, literalist, millenarian, apocalyptic group that is as Islamic as the Prophet and his band of belligerents during the Medina years."—ILANA (February, 20, 2015)
    • "How was the West vanquishing the enemies of free speech? In response to the craven, yet characteristic, massacre of staff at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, hundreds of thousands of Europeans—in Barcelona, Brussels, London, Paris, Nice, Lyon—came outen masseto plonk teddy bears on sidewalks and point pens and pencils to the heavens. 'Winning,' as Charlie Sheen would say."—ILANA (January 16, 2015)
    •  "You might say that the term 'radical Islam' is something of a redundancy. Islam is radical, and by extension, so are its true believers. Some, like ISIS or ISIL, are simply more devoted than others"—ILANA (August 22, 2014)
    • "The West either admits Muhammadans through mass immigration, or grows them at home in hothouses of multiculturalism."—ILANA (August 22, 2014)
    • "Be it for Jihad or germs, the government prohibits rational profiling. As to Jihad, airport personnel screen everybody alike, grandma from Nebraska and Abdullah from Mecca. As to germs, the CDC advises screening for symptoms of the Ebola disease. If a traveler is 'asymptomatic,' CDC guidelines, given with government imprimatur, prohibit the detention or quarantine of nationals or residents from the 'hot zone' countries. All this is in the service of the deadly dogma of political correctness.”—ILANA Mercer, "Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma," October 17, 2014
    • "The affinity for Islam that made-in-the-West murderers exhibit is secondary to their contempt for our helplessness. They are killers first, who prey on the kind of people who look to Big Brother to rescue them, dupe them; and tell them what's what. Islam is muscular and murderous all right. It feeds those with compatible cravings. That murderers mouth Muhammadan mantras is, however, incidental to the fact that they know they can act on their fantasies with impunity. After all, they live among an emasculated, enfeebled people, lacking in core beliefs; the kind of people who look to Big Brother to rescue them, dupe them; and tell them what's what."—ILANA (May 24, 2013)
    • "In order to pass a rights-violating draft constitution, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi attempted to force a Faustian bargain on his people, sidelining a branch of government (the judiciary) and stacking another (parliament). For that, he came under attack. An admirably rebellious people, Egyptians distrust decrees from their dictators; Americans don't even blink as their top dogs issue one after the other. These diktats we call executive orders. ... As Egyptians fight Mr. Morsi, Americans are pinned down like butterflies by the monarch who sits in 1600 Pennsylvania."—ILANA (December 7, 2012)
    • "If only symbolically, a gold revolution across Arabia and Africa would have outweighed by far the significance of a democratic revolution."—ILANA (August 26, 2011)
    • On the Mega Mosque at Ground Zero: "Muslim culture is a macho one; they purchase property and raise building to their faith and its political mission. Western contemporary culture has become a feminine one; we cry publically, perhaps punch the air in impotent rage, and carry signs asking our S&M masters (elected officials included) to show us some love." —ILANA (June 18, 2010)
    • "If Christians raised a cathedral at Liberty St. and Church St., most Americans would not mind. If the Hari Krishna set up a place of worship in the vicinity, and bobbed up and down the exact complex in Lower Manhattan, Americans would smile benignly. Ditto if a Jewish tabernacle were to be erected around the corner; this reaction would not have occurred. It's in the faith of Islam and its adherents that Americans have no faith." —ILANA (June 18, 2010)
    • "Restricting acquisitive property rights in a free society should never be entertained. As far as I can tell, then, all anti-Mega-Mosque activists are requesting is kindness and consideration from those they regard as conquistadors. How dhimmi" —ILANA (June 18, 2010)
    • "On Journalists & Jihadis: "If you're a swarthy supremacist, driven by devotion to a vampiric prophet and his deity, you can count on the 'discretion' of those whose job description is vigilant indiscretion."—ILANA (June 12, 2009)
    • "Islamic terrorism is the handiwork of people who’ve heeded, not hijacked, Islam."—ILANA (March 17, 2006)
    • "Islam doesn’t brook reason or reformation and is commanded to will the world to its ways."—ILANA (September 22, 2006)
    • "That Islam counsels conquest, not coexistence, is ultimately what has given the pope pause."—ILANA (September 22, 2006)
    • "Whenever a Muslim woman’s genitals are infibulated, when she is flogged for having been raped, killed for “honor,” or betrothed at age nine, Islam’s aficionados invariably claim these barbarisms are a manifestation of cultural peculiarities, or of the imposter, inauthentic Islam."—ILANA (December 7, 2007)
    • "What do you fear most? Your youngster 'finding' Jesus, Jehovah, or Allah? Faced with those choices, would you prefer that she come home one day wearing a black nose bag, and clutching a Quran and a prayer mat, or dressed in a long skirt, nose in the Hebrew or Christian Testament?"—ILANA (August 31, 2007)
    • "In Islam, provided they’re Muslim, the murderous, not the meek, shall inherit the earth."—ILANA (November 24, 2006)
    • “In the ‘progressive's’ universe, evil actions don't incriminate, they mitigate. Rather than signify a lack of moral fiber, the criminality of the darling buds of France—her raging Muslim youths— is said to be a symptom of inadequate freebies and fraternité.”—ILANA (November 11, 2005)
    • “Whenever a Muslim commits odious acts in the name of his faith, these are deemed—post haste and post hoc—a manifestation of the inauthentic Islam.”—ILANA (September 15, 2006)
    • "Unlike Iranian Holocaust humor, there is no objective reason to label the Danes and their drawings immoral—they have violated Islamic, not Western, strictures. This slur is based on the demands of cultural relativism and cowardice."—ILANA (March 10, 2006)
    • "So long as it's voluntary and doesn't involve The Rack … unleashing an army of missionaries on the Islamic patrimony would be far more efficacious than the military offensives currently underway."—ILANA (February 23, 2005)
    • "On the Danish Cartoons: The camel in the room… is legal and unselective immigration…A culturally coherent immigration policy is the best defense. Unless Bush does his constitutional duty, it'll be only a matter of time before the first American Theo van Gogh is stuck like a pig on our streets.”—ILANA (February 10, 2006)
    • "While throwing money and men to Moloch, the commander in chief ignores that the Arab Street has always been more militant than its leaders…The only way Bush will get the democracy he desires in the Arab world is by dissolving the people and electing another, to paraphrase Bertold Brecht."—ILANA (February 3, 2006)
    • "Our adventurous foreign policy might be a necessary condition for Muslim aggression but it is far from a sufficient one."—ILANA (July 19, 2005)
    • “…the catalog of Muslim complaints and contrivances is a little longer than the excuse-makers allow. Violence against innocent nonbelievers and the infliction of Shari'a are as integral to Muslim exegetics as are declamations about occupation."—ILANA (July 19, 2005)
    • “Based on Muslims’ own say-so… it’s both disingenuous and stupid of Islam’s champions to claim categorically that Muslim aggression is entirely reactive, a function solely of our misguided foreign policy.”—ILANA (July 19, 2005)
    • “…an estimated 100 to 300 million Muslims are active adherents of Islamism: small potatoes, right? Yet to listen to the Bush/Blair pair, you’d think that Jihadists are as alien to Islam as edelweiss is to the Kalahari.”—ILANA (July 26, 2005)
    • "Our Demagogue-in-Chief insists that democracy will both empower and pacify Muslims. [But] Democratic elections across the Muslim world would see the pan-Islamists take power everywhere; then elections would cease."—ILANA (January 26, 2005)
  • Israel & The Palestinians

    • GAZA: "Genocide is de facto legal even laudable in all forms in Israel; and it is certainly legal in some forms in the West."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes: The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being 'liquidated' (as remarked on October 31).  Israel's methodology there is that of the Nazi death squads, who were said to have 'liquidated" the ghettos of Eastern Europe before transporting their involuntarily confined Jewish occupants to the extermination camps, in cattle cars."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "These days, Gaza looks worse than the Polish Kutno Ghetto of yesteryear, for example, depicted in Hugo Jaeger’s photography, curated by Time & Life. On the one hand are the heartbreaking images of the Polish shantytown, its many makeshift shelters, and its hopeless inmates amid the collapsing ruins. On the other are the nylon tents that have come to typify Gaza, set against a Hiroshima-like hellscape, from which all signs of collective Palestinian life have been erased. The similarities are too conspicuous to ignore."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "A muselmann is a person whose body weight equals the weight of his bones. Yazan al-Kafarneh, of blessed memory, passed away in that condition, in Gaza."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "When you think of the IDF, the media hacks want you to think of fleeting youthful indiscretion—not of the abiding degeneracy and moral rot of a society and a military animated by mythomania and megalomania."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "IDF malefactors are doing well, still hamming it up in Gaza. Undeterred, the Israeli army is not tiring of genocide; but is invigorated by it. These wretched individuals upload fresh content of their exploits continuously. And, why not? Genocide is de facto legal even laudable in all forms in Israel; and it is certainly legal in some forms in the West."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA: "An ecumenical affair for Israelis is for busloads of exultant settlers and their loathsome larded offspring to watch and cheer the liquidation of northern Gaza from the Israeli side, with a view to moving in once their neighbors are dead and gone. 'Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s house” (Exodus 20:17) means nothing to these people. 'Thou shalt not murder' even less."—ILANA Mercer, "SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto," November, 26, 2024.
    • GAZA & THE LEVANT: "The free market will, in future, ensure that Israel’s remote activation of sleeper devices will lend an edge to the kind of competition that advertises thus to consumers of electronic goods: 'Our products are Israel-proof; they cannot kill their users.'"—ILANA Mercer "Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.," October 19, 2024
    • GAZA : "Given the threat to their very existence, Palestinians must not be forced into existential ennui by the West. They already are like a mouse before a cat. Given this reality, the object of any future Palestinian State must be security, first, not amity with Israel. That, and a 'Never Again' mindset. Any future Palestinian State is useless unless it affords the most imperiled people in the world the ability to defend against the most perilous people in the world."—ILANA Mercer "Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.," October 19, 2024
    • GAZA: "If the individual may not gratuitously and serially kill people; neither may the collective, the state, exterminate a class of people. It should make no difference as to whether the felon is a lone criminal or the 'common force,' to use Frédéric Bastiat’s natural-rights nomenclature."—ILANA Mercer,"Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War," September 20. 
    • GAZA: "Israel’s odious excuse-making has come to be known as Hasbara. In Hebrew, hasbara is the name of the verb to explain (lehasbir). It means explanation. Exculpatory constructs, assorted Hasbara, serve to coat Israel’s corporeal crimes against humanity with ideological respectability, to give these some imagined purity of purpose. Think of Hasbara as the steady supply of bogus constructs with which to rape reality."—ILANA Mercer,"Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War," September 20. 
    • GAZA: "Genocide is a crime, ‘the crime of all crimes.’ It stands alone; no mitigation or extenuation attaches to genocide.  Because it is an indefensible crime for which there are no extenuating circumstances or traditional defenses—genocide is not a war crime."—ILANA Mercer, "Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War," September 20. 
    • GAZA: "Israeli society has an impenetrable, clannish sense of entitlement, borne of an imagined grant of divine rights."—ILANA Mercer, "De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal," August 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: Like Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the rape in Sde Teiman was captured on camera. Watch! Have an emesis dish close by."—ILANA Mercer, "De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal," August 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "The greater goal of Israel’s legal apparatus and jurisprudence is to fend off charges of genocide and war-crimes in international courts of law. Be mindful, then, that any investigation ever launched or any arrests made by Israeli authorities are symbolic, cursory and inconsequential, part of a well-established strategy to safeguard the greater criminal enterprise."—ILANA Mercer, "De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal," August 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Crime is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the Israeli army. Yes, do not dub a first-degree felony a 'war crime.' A crime is a crime is a crime. A criminal is a criminal. A serial killer, state or lone actor, must be stopped."—ILANA Mercer, "De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal," August 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Natural-rights libertarians are seldom enamored of legal positivism, which generally conflates justice with the law of The State. Our all-too-small cohort is, for the most, wedded to the natural law, a higher law—a system of ethics knowable through reason, revelation and common sense."—ILANA Mercer, "Israel Indicted, Palestinians Validated In Fact, Law & Hoppean Argumentation," June 28, 2024
    • GAZA: "Bombastic without and barren within: The Israel Defense Forces collective might wear fatigues, but it does nothing to camouflage its libertine, licentious, sexually depraved, pornographic culture. The 'Most Moral Army in the World' had been operating an 'exclusive-content' 'channel to share the gruesome killing of Palestinians.' This IDF-run public war-porn channel, out of Israel, served up content in which murder was sauced-up or overlaid by sex talk. Such patterns of arousal—the commingling of serial killing and sex—are associated with psychopathy. The psychopathic fusion of lust and murder appears endemic among IDF soldiers"—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "The opposition among the national-interest camp to the only flaccid response mounted against Satan-on-earth rests on theoretical abstractions. The confused camp commits the Sin of Abstraction—the sin of escaping into theory, and, in so doing, avoiding reality, the reality of Israel’s real sins, real crimes, the crime of all crimes."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "Polled opinion was not split between Israelis for genocide and Israelis against it. Rather, the division in Israeli society appeared to be between Jewish-Israelis for current levels of genocide versus those for greater industry in what were already industrial-levels and methods of murder."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israeli media—from Arutz 7, to Channel 12 (“[Gazans need] to die 'hard and agonizing deaths'), to Israel Today, to Now 14 (“We will slaughter you and your supporters”), and the lowbrow, sub-intelligent vulgarians of i24—are a self-obsessed, energetic Idiocracy. These media feature excitable sorts, volubly imparting their atavistic, primitive tribalism in ugly, anglicized, Pidgin Hebrew. And, each one of these specimen always has a “teoria”: a theory."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Without a doubt, The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is the voice of the Jewish-Israeli commonwealth."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Much to my astonishment, I failed to come across a single Israeli protester who cried for anyone but himself, his kin, his countrymen, and their hostages."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "The incessant, industrial-scale campaign of slaughter and starvation in Gaza, north, center and south, exists on one craven continuum of evil. There is no qualitative difference between the IDFs actions in Gaza before the invasion of Rafah and after."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Such is the moral turpitude of the Israel Über Alles crowd—Jewish and gentile, stateside and abroad—that they appear incapable of distinguishing evidence from assertion, and facts from feel-good fiction; they can’t tell right from wrong."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "If Israeli society is sick; then so are its cobelligerent backers and boosters."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israelis now flouts the Sixth Commandment with ugly audacity. They appear to believe that their sectarian supremacy transcends the universal moral order to which international law, the natural law and the Decalogue give expression."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Were the International Court of Justice an effective and just organization it would have issued, not temporary ceasefires, but some sort of binding cease and desist order, some manner of restraining order, if you will, instructing the Israel Defense Forces to stop its depredations."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Four conditions of genocide fulfilled; not one law of war obeyed. In the course of its genocidal campaign; Israel has violated every law of war, codified in Customary International Humanitarian Law."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "In the end, Bibi Netanyahu (Likud) and ostensible rival Benny Gantz (National Unity Party), who both officiate in their country’s War Cabinet, are philosophically one, inseparable, spherical Gluteus Maximus."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "What if America were the Good Guy? Gaza is a desert of the dead and the dying. Let the American Super Power ride to the rescue."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Commensurate with Israel’s outrageous excesses, the crazed riffs coming out of Israeli heads—by letting the blood of Palestinian civilians for six months, and showing no intention of letting up—Israel has established itself as a war criminal."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Israel’s contempt for the United States is complete."—ILANA Mercer, "ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law," March 31, 2024.
    • GAZA: "American foreign policy is a museum of horrors in which Gaza 2023/2024 is the main exhibit. It is my conviction that Gaza is much more than just one more American foreign-policy failure, an event and topic to swill around like mouth wash, spit out and move on, once the usual 'tsk, tsk' bromides have been disgorged. Uncle Sam’s usual deathly mixture of ignorance, cruelty and superiority has been exceeded with respect to Gaza. It is my belief that the United States’ open, even-energetic support for genocide is a defining event in the annals of American foreign-policy aberrations."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "By dint of undertaking the role of IDF deputy in advancing genocide in Gaza—the United States has crossed a threshold. In Gaza, Uncle Sam has finally achieved an official or formal inversion of all cherished, universal values. It has earned the 'Great Satan' appellation it was once awarded."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "On the scale of national crimes and misdemeanors, Gaza is simply indefensible. And America's young sense this and are incensed by it. I am buoyed by the campus protests and wish the kids Godspeed. The Kids might just deliver Gaza from the Great and Little Satan alike."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024

    • GAZA: "This is not a Whodunit. The serial killers are known to us, are friends of ours, are supported by us."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Empowered by Empire, Israeli serial killers are not on-the-lam, running from the Law. They are free to come-and-go, to travel, to hobnob; at liberty to enjoy undeserved freedoms, as their innocent victims are confined, held captive, catacombed, awaiting death by one or another diabolical means. In fact, the serial killers of the Palestinians of Gaza are proudly paraded as freedom fighters in their country of Israel, and are backed and exculpated by the powerful in our own country, the United States of America."—ILANA Mercer, "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great And Little Satan," April 26, 2024
    • GAZA: "Inarguably, the case against Israel’s murder spree in Gaza is ethically quite simple. It is NOT within the realm of opinion. It is immutable, eternal truth. Like the laws of logic, right and wrong are universal, not relative. There are no special tribal privilege clauses—Jews, like gentiles, are prohibited from mass murder. 'Thou shalt not murder' (you can 'kill,' but you cannot murder—read about the Biblical difference in this essay) is neither opinion, nor is it optional. That’s why the Sixth Commandment is called a … commandment. It isn't optional. Saint Augustine’s Just War Theory, while imperfect, is closer to truth than opinion. Natural law going back to the ancients and derived from deductive reason and the nature of man: not opinion. What Israel has visited on Gazans and their small enclave is irreparable, orgiastic mass murder and ethnic cleansing.”—ILANA MERCER, January 14, 2024
    • GAZA: "All Israel has to do to make world leaders turn tail is intone psychopathically that 'Hamas made me do it. Hamas ate my homework; I mean my conscience.' However, he who offends against innocents is responsible for his offenses; not a third party. Whether it is committed by decree of the one or by the will of the many; by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’—murder of innocents is always murder. Murder by 'democratic' approval is also still murder, however many approve of it. At the same time, mass murder is never 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable and incidental to your 'mission.'”—ILANA MERCER, Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In,” January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "If murder of the unburn is evil, as we are frequently lectured, one might ask those who live by the light of truth, what about fully formed little people? Is it okay to make repeated attempts on the lives of Gaza's babies?"—ILANA MERCER, "Hermetically Sealed Indictment Of The Jewish Taliban’s Mass Murder And Ethnic Cleansing In Gaza,"  January 4, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Mass murder is never 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable and incidental to your 'mission.'”—ILANA MERCER, "Hermetically Sealed Indictment Of The Jewish Taliban’s Mass Murder And Ethnic Cleansing In Gaza,"  January 4, 2024.
    • GAZA: "And war against civilians is war on civilization.”—ILANA MERCER, "Hermetically Sealed Indictment Of The Jewish Taliban’s Mass Murder And Ethnic Cleansing In Gaza,"  January 4, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Demolish we must the demented 'argument' that claims for Israel a right to drop dumb bombs, on Gaza’s doctors and patients. The former, apparently, are expected not only to palliate their imperiled patients, but also account for the Resistances' whereabouts.”—ILANA MERCER, "Hermetically Sealed Indictment Of The Jewish Taliban’s Mass Murder And Ethnic Cleansing In Gaza,"  January 4, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Look at Gaza. It’s a moonscape. What are your lying eyes telling you, to use Richard Pryor’s wry phrase for he who has been caught in flagrante delicto? As they were turning Gaza into Dresden on TV, before our very eyes, Israel’s quicksilver state propagandists were also telling us, their American funders, that 'this is not happening.' Who are you going to believe? Democratic Israel, or your ‘lying eyes’? I believe my 'lying eyes,' thank you very much. Those 'lying eyes' speak to the scale of Israel’s depredations against Gazans. ”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The broad and short of it is that, no reparations can fix the irreparable Gaza, although these are owed.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The Israel of my formative years was no Eden before the Fall, but it was not a terrorist state. Jewish supremacism, like the American exceptionalism driving the United States’ foreign policy, breeds barbarism.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "In their recent military campaigns, America and Israel have waged what to the inexpert, keen observer is largely old-fashioned, Third-Generation Warfare—a blitzkrieg, by any other name, against civilian populations. Yet when military mavens predicted and depicted the next form of warfare; it was the contours Fourth-Generation Warfare that they were tracing. Fourth-Generation Warfare was to be the distinguishing characteristic of the modern military. Fourth-Generation war was meant to be smart; to see Mind dominate and direct materiel. What is underway in Gaza, at 2023’s end, however, is the very opposite. I see madness for what it is.”—ILANA Mercer, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority," December 4, 2023
    • Gaza: "To refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans—also the defining event of 2023 and the decade, twinned with COVID—is to be inhuman, insane, incoherent. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in such contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane.”—ILANA Mercer, December 9, 2023, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority"
    • GAZA: "You can’t gussy up what’s going on in Gaza.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Netanyahu May Find Himself In the Dock, In The Hague," November 14, 2023
    • GAZA: "It’s simple: If you know in advance that your actions will cause the deaths of thousands-upon-thousands of civilians; attached to your criminal actions (actus reus) is a guilty mind (mens rea), which means malice aforethought, also known as intent, in Western jurisprudence and judicial philosophy.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "The razing and ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Benjmain Netanyahu, abetted by Joe Biden and his Uniparty accomplices, in the course of which tens of thousands civilians are dying: This is murder with malice aforethought, a concept that includes 'deaths resulting from actions that display a depraved indifference to life.' Further depraved indifference to life was Israel’s throttling of supplies of water, food and power to the millions of aid-dependent Gazans, as Israel knows full-well this will imperil civilians indirectly.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "Murder with majority approval is still murder, whomever the perpetrator. Whether it is committed by the one or the many; by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’; by the decree of the one dictator or by the will of the many—murder of innocents is still murder.  Murder by 'democratic' approval is also still murder, however many approve of it. Besides, mass murder is never 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable and incidental to your 'mission.'”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "The razing of Gaza and the ongoing murder of thousands-upon-thousands of civilians by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), with western imprimatur, is a war crime. Strafing civilian populations and pulverizing entire neighborhoods to ostensibly 'soften' the few embedded targets within—this violates natural law, international law, libertarian law and Just War Theory."—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

    • "Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the utter forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • "It was the custodians of Israeli security whose calculus was off. If you correctly think Hamas is so horrible, why had Israel opted to deploy gizmos to the border with Gaza?.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • "The freedom to exclude is not racist. Rather, it is the inherent right of free individuals, living severally or collectively. The freedom to exclude is a libertarian tenet of liberty.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Prejudice—the right to pre-judge—is the idea of rejecting some and welcoming others into the fold. It is an extension of an individual’s right as a sovereign, discerning human being.  So long as no real violence and aggression are involved, the right to pre-judge and, consequently, to associate or dissociate in accordance with one’s prejudgments—this is the prerogative of a free person, and, by extension, of a free group of people, living in voluntary association.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "So long as no real violence and aggression are involved, the right to pre-judge and, consequently, to associate or dissociate in accordance with one’s prejudgments—this is the prerogative of a free person, and, by extension, of a free group of people, living in voluntary association.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • Is freedom of association racist? Is exclusion racist? Only if you are of the progressive Left. Both vicious and violent, the progressive Left believes that one is compelled by egalitarian, humanistic dogma to accept everyone into your midst on pain of punishment.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • The freedom to exclude is not racist. Rather, it is the inherent right of free individuals, living severally or collectively.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Trump has brokered much more than a peace agreement in the Middle East. He has set in motion a regional dynamic. In the past, America imagined it could be a decisive force for good in the Middle East. It can’t. The region’s players march to their own drumbeat, which is why America ought to foster regional politics, or geopolitics, in the Middle East. By shifting the emphasis away from the dysfunctional Palestinian-Israeli axis, Trump has done just that: He has returned power to the players in the region."—ILANA Mercer, "We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO! ," October 29, 2020.
    • "The Arabs know that Ivanka is calling the shots—and that the president’s fashion-focused daughter is behind the branding of the sexually androgynous, intellectually inchoate production that is Jared Kushner. If you think that’s something Arabs respect, you don’t know Shiite from Shinola."—ILANA Mercer, "Jared Packs Unicorns and Rainbows For Mideast Trip," May 30, 2019, The Unz Review.
    • "For better or for worse, the two sides are locked in a deadly, tightly choreographed dance. The Palestinians rise in frustration and fury; the Israelis respond with overwhelming force. The world then offers-up perfunctory sympathy for the Palestinians. Everybody moves on. It’s just the way it is. The world has become desensitized to the plight of the Palestinians."—ILANA MERCER, "Bibi’s Cautious Conservatism May Clash With Jared’s New Peace Plan," Townhall.com, May 31, 2019.
    • "What's the matter with Israel's Special Operations capabilities? Did the Israel Defense Forces rain bombs, willy-nilly, on the civilians at the Entebbe Airport—in Uganda, on July 4, 1976—where the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine held 100 hijacked Jews and Israelis hostage? Not on your life. Led by Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, Bibi Netanyau's late great brother, 100 members of the 'Sayeret' traversed 2,500 miles to rescue their brethren. They killed only those who needed killing."—ILANA (November 23, 2012)
    • "Hamas is said to hide among unwitting civilians, who have no way of controlling its activities. This allegation does not give Israel the right to kill innocent non-combatants, not even unintentionally. Besides, murder is not 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable."—ILANA (November 23, 2012)
    • "The titan is tired. We Americans have our own tyrants to tackle. We no longer want to defend to the death borders not our own—be they in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, wherever. And we don't need our friends looking to us to do so."—ILANA (April 29, 2011)
    • "The liberal West honestly believes that bad leaders are what shackle backward peoples."—ILANA (January 9, 2009)
    • "Be it in Africa or Arabia, liberals labor under the romantic delusion that the effects of millennia of development-resistant, fatalistic, superstitious, and cruel cultures can be cured by an infusion of foreign aid, and by the removal of the Mugabes and Haniyas of the respective regions." (January 9, 2009)
    • "Certain nihilists appear to believe that it’s preferable for their Palestinian protégés to be masters in a failed state than a minority in a functioning one."—ILANA (March 14, 2008)
    • “The notion that Hezbollah is a Jihadist organization that would like to see Israel destroyed does nothing to address whether there is utility or justification in destroying Lebanon."—ILANA (August 10, 2006)
    • "While the blame for civilian casualties might lie indirectly with Hezbollah … which, it is said in the West, targets civilians and hides among them. Although necessary, this fact, however, is not sufficient to exempt Israel from responsibility for its direct actions … Israel can’t claim it didn’t intend to murder civilians when Israeli generals can both see and foresee the devastating results of their bombardments."—ILANA (July 21, 2006)
  • Crime, Law & Ethics

    • "When in recent memory has the FBI stopped an attack on the homeland other than attacks originating in its own entrapment schemes, where a low-IQ Abdul is persuaded to purchase explosives from the FBI 'for Jihad' and then is 'caught' in the act. A presser follows."—ILANA Mercer, "Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost," January 20, 2022.
    • "The FBI has no shame. As standard operating procedure, not a day goes by when FBI agents or local law enforcement don’t tell a supplicating white America that the loss of their beautiful sons and daughters to focused and furious black hatred is entirely random, merely a function of mental illness, as that murmured mantra goes. Lies."—ILANA Mercer, "Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost," January 20, 2022.
    • "America has jurisdiction over Julian Assange because it has simply asserted it based on trumped-up charges equating his journalism with espionage."—ILANA Mercer, "Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’", December 23, 2021.
    • Civil rights laws exist and are already enforced. "I see no reason to reject the application of civil rights solutions to wicked, woke bullies because existing laws that’ll never be repealed go against my core beliefs. What is libertarianism? The art of losing in life because of a slavish devotion to theoretical purity?"—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "Natural morality has been inverted. Good is bad and bad is good. Right is wrong and wrong is right. What a moral inversion it is to force U.S. law enforcement to process and pander to outlaw invaders, instead of stopping and expelling them in just the manner described."—ILANA Mercer, "In Praise Of Whipping Horsemen: ‘Whip Or Rein’ Was Never The Question," Sep 30, 2021.
    • "January 6: "The Democratic militia romped through America, in the summer of 2020, rioting, looting and leveling their countrymen’s businesses, causing billions in damages.Like locusts, these Democrat cultural revolutionaries descended on their neighbors to menace them in places where the latter shop and socialize, sadistically threatening, and often physically harming innocents, unless they knelt like slaves. In contrast, the ragtag renegades of the MAGA movement stormed only the seat of power and corruption that is the State. Once!"—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • "Be they illegal voters, criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed wing of the Democratic Party."—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • January 6: "There is a difference between a crime and a coup. Crimes against innocent fellow citizens are acts of cowardice; a coup against the State can be heroic–just like the American Revolutionary War was a coup against Britain."—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • "Prosecutions now rest on he-said, she-said hearsay evidence, on facts that can’t possibly meet the rules of evidence (the ones the United States once abided), or be corroborated for the purposes of a just prosecution."—ILANA Mercer, "Ghislaine Maxwell: Not Evidence-Based Law, But MeToo, Sexual Moral Panic,"
    • "'Always Believe the Victim' is a ditzy, made-in-Hollywood dogma that goes against the stellar Anglo-American common law legal tradition."—ILANA Mercer, "Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby," July 1, 2021
    • "The Law must engage in a search for truth. Ultimately, however, courts of law do not deal with what happened. Their judgments must rely on what can be proven to have happened."—ILANA Mercer, "Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby," July 1, 2021
    • "The matriarchy is merciless, and it has thoroughly feminized and twisted US law.”—ILANA Mercer, "Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby," July 1, 2021
    • "AOC and her squad of progressive Democrats are not advocating 'neutral principlism'—neutrality, objectivity, and equality before the law; the noble idea of 'rules grounded in law, as opposed to rules based on personal interests or beliefs.' Differently put, AOC’s theory of justice is not metaphysical but mercenarily political. Every event to her is an opportunity—AOC’s idea being to lower the burden of proof so that events that occur only in a woman’s head can be acted upon in law.”—ILANA Mercer, "AOC’s Coven of Spitting, #MeFirst Cobras Comes To Congress," March 4, 2021.
    • "We live under the law of rule, not the rule of law. And the law of rule favors the criminal class.”—ILANA Mercer, "The Criminal Class Now The Armed Wing Of The Democratic Party," January 29, 2021.
    • "Quislings such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter quickly colluded in flagrant violation of the American pro-competition sensibility, and flouting the spirit, if not the letter, of civil rights law, to financially segregate, banish and cripple irksome people and enterprises, Parler, in our example."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Flouting Western judicial philosophy, Critical Race Theory says you are a racist without having committed racism, which is like being a murderer, robber or rapist without having murdered, robbed or raped.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "Collectively convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes is the cornerstone of the Critical Race Theory, a 'guilty if you do, guilty if you don’t' pop-jurisprudence.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "In the case of criminal acts of aggression, racist thoughts or taunts that accompany the violence should be irrelevant. If all lives matter, then the targeting of one innocent because Jewish or black is not more egregious an offense than the harming of another innocent just because.”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
    • "The law, then, must mete justice, in accordance with the rules of evidence, proportionality and due process. Other than intent, references to the thoughts that accompanied the commission of a crime should be irrelevant—be they racist, sexist, ageist or anti-Semitic.”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
    • "Fact-finding is the essence of the law. The law is not an abstract ideal of imagined social justice, that exists to pacify sensitive souls. If 'racism' looks like a felony crime, then it ought to be prosecuted as nothing but a crime and debated as such.”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
    • "The law’s ambit is not to decide whether the offender is a correct-thinking individual, but whether he has committed a crime. About former Officer Derek Chauvin’s mindset, the most the law is supposed to divine is mens rea—criminal intention: Was the officer whose knee pressed on Floyd’s neck acting with a guilty mind or not?”—ILANA Mercer, "Was The Cop's Knee On George Floyd's Neck 'Racism'? No!" August 20, 2020.
    • "Neutered, coopted, infiltrated and compromised—the police force in 2020 is missing in action. In the rare event that they act in accordance with their constitutional obligation to protect innocent people and their property, the police are hobbled—prevented from deploying riot-control tactics and, thus, invariably 'hurt and hospitalized.'”—ILANA Mercer, "Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism," July 24, 2020
    • “'To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely,' said Edmund Burke, in his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). To make cops love the communities they police, the communities they police ought to be lovely. Burke further reminded us that, 'To love the little platoon we belong to is the first principle (the germ as it were) of public affections.' But what happens when those little platoons are not so little and not so lovely? A country that is without a modicum of cohesion and is, by D.C. design, comprised of ever-accreting, competing factions—this kind of country cannot be lovely in the Burkean sense. In fairness to law-enforcement, communities in America must be damn difficult to police.”—ILANA Mercer, “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America,” June 11, 2020
    • "As kids, we knew our local policeman by name. He patrolled our neighborhoods regularly and joshed around with us. He lived among us. Community policing, however, is a thing of the past.”—ILANA Mercer, “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America,” June 11, 2020
    • "Kneeling and the George Floyd Riots: "The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving. Against the backdrop of 'Mad Max'-like dystopian destruction, men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors. One after another. They all Knelt."—ILANA Mercer, "The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America," June 11, 2020
    • George Floyd Riots: "The forces, police and paramilitary, all squatted like sissies. Isn’t there some code of conduct preventing uniforms from groveling? Police acquit themselves honorably by doing the job ethically. Activism is not in the job description."—ILANA Mercer, "The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America," June 11, 2020
    • "When all is said and done, the George Floyd riots are a law and order event. Nothing else matters in the overarching context of a failed state, in which ordered liberty is dead, and the law-abiding are utterly forsaken, even vilified.Yes, victims are now villains and villains are martyrs."—ILANA Mercer, "The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America," June 11, 2020.
    • "Punishment is a public declaration of moral standards. It is an extension of natural law. Descend into the anti-incarceration activist’s amoral abyss, and you abolish the very fabric of our ethical tradition."—ILANA Mercer, "The Punishing Agenda Of The Anti-Punishment Movement," American Greatness, January 10, 2020.
    • "At least among libertarians, the cause du jour should not be to reduce the involvement of the state at any costs, if it means freeing guilty offenders. Rather, it should be to reduce prison population by freeing innocent people whose activities, lawful by natural-law standards, the state has criminalized."—ILANA Mercer, "The Punishing Agenda Of The Anti-Punishment Movement," American Greatness, January 10, 2020.
    • "U.S. laws, immigration or other natural law, no longer represent a declaration of shared values to be enforced in the name of the common good. Law now stands for 'systemic racism,' or Nazism or fascism, or any of the other 'isms'—nebulous political constructs all—deployed by idiots in this Age of The Idiot to trash patriotism."—ILANA Mercer, "We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)," Townhall.com, July 25, 2019.
    • "Executive orders are Trump’s political power tool—justice’s Jaws of Life, if you will—to be used by the Executive to pry the people free from judicial oppression."—ILANA Mercer, “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border,” Townhall.com, June 21, 2019.
    • "In the legal penumbra in which the U.S. Office of Special Counsel operates, aggressively professing your innocence can amount to obstructing 'justice.' Fight an unjust conviction with everything you’ve got—and you risk being convicted of a crime. Fight an unjust conviction with everything you’ve got—and you risk being convicted of a crime."—ILANA, "The Moral Of The Mueller Inquisition, Part 2," April 18, 2019, Townhall.com.
    • "The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) can criminalize conduct—worse, it can criminalize speech—that is perfectly licit in natural law, such as verbally defending oneself against spurious accusations."—ILANA, "The Moral Of The Mueller Inquisition, Part 2," April 18, 2019, Townhall.com.
    • "In the title of his magisterial book, Fyodor Dostoevsky paired “Crime and Punishment,” not crime and pardons, or crime and 'Civics lessons,' amnesty and asylum"—ILANA MERCER, "The New Norm: Crime, But Not Punishment," Townhall.com, November 16, 2018.
    • "In a population whose ignorance is growing, not diminishing, the basic and public acts of naming the transgression, identifying the transgressors, and arresting and prosecuting them are all essential in setting up an expectation of law-and-order."—ILANA MERCER, "The New Norm: Crime, But Not Punishment," Townhall.com, November 16, 2018.
    • "Punishment must closely follow a crime in order to be both effective as a deterrent, as well as to serve as a public declaration of values and norms."—ILANA MERCER, "The New Norm: Crime, But Not Punishment," Townhall.com, November 16, 2018.
    • "That many Americans no longer believe all are entitled to equality under the law reveals a great deal about the fault lines that mar and scar our country."—ILANA MERCER, "GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was," WND.com, September 27, 2018.
    • "Underpinning the legal protections afforded to an accused in our adversarial legal system are vital ethical imperatives in which our society is meant to share. We afford a man the presumption of innocence partly because the law instructs us to so do, but mainly because it is the right thing to do."—ILANA MERCER, "GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was," Unz Review, September 27, 2018.
    • "Consider: Republicans can’t even get a middle-of-the-road mind like Brett Kavanaugh confirmed!"—ILANA MERCER, "GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was," WND.com, September 27, 2018.
    • "Repealing statutory, man-made law the Left, invariably, depicts as fascism, when in fact repealing positive law is often liberating; strengthening the natural rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."—ILANA MERCER, "Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables," Townhall.com, April 18, 2018.
    • "The object of creating bogus categories of crime is to leverage power over adversaries; to scare them."—ILANA Mercer, "Flynn's Sin Was Lying To Liars, Not Colluding With Russians," Storia.com, December 6, 2017
    • "An easy way for the government to create criminality where there is none is to make it a crime to lie to its agents, in this case the FBI, which is Deep State Central."—ILANA Mercer, "The Non-Crime of Lying To The FBI," Mises.org, December 11, 2017.
    • "There was no man more valorous and courageous than Robert E. Lee."—ILANA Mercer, "Sanctuary City Mayor Trashes An AMERICAN Hero, Robert E. Lee," The Abbeville Institute, May 25, 2017
    • "Rather than uphold individual rights, most positive law regulates or criminalizes the business of life. The nullification of man-made laws comports with American freedoms just fine."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • "America has become a nation of thousands-upon-thousands of arbitrary laws, whose effect is to criminalize naturally licit conduct."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • "There is nothing sacred about every law an overweening national government and its unelected agencies inflict on the people."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • "The only laws that are naturally inviolable are those upholding life, liberty and property."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • On The Private Production of Defense: "To let the victim of a crime forfeit—or choose his own form of—redress for certain misdemeanors is fine. Many legal solutions are a result of mediation and other perfectly private solutions to non-violent offenses. To leave punishment for murder, rape and other violent crime to the vicissitudes of the victim or his proxies is, however, unacceptable. The likelihood that in a stateless state-of-affairs, a victim or her proxies will choose to let a violent offender go free in favor of financial restitution cannot be ignored or tolerated. It matters not that such an eventuality may be rare, or that similar injustices occurs under the state. These should never happen. Not under the state. Not under anarchy. Furthermore, does the voluntary forfeiture of just retribution not imply, in the case of murder, that the right to life is a right the victim’s surrogates may choose to alienate or relinquish at will? How else does one construe this position? The danger of reducing justice, in cases of violent crime like homicide, to a negotiated deal amounts to moral relativism and is a recipe for nihilism."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015.
    • On The Private Production of Defense: "While the current criminal justice system is often egregious in its approach to victims, the libertarian’s characterization of the private production of defense as 'victim-centered' is misleading. It is client-centered. Again, that we suffer depredations under the state is insufficient an argument for making this state-of-affairs a viable, 'principled' option, which would likely be the case under anarchy."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015.
    • "Fact-finding is the essence of the law—the law is not an abstract idea of imagined social justice that exists in the arid minds of the perpetually aggrieved."—ILANA MERCER, "Ferguson: Thankful For The Founding Fathers’ Legal Legacy," November 28, 2014
    • "Unlike the positive law, which is state-created; natural law in not enacted. Rather, it is a higher law—a system of ethics—knowable through reason, revelation and experience.”—ILANA (December 12, 2014)
    • "The government has a monopoly over making and enforcing law— it decides what is legal and what isn't. Thus it behooves thinking people to question the monopolist and his laws.”—ILANA (December 12, 2014)
    • "Most matters previously subject to state jurisdiction have been pulled into the orbit of the judiciary. So much for Alexander Hamilton's promise, in Federalist No. 78 (May 28, 1788), that the Judiciary would be the weakest of the three branches of his proposed government. ”—ILANA (January 24, 2014)
    • The media's "Colosseum of court-room cretins" is an "Idiocracy elite that lacks the ability to separate the political constructs to which it is wedded (racism) from the facts of a case brought in a court of law. If the trial of George Zimmerman taught us anything at all it is that debate in mass media is monopolized by a noisy, all-powerful elite of idiots to whom reason is racism”—ILANA (July 19, 2013)
    • "A pesky detail has eluded all those invincibly stupid special interests who're piping up for the privacy of the press, as opposed to fighting for the privacy of all Americans. There is nothing new about warrantless wiretapping—other than that the American people haven't been particularly exercised about them. They've trusted Uncle Sam to go about this activity judiciously. ... the government is reading over your shoulder—has been doing so for some time. It can spy on Americans without breaking the law.”—ILANA (May 17, 2013)
    • "Immoral acts that are forbidden severally cannot be sanctioned collectively. The citizen must not steal. Neither should The State.”—ILANA Mercer, "Do Perverts In Power Represent You?",  July 12, 2013
    • "In a constitutional republic, The Law should apply to civilian and civil servant alike, with no exceptions. If a country's legal code outlaws sexual assault—then the act of fondling an innocent and unwilling stranger, without probable cause, between her thighs and around her breasts, must be proscribed to all people, in all places. If, as we are told, the TSA's touching is in furtherance natural rights—then, it should be perfectly proper for civilians, in turn, to pat these agents on their privates (repulsive though that may be)."—ILANA (July 20, 2012)
    • "Comprehending circumstantial evidence demands analytical and deductive thinking. These faculties are becoming rare in the Age of the Idiot now upon us, as was glaringly apparent in the deliberations of Casey Anthony's jurors. The average individual seldom reads; he knows only what is palpable and perceivable—what he can see and feel. If he can't picture something—see it happen on YouTube or on CSI—he certainly cannot think about it in the abstract. Circumstantial evidence cannot be grappled with absent an ability to think in the abstract."—ILANA (October 7, 2011)
    • "While Western man works to rid himself of the most basic ethical instincts, like defending his kinfolk, animals remain true to their nature. Wild beasts intuit that their teeth and talons are meant for tearing flesh—any flesh, the easier the better. It makes perfect animal sense to attack a thing that is docile, slow, and passive, like the not-always sapient Homo sapiens."—ILANA (Ocotber 8, 2010)
    • "Whether it is committed by a group operating within or without the law, terrorism is still terrorism."—ILANA (May 21, 2010)
    • "The position that the law is always just because it was arrived at through majority vote is a species of legal positivism. Contra classical natural law theory, legal positivism equates justice with the law of the state. However, from the fact that most Americans want others to fund or subsidize their healthcare, it does not follow that they have such a right."—ILANA (January 1, 2010)
    • "The end result of positively reinforcing bad behavior is that you get more of it. The culmination of a failure to punish predators is a debased, dissolute, slum-dog society in which, by legal decree, the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper."—ILANA MERCER, "Is It ‘Moran’ Or ‘Moron’?" May 28, 2010
    • "Government commissions are where accountability goes to die."—ILANA (November 17, 2009)
    • "A procedural default such as the failure to apprise a defendant of his consular contacts is never a violation of a natural right. 'Consular rights' are of a piece with Miranda rights and the Exclusionary Rule—technicalities tarted up as real rights."—ILANA (August 8, 2008)
    • "The-state-as-parent is a leftist legal doctrine that has been eagerly embraced by the rigor-mortis riddled Right."—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • "The Spitzer piranha didn’t give law teeth; he used bad law to bite business to the bone."—ILANA (March 17, 2008)
    • "Consistency is the touchstone of truth."—ILANA (March 14, 2008)
    • On Plagiarism: "Why borrow what I may be able to best?"—ILANA (February 18, 2008)
    • "Murder subsequent to a home invasion is not a 'robbery gone wrong,' but is an organic extension of the invasion of a home. (And breaking into a country signals quite reliably a willingness to break yet more of the invaded country's laws).”—ILANA Mercer, "JOE HORN: WANTED MAN…AND A HERO," July 4, 2008
    • “Sometimes the law of the state coincides with the natural law. More often than not, natural justice has been buried under the rubble of legislation and statute.”—ILANA (March 20, 2002)
    • "Can there be any doubt that civil rights laws coerce individuals, often against their better judgment, into involuntary associations?"—ILANA Mercer (January 2, 2007)
    • "Creepy is not necessarily criminal."—ILANA Mercer, "Remember Reno!", September 8, 2006
    • "As affable as he is, Judge Roberts regrettably, is no Janice Rogers Brown. Let's hope, at the very least, that Roberts is a Rehnquist."—ILANA (September 15, 2005)
    • "Their devotion (and dotage) prevents President Bush’s lickspittles from realizing that he too considers Janice Rogers Brown 'outside the mainstream,' to use the Democrats' demotic line. Let's hope, at the very least, that Roberts is a Rehnquist."—ILANA (September 15, 2005)
    • “Restoring the people's 'unalienable rights' may well lie in Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws.”—ILANA (September 24, 2004)
    • Discriminate one must between "acts that are criminal only because the state has criminalized them (mala prohibita) as opposed to acts which are universally evil (mala in se).”—ILANA MERCER, "MARTHA VS. THE MOB," March 12, 2004.
    • "The laws of the land can and often do diverge from the principles of justice. The facts of the law, however, should never make a discussion about justice moot. Call it reason, call it Natural Law, or call it the law that dare not speak its name, but a justice system that fails to be informed by its principles is an ass.”—ILANA MERCER, "Canada's Absurd Notion Of Justice Triumphs Again," July 25, 2000.
  • Left-Liberalism & Progressivism

    • Woke: "This is the new woke reality: You apologize for not being stupid and immoral; you justify and defend not turning physically decrepit in your later years."—ILANA Mercer, "Mercer Uninterrupted Physical Continuum In Response to Libel," July 31, 2023
    • DemonCrats: "Not nearly enough is said about the DemonCrats' sexual politics. Twerking tush in front of school kids is indecent exposure. It used to be illegal, certainly and indisputably immoral. There used to be laws prohibiting the wearing of sexual prostheses in public and dangling them in front of others, much less minors. But thanks to the Democrats’ sexual proclivities and politics, we have other-gendered people inflicting their kinks on kids, under the guise of education. The same American children can’t read, write or do arithmetic, but are No. 1 in pornography and Critical Race Theory."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • DemonCrats: "Invite adult onanism and sexual acting-out into the schools. Break down boundaries of propriety—those between generations, between what is public and what has always been private; between what is proper and improper; legal and illegal: That’s the DemonCrats distilled."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • “The Woke Universe is about inverting realityturning truth, morality, ethics, and aesthetics on their heads, and destroying every categorical imperative bequeathed to us by the ancients. The goal? To make The World safe for Ugly, Evil, Idle and Aberrant.”—ILANA Mercer, Twitter, June 7, 2022
    • Progressivism: "Since the term 'virtue signaling' has become a cliché—a term insufficient to the task—let me offer an improvement. The progressive’s preening aims to emphasize his or her own providential purpose in the universe. To that end, progressives like to discredit the rest of us."—ILANA Mercer, "‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me," April 21, 2022.
    • "In case you’re not awake to it, woke is the current state-of-being in America. In particular, to be woke in America is to be anti-white and to be anti-white is to be woke. More so than 'in' and 'hip'—to be woke is existentially important; it will often determine whether one gets and keeps a job, a social media account, even a bank account."—ILANA Mercer,"Exporting  Wokeism," January 13, 2022
    • "Wokeism is an increasingly entrenched, coercive system of largely pigment-based prejudice and persecution."—ILANA Mercer,"Exporting  Wokeism," January 13, 2022
    • "A single mother is a term the Left, and now the thoroughly co-opted Right, has adopted to glorify unmarried mothers and fatherless 'families.' It was meant to excise the father from the picture and undermine the nuclear family."—ILANA Mercer, "Rising Republican Rotters To Look Out For," February 11, 2021.
    • "The pronoun psychosis amounts to a nihilistic quest to break down the systems of classification bequeathed to us by the ancients. More fundamentally, the world is filled with categories of discrete entities. To make sense of the world, we’ve ordered it in a certain way. Comes the postmodernist progressive and tells us that there are no categories, everything is intersectional and fluid."—ILANA Mercer, "Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer" (Part 2), December 10, 2020.
    • "The duped, historic majority of the United States will willingly cede political and institutional dominance in return for the constitutional safeguards—for the abstractions—offered by democracy. This, Democrats know only too well.”—ILANA MERCER, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness,  January 30, 2020
    • "Misguided, mediocre and frightfully monolithic minds are monopolizing one of the Internet’s most powerful, intellectual means of production: Twitter.”—ILANA MERCER, "The Anatomy of a Twitter Blocking"---My Own," WND.COM, June 27, 2019.
    • "The pale, liberal patriarchy is a pioneer in forever scrutinizing itself for signs of racism and deficits in empathy toward 'The Other,' while readily accusing others of the same. It's as though liberal men derive erotic pleasure from prostrating themselves to assailants and ceding to racial claims-making.”—ILANA MERCER, "Better Orbán than Corbyn," The Quarterly Review, April 30, 2018.
    • "The liberal program aims to dissolve 'the constitution of man' in the service of sexual sameness. It is predicated on the imbecilic belief that biology is incidental, and that men and women are essentially interchangeable.”—ILANA MERCER, "Are Liberal Pervs Sexually Obsessed With Refugees?", Constitution.com, April 27, 2018.
    • "Liberals have developed a utopian vision of how nature should behave. It must remain in perfect balance. To that end, they'll exterminate harmless critters that violate the liberal idea of Order; of species correctness. For example, when a delightful flock of gentle conure parrots made San Francisco's Telegraph Hill its home, radical environmentalists demanded the flock be exterminated because it wasn't indigenous. While animals may not migrate illegally, or disrupt the preordained 'natural' order—liberal central planners encourage non-indigenous peoples to mess with the social habitat of historic, host populations. Provided they're Caucasian.”—ILANA MERCER, "Is Diversity Driving A Decline in White Population?" WND, April 19, 2018
    • "When they grow up, organizations like Microsoft want to be the government.”—ILANA, "High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd," The Liberty Conservative," February 21, 2017
    • "Would that our high-tech executives were just businessmen vested in the wealth of their shareholders. That would be a blessing and a good thing. The truth is that tech traitors are true believers, radical leftists; social justice warriors, vested in the engineering of tribalism ('multiculturalism') and racial favoritism ('affirmative action') in the workplace.”—ILANA, "High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd," The Unz Review, February 17, 2017
    • “The Left's delayed Russophobia is about a century too late.”—ILANA MERCER, “The Proof is Not In The Putin,” The Daily Caller (December 16, 2016)
    • "Conservatives have taken to speaking the postmodern gibberish once associated mostly with the pseudo-intellectual Left. Did you know that 'Trump 'Otherizes' others," as one  pig-ignorant, conservative panelist prattled?"—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "According to liberal liturgy, if not for largely exogenous circumstances—all human beings would be capable of similar accomplishments. Many a co-opted scientist will second the political dictum that there is no such thing as general intelligence. Speak, if you must, about the phenotype—even genotype—of all individual traits other than intelligence. As for the possibility of group genotypic intelligence: Don't go there!"—ILANA (September 18, 2015)
    • "Ask any left-liberal American Jew if he supports a 'Right of Return' to Israel proper for every self-styled Palestinian refugee, and he'll likely recoil: 'Are you meshuga? Never! That's a euphemism for Israel's demise.' The very thing he rejects for Israel, the liberal Jew is inclined to champion for America: a global right of return to the US for citizens of the world."—ILANA (August 8, 2014)
    • "The liberal, typically, detests a debate about substance, for it demands an intellectual argument. Rather, he is compelled to score silly points about style, for that sanctions his emotional approach."—ILANA (April 12, 2013)
    • "Prosperity and penury do not turn on gyno-centric and gay matters. But leftist statists and libertarians of the left place these wedge issues at the forefront of the fight for freedom."—ILANA MERCER, "Beware Of Liberals In Libertarian Drag," November 8, 2013.
    • "Every bit as bad as liberals, 'libertarian' political operators are prepared to shed political blood over any imagined sign of bigotry."—ILANA MERCER, "Beware Of Liberals In Libertarian Drag," November 8, 2013.
    • "Britain has morphed into a nation of sheep and shopkeepers, whose vaulting ambitions were on display during the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. I am referring to the song, dance and Hosannas the host country gave to its National Health Service, or NHS."—ILANA (August 10, 2012)
    • On the Military: "One can't expect members of a liberal organization—in structure and philosophy— to adhere to strict codes of conduct. Liberalism is about license and lenience. Disciplined, buttoned-up soldiers are bound to become an anomaly among America's progressive fighting forces."—ILANA (December 28, 2010)
    • "As night follows day, progressive policies lead to a regressive society."—ILANA MERCER, (May 28, 2010)
    • "Socialism is secondary to state squandering—and a consequence of it."—ILANA (February 20, 2009)
    • "The liberal West honestly believes that bad leaders are what shackle backward peoples."—ILANA (January 9, 2009)
    • "Be it in Africa or Arabia, liberals labor under the romantic delusion that the effects of millennia of development-resistant, fatalistic, superstitious, and cruel cultures can be cured by an infusion of foreign aid, and by the removal of the Mugabes and Haniyas of the respective regions." (January 9, 2009)
    • "Liberals are always exalting man’s basest instincts and debasing his most exalted achievements.”—ILANA (2007)
    • Liberals retain a totemic attachment to the Freudian idea that traumatic toilet training is destiny.”—ILANA MERCER (December 29, 2004)
    • "Liberals can always be trusted to see God in Mumia Abu-Jamal and the devil in the Pope."—ILANA (April 29, 2005)
    • "The only kind of marriage liberals had ever glorified is the gay kind. But thanks to Michael Schiavo, the sanctity of marriage is fast becoming a liberal sacrament, with the proviso it has to involve 'mercy killing.' It took Michael Schiavo's devoted efforts to starve and dehydrate his wife to restore liberal faith in the institution."—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
    • What distinguishes civilized beings from animals, primitive societies, and liberals is that they don’t see nature as an exemplar of all that is fine and good. To the contrary: the civilized don’t abandon the burdensome or the enfeebled to nature. When some of us do, others will always strive to rescue them.”—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
    • "Evidence that primitive societies abandoned their enfeebled members to 'nature' only intensified the liberal’s Rousseauist reverence for this practice, as the case of Terry Schiavo showed."—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
    • “Left-liberals ... believe a judicial activist is someone who reverses precedent. George Bush thinks a judicial activist is someone who disobeys the President.”—ILANA (October 3, 2005)
  • Liberty, Rights, Classical Liberalism, Paleolibertarianism

    • GAZA: "Like any good libertarian, a natural-rights thinker's reasoning about genocide—the intentional murder of the many—will be derived from reasoning about the crime of homicide. Mass murder, essentially, is when 'the natural right of the individual to exist' has been sundered many times over."—ILANA Mercer,"Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War," September 20. 
    • GAZA: "The paleolibertarian’s fidelity is to natural-law principles anchored in thinking as ancient and as true as Cicero’s. The foreign policy of the conservative hard right is largely a reductive, national-interest-focused statism. By virtue of its crass pragmatism, the national-interest camp only ever debates whether the U.S. government or Israel should or shouldn’t act on their divine rights as judge, jury and executioner. It is never over what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s plain wicked."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "To the extent the law, most law—local or international or tribal—upholds no more than natural rights, the law is good. To the extent it violates the right to life, liberty, and property—the law is bad. In the matter of Israel’s genocidal program against the Palestinians of Gaza; it is my position that, it matters not who upholds Gazans’ inalienable right to life, liberty and property, just so long as someone does."—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "The individual’s natural right to life antedates the state apparatus."—ILANA Mercer, Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "The opposition among the national-interest camp to the only flaccid response mounted against Satan-on-earth rests on theoretical abstractions. The confused camp commits the Sin of Abstraction—the sin of escaping into theory, and, in so doing, avoiding reality, the reality of Israel’s real sins, real crimes, the crime of all crimes."—ILANA Mercer,
      "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "When broad statements and assessments about aggregate group characteristic are both true and crucial to our understanding; libertarian methodological individualists needn’t demand that these be expunged from our formulations."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Methodological individualism correctly practiced means that generalizations are to be considered, while each and every individual is treated on his merit."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • "Methodological individualism does not mandate that aggregate group traits be denied. Rather, methodological individualism correctly practiced means that generalizations are to be considered, while each and every individual is treated on his merit, and not conflated with the group."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • GAZA: "Methodological individualism correctly practiced means that generalizations are to be considered, while each and every individual is treated on his merit."—ILANA Mercer,
    • "As a woman of the libertarian hard-right and as a reactionary, I cast reactionaries as enlightened conservators."—ILANA MERCER, in Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World, Jo Ann Cavalo and Walter E. Block (eds.),. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, Chapter: A Woman of the Libertarian Right: ilana mercer
    • "THE GULF BETWEEN principles and practice, doxa and praxis, is eternal—all the more so when it comes to the politician. When you think of a GOP candidate, in particular, you think of neither creed nor action, but, rather, of a list of talking points and policy positions to the exclusion of bedrock principles. 'God, groceries and gas' was how one gaseous hack smugly summed it up."—ILANA MERCER, "RFK, Jr.: Authentic Americanism That Loves Liberty, Loathes Lockdowns, Upbraids Abe," May 18, 2023
    • "To label Democrats as radicals is to compliment them. I’m a radical reactionary; a radical for free-speech, a radical for property rights, for localism, for individual liberty. See what I mean? The 'radical' adjective is not necessarily pejorative."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "Had they been functioning as they were intended to; the monarchy and the House of Lords could have served as checks on the demotic and demonic forces of the United Kingdom’s 'mass-democracy.'"—ILANA MERCER, "Mourning The Queen— But Did Elizabeth II Drop The Ball?" September 15, 2022
    • "Her Majesty’s acts were of constitutional omission, if not unconstitutional commission."—ILANA MERCER, "Mourning The Queen— But Did Elizabeth II Drop The Ball?" September 15, 2022
    • "Since Democracy is uppermost on everybody’s minds these days—defending it, exporting it, upholding it—it behooves me to remind fetishists of this political dispensation that Trudeau’s Liberal government's decision to invoke the Emergencies Act passed by a 'decisive' vote of 185 to 151 in the House of Commons. Democratically. Barring the Canadian Conservatives and the Bloc Quebecois; by democracy's measure, a 'majority' had agreed with Trudeau’s tyranny against the truckers."—ILANA MERCER, "Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise," Feb 24, 2022.
    • "A negative duty requires only that we refrain from injuring others in the real sense (as opposed to the bogus, snowflake sense, which encompasses hurt feelings). I have no qualms about imposing the harmless negative duty of tolerance on intolerant tyrannical entities—business or bureaucracy—when in violation of individual, natural rights. All the more so considering that the commodities the Tech overlords must be enjoined to tolerate are harmless, ethereal pixels, words wafting into the ether."—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "Natural rights antedate the state apparatus. It matters not who restores or upholds authentic negative rights violated—state or federal authority—just so long as someone does."—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • "Noam Chomsky, a progressive 'intellectual,' wants to see the unvaccinated underclass reduced by the state to a 'Hunger Games' type fight to survive: sequestered, waiting until dark to scrounge for scraps.”—ILANA MERCER, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," Oct 28, 2021.
    • "As the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "Were our representatives to frame the vexatious question of vaccine mandates in the correct language of natural rights—self-ownership and individual privacy—we'd get the right answers, more likely to be followed by rights-upholding legislation.”—ILANA MERCER, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," Oct 28, 2021.
    • "Disarmed of the firearm of truth, analytical and empirical—without standing our ground on the immutable truths of aggregate groups differences, while we take care to treat each individual on his or her merit—we conservatives are rendered intellectually defenseless."—ILANA MERCER, "Murray’s Empirical Wisdom Confirms ‘Into The Cannibal’s Pot’s’ Analytical Truths," Jun 17, 2021
    • "Libertarians who live by the axiom of nonaggression will always prefer the man who proceeds against the State, to the man who destroys private property. That is because the state is governed by aggression; whereas the institution of private property is rooted in peaceful, just and voluntary transactions between consenting participants."—ILANA Mercer,  "Trumpeting The Hardcore Libertarian Take On Jan. 6 Capitol Incident," February 4, 2021.
    • "Like us or not, the radical, libertarian propertarian—who does not live inside and off the Beltway; a certain kind of libertarian, the good kind—distinguishes clearly between those who, like Black Lives Matter, would trash, loot and level private property—the livelihoods and businesses of private citizens—and between those who would storm the plush seats of state power and corruption."—ILANA Mercer, "A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building," January 21, 2021.
    • "In libertarian law, the legislator has no place in a voluntary exchange between adults, as dodgy and as dangerous as these may be (like dwarf tossing)."—ILANA Mercer, 12.11.12 @ 5:52 pm, Barely A Blog.
    • "Natural rights antedate the state apparatus and the federal scheme. And although federalism is an excellent principle, it is not a religion."—ILANA Mercer, "Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism," July 24, 2020.
    • "When it comes to natural rights, the level of decision-making is immaterial; what matters is the decision. No one has the right to threaten lives and livelihoods (that includes the Internal Revenue Service). By logical extension, it matters not who upholds those inalienable rights to work and walk about Seattle and Denver unmolested—which state or federal official—just so long as someone does."—ILANA Mercer, "Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism," July 24, 2020.
    • "While Mencken’s libertarian acolytes and admirers focus on his disdain for The State as the leitmotif of his writings—Mencken’s war on the 'dishonest, insane, intolerable and tyrannical' U.S. government was, arguably, the least controversial thread in his voluminous oeuvre."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," June 29, 2020.
    • "So long as no real violence and aggression are involved, the right to pre-judge and, consequently, to associate or dissociate in accordance with one’s prejudgments—this is the prerogative of a free person, and, by extension, of a free group of people, living in voluntary association.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Is freedom of association racist? Is exclusion racist? Only if you are of the progressive Left. Both vicious and violent, the progressive Left believes that one is compelled by egalitarian, humanistic dogma to accept everyone into your midst on pain of punishment.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "The freedom to exclude is not racist. Rather, it is the inherent right of free individuals, living severally or collectively.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Acts considered illegal and immoral when enacted by one individual against another’s person and property are still illegal and immoral when perpetrated by the many. To wit, one hungry person may not break into another’s home in search of sustenance. By logical extension, millions of desperadoes cannot invade territories sustained by millions of others in search of their heart’s desire.”—ILANA Mercer, "Do We Still Have A Country? Part I," Townhall.com, July 18, 2019.
    • "Not giving someone something they demand or desire is a negative act. Or, more accurately, an inaction. You are not actively doing anything to harm that person by denying them something. Unless, of course, what you are denying them is their right to their life, their right to their liberty, their right to their property. Those are the only things you may not deny to innocent others. Interlopers at the border  do not have a right to, or a lien on, your liberty and property.”—ILANA Mercer, "Do We Still Have A Country? Part I," Townhall.com, July 18, 2019.
    • "The right of a nation to stop The World from flooding its communities amounts to upholding a negative right. In other words, by stopping trespassers at their borders, Americans are not robbing invaders of the trinity of life, liberty and property. All Americans are asserting is their right to be left alone. What we are saying to The World is what we tell our disobedient toddlers every day, 'No. You can’t go there.'”—ILANA Mercer, “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border,” Townhall.com, June 21, 2019.
    • "In democracy … the demos rules like a despot.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bernie's Degeneracy: That's Democracy For Ya," April 25, 2019, WND.COM.
    • "The American government is charged purely with upholding the law, no more. Why so? Because government has police and military powers with which to enforce its 'values.' A free people dare not entrust such an omnipotent entity with policing values, at home or abroad, for values enforced are dogma.”—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Collectivist Values Village," Unz Review, March 14, 2019.
    • "When you hear an appeal to 'permanent values'—'the values that make our country great,' to quote Clinton and the current crop of Democratic candidates—know you are dealing with world-class crooks. These crooks want to swindle you out of the freedom to think and believe as you wish. For in the classical conservative and libertarian traditions, values are private things, to be left to civil society—the individual, family and church—to practice and police.”—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Collectivist Values Village," Townhall.com, March 15, 2019.
    • "Self-government, and not imposed government, implies that society, and not The State, is to develop value systems. The State’s role is to protect citizens as they go about their business peacefully, living in accordance with their peaceful values.”—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Collectivist Values Village," Townhall.com, March 15, 2019.
    • "The crucial difference between lite libertarians and the Right kind is that, to the former, the idea of liberty is propositional–a value, an idea that's untethered from the realities of history, hierarchy, biology, tradition, religion, culture, values. Bluntly put, the principles of American freedoms were not developed by progressive, libertine ladies, marching in pussy dunce caps; by the suffragettes or the LGBTQ community and their program. Are those significant facts? You bet!."—ILANA Mercer, Big League Politics, Interview With Ilana Mercer, November 23, 2018.
    • "Modern-day Americans, some of whose ancestors were brought together by a 'profound intellectual and emotional attachment to individual liberty,' possess little by way of social capital to unify them."—ILANA Mercer, "How the Disunited States Can Survive," American Greatness, November 3, 2018.
    • "If the Bill of Rights was intended to place strict limits on federal power and protect individual and locality from the national government—the 14th Amendment effectively defeated that purpose by placing the power to enforce the Bill of Rights in federal hands, where it was never intended to be. Put differently, matters previously subject to state jurisdiction have been pulled into the orbit of the judiciary."—ILANA Mercer, "Whodunit? Who Meddled With Our Democracy?" Part 2, The Heartland Institute, May 18, 2018.
    • "Ours was never a country conceived as a democracy. To arrive at a democracy, we Americans destroyed a republic."—ILANA Mercer, "Whodunit? Who Meddled With Out Democracy? (Part 1)" February 10, 2018, Townhall.com.
    • "Complaints about the damage done to our "democracy" by outsiders are worse than silly. Such damage pales compared to what we Americans have done to a compact rooted in the consent of the governed and the drastically limited and delimited powers of those who govern."—ILANA Mercer, "Whodunit? Who Meddled With Out Democracy?" February 10, 2018, Townhall.com.
    • "From the fact that a man or a community of men lacks the intellectual wherewithal or cultural and philosophical framework to conceive of property rights—it doesn't follow that he has no such rights, or that he has forfeited them. Not if one adheres to the ancient doctrine of natural rights."—ILANA Mercer, "Everyone Has Property Rights Whether He Knows It Or Not," Mises Wire, October 11, 2017.
    • "When you hear an appeal to 'permanent values'—'the values that make our country great,' to quote Clinton—know you are dealing with world-class crooks. These crooks want to swindle you out of the freedom to think and believe as you wish. For in the classical conservative and libertarian traditions, values are private things, to be left to civil society—the individual, family and church—to practice and police."—ILANA Mercer, "Beware The Values Cudgel," February 5, 2017.
    • "A natural-rights libertarian values the life of the innocent individual. Only by protecting each individual's rights—life, liberty and property—can the government legitimately enhance the wealth of the collective. Only through fulfilling its night watchman role can government legitimately safeguard the wealth of the nation. For each individual, secure in his person and property, is then free to pursue economic prosperity, which redounds to the rest."—ILANA Mercer, "Barcelona and Beyond: How Politicians & Policy Wonks Play God With Your Life," Daily Caller, August 21, 2017.
    • "Thomas Jefferson never entertained the folly that he was of immigrant stock. He considered the English settlers of America courageous conquerors, much like his Saxon forebears, to whom he compared them. To Jefferson, early Americans were the contemporary carriers of the Anglo-Saxon project."—ILANA Mercer, "The Declaration of Independence No Longer Expresses the American Mind," American Thinker, July 4, 2017.
    • "Contemporary Americans are less likely to read the Declaration of Independence now that it's easily available on the Internet, than when it relied on horseback riders for its distribution."—ILANA Mercer, "The Declaration of Independence No Longer Expresses the American Mind," American Thinker, July 4, 2017.
    • "The category of 'criminal' (according to incontrovertibly correct libertarian political theory) entails the outlaw criminal class—it needs no introduction—and the legalized criminal class: the politicians."—ILANA, "Jihad's Triumph On Westminster Bridge," Townhall.com, March 30, 2017.
    • "In Cool Britannia, the moniker the Island acquired in the times of trendy Tony Blair, the only way disarmed Britons may shoot a savage is with ... a camera."—ILANA, "Jihad's Triumph On Westminster Bridge," Townhall.com, March 30, 2017.
    • "The idea of the American 'creedal nation,' which is supposed to unite us all in 'a common commitment to a set of ideas and ideals,' is abstract and inorganic. This creed comes from above, not from below. It's a state religion reflexively developed to bring about compliance."—ILANA, The Daily Caller, "What Rep. Steve King’s ‘Racist’ Statements Teach," March 20, 2017.
    • "The States now act as coequal partners in the administrative tyranny President Trump is trying to break."—ILANA, "Coequal in Tyranny: The Ninth Circuit’s Rules for Radicals," Townhall.com, February 13, 2017
    • "Through an appeal to values, the State aggrandizes itself. A limited government, serving an ostensibly free people, must thus never enforce values."—ILANA, "Beware The Values Cudgel," The Daily Caller (February 2, 2017)
    • "Because our form of government is incompatible with the enforcement of values, the American People can't and mustn't welcome into their midst civilizations whose values are inimical to the survival of their own."—ILANA, "Beware The Values Cudgel," The Daily Caller (February 2, 2017)
    • "Self-government, and not imposed government, implies that society, and not The State, is to develop value systems. The State's role is to protect citizens as they go about their business peacefully, living in accordance with their peaceful values."—ILANA, "Beware The Values Cudgel," The Daily Caller (February 2, 2017)
    • "Candidates who talk about the Constitution 'in depth' are dishonest. For there is no Constitution left to talk about.  That thing died over the course of centuries of legislative, executive and judicial usurpation."—ILANA (January 22, 2016)
    • "It’s inevitable: In an anarcho-capitalistic universe, fundamentally different and competing views of justice (right and wrong) will arise. And while competing, private protection agencies are both welcome and desirable; an understanding of justice, predicated as it is on the natural law, does not allow for competing views of justice."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015
    • "The libertarian anarchist invariably falls into sloth. Forever suspended between what is and what ought to be, he settles on a non-committal, idle incoherence, spitting venom like a cobra at those who do the work he won’t or cannot do: address reality as it is. This specimen has little to say about policy and politics for fear of compromising his theoretical virginity. Suspended as he is in the arid arena of pure thought, the garden-variety libertarian anarchist will settle for nothing other than the anarchist ideal. And since utopia will never be upon us, he opts to live in perpetual sin: the sin of abstraction."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015.
    • On The Private Production of Defense: "A belief in the immutably just nature of the natural law must elicit questions about the wisdom of the private production of defense, especially in the case of violent crime, as this could, in turn, give rise to legitimate law-enforcement agencies that uphold laws for communities in which natural justice has been perverted (in favor of Sharia law, for example)."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015.
    • On The Private Production of Defense: "To let the victim of a crime forfeit—or choose his own form of—redress for certain misdemeanors is fine. Many legal solutions are a result of mediation and other perfectly private solutions to non-violent offenses. To leave punishment for murder, rape and other violent crime to the vicissitudes of the victim or his proxies is, however, unacceptable. The likelihood that in a stateless state-of-affairs, a victim or her proxies will choose to let a violent offender go free in favor of financial restitution cannot be ignored or tolerated. It matters not that such an eventuality may be rare, or that similar injustices occurs under the state. These should never happen. Not under the state. Not under anarchy. Furthermore, does the voluntary forfeiture of just retribution not imply, in the case of murder, that the right to life is a right the victim’s surrogates may choose to alienate or relinquish at will? How else does one construe this position? The danger of reducing justice, in cases of violent crime like homicide, to a negotiated deal amounts to moral relativism and is a recipe for nihilism."—ILANA Mercer, "Libertarian Anarchism’s Justice Problem," April 10, 2015.
    • "Like gun laws, spy laws, courtesy of the Surveillance State, oppress only law-abiding, harmless individuals."—ILANA (December 4, 2015)
    • "The paleolibertarian grasps that liberty has a civilizational dimension, stripped of which the libertarian non-aggression axiom, by which we all must live, cannot endure."—ILANA, "Steigerwald, Oy Gevalt!" Target Liberty,  January 14, 2015
    • Like left-liberals, "lite libertarians"—they're the kind that is afflicted with the same spineless conformity; a deformation of the personality euphemized as political correctness—are incapable of appreciating a script or book; a painting or symphony; a stand-up routine, if only because the material and its creator violates the received laws of political correctness."—ILANA, The British Libertarian Alliance, January 14, 2015
    • "To be vested in linguistic accuracy is to be vested in the truth. The closer the language we use approximates reality—and, by extension, the truth—the greater the likelihood that our actions will follow."—ILANA (September 18, 2015)
    • "Guns are not the root cause of man's evil actions. Neither are the multiplying categories of the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Evil is part of the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can't be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. Evil is here to stay. Bad people do bad things. Deal, as they say in the hood."—ILANA (September 4, 2015)
    • "Yankees are fond of citing Confederacy officials in support of slavery and a war for slavery. Most Southerners, however, were not slaveholders. All Southerners were sovereigntists, fighting a 'War for Southern Independence.' They rejected central coercion. Southerners believed a union that was entered voluntarily could be exited in the same way.”—ILANA (June 26, 2015)
    • "The Articles of Confederation, which were usurped in favor of the Constitution at the Philadelphia convention, are better founding documents than the Constitution.”—ILANA (April 10, 2015)
    • "The individual living in America as it was meant to be would be free to run his business as he wishes, associate with those he likes, dissociate from those he dislikes or disapproves; hire, fire, rent to or evict from, invest and disinvest, speak and misspeak at will. This hypothetical free man is at liberty to bruise as many feelings as he likes, so long as his mitts stop at the next man's face. So long as he harms nobody's person or property, our mythic man may live as he wishes to live.”—ILANA (April 3, 2015)
    • "Tyranny strives for uniformity.”—ILANA (March 13, 2015)
    • A Modest Libertarian Proposal: "The Monster State refuses to protect its people from plagues. It welcomes high-risk travelers from the Ebola hot-zones. Simultaneously, it quarantines aspiring fighters for Jihad here at home, in the West, so that the homeland is the only arena in which they can act-out. The nightwatchman state of classical liberalism would keep killers out of the country, not in the country.”—ILANA (January 23, 2015)
    • "No individual should be arrested for harboring wicked thoughts or hanging out with wicked people. But when he leaves the Occident with the intent to train to wage war on his neighbors—this Jihadi must be stopped from re-entering the good country. Let the West's homegrown Jihadis wander from the killing fields of one crap country to another, like the nomadic hired guns they are."—ILANA (January 23, 2015)
    • "If not by design at least by default; reflexively if not intentionally, government operatives work to retain their positions and increase their sphere of influence.”—ILANA (October 17, 2014)
    • "Working for government ought to be one of the most dangerous jobs ever. Occupational hazard might just get us a better class of parasite.”—ILANA (October 3, 2014).
    • "By going on the defensive... libertarians are, inadvertently, conceding that speech should be policed for propriety, and that those who violate standards set by the PC set are somehow defective on those grounds alone and deserve to be purged from 'polite' company.”—ILANA ("Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist," May 16, 2014)
    • "Whether arrived at through reason or revelation… natural law is the highest law known to man. It is anchored in the very existential nature of man and is therefore a priori just.”—ILANA ("Why The Land Belongs To Bundy," April 25, 2014)
    • "If the Bill of Rights was intended to place strict limits on federal power and protect individual and locality from the national government—the 14th Amendment effectively defeated that purpose by placing the power to enforce the Bill of Rights in federal hands, where it was never intended to be.”—ILANA (January 24, 2014)
    • "The nice men in periwigs who came up with the Fourth Amendment were recklessly naive to imagine that branches of a government, each of whose power is enhanced when the power of the other branches grows, would serve to check one another. The idea of a judiciary that would police the executive as an arm of a self-correcting tripartite government was worse than naive.”—ILANA (January 3, 2014)
    • On "the inglorious history of American freedom and federalism": "In the rare event that the Supreme Court refuses to play along—there is always a perfectly legal, extra-constitutional, quasi-legislative, quasi-executive, quasi-judicial, 'independent' regulatory commission or executive agency to kill off or override constitutional protections.”—ILANA (January 3, 2014)
    • "Lite libertarianism Vs. paleolibertarianism: "A crucial difference between lite libertarians and the Right kind is that to the former, the idea of liberty is propositional–a deracinated principle, unmoored from the realities of history, hierarchy, biology, tradition, culture, values. Conversely, the paleolibertarian grasps that ordered liberty has a civilizational dimension, stripped of which the libertarian non-aggression axiom, by which we all must live, cannot endure.”—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • Against Dog-Ate-My-Homework Argumentation: "For the sins of man, hard leftists blame society, and the lite libertarian saddles the state. In its social determinism, the lite libertarian's 'the-state-made-me-do-it' argumentation apes that of the left's 'society-made-me-do-it' argumentation. Both philosophical factions implicate forces outside the individual for individual- and aggregate group dysfunction.”—ILANA (December 20, 2013)
    • "A propagandized population has a hard time choosing worthy heroes. It is high time Americans celebrate the Anti-Federalists, for they were correct in predicting the fate of freedom after Philadelphia.”—ILANA (December 6, 2013)
    • "This gun owner is no gun nut; but a right-to-self-defense fanatic.”—ILANA (November 22, 2013)
    • "Certain bedrock principles—arguably a true conservative mindset—dictate a respect for life. A life-conserving sensibility means that guns are meant for self-defense, not for needless killing.”—ILANA (November 22, 2013)
    • "If not illegal, let us remember that the IRS's activities are immoral. The IRS's business is legalized theft. Theft is wrong, whether it is committed by an individual or a group. In a just society, the moral strictures that apply to the individual must also extend to the collective. Immoral acts that are forbidden severally cannot be sanctioned collectively. The citizen must not steal. Neither should The State. House Republicans are aiming ostensibly to make an agency of thugs practice theft and intimidation with greater fairness, when they should demolish the den of iniquity and vice that is the IRS.”—ILANA (July 12, 2013)
    • "Contemporary Americans are less likely to read The Declaration of Independence now that it is easily available on the Internet, than when it relied on horseback riders for its distribution."—ILANA (July 5, 2013)
    • "What Edmund Burke said about the House of Commons in his day applies in spades to a House packed with the likes of Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. 'Designed as a control for the people,' the House has become a control 'upon the people.'"—ILANA (June 21, 2013)
    • "Come every Memorial Day—more aptly called 'Dying For Nothing Day'—we direct a commonplace saying at members of a military that has not defended authentic American liberties for decades. It is, however, to a young man such as NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that we should say: 'Thank you for your service, Mr. Snowden.'"—ILANA (June 14, 2013)
    • "There are excellent arguments to be made for an armed citizenry and an unarmed police force. In the United Kingdom, however, both the people and the police have been disarmed. No wonder 'bobbies' carrying wooden truncheons are often late to the crime scene; it's a miracle that they pitch up at all."—ILANA (May 24, 2013)
    • About "those invincibly stupid special interests who're piping up for the privacy of the press, as opposed to fighting for the privacy of all Americans ..."—ILANA (May 17, 2013)
    • "The great Roman statesman Cicero observed that, 'Not to know what happened before one was born is to be always a child.' In our ignorance of the values that form part of our history and heritage, we Americans have become perpetual children."—ILANA (May 10, 2013)
    • "It is a smart libertarian who retains a healthy contempt for politicians, even the libertarian ones. Ultimately, they're all empire builders, who see nothing wrong in using fame and the public dime to peddle their influence and their products. The people—at least those who've never fed at the 'public' trough, unlike every single politician and his aide—are always morally superior to the politicians. In all, some politicians are less sickening than others, but all fit somewhere along a sick-making scale."—ILANA (March 1, 2013).
    • "The positive man-made law is not a libertarian lodestar."—ILANA (March 1, 2013)
    • "A right that can't be defended is a right in name only. If you cannot by law defend your life, you have no right to life. If you cannot defend your property, you have no right of private property. And if you cannot defend your liberty, you are not a free man. It follows that inherent in the idea of an inalienable right is the right to mount a vigorous defense of the same rights."—ILANA (January 18, 2013)
    • "The American Founding Fathers were sophisticated thinkers. Some were scientists and inventors. ...all were familiar with the idea of humanity's unstoppable progress. In the Bill of Rights they authored a timeless document of individual liberties, setting limits to government power. The document was never meant to recalibrate individual liberties in light of each era's technological innovations."—ILANA (January 18, 2013)
    • "Austerity is a euphemism among politicians and their media pack animals for 'long term retrenchment and reform' in the public sector. Implicit in their critique of “austerity” is that inflicting pain on the state apparatus will inevitably destroy society. Au Contraire. State and society should never be conflated. In fact, the bigger the state the smaller the civil society."—ILANA (February 24, 2012)
    • "Socialism is humanity's second nature. All politicians do is turn human vice into votes."—ILANA (September 30, 2011)
    • "Europeans have come to realize that adding an overarching tier of tyrants—the EU—to their own government has benefited them as a second hangman enhances the health of a condemned man."—ILANA (September 9, 2011)
    • "Libertarianism Lite": Ordinary, gun-toting, homeschooling, bible-thumping Middle Americans remain unmoved by people who draw their paycheques from foundations, think tanks, and academia, and wax orgiastic about MTV and Dennis Rodman. This stuff might appear sophisticated, but it is reductive and shallow—a post-graduate cleverness that lacks philosophical depth."—ILANA (July 8, 2011)
    • "Like or dislike her, the British Queen is harmless. Her role is purely ceremonial. Conversely, life and death are in the hands of the monarch who sits in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."—ILANA (May 20, 2011)
    • "The heroic movement for democracy in Egypt dovetails with an ongoing flirtation with fascism in the US; the twilight of individual sovereignty in the US contrasts with its rise in Egypt."—ILANA ( February 19, 2011)
    • "I've yet to hear liberty deprived peoples the world over stand-up for the tea-party patriots. When they do - I'll gladly galvanize on their behalf. Until then, I wish the Egyptians better luck with their next 'son of 60 dogs' - that's an Egyptian expression for political master. But that's about it."—ILANA (February 4, 2011)
    • "The idea that the Founders were flawed, sinful men like you and me is current among a hefty majority of Americans, conservative too. It is wrong. Quite the reverse. The Founders are matchless today both morally and intellectually - their actions bespeak a willingness to forsake fortunes and risk lives for liberty, a concept and cause alien to contemporary Americans, who're, mostly, bereft of both the mental and moral gravitas necessary to grasp it."—ILANA (December 3, 2010 )
    • "The Transportation Security Administration attack dogs ought to be tagged, collared, and impounded."—ILANA (November 19, 2010)
    • "The TSA onslaught is a quest for submission, not sex." —ILANA (November 19, 2010)
    • "The founders were not democrats; they foresaw today's pillage politics - and they understood that, unchecked, overbearing majorities would be more malignant than monarchs. All too well did the founders know that, granted a vote, the unpropertied masses would help themselves to the belongings of the propertied."—ILANA (February 19, 2010)
    • "From the fact that most Americans want others to fund or subsidize their healthcare, it does not follow that they have such a right. A need is not a right. A man's life, liberty and the products of his labor were not intended to be up for grabs by grubby, greedy majorities."—ILANA MERCER (January 1, 2010)
    • "There is no such thing as absolute free speech; there are only absolute rights of private property. Speech is circumscribed by private property rights. You may deliver a disquisition in my virtual or actual living room only if I permit you to so do."—ILANA MERCER (December 23, 2009)
    • "Many would argue that making some supply others with work, water, clothes, food, education and medical care will increase overall liberty in society. That won't wash. Liberty is not an aggregate social project. Every individual has rights. And rights give rise to obligations between all men, including those who are in power. That men band in a collective called 'government' doesn't give them license to violate individual rights."—ILANA MERCER (January 1, 2010)
    • "By the standards of honest, if unorthodox, accounting, government workers don't pay taxes, but are paid out of taxes. In other words, they pay taxes out of money confiscated from taxpayers, who, in turn, pay taxes twice: on their own income and on the income of members of the bureaucracy. At the very least, this should disqualify state workers from voting."—ILANA (September 25, 2009)
    • "Rights, as our founding fathers conceived them, are not claims to economic goods, but freedoms to act in the procurement of these goods."—ILANA (August 14, 2009)
    • "A society that is reduced to the skeletal essence of the libertarian non-aggression axiom is not a civil society, but an "Idiocracy."─ILANA (June 21, 2009)
    • "The rights to life, liberty and property were not meant to be subject to the vagaries of majority rule."─ILANA (May 15, 2009)
    • "Man’s rights are immutable and inviolable not just because they are necessary for his physical survival and intellectual and psychological fulfillment, but because, bereft of absolute rights, his survival as a sovereign individual becomes impossible."─ILANA (May 15, 2009)
    • "The problem with rights in the American social democracy is that the cockroaches in Congress decide how much of a man’s life is his and how much is theirs. The positive law has become the source of our rights."─ILANA (May 15, 2009)
    • "Whether one defers to divine law or natural law, rights must be independent of the will of man. Congressional law was never intended to be the source of our rights."─ILANA (May 15, 2009)
    • "Libertarian and leftist protest over any impediment to the free flow of people across borders is predicated not on the negative, leave-me-alone rights of the individual, but on the positive, manufactured right of human kind to venture wherever, whenever."─ILANA (May 1, 2009)
    • "Whether one defers to reason or revelation for their justification–the natural rights of man remain inalienable. Rights are never lost—not when reason or religion is jettisoned. More often than not, however, rights are violated."─ILANA (March 15, 2009)
    • "The right to pursue happiness has become a right to happiness, a home and healthcare."─ILANA (February 20, 2009)
    • "McCain’s national greatness 'conservatism' sees the individual as a cog in the service of the collective. Contra McMussolini, the American Founders placed the individual before the collective, giving pride of place to individual liberties before duties."—ILANA (September 12, 2008)
    • "A procedural default such as the failure to apprise a defendant of his consular contacts is never a violation of a natural right. 'Consular rights' are of a piece with Miranda rights and the Exclusionary Rule—technicalities tarted up as real rights."—ILANA (August 8, 2008)
    • “If Thomas Jefferson begrudged the Normans’ malign influence on the natural law he cherished, imagine how he’d view our contemporary cultural conquistadors from the South, whose customs preclude natural rights and natural reason!"—ILANA (July 4, 2008)
    • "For the edification of libertarians prone to vulgar individualism, the Declaration is at once a statement of individual and national sovereignty."—ILANA (July 4, 2008)
    • "In the land of the free and home of the brave hundreds of children can be rounded up and removed from their families based on a hunch or a hoax. No hue and cry will ensue—not from professional civil libertarians, nor from members of the un watchful dogs in the media, or from presidential candidates vying to uphold—or is it just to hold—the Constitution."—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • "If only the high-minded Framers had written the Constitution with crooks in mind."—ILANA (February 15, 2008)
    • About the futility of central planning: "Societies are built from the soil up, not from the sky down. And by the people, not the politicians."—ILANA (January 4, 2008)
    • "Policy by definition addresses the collective, not the individual. Duly, the reality-based libertarian will seek to minimize political overreach, not mandate heaven on earth."—ILANA (January 15, 2008)
    • “A right that can't be defended is a right in name only.”—ILANA (August 6, 2003)
    • "Natural rights are not for governments to grant but to uphold.”—ILANA (June 25, 2004)
    • In unfree societies... governments pacify the multitudes by mulcting the few."—ILANA (March 2, 2007)
    • "Murder subsequent to a home invasion is not a 'robbery gone wrong,' but is an organic extension of the invasion of a home. (And breaking into a country signals quite reliably a willingness to break yet more of the invaded country's laws).”—ILANA Mercer, "JOE HORN: WANTED MAN…AND A HERO," July 4, 2008
    • "All men are imbued with natural—but not necessarily political—rights. The laws of this country ought to respect the natural rights of all people, legal and illegal. Not so their demands for political and welfare privileges."—ILANA (December 14, 2007)
    • “We have a solemn duty not to violate the rights of foreigners everywhere to life, liberty, and property. But we have no duty to uphold their rights. Why? Because upholding the negative rights of the world’s citizens involves compromising the negative liberties of Americans—their lives, liberties, and livelihoods. The classical liberal government’s duty is to its own citizens, first.”—ILANA (September 2, 2005)
    • "The sole role of a legitimate government is to protect ... life, liberty, and property, not provide housing, food, education, health care, child benefits, emotional well-being, enriching employment, ad infinitum. Why? Because the former impose no obligations on other free individuals; the latter enslave some in the service of others."—ILANA (June 27, 2007)
    • “Liberty is a simple thing. It's the unassailable right to shout, flail your arms, even verbally provoke a politician, unmolested. Tyranny is when those small things can get you assaulted, incarcerated, injured and even killed.”—ILANA (September 28, 2007)
    • "Those demanding the Speaker channel 'The Decider' are on the side of concentration of power, and consequently, a further loss of power by the people."—ILANA (April 6, 2007)
    • "A rational suspicion of power, upon which libertarians pride themselves, must be predicated on distrusting all power, not only American power."—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
    • "A sizable majority of the people 'receives in disbursements more than it pays in taxes.' The minority funding the orgy 'pays in taxes more than it receives back in disbursements.' The latter, not the former, should have the vote."—ILANA (April 24, 2007)
    • "Taxpayers ought to have the vote, not so tax consumers. And that goes for politicians, who pay taxes out of what they loot from the taxpayer."—ILANA (April 24, 2007)
    • "The freer a society, the less likely government is to placate the envious by taking from those they envy."—ILANA (March 2, 2007)
    • "In a truly free society, the kind we once enjoyed, one honors the right of the individual to associate and disassociate, invest and disinvest, speak and misspeak at will."—ILANA (September 15, 2006)
    • “If the Constitution were binding and America still a republic of limited government, the president and his incontinent legislators would have to quit marking their territory around the world.”—ILANA (February 3, 2006)
    • “Casting a vote to give someone power does not make a man free; freedom is the knowledge that even if one doesn’t perform that ritual, nobody can exercise power over one’s life, liberty, and property.”—ILANA (December 18, 2005)
    • “Adding an overarching tier of tyrants—the EU—to European governments will benefit Europeans as a second hangman enhances the health of a condemned man.”—ILANA (June 8, 2005)
    • “In a free society, the ‘vision thing’ is left to private individuals; civil servants are kept on a tight leash, because free people understand that a ‘visionary’ bureaucrat is a voracious one and that the grander the government... the poorer and less free the people.”—ILANA (January 26, 2005)
    • “James Madison was not a democrat. He denounced popular rule as ‘incompatible with personal security or the rights of property.’ Democracy, he observed, must be confined to a 'small spot' (like Athens). Indeed, the Bush administration's deafening demagoguery notwithstanding, democratic majoritarianism is thoroughly un-American.”—ILANA (September 16, 2004)
    • “Restoring the people's 'unalienable rights' may well lie in Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws.”—ILANA (September 24, 2004)
    • "Let's pretend that it was constitutional to intentionally wage war on civilians—blacks included—to imprison without trial thousands of Northern citizens, jail—even execute—people who refused to take an oath of loyalty  to Lord Lincoln, shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers, incarcerating editors and owners, and generally suspend the Bill of Rights, the writ of habeas corpus, and international law. If it endorsed—or even accommodated—what Lincoln did, including his ignoring of the Ninth and 10th amendments, and his violating of the Second, then the Constitution is categorically evil and self-contradictory.”—ILANA MERCER, "Taking America Back Means Taking Lincoln Down," February 12, 2003
    • “Sometimes the law of the state coincides with the natural law.“ More often than not, natural justice has been buried under the rubble of legislation and statute.”—ILANA (March 20, 2002)
    • "From the fact that many libertarians believe that the state has no legitimacy, they arrive at the position that anything the state does is illegitimate. This is a logical confusion. Consider the murderer who happens on a scene of a rape while fleeing the law, saves the woman, and pounds the rapist. Is this good deed illegitimate because performed by a murderer?"—ILANA (July 31, 2002)
  • Mainstream Media

    • GAZA: "Israel’s odious excuse-making has come to be known as Hasbara. In Hebrew, hasbara is the name of the verb to explain (lehasbir). It means explanation. Exculpatory constructs, assorted Hasbara, serve to coat Israel’s corporeal crimes against humanity with ideological respectability, to give these some imagined purity of purpose. Think of Hasbara as the steady supply of bogus constructs with which to rape reality."
    • GAZA: "Polled opinion was not split between Israelis for genocide and Israelis against it. Rather, the division in Israeli society appeared to be between Jewish-Israelis for current levels of genocide versus those for greater industry in what were already industrial-levels and methods of murder."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024
    • GAZA: "Israeli media—from Arutz 7, to Channel 12 ('[Gazans need] to die 'hard and agonizing deaths'), to Israel Today, to Now 14 ('We will slaughter you and your supporters'), and the lowbrow, sub-intelligent vulgarians of i24—are a self-obsessed, energetic Idiocracy. These media feature excitable sorts, volubly imparting their atavistic, primitive tribalism in ugly, anglicized, Pidgin Hebrew. And, each one of these specimen always has a “teoria”: a theory."—ILANA Mercer, "The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?," May 21, 2024.
    • "King Tuck clearly carried the Fox News network and its nits. ... Rupert Murdoch will be remembered as the Money Man who fired Tucker Carlson and, by so doing, sank his network."—ILANA MERCER, "King Tuck, Like Trump, Is Transformational," June 1, 2023
    • "Tucker like Trump is transformational."—ILANA MERCER, "First, They Came For Tucker Carlson; Next Is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.," April 27, 2023
    • "The foolish firing of their top rated host, Tucker Carlson, and one of the highest-ranking cable news shows in the country, is sure to hasten the death rattle of the War Porn channel. Something just short of total extinction seems a fitting fate for Fox."—ILANA MERCER, "First, They Came For Tucker Carlson; Next Is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.," April 27, 2023
    • "I’ve watched scores of noisemakers on Fox News 'argue' against the Critical Race Theory agitprop in education. There’s nothing but humbug from the channel’s holy men and women. Their arguments against the CRT scourge are characterized by a white-out of whites."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "This column, now in its 20th year, can attest that writing in the Age of the Idiot is about striking the right balance of banality and mediocrity, both in style and thought, which invariably entails echoing one of two party lines and positions, poorly."—ILANA Mercer, “How Democracy Made Us Dumb,” By ilana mercer.
    • "Devoid of discipline and a sense of propriety, and seeking the warm smell of the Fake-News herd, cable’s cretins escape into gossip, feelings and fantasy."—ILANA Mercer, "The TV Tarts' Reign of Terror," The Agonist, April 15, 2019.
    • "Let me be clear. When I allude to the women of TV, I include those with the Y Chromosome."—ILANA Mercer, "TV Tarts: Cringe Factor Ad Infinitum, Part 2," WND.COM, March 28, 2019.
    • "TV’s tarts all speak in insufferable, grating, staccato, tart tones. Believe it or not, such a depiction is no longer politically proper. The voices from hell have been dignified: vocal fry and uptalk."—ILANA Mercer, "TV Tarts: Cringe Factor Ad Infinitum, Part 2," WND.COM, March 28, 2019.
    • "TV’s tele-tarts focus not on the role of government, but on the tone of government."—ILANA Mercer, "TV Tarts: Cringe Factor Ad Infinitum, Part 2," Unz Review, March 28, 2019.
    • "TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice."—ILANA Mercer, "The TV Tarts' Reign Of Terror, Part 1," Reckonin', March 21, 2019.
    • "Those gathered at the Annual Correspondents' Dinner, or their Christmas party, are not the country's natural aristocracy, but its authentic Idiocracy. No matter how poor their predictive powers, no matter how many times they get it wrong—in war and in peace—the presstitutes always find time for this orgy of self-praise."—ILANA Mercer, "Thanks, POTUS, For Breaking-Up The Annual Correspondents’ Circle Jerk," The American Thinker, May 8, 2017.
    • "Like nothing else, the annual Correspondents' Dinner is a mark of a corrupt politics. It's a sickening specter, where some of the most pretentious, worthless people in the country—in politics, journalism and entertainment—convene to revel in their ability to petition and curry favor with one another, usually to the detriment of the rest of us in Rome's provinces."—ILANA Mercer, "Thanks, POTUS, For Breaking-Up The Annual Correspondents’ Circle Jerk," The American Thinker, May 8, 2017.
    • "The White House Correspondents' Dinner (WHCD) should have been more appropriately called the Sycophants' Supper. Would that it was the last such supper."—ILANA Mercer, "Thanks, POTUS, For Breaking-Up The Annual Correspondents’ Circle Jerk," The American Thinker, May 8, 2017.
    • Megyn Kelly: "A serious journalist with a grasp of the enormity of the Trump Revolution; a journalist who didn't wish to give up on ever again interviewing the candidate, or forever forfeit access to a possible future president, a journalist with gravitas would have labored less at promoting herself and more on mending a professional relationship."—ILANA (January 29, 2016)
    • "The Left is going to love Megyn Kelly even more for supposedly intimidating Donald Trump. For Kelly to love herself more is impossible."—ILANA (January 29, 2016)
    • On the egos in the an anchor's chair: "You are not the story. Your job is to get the story."—ILANA (January 29, 2016)
    • On why insightful commentators and thinker whose observations have predictive power generally barred from the national discourse, while the usual foolish, false prophets are called back for encores: "The opportunity costs associated with consumption of toxic punditry are low or non-existent. Having their worldview affirmed, even affirmed in a parallel universe, is worth a lot to news consumers, who are keener to avoid the pains of cognitive dissonance than to get the real deal."—ILANA ("Pundits, Heal Thyselves!")
    • "Fox News' Megyn Kelly has fast succumbed to the female instinct to show-off, bare skin, flirt and wink. She now also regularly motormouths it over the occasional smart guest she entertains (correction: the one smart guest, Ann Coulter). At the same time, Kelly has dignified the tinnitus named Dana Perino with a daily slot as Delphic-oracle."—ILANA (August 21, 2015)
    • First Republican presidential debate, 2015: "'The Murdoch Media's' golden goose, Megyn Kelly, henpecks Donald Trump ... ."—ILANA (August 14, 2015)
    • "Brian Williams: member of the media circle jerk."—ILANA (February 13, 2015)
    • "Like nothing else, the Sycophant's Supper is a mark of a corrupt politics and press, as the un-watchful dogs of the media have no business frolicking with the president and his minions. This co-optation, however, is the hallmark of the celebrity press, in general. The days following these glitzy events, the Gilded Ones spend genuflecting to … themselves."—ILANA (February 13, 2015)
    • "The annual White House Sycophants' Dinner is where the most pretentious people in the country—in politics, journalism and entertainment—convene to revel in their ability to petition and curry favor with one another, usually to the detriment of the rest of us in Rome's provinces. Those gathered at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, or its Christmas party, are not the country's natural aristocracy, but its authentic Idiocracy."—ILANA (February 13, 2015)
    • "The Fourth Estate has moved the country into the Third Dimension. The media lie so much, that when stuff happens that scares them, they no longer know where to turn for the truth."—ILANA (January 30, 2015)
    • "The natural aristocracy precludes the political class, which uses coercion and deception to gain ascendancy. Members of the neatly bifurcated networks and pulp press, being mere supplicants to the state, are also excluded from the natural aristocracy."—ILANA Mercer, "Writing In The Age Of The Idiot," October 9, 2009
    • "Failed 'experts' for whom public goodwill runs eternal are a feature of discourse in this country. Be it on the 'merits' of pulverizing a foreign country or their own country, they dispense dollops of disinformation without denting their status as philosopher-kings."—ILANA Mercer,  "Obamacare's A Marketplace In The Same Way The Knockout Game Is A Game," February 14, 2014
    • "Think of lab rats racing through a maze, when you watch the sub-intelligent, dual-panel 'dialogue' conducted on the teli. ... Each rat runs with a designated, neatly bifurcated (Republican or Democratic) political orthodoxy. Each is a 'maze-bright' rat, and not the possessor and giver of any truth."—ILANA (January 10, 2004)
    • "The blow-by-blow, wall-to-wall coverage of the massacre in Newtown—and of every related utterance on the issue since, official or other—is the very essence of the postmodern deconstruction of the discipline of journalism. If there is no edifying information on the case, no reporting needs to take place."—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
    • "France's founding principles of liberté, égalité, fraternité—that blood-drenched, illiberal Revolution and its legacy—leapfrogged across The Pond and took hold in America, where agents like CNN help it spread."—ILANA (July 13, 2012)
    • "It's impossible to miss the sexual overtones. A gleaming flash of dentition, a glowing complexion: when CNN women folk report on Big Daddy O, their fondness is on display for all the network's 291,000 national viewers to see."—ILANA (July 13, 2012)
    • "Cognitive consonance is what writing in the Age of the idiot is all about. The key to success in the scribbling profession is to strike the right balance of mediocrity in writing and thinking, which invariably entails echoing one of two party lines, poorly."—ILANA (April 13, 2012)
    • "The dueling perspectives political panel is compatible with the aims of CNN, MSNBC, and the other progressive broadcasters. This format is positively postmodernist. By presenting the public with two competing perspectives—you mislead viewers into believing that indeed there are two realities, and that it is up to them to decide which one is more compelling. The truth is that truth is immutable, never relative. The little truth there is in mainstream media should not be diluted or presented by its adherents as dueling with untruth."—ILANA (November 18, 2011)
    • "Members of the media-monetary-congressional complex orbit in privileged circles; all benefit from the freshly counterfeited funny-money dispensed from D.C. On the other hand, the workers of the world are brothers in bondage."—ILANA (August 26, 2011)
    • "No matter their brand of political prostitution (Republican or Democrat), media talking heads are props to the politicos; they mirror the political class, reflecting and reinforcing the opinions—and the reality—among the elites they serve. More often than not, the chattering classes are as privileged and protected as their masters."—ILANA (August 19, 2011)
    • "The cable commentariat is a cog in the sprawling American comitatus. They all feed off Rome."—ILANA (August 5, 2011)
    • "In an effort to create reality on the ground - instead of reporting on it - the American media seem to color events by refracting them through a sickeningly sentimental prism."—ILANA ( February 19, 2011)
    • "TV's Talkers are all uncritical slaves to the ghost-ship of state, provided the pirates at the helm are members of their particular political faction."—ILANA MERCER, (August 6, 2010)
    • "Cronkite died the other day; news coverage croaked a long time ago."—ILANA MERCER, "The Authentic Ass-troturfers," August 14, 2009
    • "Good newsmen are a dying breed. Good newswomen are mostly dead already. By the time she died, the brilliant and brave Oriana Fallaci had long since been buried professionally by mediocrities like Barbara Walters of the 'cutting edge' anti-aging reportage and colonic crusader Katie Couric."—ILANA (June 6, 2008)
    • "I suspect most media cheered for Obama reflexively, rather than consciously—too stupid to ask themselves whether what they were doing was journalism or advocacy."—ILANA (June 6, 2008)
    • "The moribund mainstream media is dead from self-inflicted wounds."—ILANA (February 22, 2008)
    • "Too Many pundits posing as populists have benefited handsomely from turning folks onto war—pornographically so."—ILANA (February 9, 2007)
    • "CNN’s Anderson Cooper is a major culprit in changing the face of news. Forehead furrowed into a perpetual I-feel-your-pain frown, Cooper’s broadcasts are an interminable kvetch that elevates feelings above facts."—ILANA (June 27, 2007)
    • "The media monolith, pitchforks hoisted, has conducted a swift public trial, meant to make an example of Imus, and serve as a warning to all others who fail to march in lockstep, shouting 'Jawohl!'”—ILANA (April 13, 2007)
    • "So long as they're being treated as the demigods they believe they are, media---liberal and illiberal---act like lap dogs to the Big Dogs."—ILANA MERCER, "The 'Presstitutes' Vs. The VP," October 24, 2014
    • "In the financial benefits they derived from whooping it up for war, a great many media types were as good as Halliburton war profiteers."—ILANA (December 4, 2006)
    • Fox News is full of statists on steroids.—ILANA (January 25, 2006)
    • “The media talking heads are props to the politicos. As long as they play to the ‘Demopublican Monopolists,’ and sustain the respective parties’ constituencies, media 'mavens' will retain their perches, their pensions, and their sizable salaries.”—ILANA (August 8, 2005)
    • “The commentariat... is a mirror image of the political class, reflecting and reinforcing the opinions—and the reality—of the elites. More often than not, the chattering classes are as privileged—and protected—as their masters.”—ILANA Mercer (August 8, 2005)
    • “News is not what it used to be because a dumbed-down population, well represented in newsrooms, cannot distinguish evidence from assertion and fact from feel-good fiction. News is now nothing but a slick, demand-driven product designed to please—not inform—the public.”—ILANA Mercer (May 28, 2004)
    • "Mainstream media seldom fail to shed darkness on whatever topic they tackle.”—ILANA Mercer, "Insider Trading Or Information Socialism?," June 19, 2002.
  • Nationhood & Nationalism

  • Neoconservatism

    • "The antiquated electrical grid fails. Russia. Birds fall out of the sky. Russia. Americans loathe each other. Russia. Democracy is a farce and a failure. Russia. Deplorables won an election. Russia. Deplorables elected a president: a Russian. A young and flighty Russian girl, Maria Butina, arrives in the country full of faith in the American system. She flirts with US law makers, slips between the sheets with some. 'A spy,' we shriek! Jail her! Break the wanton waif!' And, we did. I believe that this dangerous, endless, and mostly baseless, barrage of bullying and berating finally helped push Putin over the edge"—ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • "Why wage a war in furtherance of interests not our own? ask paleoconservative patriots like Messrs. Pat Buchanan and Tucker Carlson. The question, alas, is a non-sequitur, as it is incorrectly premised on the false notion that the United States government and Department of State conduct foreign policy in the interest of the American people. The assumption of congruity between US foreign policy and the interests of the American people is utterly false. No such congruity exists."—ILANA MERCER, "Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia," January 29, 2022.
    • "US State craft is driven, first, by the arrogance of power and delusions of ideological superiority, as well as by self-serving elite concerns."—ILANA MERCER, "Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia," January 29, 2022.
    • "With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by NATO, Russia finds itself between Scylla and Charybdis—allow a buildup on its border, or act, for it has legitimate security concerns. On its border, Russia will soon have to endure the provocation of the NATO club, carrying out military maneuvers."—ILANA MERCER, "Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia," January 29, 2022.
    • "In the Afro-American society, particularism and tribalism are forcibly replaced with state-approved national identities. So, the ANC is indisputable king in the dominant-party state that is South Africa—just as the Democratic Party will soon command and control the burgeoning dominant-party state that the USA is fast becoming."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "South Africa is an Afro-American multicultural society, united by an affinity for MacDonald’s and mobile phones and a strict enforcement of progressive 'thinking,' attendant speech codes and cancel culture. South Africa has been made over in the image of America, and the outcomes are not good."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "Neoconservatives like David French and the attendant ideology they promote—foreign-policy bellicosity, endless immigration, mindless consumerism, racial shaming and 'cancelling' of deviationists, conformity to an American identity that’s been melted away in vats of multiculturalism—these are in our country’s bone marrow, by now."—ILANA MERCER, "Incompetent, Imperial Neocons And The Permanent State (Part 1)," February 13, 2020, WND & Unz Review.
    • John McCain is wedded to the idea that his own home (America) is nothing more than an idea, and never a community of flesh-and-blood people with a shared, treasured patrimony."—ILANA MERCER, "Finally, A War John McCain Doesn't Love," Townhall.com, October 27, 2017.
    • "Our soldiers have been propagandized to conflate fighting for American freedom with fights in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali."—ILANA MERCER, "Finally, A War John McCain Doesn't Love," Townhall.com, October 27, 2017.
    • "No war makes Johnny McCain a sad boy."—ILANA MERCER, "Finally, A War John McCain Doesn't Love," Mises Wire, October 26, 2017.
    • "Talking like a conservative doesn't mean a politician will act like a conservative. Republican presidents who've talked and acted conservatively are as elusive as Big Foot. There hasn't been a sighting in maybe a century. A purist would cite Democrat Grover Cleveland as America's last conservative president. He preached and practiced the maxim that 'the people must support the government, but the government must not support the people.'"—ILANA (March 18, 2016)
    • "When it comes to philosophical convictions, most conservatives more closely resemble their beltway liberal friends than Republican Party voters. From the country's dismal finances and propagandized population, a sizable segment has concluded that conservative power-brokers and liberal power-brokers are indistinguishable."—ILANA (March 18, 2016)
    • "In the classical conservative and libertarian traditions values are private things. They must be left to individuals and to civil society to practice and police. Party and state operatives have police powers with which to back their 'values.' Therefore, never-ever are they to preach or police The People's values."—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "Russell Kirk was a real, old-school conservative. 'Values,' said Kirk, 'are private and frail.'  Values enforced become dogma."—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "The politicians—Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan—offer up platitudes; political niceties to excite the asses in the anchor's chair. They propose nothing to stop the slaughter, stateside, by Muslim. Instead, they demand a leap of faith—that you believe dropping 'daisy cutters' on Muslims in the Middle East (only on the bad ones, naturally) will reduce the danger to Americans at home."—ILANA (December 4, 2015)
    • "Neoconservatives are still in the business of creating their own parallel reality and forcing ordinary Americans, Europeans and Middle-Easterners to inhabit the ruins."—ILANA (September 25, 2015)
    • "If America busies itself not with elective wars, but with commerce, the shift in power and prestige will be away from politicians who prosecute wars, and back to The People who produce prosperity."—ILANA (September 25, 2015)
    • "'Is America a good country? Are we a bad country?': Neoconservative Dinesh D'Souza collapses the distinction between 'America' and the U.S. government. This is a mistake. The state is not the same as America. Opposing the policies of the American state is not synonymous with opposing 'America.' It is possible to disavow every single action taken by the U.S. government and still love the 'little platoons' of America, as Edmund Burke described a man's social mainstay—his family, friends, coreligionists, coworkers. By logical extension, it is dishonest to malign those who assign the 'bad' category to the state, on the ground that they hate 'America.'"—ILANA (September 19, 2014)
    • "Fighters for the family and the farm are never 'rebels.' Or so Senators John McCain, Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham would impatiently insists. Wresting dominion over the distributive state: Now that's the defining battle of an 'authentic' freedom fighter. Political illiteracy being a precondition for political office, these 'three blind mice,' naturally, don't know Shia from Shinola. Grasping Syria's ethnic and religious mix is clearly beyond the ken of one John McCain."—ILANA (August 3, 2012)
    • It's okay to kill 'em, but it's not okay to pee on them once they're dead. This sums up the piss-poor discussion over the LiveLeak clips of 'four United States Marines urinating on three dead Taliban fighters.' The force of the to-pee-or-not-to-pee position is just up Beavis and Butthead's philosophical alley."—ILANA (January 20, 2012)
    • On the neoconservative's "propositional nation": "No longer will communities comprise individuals bound by a shared language, literature, culture, faith, history, habits and heroes. Rather, what we’re being fashioned into is a disparate people, forced together by an abstract, highly manipulable, coercive, state-sanctioned ideology."—ILANA (December 28, 2007)
    • "For exhorting that 'we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,' Ann Coulter was even banished from National Review. This was a puzzling purge, considering neoconservatives promptly adopted her recommendations (save the peaceful one), invaded Muslim countries and killed their leaders.—ILANA (October 26, 2007)
    • “Neocon nirvana is a U.S.-supervised world, where Afghani and Israeli alike are fashioned into global democrats, citizens of the world.”—ILANA (April 24, 2002)
    • “In the process of pursuing some sort of neoconservative ‘Manifest Destiny,’ President Bush has junked the American Constitution—it gave him no authority to ‘promote’ global freedom, democracy or nation-building with blood and treasure not his own.”—ILANA (September 11, 2003)
    • "Inviting an invasion by foreigners and instigating one against them are two sides of the same neoconservative coin."—ILANA (January 16, 2004, also mentioned here by Larry Auster, as an idea “an idea first articulated by Ilana Mercer and then turned into a neat slogan by Steve Sailer.")
    • “Neoconservatives are committed cultural and religious relativists who firmly believe a good democratic heart throbs in every thorax.”—ILANA (February 23, 2005)
    • “Loving Islam and leveling Islamic countries—these are two sides of the same neoconservative coin.”—ILANA (November 4, 2005)
  • Popular Culture & Populism

    • "Tchaikovsky’s 'Pathetique,' his Symphony No. 6, is a singularly intense and sublime expression of the agonies of the individual, caught between salvation, sin and love of Mother Russia.”ILANA Mercer, “Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution,” May 5, 2022
    • "The masses crave an opiate. Their political overlords know how to exploit the attendant and innate tendency for groupthink. As soon as the usefulness of one faith (Covid) expires; another takes its place (Ukraine), courtesy of the ruling elites, and with the complicity of the crowds. The Covid conformity has been replaced with the requirement that we all find religion on Ukraine."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    • "George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. wanted to best Gustave Eiffel, so he gave us the American version of  the Eiffel Tower ... the Ferris wheel."ILANA Mercer, Aug 15, 2022 
    • "Rap, very simply, is crap—structurally, technically and tonally. While mistakenly classified as music, it is without musical merit. The rap, hip-hop genre is properly classified as street theater."ILANA Mercer, "Exporting Wokeism," January 13, 2022.
    • "Wokeism is made in America, is entirely toxic, and, sadly, suffers no supply-chain disruptions in its spread abroad."ILANA Mercer, "Exporting Wokeism," January 13, 2022.
    • "America’s wokerati have plunged our now institutionally radicalized country into dreary, postmodern deconstructionism."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "Properly categorized as street theater, not music, rap and hip-hop are, objectively speaking, gutter culture, certainly without any musical merit, technically and tonally. The hip-hopster or rapper hoots and gestures obscenely like a primate on heat. The movements that accompany the atonal grunts are a simulation of animalistic sex, the call of the wild, if you will."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "Taste is subjective, but standards are objective."ILANA Mercer, CNN’s Sinophobic Zakaria Is Clueless: China Is Reactionary, Returning To Confucianism; Not Communism," December 16, 2021.
    • "The pronoun psychosis amounts to a nihilistic quest to break down the systems of classification bequeathed to us by the ancients. More fundamentally, the world is filled with categories of discrete entities. To make sense of the world, we’ve ordered it in a certain way. Comes the postmodernist progressive and tells us that there are no categories, everything is intersectional and fluid."—ILANA Mercer, "Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer" (Part 2), December 10, 2020.
    • "Henry Louis Mencken cannot appeal to the bumper crops of humorless, dour 'dunderheads' America is now siring. He cannot resonate with those who are afraid to question received opinion, who cannot conjugate a verb correctly, use tenses, prepositions and adjectives grammatically and creatively, or appreciate a clever turn-of-phrase."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," June 29, 2020.
    • "How can Mencken, author of The American Language (1919), be relevant in an America in which the rules of syntax are passé, pronouns are politicized and neutered, torrential prolixity is in, concision and precision are out, and 'editors' excise nothing, preferring to let mangled phrases and lumpen jargon spill onto the page like gravy over a tablecloth."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," June 29, 2020.
    • "A Mencken essay is certain to furrow the brow of the above-average American reader, writer and editor nowadays. Unlike the tracts disgorged by Conservatism, Inc., the least complicated of Mencken’s editorial writings would place excessive demands on the unsupple minds of young activists, who are busy striking a selfie on social media or running to CPUKE conferences."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," June 29, 2020.
    • "By virtue of the unsettling, bracing originality of his ideas, Mencken is rendered as inaccessible to the American reader as an alien from deep space."—ILANA Mercer, "H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America," June 29, 2020.
    • "The plague has turned us all into untouchables and the politics have made us a little touched in the head."—ILANA Mercer, "That Kiss," June 25, 2020.
    • George Floyd Events: "The spectacle of mass contagion, where members of the public turn into professional mourners, flocking to funeral happenings for victims they never knew—this is warped. Grief is not a tribal affair. Communities don’t grieve; individuals who incur loss do. These are professional pornographers, not mourners. These phony displays among regular folks are at the root of our festering cultural commons."—ILANA Mercer, "The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America," June 11, 2020
    • "A tenet of the American democracy is to deify youth and diminish adults."—ILANA Mercer, "How Democracy Made Us Dumb," By ilana mercer.
    • "The late Anthony Bourdain: the Jack Kerouac of cooking."—ILANA Mercer, "Homeless In Seattle, Part 2: Tech Sucks The Soul Out Of The City," The Unz Review, October 10, 2019.
    • "Music instrumentalists these days can mostly only strum their guitars, and produce an amorphous blend—an ill-differentiated, sloppy sonic porridge. Such a structureless cacophony pleases the lazy ear because it’s repetitive, and chock-full of blurry, angst-riddled crescendos."—ILANA Mercer, "Grammys: Great Porn, Maybe, But Music It Was NOT," WND.COM, February 14, 2019.
    • "Unite we Americans do over the state of our sovereign debt—it's bad! But not over what it means to be a sovereign people."—ILANA Mercer, "If The Disunited States of America is to Survive," Townhall.com, November 2, 2018.
    • "Kneeling is the ultimate selfie, beamed to the country and blasted by the president himself."—ILANA Mercer, "Taking a Knee is Akin to Taking A Pee," September 29, 2017.
    • Kneeling: "Histrionic hulks can't debate or argue effectively. Lacking words or wisdom, the kneelers resort to inappropriate displays and gestures aimed at the self, at self-aggrandizement."—ILANA Mercer, "Taking a Knee is Akin to Taking A Pee," September 29, 2017.
    • Kneeling: "Partaking in civilization entails knowing there is a time for everything. There is a time for activism and a time to do what you're paid to do."—ILANA Mercer, "Taking a Knee is Akin to Taking A Pee," September 29, 2017.
    • "A sportsman used to embody a certain set of shared values. He set an example in his steeliness, resiliency, strength and singular focus. The spoilt men of the N.F.L. stand unafraid in the presence of ... what? American moms, dads and their kids?."—ILANA Mercer, "Taking a Knee is Akin to Taking A Pee," September 29, 2017.
    • Football fetish: "We all inhabit this busy mart called America, but are united by nothing meaningful at all. The football fetish in America has intensified in the context of a country whose inhabitants agree on little else than the importance of The Game. Consequently, come playoff time, we come together fleetingly and superficially, to make a religion out of our respective professional football teams."—ILANA Mercer, "Taking a Knee is Akin to Taking A Pee," The Daily Caller, September 29, 2017.
    • "Satire in the US has been killed off by the twin tyrannies of political correctness and affirmative action."—ILANA Mercer, "Thanks, POTUS, For Breaking-Up The Annual Correspondents’ Circle Jerk," The Daily Caller, May 8, 2017.
    • "Anyone who's been made to watch a French film, serious or satirical, knows that the French have no sense of humor or irony. The last truly funny comedian to have made merry in France lived in the 17th century. He was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, aka Molière. To get a feel for what has since become of French comedy, watch Louis de Funès, whom the French consider a comedic giant. Even your typically humorless Charlie Hebdo cartoon—take the one in which the contours of Muhammad's turban resemble his bare buns, accompanied by the caption, 'And my butt, you like my butt?'—is wittier than Louis de Funès' oeuvre."—ILANA (May 8, 2015)
    • "If you don't quite know whether you are afflicted with political correctness, ask yourself this: "Do I police what people say for political propriety? To the extent that I seek it out, do I scrutinize great literature, music, art, television or comedy for signs of so-called sexism, racism, elitism, homophobia, antisemitism and meanness? Am I incapable of appreciating a superbly written script or book; a sublime painting or symphony; a smart stand-up routine, if only because the material and its creator violate the received laws of political correctness?"—ILANA (July 11, 2014)
    • "B.B. King is no match for Johann Sebastian Bach."—ILANA (March 7, 2014)
    • "Dance, in general, has become more atavistic than artistic. Dance moves most energetically engage the rump and the reproductive region, as though choreographed to the rhythm of mating primates."—ILANA (March 7, 2014)
    • "Duck-Dynasty" controvery: "The Ducksters are part of a debased culture—the right-wing answer to Kim Kardashian, whose deformed figure and ass elephantiasis you can ogle online and on late-night Leno."—ILANA (December 27, 2013)
    • "Not for nothing was the vow of silence once considered a test of character and spirituality in Christianity and in other faiths. This universal value has been inverted by American pop culture and pop religion. In the US, a deeply private person is considered defective; a blabbermouth who does and says anything on camera is canonized."—ILANA (March 15, 2013)
    • "Auto-Tune technology is what makes a cast of vain ventriloquists like Katy Perry and Glee what it is."—ILANA (January 25, 2013)
    • "I'd rather listen to the dodecaphony of twelve-tone music than sit through the cacophony that passes for music, emitted by today's performers."—ILANA (January 25, 2013)
    • "The pornography of public grief in our country is almost as warped as the evil (not ill), mother-slaying, mass murderer responsible for the Sandy Hook carnage. There is very little dignity in the freaky spectacle of mass contagion—where members of the public turn professional mourners, flock to memorial happenings for victims they never knew, and mill about for hours in the hope of being discovered by the master of ceremonies, the journalist. These ritualistic displays are symptomatic of our festering cultural commons."—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
    • “Dr. William Sears is the mad-hatter behind the onansim known as ‘attachment parenting. Time magazine and NBC's Today Show staged uniquely American vaudeville in support of Dr. Sears' Method Parenting ..."—ILANA (May 18, 2012)
    • "A depraved culture supports a depraved politics and vise versa."—ILANA (December 17, 2011)
    • "Graft is within each person's reach; genius is not."—ILANA MERCER, "Pleasure Me Now!", April 22, 2011
    • "Anyone who has studied seriously, or worked to master a craft, knows that nothing worth learning or mastering is easy or enjoyable, at first — unless you're a genius, a natural, or both."—ILANA MERCER, "Pleasure Me Now!", April 22, 2011
    • "Our society revolves around the pleasure principle. Unless something is pleasurable, it excites suspicion and is deemed unworthy of pursuit. This is one reason so many American youngsters entering the job market are dumb, difficult and will be, ultimately, dispensable."—ILANA (April 22, 2011)
    • "The God-awful Lady Gaga, a facilely recycled idiot."—ILANA (September 24, 2010)
    • "To justify distaff disenfranchisement look no further than Meghan McCain."—ILANA (February 19, 2010)
    • "Meghan McCain and her peers are everywhere, loudly dispensing mind-numbing clichés as though they were Socratic sayings."—ILANA (February 19, 2010)
    • "Homegrown retardation is far more pressing a problem than homegrown terrorism in modern-day America."—ILANA (October 23, 2009)
    • "This is the age of the idiot. The triumph of Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber in American culture and politics can no longer be disputed."—ILANA (October 17, 2008)
    • "In contemporaray America, crying automatically vests the blubberer with moral virtue."—ILANA (July 18, 2008)
    • "Meghan McCain is not working with much - and is eminently qualified to dim debate in the Age of the Idiot."—ILANA (May 8, 2009)
    • "Imagine what a locust-like cloud of Girls Gone Wild, or bumping and grinding semi-nude spring breakers, would do to Saudi Arabia. Before long, pious Muslim men, the potential Jihadi pool, would succumb to a bacchanalia of debauchery—sex, sloth, and stupidity."—ILANA (May 9, 2008)
    • "'Reality' TV regularly lifts from well-deserved obscurity a procession of shameless degenerates."—ILANA (May 9, 2008)
    • "Idiots have come into their own in a big way, courtesy of depraved consumers, and complicit TV producers and publishers, of pixel and paper alike. The duller you are and the louder you crow in contemporary America, the better you do."—ILANA (May 8, 2009)
    • "Misplaced compassion is common in sentimental, sensation-driven America."—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • "More often than not, the marketplace doesn’t adjudicate the quality of art or pop culture. The market does no more than offer an aggregate snapshot of the trillions of subjective preferences enacted by consumers. Aguilera (Christina) probably sells more than Ashkenazy (Vladimir) ever did. Britney outdoes Borodin. For some, this will be faith inspiring, for others deeply distressing."—ILANA MERCER, Hudson Institute, February 7, 2003, or "MUCH ADO ABOUT CONSERVATIVES AND POP CULTURE"
    • "America's idea of beauty nowadays is of a piece with its idea of good food: cheap and nasty."—ILANA (February 25, 2008)
    • "The late Robert Mapplethorpe of the bullwhip-bedecked behind..."—ILANA (February 17, 2006)
    • "Postmodern literary analysis is an error—an artificial, political construct that doesn’t render reality but rapes it."—ILANA (December 2007)
    • "Dogmatic plebeians are always poised, pitchforks hoisted, to enforce the lowest common denominator."—ILANA (February4, 2007)
    • "In music nowadays, the visual, not the auditory, is the medium."—ILANA (December 10, 2006)
    • "The Queen of England has only ever done what is right by her country, whether it knows it or not. Yet the British almost had the elderly lady up for treason because she didn’t tear her frock and roll in ashes when that dodo, Diana, died."—ILANA (May 8, 2006)
    • "Most pop ‘musicians’ today are a product of the visual medium: If you were unable to see these ‘artists,’ you'd not want to hear them. I suspect that their image alone has, over the years, supported sales. And of course, the masses habituate to the thump-thump studio-engineered racket that substitutes for a voice, instrumental arrangements, and chord progression in a Madonna or Britney ditty."—ILANA mercer, December 10, 2006
  • Private Property Rights

    • "As a rule, private property—corporations—once shielded the individual from the State. No longer. American Big Business now gleefully enforces the State’s regulatory despotism. There is nowhere left to run."—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021.
    • "As a reality-oriented conservative libertarian, I inhabit and theorize in the real world. From the conservative-libertarian’s perspective, Barry Goldwater got it right. Civil Rights law is an ass, for it infringes on property rights. But the onus is on flaccid Republican lawmakers to ensure that that ass can be ridden by all equally (with apologies to adorable, much-abused donkeys for the cruel metaphor)."—ILANA Mercer, "Centralize Liberty: The Solution To Wicked, Woke Tech (Part 3)," September 23, 2021.
    • January 6: "A certain kind of libertarian, the good kind, distinguishes clearly between those who, like BLM, would trash, loot and level private property—the livelihoods and businesses of private citizens—and between those who would storm the well-padded seats of state power and corruption."—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • "Libertarians who live by the axiom of nonaggression will always prefer the man who proceeds against the State, governed as it is by force, to the man who destroys private property, rooted as that institution is in peaceful, just, voluntary transactions."—ILANA Mercer, "A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building," January 21, 2012.
    • "In defending Deep Tech, you are not defending the rights of private property to merely conduct itself as it wishes. Rather, you are marching down the pirate’s plank, on a ship of state commandeered by pirates, who’re in competition with the state."—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "To go by the argument advanced in In Defense Of Looting, if looting a man’s property is morally legitimate—it 'does little harm to those who have insurance'—why not taking his life? Doesn’t he have life insurance?"—ILANA Mercer,  "Law And Order Unites Main Street America," September 25, 2020.
    • "The restoration of law and order and the reverence for private property rights are the most powerful principles with which to unite main-street America, left and right. This is what Republicans must remember, before they scamper down the judicial rabbit hole of abortion."—ILANA Mercer, "In Defense of Looting," September 25, 2020
    • "Cultural supremacy is no argument for the dispossession of a Lesser Other."—ILANA Mercer, Mises Wire, "Everyone Has Property Rights, Whether They Know it or Not," October 11, 2017
    • "... the onus is on private property owners—yes, proprietors!—to turn away those who badger other customers in their rightful enjoyment of the services they bought ..."—ILANA Mercer, "The New Norm: Crime, But Not Punishment," WND.COM, November 15, 2018
    • "Anti-discrimination law banning the private discrimination ... is inconsistent with freedom of association and the right of private property."—ILANA (April 3, 2015)
    • "People with higher incomes constitute a minority, an economically dominant minority (to paraphrase Amy Chua). People with low incomes are in the majority, a politically dominant majority. The rich are politically impoverished; the poor politically rich. The rich dominate the economy, the poor dominate the polity. Come election time, the politically powerful exact their revenge against the economically powerful."—ILANA (November 9, 2012)
    • "To those who imagine the death of our diplomats in Libya turns on American free-speech, I say this: You have no right to deliver your disquisition in my living room. You have only the right to request permission to so do from this (armed) private-property owner. By extension, you have no universal right to 'free speech' on another man's land. More so than to America's diplomats—Libya, Yemen, Egypt and Iran belong to the people of Libya, Yemen, Egypt and Iran."—ILANA (September 14, 2012)
    • "PROPERTY ÜBER ALLES. Libertarians think of the troika of liberties—life, liberty, property—as equally weighted freedoms. However, property trumps liberty, for liberty can be variously defined. Government insists we are free so long as we can vote. We know this to be untrue. Property, moreover, is harder to redefine. If our rights to property were fully upheld, the same officials who tell us to count ourselves free (and lucky) would be unable to control huge areas of our lives—bedroom, boardroom, you name them."—ILANA (Septmber 23, 2011)
    • "Arguably, a right that is not vigorously defended is as good as a right forfeited."—ILANA (Septmber 23, 2011)
    • "Just as a partial pregnancy is an impossiblity, one can’t be a partial property owner with the government as the sleeping partner. If the government can claim a percentage of a man’s income as a condition of letting him live unmolested—that man owns diddly-squat. Ownership is then symbolic, subject to the whims and “wisdom” of the sovereign of the day."—ILANA (March 28, 2008)
    • "The right of ownership is an extension of the right to life. If ownership is not an absolute right but is instead subject to the vagaries of majority vote, then so is the right to life."—ILANA (November 20, 2002)
    • "The 16th Amendment gave government a limitless lien on a man’s property and, by extension, on his life."—ILANA (November 20, 2002)
    • "If U.S. ports were private, and not state run, their proprietors would have to underwrite the endeavor and would thus be extra cautious, since it would fall to them—and not to taxpayers—to cover the costs of an attack…port owners would then express the same trepidations most Americans are now voicing over who manages—and has easy access to—their ports."—ILANA (February 24, 2006)
    • "Most American ports are owned by localities—states, cities, and local port authorities. This is the American people’s backyard. They feel they own the ports, which is why they responded as cautiously as any proprietor who prizes and protect what is his."—ILANA (March 3, 2006)
    • “Inherent in private property is the right to include or exclude; associate with or dissociate from. This attribute is also why we in the West are supposed to uphold private property as a civilizing institution. How better to keep the peace than to keep a distance?”—ILANA (November 18, 2005)
    • "Title or ownership should have been conferred originally to the degree to which homesteading, or a transformation of material goods with native labor had occurred on contested land. But the willy-nilly transfer of wealth to natives has never followed the logic of homesteading. Instead, asserting some traditional affinity over vast stretches of land is legally accepted.”—ILANA Mercer, "Treaty Process Likely to Generate Huge Costs,"  July 13, 2000
    • "In a nationalized system there are no prices because there is no private property. Absent such knowledge, misallocation of capital is inevitable.”—ILANA Mercer, "Failure Defined As Success in Socialized Medicine," October 26, 2000.
  • Racial & Multicultural Issues

    • "Flouting Western judicial philosophy, Critical Race Theory says you are a racist without having committed racism, which is like being a murderer, robber or rapist without having murdered, robbed or raped. How does that jurisprudence strike you?"—ILANA Mercer, "Woke Abstractions Rob, Rape And Loot Reality," June 22, 2023
    • "With Critical Race Theory, systemic racism and other Woke abstractions, a triumphant Left arbitrarily imposes meaning on the phenomenological world as a function of its will to power. It then bullies those who don’t go along."—ILANA Mercer, "Woke Abstractions Rob, Rape And Loot Reality," June 22, 2023
    • "Question: Ever wonder why 'mixed race' race baiters like Markle and Barack Obama identify exclusively as black?
      Answer: In America and in England, black is beautiful. To be black is to be more righteous, nobler; carry the heaviest historic baggage—heavier than the Holocaust—and be encouraged to perpetually and publicly pick at those suppurating sores. To be black is to have an unwritten, implicit social contract with wider, whiter society. To be black it to be born owed apologies, obsequiousness, education, and automatic exculpation for any wrongdoing."—ILANA Mercer, "The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky’s Self-Serving ‘Heroics’ & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Mean," December 22, 2022
    • "What, if anything, have Republicans done to stop policy and society from taking on an anti-white hue? They rabbit on about Critical Race Theory (CRT), framing it as Marxism, when it is, as I’ve pointed out for years, unadulterated anti-white agit prop. For Republicans, moreover, it seems impossible to mention white suffering without dragging in the 'black experience."—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021
    • "Republicans just can’t seem to protect or stick up for besieged whites and are forever searching their brains for ways to show off how black-focused they are. Channeled by conservative TV windbags, CRT is said to be bad not because it’s pure and simple anti-white racism tinged by ethnocide—not Marxism—but because it demeans the nobility and abilities of blacks. Likewise, black violent crime conservative bobbleheads lament because it hurts blacks the most, rather than because it rips through 87 percent of the rest of society."—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022.
    • "Do you think that the 'man,' Justine Trudeau, would have labeled and libeled the truckers as racists, extremists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers if a good chunk of them were brown and black? Neva! In operation is the bias that dare not speak its name—for to finger antiwhite racism is itself considered racist."—ILANA MERCER, "Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise," Feb 24, 2022.
    • "I believe that the trucker crackdown in Canada is antiwhite in essence and that such an assertion is axiomatically true. Was it not self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out? Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he has done, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working trucker families if this protest were brown and black in sizeable numbers? Please!"—ILANA MERCER, "Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise," Feb 24, 2022.
    • "Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty lovers across the West, was purely class-based and a multicultural affair. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind-spot papered-over on our side, although it is an unspoken reality."—ILANA MERCER, "Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise," Feb 24, 2022.
    • "Wokeism is an increasingly entrenched, coercive and cruel system of largely pigment-based prejudice and persecution. It is a product of a distorted and deformed American marketplace of ideas, not a free and energetic agora worthy of defending and exporting."—ILANA Mercer,"Exporting  Wokeism," January 13, 2022
    • "In the Afro-American society, particularism and tribalism are forcibly replaced with state-approved national identities. So, the ANC is indisputable king in the dominant-party state that is South Africa—just as the Democratic Party will soon command and control the burgeoning dominant-party state that the USA is fast becoming."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "South Africa is an Afro-American multicultural society, united by an affinity for MacDonald’s and mobile phones and a strict enforcement of progressive 'thinking,' attendant speech codes and cancel culture. South Africa has been made over in the image of America, and the outcomes are not good."—ILANA MERCER, "South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality," July 16, 2021
    • "Disarmed of the firearm of truth, analytical and empirical—without standing our ground on the immutable truths of aggregate groups differences, while we take care to treat each individual on his or her merit—we conservatives are rendered intellectually defenseless."—ILANA MERCER, "Murray’s Empirical Wisdom Confirms ‘Into The Cannibal’s Pot’s’ Analytical Truths," Jun 17, 2021
    • "Equalizing individual and intergroup outcomes … is an impossibility, considering that it is axiomatically and self-evidently true to say that such differences have existed since the dawn of time. Aggregate group differences in intellectual achievement, athleticism, and inhibition-control are here to stay."—ILANA MERCER, "Murray’s Empirical Wisdom Confirms ‘Into The Cannibal’s Pot’s’ Analytical Truths," Jun 17, 2021
    • "Parity in prosperity and performance between people and peoples can be achieved only by playing socialist leveler."—ILANA MERCER, Into The Cannibal's Pot (2011), pp. 126-128.
    • "Generalizations about certain group characteristics are, in aggregate, valid. These, however, do not contradict the imperative to treat each and every individual as an individual."—ILANA MERCER, "Murray’s Empirical Wisdom Confirms ‘Into The Cannibal’s Pot’s’ Analytical Truths," Jun 17, 2021
    • "The American Idiocracy, however, is moving at breakneck speed to equate moral and merit-based institutions with “institutionalized racism."—ILANA MERCER, "N.Y, Shrink Aruna KhilaWhiteMan: A Made-In-America Monster," June 10, 2021
    • "If the practitioners of anti-whiteness, who already practice capitalism as consumers and producers in a market economy, were converted to theoretical capitalism—would their anti-whiteness dissipate? Naturally not."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "For conflict in society, Marxism fingers social class; critical race theory saddles whites. Deal with it! Denial is a deadly and defeatist defense mechanism!"—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "If anything, for its failure to finger whites for all the ills of society, Marxism is viewed as incompatible with Critical Race Theory by CRT’s leading sophisticates."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "Strictly speaking, Critical Race Theory is not even traditionally racist; it's exclusively anti-white. It is pro all races other than white."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "Critical race theorists, odious individuals that they are, use 'white supremacy' to describe white existence. Irrespective of lives well-lived, to the critical race critters, whites are on the wrong side of creation."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "As opposed to Marxists, then, critical race theorists identify race, the white race specifically, as the 'primary contradiction in society.'"—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • ”Honest demons that they are, Critical Race Theory sophisticates generally reject the term racism in favor of 'white supremacy as a conceptual framework for understanding race-based oppression.'"—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "Critical Race Theory, conversely, focuses exclusively on race as the source of all oppression. Not on any race, mind you, but on the white race, or on 'white supremacy."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "The true victims of the critical race miseducation are white kids, as they are the sole repository of hate and aggression in this critical-race blitzkrieg."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "Not one of the anointed critics of the critical-race bile has stated the obvious, and that is that, while white kids are brow-beaten; black and brown kids are buoyed by Critical Race Theory; they come up smelling like roses and, sometimes, punching like knock-out game champions."—ILANA MERCER, "A White-Out Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room," May 7, 2021
    • "The country is fast descending into a Dantean hell. The Circles of Hell into which we’ve been signed, sealed and delivered are mass migration, diversity, multiculturalism, and zealous, institutionalized anti-whiteness, with its attendant de-civilization and inversion of long-held societal morals and mores."—ILANA MERCER, "On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites," April 20, 2021
    • "Much of the Western literary canon—indisputably the greatest works of literature ever—is guaranteed to violate woke racial dogma. Yet, even by Wokepedia’s telling, 'Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist.' What next? Shall we ban Shakespeare for Othello and Shylock?"—ILANA MERCER, "The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?", March 11, 2021.
    • "No doubt, our country is suffering a blackout of intelligence. It is collapsing under the blackhole of affirmative action."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California," February 25, 2021.
    • "The American government is marred, at every level, with similar set-asides, preferential hiring practices and affirmative action, which compromise an already compromised institution (the State, where incentives are inverted, as in the less efficient they are, the more funds government departments get).—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California," February 25, 2021.
    • "When merit-based hiring is deemed racist, bridges fall down. Literally."—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California," February 25, 2021.
    • "The American Idiocracy is moving at breakneck speed to equate merit-based institutions with 'institutionalized racism.'"—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California," February 25, 2021.
    • "Things start to fall apart when the best-person-for-the-job ethos gives way to racial and gender window-dressing and to the enforcement of politically pleasing perspectives.”—ILANA MERCER, "Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California," February 25, 2021.
    • "How is it possible to debate Critical Race Theory, yet fail to mention its salient characteristic—that it is exclusively and ethnocidally anti-white? Easily, if one is a Beltway conservative. They complain a lot about Critical Race Theory, and construct elaborate theories around its crass cornerstone, yet seem constitutionally or congenitally incapable of calling it what it is: anti-white agitprop.”—ILANA MERCER, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "Critical Race Theory singles out whites for a punishing program of reeducation, subjugation and intimidation.”—ILANA MERCER, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "The freedom to exclude is not racist. Rather, it is the inherent right of free individuals, living severally or collectively. The freedom to exclude is a libertarian tenet of liberty.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Prejudice—the right to pre-judge—is the idea of rejecting some and welcoming others into the fold. It is an extension of an individual’s right as a sovereign, discerning human being.  So long as no real violence and aggression are involved, the right to pre-judge and, consequently, to associate or dissociate in accordance with one’s prejudgments—this is the prerogative of a free person, and, by extension, of a free group of people, living in voluntary association.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "So long as no real violence and aggression are involved, the right to pre-judge and, consequently, to associate or dissociate in accordance with one’s prejudgments—this is the prerogative of a free person, and, by extension, of a free group of people, living in voluntary association.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • Is freedom of association racist? Is exclusion racist? Only if you are of the progressive Left. Both vicious and violent, the progressive Left believes that one is compelled by egalitarian, humanistic dogma to accept everyone into your midst on pain of punishment.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • The freedom to exclude is not racist. Rather, it is the inherent right of free individuals, living severally or collectively.”—ILANA Mercer, "An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1),"  December 9, 2020.
    • "Black Lives Matter imagery is, invariably, that of masked men, women and children all gesticulating and grunting in gangster grammar against 'white people.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "A theory, of course—any theory—is always an abstraction, removed from reality. A good theory cleaves to reality as much as possible, describing and presaging it. A bad theory superimposes a new reality on real events. Critical Race Theory does one worse: It rapes reality and loots it."—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "Critical Race Theory is anchored in symbolism and not realism. Symbolism, after all, is not reality. What you see in an ink-blot test is not real. It’s rarely even an approximation of reality. A Rorschach assay amounts to artistic license the tester takes with his subject’s reality.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "Critical Race Theory has percolated from America’s tertiary institutions throughout the state and civil society. The Critical Race rot is institutional; it is the handiwork of progressive—regressive, rather—parents, pedagogues and politicians.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "The youth rioting on our streets are not outsiders and interlopers; they are us. It is not insignificant that the whiter the city, the worse the riots have been. ANTIFA is us.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "Flouting Western judicial philosophy, Critical Race Theory says you are a racist without having committed racism, which is like being a murderer, robber or rapist without having murdered, robbed or raped.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "Collectively convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes is the cornerstone of the Critical Race Theory, a 'guilty if you do, guilty if you don’t' pop-jurisprudence.”—ILANA Mercer, "Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality," September 17, 2020.
    • "With Critical Race Theory, a triumphant Left arbitrarily imposes meaning on the phenomenological world as a function of its will to power. It then bullies those who don't go along. The Right must reject this rot root and branch!"—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • Critical Race Theory: "Whites, in particular white men and the remnant of a civilization their forebears built, invariably are to blame. Blame for what, you ask? That’s easy: for everything. A 'fella' is laying waste to a little old lady’s bric-a-brac store in Kenosha, Wisconsin: Blame the melanin-deprived."—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "Collectively convicting an entire racial group for metaphysical crimes is the cornerstone of the Critical Race Theory."—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "Critical Race Theory is the 'remedial' lens through which America’s race reality is refracted."ILANA Mercer, "Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice," September 10, 2020.
    • "In the hands of the cherished masses, Critical Race Theory has become a political power tool to exact retribution—and worse—against the pigmentally challenged."ILANA Mercer, "Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice," September 10, 2020.
    • "The words 'preordained and predetermined' are key to understanding Critical Race Theory, according to which power relationships in society are proscribed—and statically fixed for posterity. Consequently, Critical Race Theory always inveighs against whites and for other, more exotic identities."ILANA Mercer, "Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice," September 10, 2020.
    • "Over and above seeking to invert and eviscerate bourgeoisie morality—and instantiations of it like American suburbia—Critical Race Theory does away with reality. For no matter how impoverished and drug-addicted white America becomes—never mind how often white men are passed over for promotions, opportunities, job placements and positions; no matter the white-hot hatred etched upon pale bodies by knockout gamers—Critical Race Theory has designated the country’s founding demographic as oppressive. Forever."ILANA Mercer, "Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice," September 10, 2020.
    • Critical Race Theory: "This Cultural Marxism of a theory is an ill-founded, purely political, symbolic figment that appeals not to empirical evidence, reason and morality, but to the roiling, base emotions of rage and resentment against anyone with a white face."ILANA Mercer, "Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice," September 10, 2020.
    • "Tired of waiting on a neutered, coopted, infiltrated and compromised police to come to the rescue? Let law-abiding taxpayers hire private protection of Kyle Rittenhouse’s caliber."ILANA Mercer, "Kyle Goes To Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born," September 3, 2020.
    • "One fractious group, Black Lives Matter and its their white hangers-on, is the beneficiary of 'light-touch policing.' The other group, for Trump and law-and-order, gets 'heavy-handed policing' for daring to safeguard American civilizational markers: statues and store fronts, both symbolic of a history and a work ethic once shared."ILANA Mercer, "Kyle Goes To Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born," September 3, 2020.
    • "Almost anything involving the perpetually aggrieved black community counts as racism."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent," August 13, 2020.
    • "For America to have incorporated and assimilated the unreason of 'racism' on such a self-immolating scale, as American society has done, is to be mired in self-contradiction. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in self-contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane. This is where American society finds itself: less than human, less than coherent, less than sane."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent," August 13, 2020.
    • "To intellectually disembowel the Left, the Right must unapologetically reject the very idea of policing, purging and persecuting people for holding and expressing politically unpopular ideas."—ILANA Mercer, Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!” August 20, 2020.
    • "Surely, a life taken because of racial or antisemitic animus is not worth more than life lost to spousal battery or to a home invasion."—ILANA Mercer, Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!” August 20, 2020.
    • "For America to have incorporated and assimilated the unreason of 'racism' on such a self-immolating scale, as American society has done, is to be mired in self-contradiction. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in self-contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane. This is where American society finds itself: less than human, less than coherent, less than sane."—ILANA Mercer, "America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent," August 13, 2020.
    • "In a workplace so shot through with hatred of whites, quite foreseeable is a form of intellectual reparations, where the designated white 'oppressors' labor behind the scenes, while the officially 'oppressed' manage them and take credit for their intellectual output. Unlike systemic racism, intellectual indentureship could quickly become a reality in America."—ILANA Mercer, "'Systemic Racism' Or Systemic Rubbish?" August 6, 2020.
    • "Equalizing individual and intergroup outcomes is an impossibility, considering that it is axiomatically and self-evidently true to say that such differences have existed since the dawn of time."—ILANA Mercer, "'Systemic Racism' Or Systemic Rubbish?" August 6, 2020.
    • "Racism—systemic or other—remains nothing but thought crime: Impolite and impolitic thoughts, spoken, written or preached."—ILANA Mercer, "'Systemic Racism' Or Systemic Rubbish?" August 6, 2020.
    • "Thought crimes are nobody's business in a free society."—ILANA Mercer, "'Systemic Racism' Or Systemic Rubbish?" August 6, 2020.
    • "The statistical relationship between race and crime is as strong as the relationship between Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee and the late George Floyd’s neck."—ILANA Mercer, "Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha," June 4, 2020
    • "The truth is that conservatives, like liberals, refuse to candidly confront the indisputable realities of race and crime in America, reducing, instead, the reality of crime to a political theory—too much welfare, too little capitalism, not enough Trumpism. Or, the Democrats made blacks do it, which amounts to a dog-ate-my-homework argument."—ILANA Mercer, "Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha," June 4, 2020
    • "The reality is that millions around the world witnessed George Floyd expire on camera because he was made to star in his own State-sanctioned snuff film."—ILANA Mercer, "Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha," June 4, 2020
    • "Floyd’s death was a case of, 'Who are you going to believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes?' Which is the colloquial used when one is staring at an immutable reality, yet choosing to see an alternate universe."—ILANA Mercer, "Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha," June 4, 2020
    • "The world saw that Mr. Floyd was not in the throes of death until that knee appeared on his neck and those hands pressed down on his diaphragm. Put it this way: correlation in not causation, but it was not a complete mystery when eight minutes and 46 seconds into the boot-and-back treatment the man dies."—ILANA Mercer, "Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha," June 4, 2020
    • A Modest Proposals On Reparations In South Africa and Beyond: "Charity begins at home. Intra-racial reparations would be my own Swiftian modest proposal to counter the Democrats’ reparations drumbeat. The Botswana Bantu should make whole the Bushmen, the First Nations of Southern Africa, by returning their ancestral lands in the Central Kalahari. The descendants of cannibals who gobbled up their black brethren, during the 1815–1840 mass migration caused by tribal warfare: they should be petitioned for reparations. Certainly the descendants of Shaka Zulu owe reparation to the remnants of the Nguni Bantu clans they hounded in the course of consolidating the Zulu Empire. British authorities owe reparations to the Boers for the 26,000 Afrikaners, mostly women and children, who perished in concentration camps during the Boer War. By logical extension, how about requiring Gangland Chicago, a generational enterprise, to pay reparations to victims and their families?"—ILANA Mercer, "A Modest Proposal On Reparations In South Africa—And Beyond," May 7, 2020.
    • "Blacks and whites were only just beginning to come to terms with each other and with a shared, painful past. Arguably, by opening the floodgates to mass, Third-World immigrants, the government of the day forever upset the teetering biracial balance within America."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020.
    • "Historically, America was largely a biracial compact; never a multicultural 'nation of immigrants.'"—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020.
    • "Flooding western democracies with non-western people has created societies without social capital, societies that share no enduring bonds other than the quest to extract as much power and possessions possible from the political process."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020.
    • "Anglo-American elites and policy makers have courted and engineered their own demise. No other group expresses such incontinent exhilaration at the prospects of turning their historic populations into minorities."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020
    • "Arguably, by opening the floodgates to mass, Third-World immigrants, the government of the day forever upset the teetering biracial balance within America.—ILANA Mercer, "D’oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," January 30, 2020.
    • "The mercenary, extractive approach to politics prevails among the immigrants being imported at a furious rate by the immigration-industrial-complex. Asians are especially primed to seek, and aggressively extract, advantage from positions of power."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020
    • "Honky just doesn’t have that screw-or-be-screwed DNA to do battle with the Other’s flinty duplicity."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020
    • "While Americans don’t see race; the people they’re importing see nothing but race."—ILANA Mercer, "D'oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity," American Greatness, January 30, 2020
    • "Anglo-Americans hire by talent, not by tribe. Their fate in multicultural America is to be dispossessed by the politically savvy, ruthlessly racist Other."—ILANA Mercer, "Multiculturalism gives Whites the Elbow," The Quarterly Review, November 9, 2019.
    • "Once ensconced in a position of power, individuals of South Asian descent tend to work assiduously to fire pale faces and hire others of their own persuasion."—ILANA Mercer,  "Multiculturalism Elbows Anglo-Americans Out," WND, November 7, 2019.
    • "Such dissembling about America having always been multicultural is no more than post hoc justification for turning the country into a veritable Tower of Babel."—ILANA Mercer,  "Multiculturalism Elbows Anglo-Americans Out," WND, November 7, 2019.
    • "Our politics are an anti-white show and sham. Yet, conservatives mistake leftist, multicultural politics for the problem. They think that by coming together as citizens, the diverse cults and clans of America will transcend their white-hot hatred of whites."—ILANA Mercer,  "Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics," WND.COM, September 19, 2019.
    • "Blacks are not berating Hispanics for dominating industries they previously dominated; Asians aren’t complaining about Ameri-Indians being given university slots they’ve earned. Rather, blacks, Hispanics and the rest are all piling on whites."—ILANA Mercer, "White-Hating Politics," The Quarterly Review, September 23, 2019.
    • "The logical paradox is that to warn of systemic hatred against browns and blacks is considered racially virtuous; to fear the same for whites is deemed incorrigibly racist."—ILANA Mercer, "White-Hating Politics," The Quarterly Review, September 23, 2019.
    • "Conservatives want to be nice. To be nice, one must remain in denial of things not nice. Thus do conservatives refuse to come to terms with the fact that our politics are almost exclusively anti-white, and not anti-Other, more exotic identities. It's not identity politics we practice, but anti-white politics."—ILANA Mercer, "Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics," The Unz Review, September 19, 2019.
    • "Since the ire of America’s multicultural multitudes is directed exclusively at whites and their putative privilege, not at each other, anti-white animus is the more appropriate term than identity politics."—ILANA Mercer,  "Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics," WND.COM, September 19, 2019.
    • "For working-class misery, neoconservatives and lite libertarians, economic reductionist all, will continue to blame everything but mass immigration, state-enforced multiculturalism, diversity (for thee but not for me), loss of community and sense of belonging."—ILANA Mercer, "American White Male Misery Is Real," August 15, 2019.
    • "When whites commit unspeakable acts of violence, it is said to only ever come from a place of power and privilege. When browns and blacks commit unspeakable acts of violence, it only ever comes from a place of powerlessness and deprivation. With distressing regularity, we’re lectured that black or brown evil is a consequence of systemic oppression; white evil a result of frustration over having to relinquish the systemic role of oppressor."—ILANA Mercer, "American White Male Misery Is Real," August 15, 2019.
    • "America is not racist. In America, black is beautiful. To be black is to be more righteous, nobler; carry the heaviest historic baggage—heavier than the Holocaust and the Trail of Tears—and be encouraged to perpetually and publicly pick at those imagined, oozing injuries. To be black is to have an unwritten, implicit social contract with wider, whiter society. To be black it to be born with a lifetime of IOUs (I Own You); it is to be owed apologies, obsequiousness, education, and automatic exculpation for any wrongdoing. Reparations, too, if the Democrats have their way."—ILANA Mercer, "Driven To Blackface By Systemic Anti-White Racism," The Unz Review, July 11, 2019.
    • To be black in America is more than a pigment; it’s an identity, a politics, an entitlement, a one-upmanship. This protected turf is like a medieval guild or a modern trade union. In cahoots with the state, the 'Racism-Industrial Complex' protects its members from competition by limiting entry into the professionally aggrieved class."—ILANA Mercer, "Driven To Blackface By Systemic Anti-White Racism," WND, July 18, 2019.
    • "White South Africans are told to accept their obligation to give up ancestral lands they are alleged to have stolen. Should not the relatives of cannibals who gobbled up their black brethren be held to the same standards?"—ILANA Mercer, "How About Intra-Racial Reparations In South Africa?" June 6, 2019.
    • "Whatever is convulsing the country, it’s not identity politics. For, blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. Hence, anti-white politics or animus. The ire of the multicultural multitudes is directed exclusively at whites and their putative privilege."—ILANA Mercer, "It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics," Townhall.com, February 29, 2019.
    • Covington Catholic High School conflagration: "Nick Sandmann imagined he was safe, so long as he did the right thing. But then Sandmann discovered he was hated for something he couldn't right: the color of his skin. And while formative figures around him will hide this fact—for his sake, let us hope young Mr. Sandmann remains hip to it."—ILANA Mercer, "Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin," Townhall.com, January 25, 2019.
    • "The Covington conflagration was never about 'due process' denied or about a virulent and viral social- and news media that fakes the news, and rushes to judgement without the facts. After all, the segment being discussed has a static quality to it. It depicts a noble, not ignoble, reality; one that should be impossible to misconstrue—unless you are part of the corrupt, morally inverse and perverse universe inhabited by America's cultural cognoscenti."—ILANA Mercer, "Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin," Townhall.com, January 25, 2019.
    • "Pretend those Covington boys were black—conservative, Catholic, pro-life, pro-Trump, black young men, who welcomed with beatific smiles the in-your-face, agitated drumming of an elder Indian. You just know that, were this the case, these black youths would have been praised to the skies. As they should."—ILANA Mercer, "Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin," Townhall.com, January 25, 2019.
    • "RACISM: A lot of establishment libertarians have joined the neoconservative and neoliberal establishments in the habit of sniffing out racists. Sniffing out racists is an absolute no-no for any and all self-respecting libertarians. True libertarians don't, or should not, prosecute thought crimes or persecute thought 'criminals.' Period."—ILANA Mercer, Big League Politics, Interview With Ilana Mercer, November 23, 2018.
    • "To the commentariat of CNN, MSNBC and BBC, wanting a place you can call home while white is … racist."—ILANA Mercer, "Whites, Men, Republicans And Other Scum," WND.COM, August 2, 2018.
    • "In the postmodern tradition, the pseudo-academics behind the concept of white privilege have invented for themselves an artificial, political construct. Political constructs confer power on those who dream them up. For politics is the predatory process through which the figment of sick minds is weaponized."—ILANA Mercer, "The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots," Constitution.com, June 8, 2018.
    • Effects of affirmative action: "No longer beholden to the unifying, overarching value of merit, institutions become riven by tribal feuds and factional loyalties—both in government and in business alike, where it is well-known that newly arrived 'minorities' hire nepotistically."—ILANA Mercer, "When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down," The Unz Review, March 29, 2018
    • "The American Idiocracy is moving to equate merit-based institutions with institutionalized racism."—ILANA Mercer, "When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down," The Unz Review, March 29, 2018
    • "When the best-person-for-the-job ethos gives way to racial and gender window-dressing and to the enforcement of politically pleasing perspectives; things start to fall apart."—ILANA Mercer, "When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down," The Unz Review, March 29, 2018
    • "A spanking new bridge collapses, new trains on maiden trips derail, Navy ships keep colliding, police and FBI failure and bad faith become endemic, and the protocols put in place by a government 'for the people' protect offending public servants who’ve acted against the people. ..."—ILANA Mercer, "When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down," The Unz Review, March 29, 2018
    • "It is in Man's nature to dislike those who are unlike him—all the more so when they, as a group, have accomplished what he has not."—ILANA Mercer, "Why Hatred Of Whites Is Here To Stay," The Daily Caller, November 9, 2017
    • "'Taking the knee' is like taking a pee. It's a waste. It speaks to the inward-looking, ego-driven, vain posturing of the Left and its perpetually seething, predatory racial coalition. They're bent on extracting something from innocent, ordinary Americans who owe them nothing."—ILANA Mercer, "The Tribalism of Kneelism," The Daily Caller, September 29, 2017.
    • "Metaphorically speaking, free African-American politicians and activists are boiling the bones of their enslaved ancestors to make soup. The suffering of slaves is being exploited posthumously to shape discourse in politically advantageous ways."—ILANA Mercer, "What Cultural Marxist Would Say About Looting," WND.COM, September 14, 2017
    • "In the US, Great Britain and Western Europe, state and civil society acculturate immigrants into a militant identity politics. Essentially, newcomers are taught to hate their hosts."—ILANA Mercer, "The Manchester Massacre was Murder By Muslim Immigrant," The Unz Review, May 25, 2017.
    • "We dare not suggest that a civilization created by a particular people with a particular religious and racial profile, may well perish once those people are replaced or have engineered their own replacement."—ILANA, "What Rep. Steve King’s 'Racist' Statements Teach," Daily Caller, March 20, 2017.
    • "With the election of Donald Trump, white America has essentially told race pimps such as Al Sharpton to talk to the hand ('cause the face ain't listening). They've had enough of the pigment burden."—ILANA (January 13, 2017)
    • "America: Are you ready to elect another white-bashing hater as president? Heeeere's Hillary."—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "The no-longer-silent majority is exhausted, sick-and-tired of being racially ramrodded. They've had enough of the pigment burden."—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "If you're working-class and white, you're invisible. You have been for decades. You used to be the backbone of the economy. No more. You're still the backbone of the US military, more likely to die in the service of The State in far-flung countries. Your love of country is sanctioned provided it is confined to dying in the wars launched by Rome-on-the-Potomac. You may find belonging only by risking your life abroad in the service of strangers, or opening your home to them, stateside. If you survive the combat-to-coffin career path, your love of community will need to encompass a million immigrants, each and every year, who'll have the run of your schools, hospitals, libraries, parks and workplace. Destined to fight against subsistence farmers in foreign lands, you find yourself harassed on your homesteaded land, at home, never free from federal aggression."—ILANA (January 15, 2016)
    • "Many a co-opted scientist will second the political dictum that there is no such thing as general intelligence. If not for largely exogenous circumstances—all human beings would be capable of similar accomplishments. Speak, if you must, about the phenotype—even genotype—of all individual traits, but not intelligence. As for the possibility of group genotypic intelligence: Don't go there!"—ILANA (September 18, 2015)
    • "In America, black is beautiful. To be black is to be more righteous, nobler; carry the heaviest historic baggage—heavier than the Holocaust—and be encouraged to perpetually and publicly pick at those suppurating sores. To be black is to have an unwritten, implicit social contract with wider, whiter society. To be black it to be born with an IOY (I Own You); it is to be owed apologies, obsequiousness, education, and auto-exculpation for any wrongdoing."—ILANA (July 17, 2015)
    • "From financial aid (for foreign students) to an affirmative-action placement in Harvard Law School, Barry Soetoro is a Frankenstein of America’s creation."—ILANA, "Dying for Obama's Deadly Dogma," Target Liberty, October 17, 2014
    • "Obama didn’t build what he has; he got it by grant of government privilege."—ILANA, "Dying for Obama's Deadly Dogma," Junge Freiheit, October 17, 2014
    • "Like two pimps in a pod, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama have collaborated to keep racial grievance going."—ILANA (August 29, 2014)
    • "Libertarian Cathy Reisenwitz is on a fee-fi-fo-fem's expedition to sniff out 'homophobes,' 'sexists,' 'xenophobes' and 'racists.'"—ILANA (May 16, 2014)
    • "Round and round will Americans be compelled to ride on a mindless, manufactured, racial carousel ... for without it, the edifice of an industry built upon grievance and excuse-making is destined to collapse."—ILANA ("The rediculous Racial Merry-Go-Round," May 2, 2014)
    • "Steeped in state-enforced multiculturalism, America's deracinated, self-anointed cognoscenti have a hard time grasping the blood-brother connections between the people of Russia and Crimea."—ILANA (March 21, 2014)
    • "... racism trumps ageism on the pyramid of politically dictated Thou shalt Nots."—ILANA (June 28, 2013)
    • "There is nothing dainty or merely depressing about tyrannical speech codes, whose enforcement by the centrifugal forces in our culture and politics is meant to make malleable clones of each one of us, on pain of boycotts, bankruptcy and excommunication. Political authority depends on this sort of ritual sacrifice, reflexively coordinated by the country's Ministries of Truth—the self-anointed 'intellectuals' (who aren't intelligent) in education, academia, the entertainment industry, and the churches; among the ruling duopoly and everywhere in the malpracticing media."—ILANA (June 28, 2013)
    • "America's practically pornographic rituals of public grief—what are they if not a neurotic symptom of this disconnect? A diverse and distrusting people, lacking in a shared national DNA, are thrust together by the crisis of the day. In the absence of any core value over which to unite, we Americans meet on the only common ground we share: the graveyard. We come together to bury or remember our dead. We unite to grieve over tragedy and misfortune that have befallen us for no other reason than that we exist in the same space in time."—ILANA MERCER, "Reflections On The Boston Bombers And Boyhhod In America," May 3, 2013
    • For years, those of us who've warned about demographics have been dubbed racists. But the D-Bomb has dropped. Its debris is scattered across 'the field' upon which Mitt Romney said he 'left everything.'"—ILANA (November 9, 2012)
    • "I cop to Western man's individualist disdain—could it be his weakness?—for race as an organizing principle. For me, the road to freedom lies in beating back the state so that individuals regain freedom of association, dominion over property, the absolute right of self-defense; the right to hire, fire, and, generally, associate at will.”—ILANA MERCER "National Review Eunuchs," April 13, 2012.
    • "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."—ILANA (November 4, 2001 & Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lesson for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa)
    • "To state simply that 'discrimination is bad for business' is to present an incomplete picture: The market, by which we mean the trillions of capitalist acts between consenting adults, is discriminating as in discerning—it is biased toward productivity. Hiring people on the basis of criteria other than productivity will eventually hurt the proprietor's pocket. Thus, we can be fairly certain that, say, absent affirmative-action laws, the market would reflect a bias toward productivity. In other words, what the good economists are often loath to let on is that a free market is a market in which groups and individuals are differently represented."—ILANA (Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lesson for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, July 29, 2011)
    • “My answer to those who'd fault me for daring to make broad statements about aggregate group characteristics, vis-à-vis crime [or rioting], … would be as follows: Generalizations, provided they are substantiated by hard evidence, not hunches, are not incorrect. Science relies on the ability to generalize to the larger population observations drawn from a representative sample. People make prudent decisions in their daily lives based on probabilities and generalities. That one chooses not to live in a particular crime-riddled county or country in no way implies that one considers all residents to be criminals, only that a sensible determination has been made, based on statistically significant data, as to where scarce and precious resources—one's life and property—are best invested.”—ILANA MERCER, Into the cannibal’s pot: Lessons for America form Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) (pp. 41-42)
    • "This prototypical WASP is flabby in body and mind. He is fearful and easily cowed. He erupts in tears at a drop of a hat. He is gripped by the culture of apology, and flagellates over sins he has not committed. His eternal state of expiation is driven not by goodness, but by insufferable self-righteousness."—ILANA (July 1, 2011)
    • On "Stoic, Heroic Japan Vs. Neurotic Nation USA: Accustomed as I am to seeing abreacting Americans or unhinged Haitians, these sights astounded me. My heroes have always been in the Greek tradition. This makes the silent, stoic, refined Japanese my heroes."—ILANA (March 18, 2011)
    • "On the imagined martyrdom of one Shirley Sherrod, now the most celebrated public servant in the United States: The Obama posse overestimated the extent of Sherrod's animus for whites. She turned out to be a mere mezzanine-level racist. Sherrod's is a tale of the triumph of low expectations and black racial exculpation in contemporary America. The acme of ethics in American: a black woman who has graduated from hard-core to soft bigotry."—ILANA (July 23, 2010)
    • "Quotas are a perfectly logical, if diabolical, extension of the regulation of private property courtesy of the Civil Rights Act, whereby in an attempt to shape American society in politically pleasing ways, people have been coerced into liking, hiring or renting against their will or better judgment."—ILANA (April 2, 2010)
    • "Notwithstanding the claims of the 'multicultural noise machine,' the Declaration—whose proclamation, on July 4, 1776, we celebrate—was as monocultural as its author."—ILANA (July 4, 2008)
    • "Blacks have a sense of humor. They have fun with the nasty 'N' word. Etiquette and good breeding dictate that whites steer clear. Self-deprecation doesn’t work when others deprecate you."—ILANA (July 25, 2008)
    • "Americans had come out in droves for Barack, not because he’s a black man, but because they think he’s the right man. Yet the journalistic herd never stopped riding the same old racism ass."—ILANA (June 6, 2008)
    • "Obama gets away with conjecture—he saddles white America with black America’s woes. Grandma, however, has still not acquitted herself for expressing a visceral fear borne of the brutal reality of crime in this country."—ILANA (March 21, 2008)
    • "The genteel Obama is nothing like the Rev. Wright, except that they both appear to be overcompensating for not looking more like Kunta Kinte. There’s another small something the two share: a philosophy."—ILANA (March 21, 2008)
    • "Race is like stigmata. And Obama plunged deep into those suppurating sores, intent on making white Americans welt-up and bleed at the mention of their alleged sins."—ILANA (March 21, 2008)
    • "Michelle Obama’s sentiments seep out from that festering reservoir of racial animosity—the same cesspool wherefrom the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson launch their perennial strikes against honky."—ILANA (February 22, 2008)
    • "If Americans were as good at driving a bargain as they are at coming out in droves for Obama, they’d insist that he insist that his spouse quit smearing them as racists."—ILANA (February 22, 2008)
    • "CNN’s Kyra Phillips has led her viewers to believe that dangling a noose—an impolite and impolitic form of expression—is a hate crime; a black man beating a white man to a pulp—not so much. Being maimed or murdered, evidently, doesn’t compare to being maligned."—ILANA (November 23, 2007)
    • "Broad statements about aggregate group characteristics, provided they are substantiated by hard evidence, not hunches, are not incorrect. Science relies on the ability to generalize to the larger population observations drawn from a representative sample. People make prudent decision in their daily lives as to where to invest scarce and precious resources—to wit, one’s life and property—based on probabilities and generalities."—ILANA (September 15, 2006)
    • On racial quotas: "No one has ever demanded that the NBA or the 100-meter dash be made to better reflect the general population."—ILANA (September 9, 2007)
    • "This latest Sharpton-and-Jackson-led reign of terror has made Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League look as genteel and sedate as an English squire."—ILANA (April 13, 2007)
    • “Race is intricately and ineluctably tied to freedom because we live under a state which circumscribes liberty by enforcing codes of hiring, firing, renting, and money lending, among others."—ILANA (September 15, 2006)
    • "Race has become such an issue because we labor under nominal property ownership, and are subject to what is flippantly called political correctness, but is in fact codified and legalized theft and coercion.”—ILANA (September 15, 2006)
    • "Race and crime can be discussed as long as the topic is framed in bogus root-causes terms: stick to the Three P’s—patriarchy, poverty, and powerlessness.”—ILANA (October 1, 2005)
    • "Most of the men fighting for the South had never owned a slave. The same is true for those they left behind. The fight in the War Between The States was for freedom from the Federal Frankenstein.”—ILANA MERCER, "Hollywood’s Hateful Hooey About The South," Jan 2, 2004.
  • Reason & Reality

    • "Language mediates thought—and actions. You cannot express or develop worthwhile thoughts without a command of the language.”—ILANA MERCER, "U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory," October 14, 2021.
    • "The Argument from Freedom means arguing not over the contents of Mein Kampf or McElligot’s Pool, but for their publication irrespective of their content. Which is why I say freedom’s argument is an argument from process, and not content."—ILANA Mercer, "The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?", March 11, 2021.
    • "A theory, of course—any theory—is always an abstraction, removed from reality. A good theory cleaves to reality as much as possible, describing and presaging it. A bad theory superimposes a new reality on real events. Critical Race Theory does one worse: It rapes reality and loots it."—ILANA Mercer, "Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "Voicing an opinion is not the same as advancing an argument."—ILANA Mercer, "Conservative Kids Must Learn Before They Lead," The Quarterly Review, November 1, 2019.
    • "If a calamity is predictable it is also preventable."—ILANA Mercer, "Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed," Townhall.com, January 4, 2019.
    • "Provided they are substantiated by hard evidence, not hunches, generalizations are not incorrect. Science relies on the ability to generalize to the larger population observations drawn from a representative sample. People make prudent decisions in their daily lives based on probabilities and generalities. That one chooses not to live in a particular crime-riddled county or country in no way implies that one considers all individual residents there to be criminals, only that a sensible determination has been made, based on statistically significant data, as to where scarce and precious resources—one's life and property—are best invested."—ILANA Mercer, Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011, pp. 41-42)
    • "Casting fact and objective truth as no more than a perspective is a handy bit of intellectual egalitarianism: If nothing is immutably true, then all positions are but a matter of preference and can claim equal validity."—ILANA, The Daily Caller, "Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good" (January 13, 2017)
    • "Mythical thinking thrives in a culture that eschews objective truth: ours."—ILANA,  The Daily Caller, "Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good" (January 13, 2017)
    • "Where once there was an understanding that a reality independent of the human observer exists; students are now taught that truth is a social construction, a function of the power and position—or lack thereof—of persons or groups in society."—ILANA MERCER, The Daily Caller, "Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good" (January 13, 2017)
    • "The gold standard for stupid is this Republican riff: 'Government would work much better if it were run like a business.' It is in violation of the Law of Identity. A is A. Things are what they are. Government is government; it is not business. The task of a rational man, advised Ayn Rand, is to perceive reality, not to create or invent it."—ILANA MERCER,
      "Why Government ‘Care” Will Never, Ever Work," October 25, 2013
    • "Consider: Medicine uses the same principles to explain health and disease. Conversely, the pseudo-science of psychiatry and its legions of followers use one set of principles to explain rational behavior; another set to explain irrational behavior. When a person does something ghastly, psychiatry concludes, post hoc, that he has ceased being a morally responsible agent, and herewith acquired a disease. Do we ever seek chemical causes for positive and extraordinary actions? No. As the benefactor of mankind does good things, we attribute his actions to choice. As a murderer like Adam Lanza perpetrated evil, we attribute his deeds to causes: to a diseased mind or an inattentive mother."—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
    • "The paradox at the heart of this root-causes fraud is that causal theoretical explanations are invoked only after evil deeds have been committed (reasoning backward is an error of logic). Good deeds have no need of mitigating circumstances. Left-liberals of this mindset (among them most conservatives, who are now liberals in all but name) acknowledge human agency and free will if—and only when—adaptive actions are involved."—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
    • "Words are symbols. They are used as agreed-upon conventions to make sense of the world. What happens when these constructs no longer corresponded to the things they are supposed to describe?"—ILANA, "Loughner, Language, and The Big Lie," January 14, 2011
    • "We are all equally exposed to the Big Lies pushed by the country's so-called cognoscenti. The political class has manufactured a parallel universe for us to inhabit. We are, however, all free to refuse to occupy it."—ILANA, "Loughner, Language, and The Big Lie," January 14, 2011
    • "The Left treats 'The Rich' as a reified, rigid state-of-being. Ayn Rand and all men and women of reason understand that 'rich' is a work in progress. Achieved through voluntary cooperation, riches are a reward for work well done."—ILANA (August 17, 2012)
    • "One cannot properly undermine a claim by undermining the motives or character of its claimant. That's a variant of the ad hominem fallacy. The same holds for charges of hypocrisy—the kind Rick Perry leveled at Mitt Romney for employing illegal workers. Such accusations amount to an ad hominem fallacy; Perry's rabid personal attack did nothing to shake Romney's position on illegal immigration (as unclear as that may be)."—ILANA (October 21, 2011)
    • On conspiracy theories: "Imputing garden variety government evils to conspiracies is based on the following faulty premise: Government generally does what is good for us (NOT). So whenever we think it is failing in a mission it fulfills so well (NOT), we should look beyond the facts for something more sinister (NOT)."—ILANA (August 26, 2011)
    • "Policy by definition addresses the collective, not the individual. Duly. The reality-based libertarian will seek to minimize political overreach, not mandate heaven on earth."—ILANA (January 15, 2008)
    • "Reality: the rational man’s anchor."—ILANA (June 15, 2007)
    • “The strength of ideas rests on their relationship to reality."—ILANA (The American Conservative, January 16, 2006)
    • "Unvarnished objective reality is morality’s best measure; and human action the ultimate adjudicator of moral worth."—ILANA (January 13, 2006)
  • Republicans & Democrats

    • "The Uniparty has forsaken the American border to the same digital docility to which Israelis had been forsaken on October 7.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • "THE GULF BETWEEN principles and practice, doxa and praxis, is eternal—all the more so when it comes to the politician. When you think of a GOP candidate, in particular, you think of neither creed nor action, but, rather, of a list of talking points and policy positions to the exclusion of bedrock principles. 'God, groceries and gas' was how one gaseous hack smugly summed it up."—ILANA MERCER, "RFK, Jr.: Authentic Americanism That Loves Liberty, Loathes Lockdowns, Upbraids Abe," May 18, 2023
    • "While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, and little effective resistance to COVID-related usurpations; the ostensibly 'sane' wing of the GOP is ready with an alternative war: China."ILANA Mercer, "Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords," March 10, 2023
    • "The overtone window alludes to a range of ideas once considered unthinkable, but now normalized. With their flaccid, crushingly stupid responses to most situations, for example the self-induced ‘crisis’ on the south-western border—Republicans have normalized tyranny, including an open border, through which millions of impoverished people may flow, are flowing."ILANA Mercer, "GOP Swallows Classified-Doc Bait, Shirks Constitutional Obligations," February 1, 2023
    • "It is illegal for state attorneys, whose job description is to uphold the law, to nullify the very law they are paid to enforce. How is it that only Gov. Ron DeSantis grasps that?"—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "Laziness notwithstanding, I suspect that the intellectual quality of our representatives and the voters has so degraded—that neither voter nor candidate knows the channels and ropes through which action is to be taken to rectify wrongs."—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "Voters don’t seem to expects our Republican representatives to work for their pay, as in improve our lives. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a 'feisty' tweet is considered as good as work. Consequently, our US elected representatives think their role is to tweet their outrage. Or, rant flamboyantly on Tucker Carlson Tonight."—ILANA MERCER, "Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action," November 10, 2022
    • "The imperative is to define the Democrats as the deviants they are. Demons. Demented. Yet Republicans, miss the mark and slide into extenuation: They call the Democrats 'radicals,' their agenda a 'radical one,' when the Democrat party is in fact the party of perverts. To label Democrats as radicals is to compliment them. I’m a radical reactionary; a radical for free-speech, a radical for property rights, for localism, for individual liberty. See what I mean? The 'radical' adjective is not necessarily pejorative."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "Not nearly enough is said about the DemonCrats' sexual politics. Twerking tush in front of school kids is indecent exposure. It used to be illegal, certainly and indisputably immoral. There used to be laws prohibiting the wearing of sexual prostheses in public and dangling them in front of others, much less minors. But thanks to the Democrats’ sexual proclivities and politics, we have other-gendered people inflicting their kinks on kids, under the guise of education. The same American children can’t read, write or do arithmetic, but are No. 1 in pornography and Critical Race Theory."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "The Democrat Party stands for loosing robbers, rapists, killers and perverts on the land."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "The Democrat platform promises to end Anglo-America, welcome the world, evict the unborn as a constitutionally enshrined right, while sundering the Bill of Rights and reveling in all manner of evil, criminal and carnal."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "The Democrats are dominated by demonic females who rage as though permanently on the rag."—ILANA Mercer, "Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts," October 27, 2022
    • "What, if anything, have Republicans done to stop policy and society from taking on an anti-white hue? They rabbit on about Critical Race Theory (CRT), framing it as Marxism, when it is, as I’ve pointed out for years, unadulterated anti-white agit prop. For Republicans, moreover, it seems impossible to mention white suffering without dragging in the 'black experience.' Republicans just can’t seem to protect or stick up for besieged whites and are forever searching their brains for ways to show off how black-focused they are. Channeled by conservative TV windbags, CRT is said to be bad not because it’s pure and simple anti-white racism tinged by ethnocide—not Marxism—but because it demeans the nobility and abilities of blacks. Likewise, black violent crime conservative bobbleheads lament because it hurts blacks the most, rather than because it rips through 87 percent of the rest of society."—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022.
    • "Anyone running to permanently restore due process of law lost by so many Americans, especially the Jan. 6 dissidents? Show me the Republican lout who is able to articulate that, no, we don’t need new laws. No other country has as many laws as the United States Code. (Attempts to count the number of laws scattered over upwards of 23,000 pages have failed.) How about electing people who understand how to uphold rights already instantiated in the founding documents, and forcefully enforce the laws that ensure ordered liberty?"—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022.
    • "Is there one GOPer running in the primaries who has promised and comprehends how to ensure that no centrally or locally directed lock-down will ever occur again? Any conservative campaigning on a serious examination of lockdown crimes against the citizens and travel restrictions on the unvaxed? Has even one of the Republican candidates traipsing through Fox News’ green room addressed the creation of an unvaccinated underclass (villains all) and a vaccinated upper-class (virtuous)? Who among these contemptible clowns clawing their way to D.C. has even mentioned the fact that we the unvaxed are still being denied access—based not on active aggression we’re committing, but rooted in our peaceful rejection of the corporate, State-mediated aggression against us: We won’t take the Hemlock. Is a single Republican moron proposing to ensure that never again will the medical idiocracy—bona fides established during the pandemic—come between a dying patient and his family?"—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022
    • "Against the potency of the Democrats, Republicans offer only impotence. The GOP strives to fit in. The typical ConOinksters—the con artists formerly known as neoconservatives, as Establishment Republicans, as ConInc, or the 'Big Con'—their existence consists in pacifying the left and deceiving the right. Blunt is better: Republicans live like you would in a gay bathhouse: on their knees. At every turn, they apologize and expiate for their principles. Their feeble reaction to Democrat depredations, in general, has the effect of normalizing decadence, degeneracy, lawlessness, and breakdown of all standards—the systemic institutional rot that is convulsing the country. Republican reaction to a steady stream of brazen invaders breaking the Southern border, in particular, is to whinge ever-so occasionally and oh-so softly."—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022
    • "THE DEMOCRATS have always set the terms of debate; Democrats stand tall for their core principles, as atrocious as these manifestly are. Consider: How does the illiberal left deal with Republicans? They leverage against their political opponents the full force of the managerial, permanent state, which they’ve captured. They galvanize the DOJ (Department of Justice), the Security and the Surveillance State to destroy as many conservatives as possible. Rivulets of words like 'treason' and 'white supremacist' soon run through the Democrat-dominated media and through other intellectual means of production captured. Subpoenas are issued. Congressional hearings are hastily begun; impeachment proceedings set in motion. The criminal arm of the Democrat Party is marshaled in quick succession. These vampiric operatives—BLM, Antifa, demented distaff—are soon staking out, stalking and canceling conservatives making life intolerable. Simultaneously, and in addition to utterly demonizing their opposition, Democrats typically plug away at making the country ungovernable, lawless, diverse to the point of distrust."—ILANA Mercer, "Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU,’" May 19, 2022.
    • "Principled, conservative libertarians will distinguish pro-Trump, Jan 6 patriots from the criminal arm of the Democratic Party: BLM, Antifa and other riffraff. These weaponized Democrats, immunized by party leaders from criminal liability, romped through America, in the summer of 2020, causing billions in damages. Like locusts, these cultural revolutionaries descended on their neighbors to menace them in places where they shop and socialize, sadistically threatening, and often physically harming innocents, unless they knelt like slaves."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022.
    • "Like them or not, our people are the ragtag bunch who would storm the plush seats of state power and corruption. The Democrats’ people are Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Be they illegal voters and criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed and shielded wing of the Democratic Party: Courageously and audaciously, Democrats lionize and give license to their criminal constituents."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • "Unlike Republicans, who threw Jan. 6 political prisoners in a briar patch from which there is no escape—Democrats admirably stand tall for their core beliefs, as repugnant as these mostly are. The Left most certainly didn’t rush forward to condemn the Black Lives Matter and Antifa louts, as they looted and killed their way across urban America leveling private property—the livelihoods and businesses of fellow countrymen. Instead, Democrats defended the criminal arm of their party. 'Riots are the language of the unheard,' they preached, parroting MLK, who opposed violence."—ILANA Mercer, "Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!,"  January 6, 2022
    • Democrats are the real racists” has become a popular, mocking meme. Having originated it back in 2014, I’d argue that the line, 'Democrats don’t care that blacks are killing blacks,' is a species of the 'Democrats are the real racists,' black-centric fatuity."—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021.
    • "Seldom mentioned in Republican argumentation is the real hate crime in the room: black-on-white crime which is invariably not reported, underreported, or if reported, masked as something other than what it really is, which is systemic, institutionalized, white-hot hatred of whites. Republicans just can’t seem to protect or stick up for besieged whites and are forever searching their brains for ways to show off their Abe Lincoln pedigrees.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021.
    • “For Republican leadership it is impossible to mention white suffering without dragging in the ‘black experience.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are," November 18, 2021
    • "Enough of the cheering for the ineffectual GOP and its front men and women, who arrive in the Idiocracy’s version of Rome, only to do nothing, decade after decade. Oh, yes, they turn in appearances on TV and before congressional committees; get lucrative book deals, and consolidate political and corporate power for a lifetime."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "As the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion."—ILANA Mercer, "Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock," October 28, 2021
    • "It is always the Democrats that set the terms of debate. Republicans simply internalize the rules of the game set by their masters, and then play a reactive, rather than a proactive, game, panting hard, mentally flaccid and unfit. The anatomy of a good response is never, but never, to apologize and equivocate about a principled behavior, licit in natural law, in this instance the right of self- and national defense."—ILANA Mercer, "In Praise Of Whipping Horsemen: ‘Whip Or Rein’ Was Never The Question," Sep 30, 2021.
    • "That’s the Right’s problem. The anatomy of every single left-manufactured, network-news outrage sees our side always conceding to the legitimacy of the Left’s argumentaccepting the premise of their gripe, arguing on their terms of debate. And then going on the defensive, instead of playing offense."—ILANA Mercer, "In Praise Of Whipping Horsemen: ‘Whip Or Rein’ Was Never The Question," Sep 30, 2021.
    • "Be they illegal voters, criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed wing of the Democratic Party."—ILANA Mercer, "January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America," July 29, 2021
    • "Provided your thesis allows for a cozy convergence of agreeable storylines—you are well-positioned to peddle a national bestseller to the approving left, libertarian, neoconservative and pseudo-conservative smart-set.”—ILANA Mercer, "On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites," April 20, 2021.
    • "The defining difference between Democrats and Republicans is this: Republicans live on their political knees. They apologize and expiate for their principles, which are generally not unsound. Democrats, conversely and admirably, stand tall for their core beliefs, as repugnant as these mostly are.”—ILANA Mercer, "Rising Republican Rotters To Look Out For," February 11, 2021.
    • "Unlike Republicans, Democrats admirably stand tall for their core beliefs, as repugnant as these mostly are. The Left most certainly didn’t rush forward to condemn the Black Lives Matter and Antifa louts, as they looted and killed their way across urban America. Instead, Democrats defended the déclassé, criminal arm of their party. 'Riots are the language of the unheard,' they preached, parroting MLK.”—ILANA Mercer, "Rising Republican Rotters To Look Out For," February 11, 2021.
    • "Be they illegal voters, criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed wing of the Democratic Party.”—ILANA Mercer,  "The Criminal Class Now The Armed Wing Of The Democratic Party," January 29, 2021.
    • "In the liberal vernacular, states’ rights are synonyms for racial hatred and discrimination. Now Democrats are shrieking louder than Dixiecrats ever did that the intervention by the Federal government in state affairs might undermine this 'cherished' principle. (So, they know about the 10th Amendment?)."—ILANA Mercer, "Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism," July 24, 2020.
    • "When libertarians begin to sound like Republicans all the time, it’s time to 'check your premises.'”—ILANA Mercer, "The Ethics of Social Distancing," blog version.
    • "Conservatives want to be nice. To be nice, one must remain in denial of things not nice."—ILANA Mercer, "Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics," The Unz Review, September 19, 2019.
    • "When all is said and done, not even Democrats wish to be governed by the likes of Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris, who rage as though permanently on the rag."—ILANA MERCER, "Dem’s Dystopia: End Anglo-America, Welcome the World, Evict the Unborn," The Unz Review, August 8, 2019,
    • "Establishment conservatives will get together on Fox News to grate on about how 'libtards' are making them sad by calling them Nazis. Conservatism Inc., however, is seldom blocked or deplatformed. And they certainly don’t stand up for those on the dissident right who are."—ILANA MERCER, "The Anatomy of a Twitter Blocking"---My Own," WND.COM, June 27, 2019.
    • "The Republicans are meek, more eager for swamp-creature tenure than to save the country. However much state power flaccid Republicans capture, they quickly come to heel when Democrats crack the whip."—ILANA MERCER, "Mueller & Mohamad Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through Prague, Part 1," April 11, 2019, WND.COM
    • "The sounds emanating from the uterine core of the Democratic Party are the subhuman grunts and growls one hears from animals in estrus or mid-feed. Something is terribly wrong with them."—ILANA MERCER, "The Party of Man-Haters," Townhall.com, October 19, 2018.
    • "The Democratic Party has come to be controlled by hysterical women and their domesticated man servants. In conduct, these Democratic women are more feral than female."—ILANA MERCER, "The Dominatrix Party," American Greatness, October 21, 2018.
    • “A Democratic takeover promises to be a bitch for ordinary men.”—ILANA MERCER, “The Dominatrix Party,” American Greatness, October 21, 2018.
    • "Democrats demonstrate daily that they’re not for the rule of law, but for the law of rule, mob rule."—ILANA Mercer, "The Party of Man-Haters," Townhall.com, October 19, 2018
    • "Then as now, the Republicans were the party of the crony capitalist centralized State. Unlike the current Democrats, 1861 Dems were the party of states' rights."—ILANA Mercer, "The Radical Republicans: The Antifa Of 1865,"  The Liberty Conservative, September 5, 2017.
    • "While the Left controls the intellectual means of production—schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), media, foundations, think tanks, publishing prints—the 'Respectable Right' is hardly on the outs with the liberal smart set."—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Doesn't Need To Talk Like A Con-Servative," WND.com, March 17, 2016.
    • "Democrat Grover Cleveland was America's last conservative president. He preached and practiced the maxim that 'the people must support the government, but the government must not support the people.'"—ILANA Mercer, "Trump Doesn't Need To Talk Like A Con-Servative," WND.com, March 17, 2016
    • "It should be plain to see that where conservatives reduce the reality of crime to a political theory—too much welfare, too little capitalism, not enough Trumpism—they're flirting with Cultural Marxism lite."—ILANA Mercer, "What Cultural Marxist Would Say About Looting," WND.COM, September 14, 2017
    • "The only time you want the president to reach across the aisle on matters immigration is to grab a Democrat or an errant Republican by the throat.”—ILANA, "ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals to Changing Their Diapers," March 3, 2017, Townhall.com.
    • "Audacity we won't miss: Obama praised his spoilt daughters for graciously wearing 'the burden of years' of life in the lap of luxury (courtesy the taxpayer), a sentiment his wife, Michelle Antoinette Obama, seconded.”—ILANA MERCER,  Townhall.com, "'Go On Now Go,’ Barack Obama, ‘Walk Out The Door …’" January 19, 2017.
    • "The tit-for-tat that goes for debate between Republicans and Democrats: By which I mean the perennial, 'No, Democrats are the real sexists, we love women. No, Democrats are the real racists; we’re the party of Lincoln.'”—ILANA MERCER, "Helping The Sharpton & Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black’ (Part I)," January 13, 2017
    • “Obama is a case study in hubris.”—ILANA MERCER, Constitution.com (January 2, 2017)
    • "More so than Democrats are Republicans in the habit of shaming Americans into silence by telling them how aberrant and out-of-sync they are. Or, 'this is not who we are'. 'You are not who we are.'"—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
    • "Grand Old Party oldies are more likely to want less government than the youngsters they sired."—ILANA (October 30, 2015)
    • "Republicanism is so meaningless a political identity that a Democrat can just as easily transition to being one, without too much pain."—ILANA (May 1, 2015)
    • "The gold standard for stupid is this Republican riff: 'Government would work much better if it were run like a business.' It is in violation of the Law of Identity. A is A. Things are what they are. Government is government; it is not business."—ILANA (October 25, 2013)
    • "The only time Republicans will shake fists and point fingers is over a war delayed, one that isn't led by the US, or a war waged without the necessary conviction (read collateral damage)."—ILANA (June 7, 2013)
    • "From the expansion of surveillance-state USA, to the leveling of Libya, to forcing individual Americans to purchase healthcare and religious organizations to fund birth control; to the crafting of a Kill List featuring his chosen targets for extrajudicial elimination, to running guns to Mexico's goons, while gunning for America's guns—Barack Hussein Obama's philosophical fingerprints are all over his administration. ...The link between President Obama and the policies his minions have pursued, moreover, seems patent enough. Obama is the philosophical felon, the fulcrum on which everything pivots."—ILANA (May 31, 2013)
    • "Republicans are as dazed and confused as the rival gang, reducing wrong-doing to these PC 'isms,' and partaking in the silly tit-for-tat: 'Democrats are the real racists; Republicans are the party of Lincoln, the liberator of blacks. We’re against abortion and welfare because we love blacks. … Blah, blah, blah."—ILANA MERCER, "GOP Tot For Tat Twits" (2013) & "Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist," May 16, 2014.
    • "Having turned the political flip-flop into an art form, Mitt Romney should try to elevate it in the cause of a principle, and do an about-face on foreign policy."—ILANA (October 12, 2012)
    • "For one reason only was Obama on the ropes, while Romney floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee: Romney's superior intelligence, his ability to store immense amounts of information and apply it to bolster his arguments—abilities his rival, Barack Obama, manifestly lacks. The belated scoop is this: The Child was not born in a barn and was never a brainiac."—ILANA (October 5, 2012)
    • "Conservatism once had the genius of James Burnham, Russell Kirk, Frank Chodorov, and Felix Morley; now the brand boasts S. E. Cupp, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Rich Lowry, and their editorial enablers. (Perhaps National Review will recruit Jedediah [sic] Bila to replace the dismissed John Derbyshire?)"—ILANA (April 13, 2012)
    • "There is almost nothing that can reverse what the Progressives have wrought. The Ryan budget, viewed as radical by rival Rooseveltians Gingrich and Obama, will slow only the growth of the entitlement kudzu, not its invasiveness."—ILANA (December 8, 2011)
    • "What are the odds that a Democratic commander in chief and his chief Republican rival declare their philosophical fidelity to the Progressive Theodore Roosevelt on the same day? To answer that question: The dice were loaded in Teddy’s favor. The sitting Democratic president (Obama) and the Republican odds-on favorite for president (Gingrich) are in TR’s corner—in everything from executive power and the projection of American power abroad to property rights stateside."—ILANA (December 8, 2011)
    • "The politicians are posturing about living within the confines of the constitution. Alas, like a yeti or unicorn, a constitutional government is a mythical creature that is unlikely to materialize anytime soon. The political poseurs should be reminded that there is nothing constitutional (or just) about fine-tuning—increasing or decreasing—state spending to coincide with a supposed sovereign people's acquisitive abilities and economic energies."—ILANA (July 22, 2011)
    • "Republicans see the police state perfected under the now fully rehabilitated 'W' as a co-equal branch of government."—ILANA (November 19, 2010)
    • "The Democratic and Republican parties each operates as a necessary counterweight in a partnership designed to keep the pendulum of power swinging in perpetuity from the one set of colluding quislings to the other, and back."—ILANA (January 15, 2010)
    • "No sooner do the Republicans come to power, than they move to the left. When they get their turn, Democrats shuffle to the right. At some point, McCain reaches across the aisle and the creeps converge."—ILANA (January 15, 2010)
    • "Someone ought to tell Mrs. Palin that idolizing the military - and the missions it executes on behalf of its political masters - amounts to the worship of Moloch, not the Almighty."—ILANA (January 15, 2010)
    • "Unfortunately, Governor Palin has a propensity for rambling, run-on sentences, peppered with grating gerunds. Pearls of wisdom are often lost in the prolix answers she gives."—ILANA (January 15, 2010)
    • "When Republicans and conservatives cavil about the gargantuan growth of government, they target the state's welfare apparatus and spare its war machine. Unbeknown to these factions, the military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government. Like government, it must be kept small." —ILANA (November 13, 2009)
    • "As Dr. Johnson said, 'There is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea.' Neoconservative (Bush) or Progressive (Barack); louse or flea — a pest is still a pest." —ILANA (October 30, 2009)
    • "The GOP needs Hispanics to sustain a worthwhile political life like an anaerobic organism needs oxygen. Come to think of it, a GOP that accommodates the demands of this demographic is better off dead."—ILANA (May 29, 2009)
    • "The natural aristocracy precludes the political class, which uses coercion and deception to gain ascendancy. Members of the neatly bifurcated networks and pulp press, being mere supplicants to the state, are also excluded from the natural aristocracy."—ILANA Mercer. "Writing In The Age Of The Idiot," October 9, 2009
    • On Meghan McCain: "If Republicans don’t stop their love affair with idiots, it’s not a bigger tent they’ll be seeking, but a giant tin-foil hat."—ILANA (May 8, 2009)
    • Republican Sen. Arlen Specter's defection: "The imagery conjured by such ideological spit swapping between Republicans and Democrats is of two colossal, identical amoebas occasionally allowing their semi-permeable cell walls to open and merge with a biologically compatible, primitive organism."—ILANA (April 28, 2009)
    • "George W. Bush set the scene for Barack H. Obama. Stimulus, bailouts, a house for every Hispanic—these were Bush's babies." —ILANA (March 6, 2009)
    • "How much to hand-out; who to hand it to; which hand-out makes the best use of taxpayer money; do the Big Three submit a business plan with their bailout requisitions, or not—that’s the depth of the 'philosophical' to-be-or-not-to-be among Republikeynsians."—ILANA (December 5, 2008)
    • Bipartisanship: "Far better that the people’s representatives sleep with prostitutes than slip between the sheets with members of the opposition. The more the quislings collude, the less competition in government voters end-up with."—ILANA (May 23, 2008)
    • “'Leadership' is a euphemism for overriding the will of the people. No sooner does the pesky popular will intrude into the debate than the top Republican contenders begin to yammer about their obligation to demonstrate 'leadership.'"—ILANA (May 18, 2007)
    • "Would that Republicans fussed as much over the many fully formed human-beings dying daily in Iraq, as they do over fetuses."—ILANA (November 10, 2006)
    • "If establishment Republicans had the faintest affinity for conservatism, they’d quit pouring American blood and treasure down the Iraqi drain."—ILANA (October 6, 2006)
    • "Antitrust laws ought to be deployed, not against business, but to bust this two-party monopoly, which subverts competition in government and rewards the colluding quislings with sinecures in perpetuity.”—ILANA (May 26, 2006)
    • "What we have now is a cartel, the traditional ideological differences between the political parties having been permanently blurred."—ILANA (May 26, 2006)
    • "Republicans have framed a demand for accountability as an attempt to 'politicize' the Katrina cataclysm. Democrats, as always, refuse to recognize the banality of bureaucratic evil. Their boilerplate battle cry is "racism." As the factions settle into their familiar foxholes, it becomes crucial to remind Americans that, irrespective of political fidelity, politicians – local, state, and federal – must pay for the lives lost to Katrina."—ILANA (September 13, 2005)
    • "Republicans are the drag queens of politics. Peel away the pules for family, faith and fetuses and one discovers either 'neoconservative welfare-warfare statists or global social democrats,' or national socialists of sorts, who fuse economic protectionism, populism and a support for the very welfare infrastructure that is at the root of the social rot they decry."—ILANA MERCER (November 06, 2002)
  • The Therapeutic State

    • "Self-deprecation over nothing much at all amounts to very clever self-aggrandizement."—ILANA MERCER, "On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites," April 20, 2021.
    • "Symbolism is not reality. What you see in an ink-blot test is not real. It’s rarely even an approximation of reality. A Rorschach assay amounts to artistic license the tester takes with his subject’s reality."—ILANA Mercer, Institutional Critical Race Rot," September 17, 2020.
    • "In a free society, the patient is sovereign. America is founded upon the idea of individual rights. The individual charts his destiny, not the doctor. On his death bed, the patient should be able to decide whether to try a promising but unproven palliative therapy."—ILANA Mercer, "Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats," April 9, 2020.
    • Coronavirus: "The depraved calculus that went into advising Americans initially, and unintuitively, not to shield viral entry points—mouth, eyes and nose—was purely utilitarian. It stemmed from a fear that, by protecting their health, citizens would contribute to scarcity and undermine the health of healthcare workers. Sold to the public as settled science, the initial mask fallacy-disguised-as-policy was social engineering for the sake of resource conservation."—ILANA Mercer, "Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats," April 9, 2020.
    • "The Center for Disease Control: A cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is everywhere and always detrimental to the screening and segregating of the infected, and, ultimately, to [coronavirus] disease containment."—ILANA Mercer, "Unmasking Statist, Socialist Propaganda About ‘Face Masks’," March 5, 2020
    • "Guns are not the root cause of man's evil actions. Neither are the multiplying categories of manufactured illness in the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Rather, evil is."—ILANA Mercer, "Conservatives For Abolishing The Fact Of Evil," October 9, 2015
    • "Evil is integral to the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can't be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. Evil is here to stay."—ILANA Mercer, "Conservatives For Abolishing The Fact Of Evil," October 9, 2015
    • "The psychiatric endeavor—voodoo, really—is premised on the medicalization of misconduct."—ILANA (July 17, 2015)
    • "The most famous advocate of the-Camel-Ate-My Homework theory of criminal culpability is Barack Obama. Obama's flabby assumption has it that the poor barbarians of France's burbs have been deprived of fraternité. 'Europe needs to better integrate its Muslim communities,' lectured the president."—ILANA (January 30, 2015)
    • "The victims of killer Adam Lanza have become a sideshow in the nation's pornography of grief. Tragedy is denuded of any dignity, reduced to a showy public affair to be managed by the Managerial State's media and medical lapdogs."—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
    • “I commend Mr. Sheen for copping to being a bad boy, and not a sick boy desperate for the ministrations of prissy prohibitionists.”—ILANA (March 4, 2011)
    • "A mushy-headed maxim held in the US is that to be a victim of crime, terrorism, one's own stupidity is to be automatically conferred with oracular wisdom."—ILANA (December 31, 2010)
    • "The end result of positively reinforcing bad behavior is that you get more of it. The culmination of a failure to punish predators is a debased, dissolute, slum-dog society in which, by legal decree, the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper."—ILANA (May 28, 2010)
    • "To listen to the nation’s psychiatric gurus is to come to believe that crimes are caused, not committed. Perpetrators don’t do the crime, but are driven to their dirty deeds by a confluence of uncontrollable factors, victims of societal forces or organic brain disease."—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
    • "Police and campus authorities responded to Cho’s stalking, pyromania, and voyeurism by medicalizing his misbehavior. As the nation’s pseudo-experts generally advise, Cho was referred to a mental health facility."—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
    • "The Drew Pinskys of the world conjure so-called mental diseases either to control contrarians or to exculpate criminals"—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
    • "If the consensus in society is that doing the bare minimum is an act of supreme courage; then failing to perform basic obligations must be considered the norm."—ILANA (February 2, 2007)
    • "It is an error to use the disease paradigm to describe or explain errant behavior."—ILANA (January 2007)
    • "Liberals first, and conservatives in short succession, have taken to the idiom of disease like ducks to water. Left and right now insist, based on wispy pseudoscience, that just about every human excess is an illness as organic as cancer or diabetes."—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
    • “According to the disease theory of delinquency, the arsonist has 'pyromania,' the thief 'kleptomania,’ and Bill Clinton is not promiscuous, but a ‘sex-addict.’''—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
    • “At the root of the diseasing of behavior is the eradication of good and bad. Placing bad behavior beyond the strictures of traditional morality, moreover, makes it amenable to external, ‘therapeutic’ or state interventions.”—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
    • “In the ‘progressive's’ universe, evil actions don't incriminate, they mitigate. Rather than signify a lack of moral fiber, the criminality of the darling buds of France—her raging Muslim youths— is said to be a symptom of inadequate freebies and fraternité.”—ILANA (November 11, 2005)
    • “Someone is considered creative and strong in the Zeitgeist not when she builds an empire and employs hundreds of people, but once she has conformed by gaining therapeutic ‘self-knowledge’ and whimpering on Oprah. In fact, the therapeutic creed is often used to coerce people into conformity.”—ILANA (Everyman: A Men’s Journal, April-June 2005)
  • Politics & The Welfare-Warfare State

    • GAZA: "Bombastic without and barren within: The Israel Defense Forces collective might wear fatigues, but it does nothing to camouflage its libertine, licentious, sexually depraved, pornographic culture. The 'Most Moral Army in the World' had been operating an 'exclusive-content' 'channel to share the gruesome killing of Palestinians.' This IDF-run public war-porn channel, out of Israel, served up content in which murder was sauced-up or overlaid by sex talk. Such patterns of arousal—the commingling of serial killing and sex—are associated with psychopathy. The psychopathic fusion of lust and murder appears endemic among IDF soldiers"—ILANA Mercer, "Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism," June 9, 2024
    • GAZA: "Inarguably, the case against Israel’s murder spree in Gaza is ethically quite simple. It is NOT within the realm of opinion. It is immutable, eternal truth. Like the laws of logic, right and wrong are universal, not relative. There are no special tribal privilege clauses—Jews, like gentiles, are prohibited from mass murder. 'Thou shalt not murder' (you can 'kill,' but you cannot murder—read about the Biblical difference in this essay) is neither opinion, nor is it optional. That’s why the Sixth Commandment is called a … commandment. It isn't optional. Saint Augustine’s Just War Theory, while imperfect, is closer to truth than opinion. Natural law going back to the ancients and derived from deductive reason and the nature of man: not opinion. What Israel has visited on Gazans and their small enclave is irreparable, orgiastic mass murder and ethnic cleansing.”—ILANA MERCER, January 14, 2024
    • GAZA: "For one thing, he who offends against innocents is responsible for his offenses; not a third party. For another, and as I hope we have established here before, whether it is committed by decree of the one or by the will of the many; by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’—murder of innocents is always murder. Murder by 'democratic' approval is also still murder, however many approve of it. At the same time, mass murder is never 'unintentional' when you know it is inevitable and incidental to your 'mission.'”—ILANA MERCER, Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In,” January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "Look at Gaza. It’s a moonscape. What are your lying eyes telling you, to use Richard Pryor’s wry phrase for he who has been caught in flagrante delicto? As they were turning Gaza into Dresden on TV, before our very eyes, Israel’s quicksilver state propagandists were also telling us, their American funders, that 'this is not happening.' Who are you going to believe? Democratic Israel, or your ‘lying eyes’? I believe my 'lying eyes,' thank you very much. Those 'lying eyes' speak to the scale of Israel’s depredations against Gazans. ”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The broad and short of it is that, no reparations can fix the irreparable Gaza, although these are owed.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • GAZA: "The Israel of my formative years was no Eden before the Fall, but it was not a terrorist state. Jewish supremacism, like the American exceptionalism driving the United States’ foreign policy, breeds barbarism.”—ILANA Mercer, "Memory & Indictment: Today’s Jewish Taliban Not The Israel I Grew Up In," January 4, 2024
    • Gaza: "In their recent military campaigns, America and Israel have waged what to the inexpert, keen observer is largely old-fashioned, Third-Generation Warfare—a blitzkrieg, by any other name, against civilian populations. Yet when military mavens predicted and depicted the next form of warfare; it was the contours Fourth-Generation Warfare that they were tracing. Fourth-Generation Warfare was to be the distinguishing characteristic of the modern military. Fourth-Generation war was meant to be smart; to see Mind dominate and direct materiel. What is underway in Gaza, at 2023’s end, however, is the very opposite. I see madness for what it is.”—ILANA Mercer, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority," December 4, 2023
    • Gaza: "Hamas’s low-tech invasion into 17 areas in Southern Israel was also a clear demonstration of a complete failure of the State apparatus, the Israel Defense Forces being the face of the State. Hamas operatives motorbiked, paraglided, bulldozed and motorboated their way, by land and by sea, past Israel’s flimsy fences, unmanned, AI-powered machine guns and other clever, high-tech gadgets on the Gazan border. Post-graduate cleverness was simply no match for Hamas’ fiercely savage, hands-on guerrilla warfare.”—ILANA Mercer, "Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason," October 12, 2023
    • Gaza: "To refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans---also the defining event of 2023 and the decade, twinned with COVID---is to be inhuman, insane, incoherent. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in such contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane.”—ILANA Mercer, December 9, 2023, "Gaza Vs. Fallujah: Barbaric Blitzkrieg Highlights U.S. Marines’ Superiority"
    • GAZA: "You can’t gussy up what’s going on in Gaza.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Netanyahu May Find Himself In the Dock, In The Hague," November 14, 2023
    • GAZA: "It’s simple: If you know in advance that your actions will cause the death of thousands of civilians; attached to your criminal actions (actus reus) is a guilty mind (mens rea), which means malice aforethought, also known as intent, in Western jurisprudence and judicial philosophy.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "The razing and ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Benjmain Netanyahu, abetted by Joe Biden and his Uniparty accomplices, in the course of which tens of thousands civilians are dying: This is murder with malice aforethought, a concept that includes 'deaths resulting from actions that display a depraved indifference to life.' Further depraved indifference to life was Israel’s throttling of supplies of water, food and power to the millions of aid-dependent Gazans, as Israel knows full-well this will imperil civilians indirectly.”—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "Murder with majority approval is still murder, whomever the perpetrator. Whether it is committed by actors within or without The State; by the designated ‘good guys’ or by the ‘bad guys’; murder of innocents is still murder."—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

      GAZA: "The razing of Gaza and the ongoing murder of thousands of civilians by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), with western imprimatur, is a war crime. Strafing civilian populations and pulverizing entire neighborhoods to ostensibly 'soften' the few embedded targets within—this violates natural law, international law, libertarian law and Just War Theory."—ILANA Mercer, "Bibi Obliterates Memory Of October 7 Martyrs; Creates New Martyrs In Gaza," November 2, 2023

    • Ukraine: "As a longtime critic of American foreign policy, my sympathies here are firmly on the Russian side. However, reasons for war are not the same as justification for war. A war of aggression is seldom justified.  Putin’s war in Ukraine is a war for which there are plenty reasons, all of them vindicating Russia (although such a statement must be qualified by saying that reasons for war are not the same as justification for war. A war of aggression is seldom justified."ILANA Mercer, "Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?", May 12, 2022
    • UKRAINE: "Win Or Die policy imperialism: Ukraine’s America-Engineered ‘Options for Ukraine’: 'Win or die, dummies' is what Ukrainians are being instructed by the US UniParty, its NATO marionettes and their leader Zelensky, who is protected by the above forces. America has engineered Ukraine’s current existential reality by purging the pursuit of diplomacy and peace from its duties as the world Super Power. Mention of a negotiated truce between Ukraine and Russia is practically labeled treason by the command-and-control US media."ILANA Mercer, "Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered ‘Options’", August 10, 2023
    • UKRAINE: "Putin’s war in Ukraine is a war for which there are plenty reasons, all of them vindicating Russia; Russia is in the right! Reasons for war, however, are not the same as justification for war. A war of aggression is seldom justified."ILANA Mercer, "Bleeding Russia Dry And Then Next Color Revolution," May 5, 2022
    • Ukraine: "The Hebrew Testament (though 'Old,' it’s never out-of-date) is bedecked with examples of leaders pleading, even bargaining, for the lives of the Stiff-Necked People. Abraham haggled ingeniously with The Almighty over Sodom and Gomorrah. Queen Esther petitioned mighty King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) on behalf of the Persian Jews, and Moses did the same for his enslaved people before Pharaoh. Another Hebrew has written that 'he who saves you from war is better than he who sends you to war.' That’s what real leadership is about—uphold and fight for the people’s natural right to live peacefully. By these reasonable and rational criteria, Zelensky and Biden are failed leaders for doing nothing but bait and goad the Russian Bear."ILANA Mercer, "It’s Biblical, Zelensky: A Leader Who Fails To Haggle For The Lives Of His People Has Failed," March 24, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "To normies, a leader who doesn’t plead for the lives of his people is a failed leader. Diplomacy, negotiations, a cease fire: that’s the nomenclature clear-thinking people ought to wish instinctively to hear when they see the immiseration of Ukrainians and their cities. To my knowledge, not before the war and not now has Zelensky initiated, or partaken in, or been urged to pursue serious, high-level talks with Putin."ILANA Mercer, "It’s Biblical, Zelensky: A Leader Who Fails To Haggle For The Lives Of His People Has Failed," March 24, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "With his fatigues, simplistic jingoism and facility with TV optics and social media—Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky certainly appeals to the war channel females (Fox News) and to distaff worldwide. But he has been worse than useless in the grander scheme of things."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "I abhor what is, on its face, a Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. However, knowing the history of the conflict leaves no room for doubt: The Russian Bear was poked, and poked and then some."ILANA Mercer, "True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!", March 10, 2022.
    •  Ukraine: "There is something utterly obscene—as rudely shocking as the front-row viewing of the 'Shock and Awe' visited on Iraq—about watching the displacement of people and the destruction of innocent lives in real time, on television, without lending a hand. And I don’t mean a military hand."ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • Ukraine: "The onus is on the USA, the only so-called responsible superpower, to calmly negotiate with Putin on behalf of his innocent, weak victims. Instead, world leaders watch the suffering on TV and bemoan the fate of the sufferers. Both sides are a disgrace and a failure to have brought us thus far. Ditto NATO and the EU. This is precisely what President Joe Biden should be shamed into doing now: talk to Putin; thrash out a cease-fire, ASAP; haggle for the lives of the population under siege because led by imbeciles."ILANA Mercer, "Uncle Sam Still King Of All Invaders: Ukraine, Realpolitik And The West’s Failure," March 3, 2022.
    • "The military is a morass of leftism, statism, feminism, reverse-racism, interventionism, propositionalism, and other poisonous creeds. If nothing else, the Trump years have made it clear that the military brass has aligned with the Left."—ILANA Mercer, "Rising Republican Rotters To Look Out For," February 11, 2021.
    • "When Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon were growing up, they wanted to be government. Now they are!"—ILANA Mercer, "Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley," January 14, 2021.
    • "Truth be told, to the non-statist libertarian, those 'citadels of democracy' mean very little that is good. Loss of life we lament—but the song-and-dance about the storming of those citadels of statism we consider overheated. Our country is not to be equated with our Capitol."—ILANA Mercer, "A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building," January 21, 2021.
    • "The State’s standard operating procedure is to fleece us without flinching, all the better to fatten its members and, reflexively, to increase their sphere of influence."—ILANA Mercer, "A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building," January 21.
    • "Ventriloquist dummy Joe Biden represents not the war-weary people, but America’s anti-Trump, never-won-a-war, treacherous general officers and admirals and the military-industrial-complex."—ILANA Mercer, "We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO! ," October 29, 2020. 
    • "Dissecting and decrying communism is an ideological luxury, the province of relatively wealthy, stable, developed democracies.”—ILANA Mercer, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "Western democracies are third-way political and economic systems. They are already heavily socialized. Once Western societies go from third way to third world, debate over communism will cease, for communism will have arrived.”—ILANA Mercer, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "Communism was an equal-opportunity oppressor. It did not single out whites, like Critical Race Theory, which revolves around the exclusive blackening of whites.”—ILANA Mercer, "Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa," October 15, 2020.
    • "Government committees are where accountability goes to die. Governments create committees to conceal their own culpability.”—ILANA Mercer, ‘Who Invited The World To Infect America?” April 30, 2020.
    • "If Deep State durability has proven anything, it is that not even a fire-breathing political dragon like President Donald Trump can fumigate the snake pit that is the Permanent State.”—ILANA Mercer, "Incompetent, Imperial Neocons And The Permanent State (Part 1)," February 13, 2020, WND & Unz Review.
    • "Government committees are where accountability goes to die. Governments create committees to conceal their own culpability.”—ILANA Mercer, "Who Invited The World To Infect America? Or, A ‘Walmart With Missiles’," April 30, 2020
    • Unintelligent Intelligence: "The Steel Dossier, which launched the Mueller inquisition, was as fantastical a fabrication as were the documents that fed the Bush administration’s will to war. As it is, intelligence report-writing is more art than science; more flare than fact. It’s executed by many of the same, tinny, dogmatic, ex-CIA feminists whom we see plonked in CNN studios, ponderously pontificating about Our Russian Enemy.”—ILANA Mercer, "Mueller & Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through … Prague, Part 1," WND.COM. April 11, 2019.
    • "From the CIA to CNN, the youthful talking heads (and their shapely keisters) have only ever gone from a swivel chair at the Langley headquarters to a seat in a CNN studio, in New York City. It’s not at all unfair to conclude that the 'intelligence' these cartoon characters produced as CIA or FBI agents is as intelligent as their commentary in the TV studio.—ILANA Mercer, "Mueller & Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through … Prague, Part 1," WND.COM. April 11, 2019.
    • "When a politician preaches about “the values that make our country great,” to quote Mrs. Clinton, chances are they mean multiculturalism, pluralism, wide-swung borders, Islam as peace, communities divided by diversity as a net positive, and the Constitution (it mandates all the above, just ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg) as a living, breathing, mutating philosophical malignancy.”—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Values Cudgel," Quarterly Review, March 15, 2019.
    • "When politicians pule about the importance of preserving 'our values,' they mean their values: Barack Obama’s values, Hillary Clinton’s values, Angela Merkel’s values, Chucky Schumer’s values, Jeff Bezos’ values, the late John McMussolini’s values, Lindsey Graham’s values, and Jared and Ivanka’s values (but not Trump’s).”—ILANA Mercer, "Kamala's Collectivist Values Village," Townhall.com, March 15, 2019.
    • "There are other, highly plausible explanations as to why a president does not wish to  war with Russia, not least that diplomacy is a good thing.”—ILANA Mercer, "John Quincy Adams is Turning in His Grave, Dwight Eisenhower Too," March 22, 2018.
    • "Hidden or in plain sight, The State is geared toward increasing or maintaining its sphere of influence, never reducing it. Voters are paid lip service, provided their wishes coincide with the aims of this unelected, entrenched apparatus. But when the popular will defies Deep State, that monster breathes fire.”—ILANA Mercer, "Elon Musk, Et al.: The Corporate Arm Of The Deep State," Townhall.com, June 3, 2017
    • "The anatomy and workings of the Deep State are reflexive, rather than a matter of collusion and conspiracy. Simple psychology—human nature at its worst—sees government jobs and programs, war and welfare alike, protected in perpetuity and at all costs by the administrators of government jobs and programs.”—ILANA Mercer, "Elon Musk, Et al.: The Corporate Arm Of The Deep State," Townhall.com, June 3, 2017
    • "'Deep State' is no conspiracy theory. There's nothing mythical about the Republican and Democratic career government workers, embedded like parasites in the bowels of the bureaucracy, the intelligence community, the military, and a like-minded media, who've risen on their hind legs to protect their turf and protest an agenda that leaves them out in the cold.”—ILANA Mercer, "Elon Musk, Et al.: The Corporate Arm Of The Deep State," Townhall.com, June 3, 2017
    • "Wars are generally a rich man's affair and a poor man's fight.”—ILANA Mercer, "Sanctuary City Mayor Trashes An AMERICAN Hero, Robert E. Lee," The Abbeville Institute, May 25, 2017
    • "A professional politician is opportunistic and parasitic. For his survival, he must feed off his hosts. To convince the host to let him hook on and drain his lifeblood, the political hookworm must persuade enough of them to believe his deception. The energies of this political confidence trickster are thus focused on gaining voter confidence by promising what will never be delivered and what is impossible to deliver.”—ILANA (August 7, 2015)
    • "America’s governing elites habitually betray their constitutional and fiduciary obligations to their constituents.”—ILANA Mercer, "Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma," October 17, 2014
    • "Conservatives question government programs. War is a government program. If they hope to retain a modicum of philosophical integrity, conservatives will have to include a critique of the state's warfare machine in their case against its welfare apparatus.”—ILANA (June 6, 2014)
    • "The best and brightest do not work for the state. Increasingly, government workers are carefully selected for the color of their complexion, for their sex and sexual or political orientation, not for their competence.”—ILANA Mercer, "Waiting To Die On The Government’s Watch," May 23, 2014
    • "Failure to keep health care services out of the hands of socialist central planners will see all Americans pinned down like butterflies by 'service providers,' whose sadistic displays of power are honed in a state monopoly.”—ILANA (October 25, 2013)
    • "On Rome's marching army and its mating habits (or the David Petraeus scanadal): "Military top brass and the brassy broads who attach themselves to Rome's Army do not stand aloof from the state and its supermarket culture. Its evil imperial reach notwithstanding, the military is manacled by doctrinaire mediocrity, multiculturalism, feminism, affirmative action (fem and other), and every postmodern pox imaginable. And this is only the froth on the top. I wonder what next big shoe is fixing to drop.”—ILANA (November 17, 2012)
    • "As proof that the matter in Big Government V. Small Government has been decided, I offer exhibit No. 1: 16 trillion gigabucks worth of debt. While it might have dipped at some distant point in the past, the national debt has been rising steadily for decades, under both Democratic and Republican faction.”—ILANA (September 21, 2012)
    • "If regular visits with prostitutes kept the political class from launching trillion-dollar war- and welfare programs, and financing Fanny, Freddy and the Fed—I would personally contribute to a prostitution fund for Washington whores. The prostitutes would be the patriots.”—ILANA (May 11, 2012)
    • "When has waging economic warfare on a country done anything other than entrench internal monopolies, political and economic?”—ILANA (March 16, 2012)
    • “Government is doomed to fail because it is bereft of the constraints private property imposes. The more funds funneled into an insolvent system, in which property is communally ‘owned’—the greater the squandering of these scarce, precious, appropriated resources.”—ILANA (April 15, 2011)
    • "The FLOTUS of the fat-based initiatives 'cares' enough to decide what America's bloated babes will ingest, but not enough to weigh-in when their bodies are invaded by state workers at the nation's federally controlled airports."—ILANA (December 31, 2010)
    • "Proper metaphors for the relationship between The Great Unwashed and their Overlords Who Art in D.C. is that of ruled and ruler, Rome and its provinces, Imperial China and its peasants."—ILANA (December 24, 2010)
    • "As proof that the matter in Big Government V. Small Government has been decided, I offer exhibit No. 1: 16 trillion gigabucks worth of debt. While it might have dipped at some distant point in the past, the national debt has been rising steadily for decades, under both Democratic and Republican faction."—ILANA (September 21, 2012)
    • "The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government, chief of which is its liberalism. Like the government, the military is freighted with pathological political correctness."—ILANA (December 10, 2010)
    • "Government commissions are where accountability goes to die."ILANA Mercer, "Make Me Thankful: Don’t Enlist!", November 27, 2009
    • "On the anti-Obamacare town hall protestors: "Americans with a bias for small government and big society! What next?"—ILANA (August 14, 2009)
    • The idea of charity is to improve society, not the State; and to do so through personal, not political, acts."—ILANA (August 29, 2008)
    • "The-state-as-parent is a leftist legal doctrine that has been eagerly embraced by the rigor-mortis riddled Right."—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • "Whether they are 'plural' or single, Wicca or just weird, bohemian or bourgeoisie—parents should take the kids and skedaddle when they hear that phrase 'in the best interests of the child.'"—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • The nation’s foster parents: "Fagin on welfare."—ILANA (April 25, 2008)
    • "The danger exists that by subsidizing 'freedom' for others, we’ll disempower them and encourage dependency."—ILANA (February 3, 2006)
    • “‘Philanthropic’ wars are transfer programs—the quintessential big-government projects. The perpetually profligate Bush should quit pretending he’s an apostle of smaller government.”—ILANA MERCER (January 6, 2006)
    • “Most of what the Federal Frankenstein does is either unconstitutional, immoral, illegal, or all of the above.”—ILANA (October 15, 2005)
    • “A Katrina Question: Hey, what do Americans have to do to get their army reservists to bat, not for Baghdad, but for the homies and the homeland? Climb on their rooftops and yelp for help?”—ILANA (August 30, 2005)
    • "The Key to Katrina: “The inverted and perverse incentive structure that characterizes [government] endeavors guarantees failure. ... Wrongdoing and incompetence in government are seldom punished, but are, rather, rewarded with budgetary increases. A government department accretes through inefficiency. Failure translates into ever-growing budgets and powers and a further collectivization of accountability.”—ILANA (September 2, 2005)
    • “Statists say that if not for the state, man would be unable to produce. That's like saying that the tick created the dog! Production predates government predation. Government doesn't produce wealth—it only consumes it.”—ILANA (Sixteen, the Number of the Beast, in Broad Sides, 2004)
    • "The Abu Ghraib photographs tell a tale, not of fleeting youthful indiscretion, but of abiding degeneracy in the military.”—ILANA MERCER, "GI JOE MEETS GI HO," May 15, 2004
    • "Two things that are definitely not isolated occurrences in today's Army are feral levels of fornication and illegitimacy.”—ILANA MERCER, "GI JOE MEETS GI HO," May 15, 2004
    • "However you slice it, there's no moral difference between a lone burglar who steals stuff he doesn’t own and an 'organized society' that does the same. In a just society, the moral rules that apply to the individual must also apply to the collective.”—ILANA MERCER, "Sixteen, the Number of the Beast," November 20, 2002
    • "Real wealth is created only by the production and consumption not of paper money, but of products. An abundance of goods, not money income, is what makes for an increase in wealth.”—ILANA MERCER, "WARTIME SOCIALISM," April 30, 2003
    • “A brave nation fights because it must; a cowardly nation fights because it can.”—ILANA MERCER, "BETRAYING BRAVE BOYS," March 26, 2003
    • "President Bush's overheated rhetoric about the Middle East becoming a place of 'progress and peace'; his prophetic visions of 'tyrants falling and resentment giving way to hope, as men and women in every culture reject the ideologies of terror, and turn to the pursuits of peace' -- this is the political equivalent of speaking in tongues. At best, it's ahistoric. Yet the American people are lapping it up.”—ILANA MERCER, "Bush's Warfare State," Toronto Globe & Mail, September 11, 2003
    • "The rational individual, wedded to reality, reason, and objective, non-partisan truth saw Bush's sub-intelligent case for war for what it was. He saw Bush as the poster boy for 'the degeneracy of manner and morals,' which James Madison warned war would bring.”—ILANA MERCER, "BUSH'S 16 WORDS MISS THE BIG PICTURE," July 16, 2003
    • "We continue to cling unhealthily to the Walt Disney worldview whereby the grateful infantile Iraqis will soon rejoice at the sight of the noble, wise American liberators, and all will live happily ever after.”—ILANA MERCER, "IN BED WITH THE MILITARY," Ilana Mercer, April 2, 2003
    • "The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution was also executed by popular demand. Assembly-line guillotining was voted on by the leadership, which, much like Bush and his grisly henchmen, claimed to represent the Common Will.”—ILANA MERCER, "Murder By Majority," April 23, 2003
    • "Murder with majority approval is still murder.”—ILANA MERCER, "Murder By Majority," April 23, 2003
    • "For journalistic jingoism, it's hard to find a better example than the coverage of the high-tech media extravaganza known as 'Operation Iraqi Freedom.'"—ILANA MERCER, "In Bed With The Military," April 2, 2003
    • "Boobus Americanus wants to conquer, colonize and stay comatose.'"—ILANA MERCER, "In Bed With The Military," April 2, 2003